예제 #1
function exchange_retrieve_and_store_pr_tokens()
    $programme_rounds = BaseController::get_all_from_type('programme_round', 'ids');
    if (empty($programme_rounds)) {
    $prepare_store = array();
    foreach ($programme_rounds as $p) {
        $token = get_post_meta($p, 'update_token', true);
        if (!empty($token) && is_string($token)) {
            $prepare_store[$p] = $token;
    if (!empty($prepare_store)) {
        set_transient('tandem_pr_token_store', $prepare_store, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
        return $prepare_store;
예제 #2
function exchange_programme_rounds_parent_meta_box($post)
    $parents = BaseController::get_all_from_type('programme_round');
    if (!empty($parents)) {
        $output = '<select name="parent_id" class="widefat">';
        // !Important! Don't change the 'parent_id' name attribute.
        $output .= '<option value="null">None</option>';
        foreach ($parents as $parent) {
            $output .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', esc_attr($parent->ID), selected($parent->ID, $post->post_parent, false), esc_html($parent->post_title));
        $output .= '</select>';
    } else {
        $output = __('You have to add a programme round first', 'exchange-plugin');
    echo $output;
<section class="story__section">
	<div class="section-inner">
		<figure class="section__slice section__image">
			<div id="programmes">
$img_root = get_template_directory() . '/assets/images/';
global $post;
$all_pages = BaseController::get_all_from_type('page');
$programmes = get_page_children($post->ID, $all_pages);
foreach ($programmes as $page_obj) {
    $anchor = '<a href="#">';
    if (!$page_obj instanceof WP_Post || 'publish' !== $page_obj->post_status) {
    } else {
        $anchor = exchange_create_link(BaseController::exchange_factory($page_obj), false);
        $slug = array_search($page_obj->post_title, $GLOBALS['EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_CONFIG']['IMAGES']['programme-logos']);
        if (!empty($slug)) {
            echo $anchor . exchange_build_svg($img_root . 'svg/T_logo_' . $slug . '_WEB.svg', true) . '</a>';
if (class_exists('Caption')) {
    $caption_text = '<p>Building it together. Illustration copyright &copy; Erica Brisson, 2014-15</p>';
    $modifiers = array('classes' => array('text-right'));
    $caption = new Caption($caption_text, 'image');