예제 #1
  * Deleting an entity from database
  * @param BaseEntityAbstract $entity The entity that we are trying to delete
  * @return int The number rows affected
 public function delete(BaseEntityAbstract $entity)
     return $this->deleteByCriteria('`id` = ? ', array($entity->getId()));
예제 #2
  * add Comments
  * @param BaseEntityAbstract $entity   The entity
  * @param string             $comments The comemnts
  * @param string             $groupId  The groupId
 public static function addComments(BaseEntityAbstract $entity, $comments = '', $type = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $groupId = '')
     $className = __CLASS__;
     $en = new $className();
     return $en->setEntityId($entity->getId())->setEntityName(get_class($entity))->setComments($comments)->setType($type)->setGroupId(($groupId = trim($groupId)) === '' ? self::genGroupId() : $groupId)->save();
예제 #3
  * A product is picked
  * @param int                $qty
  * @param string             $comments
  * @param BaseEntityAbstract $entity
  * @return Product
 public function picked($qty, $comments = '', BaseEntityAbstract $entity = null)
     $order = $entity instanceof Order ? $entity : ($entity instanceof OrderItem ? $entity->getOrder() : null);
     $unitCost = $this->getUnitCost();
     $totalCost = $qty * $unitCost;
     $action = intval($qty) > 0 ? 'Stock picked' : 'stock UNPICKED';
     $newQty = ($originStockOnHand = $this->getStockOnHand()) - $qty;
     if ($newQty < 0 && intval($qty) > 0 && intval(SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_ALLOW_NEGTIVE_STOCK)) !== 1) {
         throw new Exception('Product (SKU:' . $this->getSKU() . ') can NOT be ' . $action . ' , as there is not enough stock: stock on hand will fall below zero');
     if ($entity instanceof OrderItem) {
         $kits = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getKit();'), SellingItem::getAllByCriteria('orderItemId = ? and kitId is not null', array($entity->getId())));
         $kits = array_unique($kits);
         if (count($kits) > 0) {
             $totalCost = 0;
             $barcodes = array();
             foreach ($kits as $kit) {
                 $totalCost = $kit->getCost();
                 $barcodes[] = $kit->getBarcode();
             $comments .= ' ' . $action . ' KITS[' . implode(',', $barcodes) . '] with total cost value:' . StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($totalCost);
     $newStockOnOrder = ($originStockOnOrder = $this->getStockOnOrder()) + $qty;
     if ($newStockOnOrder < 0 && intval(SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_ALLOW_NEGTIVE_STOCK)) !== 1) {
         throw new Exception('Product (SKU:' . $this->getSKU() . ') can NOT be ' . $action . ' , as there is not enough stock: new stock on order will fall below zero');
     return $this->setStockOnHand($newQty)->setStockOnOrder($newStockOnOrder)->setTotalOnHandValue(($origTotalOnHandValue = $this->getTotalOnHandValue()) - $totalCost)->snapshotQty($entity instanceof BaseEntityAbstract ? $entity : $this, ProductQtyLog::TYPE_SALES_ORDER, $action . ': ' . ($order instanceof Order ? '[' . $order->getOrderNo() . ']' : '') . $comments)->save()->addLog('StockOnHand(' . $originStockOnHand . ' => ' . $this->getStockOnHand() . ')', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'STOCK_QTY_CHG', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__)->addLog('StockOnOrder(' . $originStockOnOrder . ' => ' . $this->getStockOnOrder() . ')', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'STOCK_QTY_CHG', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__)->addLog('TotalOnHandValue(' . $origTotalOnHandValue . ' => ' . $this->getTotalOnHandValue() . ')', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'STOCK_VALUE_CHG', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
예제 #4
파일: Log.php 프로젝트: larryu/magento-b2b
  * Logging the entity
  * @param BaseEntityAbstract $entity
  * @param string             $msg
  * @param string             $type
  * @param string             $comments
 public static function LogEntity(BaseEntityAbstract $entity, $msg, $type, $comments = '', $funcName = '')
     self::logging($entity->getId(), get_class($entity), $msg, $type, $comments, $funcName);
예제 #5
파일: Task.php 프로젝트: larryu/magento-b2b
  * creating a task
  * @param UDate       $dueDate
  * @param string      $instructions
  * @param UserAccount $tech
  * @return Task
 public static function create(Customer $customer, UDate $dueDate = null, $instructions = '', UserAccount $tech = null, BaseEntityAbstract $fromEntity = null)
     $task = new Task();
     $task->setDueDate($dueDate)->setCustomer($customer)->setInstructions($instructions = trim($instructions))->setTechnician($tech);
     if ($fromEntity instanceof BaseEntityAbstract) {
     $task->save()->addComment('Task created with(Customer: ' . $customer->getName() . ', DueDate:' . $dueDate . '(UTC), ' . ($instructions === '' ? 'no insturctions' : ' some instructions ') . ', tech ' . ($tech instanceof UserAccount ? $tech->getPerson() : ''));
     return $task;