case "list": // Build table to list users and return it as $usertable $user = new BaseUser(); $users = $user->returnUsers(); $tmpHTML = "<TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#000000'><TR><TD>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<tr><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=25>" . _EDIT . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=35> " . _DELETE . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ID . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _LOGIN; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ROLEID . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _NAME; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ENABLED . "</td></tr>"; // Verify that we have a user in the db --Kevin if ($users != "") { foreach ($users as $row) { //explode array rows and build table $tmpRow = explode("|", $row); $enabled = $tmpRow[4] == 1 ? "<a href='base_useradmin.php?action=disableuser&userid=" . urlencode($tmpRow[0]) . "'><img src='" . $BASE_urlpath . "/images/greencheck.png' border='0' alt='button_greencheck'></a>" : "<a href='base_useradmin.php?action=enableuser&userid=" . urlencode($tmpRow[0]) . "'><img src='" . $BASE_urlpath . "/images/button_exclamation.png' border='0' alt='button_exclamation'>"; $rolename = $user->roleName($tmpRow[2]); $name = $tmpRow[2] == 1 ? "<font color='#ff000'><b>" . htmlspecialchars($tmpRow[1]) . "</b></font>" : htmlspecialchars($tmpRow[1]); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<tr><td align='center'><a href='base_useradmin.php?action=edituser&userid=" . urlencode($tmpRow[0]) . "'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<img src='" . $BASE_urlpath . "/images/button_edit.png' border='0' alt='button_edit'></a></td>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<td align='center'><a href='base_useradmin.php?action=deleteuser&userid=" . urlencode($tmpRow[0]) . "'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<img src='" . $BASE_urlpath . "/images/button_delete.png' border='0' alt='button_delete'></a></td>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<td align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars($tmpRow[0]); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars($name); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars($rolename); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars($tmpRow[3]); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td align='center'>" . $enabled . "</td></tr>"; } } // Footer of table $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</table></td></tr></table>"; $pagebody = $tmpHTML;
$page_body = $page_body . $form; break; case "display": $user = new BaseUser(); $userlogin = $user->returnUser(); $userid = $user->returnUserID($userlogin); $userinfo = $user->returnEditUser($userid); $form = "<table border=1 class='query'>"; $form = $form . "<tr><td width='25%' align='right'>" . gettext("User ID:") . "</td>"; $form = $form . "<td align='left'>" . $userinfo[0] . "</td></tr>"; $form = $form . "<tr><td width='25%' align='right'>" . gettext("Login:"******"</td>"; $form = $form . "<td align='left'>" . $userinfo[1] . "</td></tr>"; $form = $form . "<tr><td width='25%' align='right'>" . gettext("Full Name:") . "</td>"; $form = $form . "<td align='left'>" . $userinfo[3] . "</td></tr>"; $form = $form . "<tr><td width='25%' align='right'>" . gettext("Role:") . "</td>"; $form = $form . "<td align='left'>" . $user->roleName($userinfo[2]) . "</td></tr>"; $form = $form . "</tr></table>"; $page_body = $form; break; default: $page_body = $page_body . " "; } } ?> <!-- Footer menu --> <table width="100%" border=0><tr><td width="15%" valign="top"> <div class="mainheadermenu" width="50%"> <table border="0" class="mainheadermenu"> <tr> <td class="menuitem">