/** * Logs in the user using the given username and password in the model. * @return boolean whether login is successful */ public function signup() { $user = Band::model()->findByAttributes(array('name_band' => $this->name)); //create model in the models folder if ($user != null) { // user already exist $this->addError('name', 'This name already exists'); return false; } else { if ($this->name == null) { $this->addError('name', 'Name cannot be blank'); return false; } else { if ($this->password == null) { $this->addError('password', 'Password cannot be blank'); return false; } else { if ($this->genre == null) { $this->addError('genre', 'Genre cannot be blank'); return false; } } } } $_band = new Band(); $_band->page_band = $this->page; $_band->name_band = $this->name; $_band->password_band = $this->password; $_band->genre_band = $this->genre; $_band->email_band = $this->email; $_band->desc_band = $this->desc; $_band->save(); return true; }
public function signup() { $user = new Band(); $user->name_band = $this->username; $user->code_band = $this->password; $user->save(); ///return !$this->errorCode; }
public function action_add_band() { $user = $this->is_logged(); if ($user === false) { return Redirect::to_action('login'); } else { $band = new Band(null); if ($_POST['name'] != "") { $band->set_name_band($_POST['name']); } else { $this->_error_msg = "Il y a une erreur dans le nom du groupe. <br> "; $this->_error_form = true; } if (is_numeric($_POST['anneeF']) and preg_match("/^[0-2][0-9]{3}+\$/", $_POST['anneeF']) == 1) { $band->set_date_form_band($_POST['anneeF']); } else { $this->_error_msg .= "Il y a une erreur dans la date de formation (Format : AAAA).<br> "; $this->_error_form = true; } if (is_numeric($_POST['anneeD']) or $_POST['anneeD'] == "") { $band->set_date_disband_band($_POST['anneeD']); } if ($this->_error_form == false) { $band->set_id_user_lif($user->get_id_user_lif()); $band->add(); return Redirect::to_action('band'); } else { return Redirect::to_action('band@add')->with('error', true)->with('form', $_POST)->with('error_msg', $this->_error_msg); } } }
public function action_add() { $user = $this->is_logged(); if ($user === false) { return Redirect::to_action('login'); } else { $kind = Kind::all(); $form = Session::get('form'); $band_selected = null; $id_band = null; if (isset($_POST['band'])) { $band_selected = $_POST['band']; } if (isset($form['id_group'])) { $band_selected = $form['id_group']; } if (isset($_POST['id_group'])) { $band_selected = $_POST['id_group']; } if (isset($form)) { $album_selected = $form['album']; } else { $album_selected = null; } if (isset($band_selected)) { $album = Album::get_from_id($band_selected); if (count($album) != 0) { $album_for_select = array(); foreach ($album as $value) { $album_for_select[$value->id_album] = $value->name_album; } if (isset($_POST['id_band'])) { $band_selected = $_POST['band']; } if (isset($_POST['band'])) { $band_selected = $_POST['band']; } } else { $album_for_select = null; $this->_error_msg = "Ce groupe n'a pas d'album, veuillez l'ajouter! </br>"; } } else { $album_for_select = null; } $band = Band::all(); $band_for_select = array(); foreach ($band as $value) { $band_for_select[$value->attributes['id_band']] = $value->attributes['name_band']; } return View::make('content.song.add')->with('band', $band_for_select)->with('band_selected', $band_selected)->with('album_selected', $album_selected)->with('album', $album_for_select)->with('msg', $this->_error_msg)->with('kinds', $kind); } }
public function action_add() { $user = $this->is_logged(); if ($user === false) { return Redirect::to_action('login'); } else { $band = Band::all(); $band_for_select = array(); foreach ($band as $value) { $band_for_select[$value->attributes['id_band']] = $value->attributes['name_band']; } return View::make('content.album.add')->with('band', $band_for_select); } }
public function downgrade(Request $request, $course_id) { $course = Course::find($course_id); $user = User::find($request->user_id); $user_id = $request->user_id; $user->courses()->updateExistingPivot($course_id, ['level' => 0]); $test = CourseUser::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('level', 1)->count(); if ($test == 0 && $user->level->level == 2) { if (!empty(Band::where('user_id', $user_id)->first())) { $user->level_id = 2; } else { $user->level_id = 1; } makeModification('users', printUserLinkV2($user) . ' is no longer a teacher.'); $user->save(); } CourseModification::create(['author_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'course_id' => $id, 'value' => 5]); Flash::success("{$user->first_name} {$user->last_name} est maintenant un élève du cours ucfirst({$course->name})"); return redirect('admin/courses/' . $course->slug . '/members'); }
public function deactivateBand($memberID, $bandID, $dbConnection) { $success = false; try { $bandDetails = new Band(); $bandDetails->setVariable(Band::BAND_ID, $bandID); $bandDetails->setVariable(Band::ACTIVE, 2); $success = BandDao::updateBand($memberID, $bandDetails, $dbConnection); } catch (Exception $ex) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $ex->getMessage(), "\n"; $success = false; } return $success; }
<?php $band = new Band(); if (isset($_GET['band_id'])) { $band->getBand($_GET['band_id'], 10); } else { $band->getBandAll(90, false); }
<?php require __DIR__ . "/bourbon/band.php"; $status_message = ''; // Status messages, default to nothing // List View $bd = new Band(); // Handle Pagination of Bands $numOfBands = $bd->bandCount(); $page = WEB::_get('pg'); if ($page === null) { $page = 0; } // Get Band Data List (Used to display data in the table - see below) $bandList = $bd->getBandAsList($page); // Handle Deleteing from this view... if (WEB::_action('delete')) { if ($bd->deleteBandById(WEB::_get('delete'))) { $status_message = WEB::_success('Band was deleted successfully!'); $bandList = $bd->getBandAsList($page); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('Band couldn\'t be deleted! Make sure you are not trying to delete an Band who has associated Performers!', null); } } ?> <!-- // Begin Genre Template (List View) --> <?php include __DIR__ . "/bourbon/template/header.php"; ?>
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/band.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/bandmate.php"; $bd = new Band(); $bd->init(WEB::_get('id')); $b = new Bandmate(); $performerList = $b->getListOfPerformerWithBandId($bd->getBandId()); ?> <?php if (!$bd->valid()) { ?> <!-- // Invalid Record --> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title">Invalid Band</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p>It looks like you were trying to access a band that we no longer have.</p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <!-- // Valid Record --> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title"><strong><?php echo $bd->getBandName(); ?>
private function extractBandSearchObject(&$result) { $band = null; try { if ($result[BandSearchDao::BAND_ID_FIELD] !== null) { $band = new Band(); $band->setVariable(Band::BAND_ID, $result[BandSearchDao::BAND_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::NAME, $result[BandSearchDao::BAND_NAME_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::SUMMARY, $result[BandSearchDao::SUMMARY_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::REGION_ID, $result[BandSearchDao::REGION_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::CITY_ID, $result[BandSearchDao::CITY_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::STATE_ID, $result[BandSearchDao::STATE_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::COUNTRY_ID, $result[BandSearchDao::COUNTRY_ID_FIELD]); } } catch (PDOException $ex) { echo "extractBandSearchObject error: " . $ex->getMessage(); } return $band; }
// use Javanile\SchemaDB\Storable; // $db->setPrefix('o2m_'); // $db->drop('*', 'confirm'); // class Band extends Storable { public $name = ''; public $songs = '<<Song*>>'; } // class Song extends Storable { public $title = ''; } // $newBand = new Band(['name' => 'Beatles', 'songs' => ['Let it Beee', 'Yellow mom']]); // echo '<pre>'; var_dump($newBand); echo '</pre>'; // $id = $newBand->store(); // $oldBand = Band::load($id); // echo '<pre>'; var_dump($oldBand); echo '</pre>';
echo "</tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- Page Content --> <div class="container"> <!-- Sección de los locales --> <div class="row"> <?php $local = new Local(); $local->getLocalAll(6, true); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h2 class="page-header">Banda</h2> </div> <?php $band = new Band(); $band->getBandAll(4); ?> </div> <hr> </div> <script> $('.carousel').carousel({ interval: 5000 //changes the speed }) </script>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/band.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/bandmate.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/performer.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/label.php"; $status_message = ''; // Status messages, default to nothing $form_error = null; $bd = new Band(); $bd->auth(null); $b = new Bandmate(); $bandmateList = $b->getBandmateAsSelectWithBandId(null); $p = new Performer(); $performerList = $p->getPerformerAsSelect(); // Populate Genre Select List $l = new Label(); $labelList = $l->getLabelAsSelect(); // Handle Post Request if (WEB::_req('POST')) { $msg = WEB::_imageUpload($_FILES['image']); if (!array_key_exists('error', $msg)) { $band_name = WEB::_post('band_name'); $band_formed_date = WEB::_post('band_formed_date'); $band_break_up_date = WEB::_post('band_break_up_date'); $band_cover = $msg['file_path']; $band_bio = WEB::_post('band_bio'); $label_id = WEB::_post('label_id'); // array($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio) $form_error = $bd->validateParams(array($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio, $label_id)); if (is_null($form_error) && !is_null($band_name) && !is_null($band_formed_date) && $bd->createBand($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio, $label_id)) {
$res = 'Sorry, we were not able to update that band rating at this time'; } } else { $res = 'We do not have the information we need to update'; } break; default: $res = 'Sorry, action request not understood'; } } else { $res = "Error, please set an action param to do anything, or you are requesting something you should not"; } } elseif (!empty($_GET)) { //handle get requests if (!empty($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'bands': $band = new Band(null); $res = json_encode($band->grab_all_bands()); break; default: $res = 'Sorry, action not understood'; } } else { $res = 'Please set action param for GET request'; } } else { $res = "Error, request not understood"; } echo $res; //the response
<?php if ($bandId == 'new') { $bandInsert = new BandInsert(); $band = new Band(); } else { $bandUpdate = new BandUpdate($bandId); $bands = new Bands($bandId); $band = new Band($bands->getBand()); } $bandDelete = new BandDelete($band); ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" class="box bands" method="post" action="<?php echo BASEPATH . DS . $page . DS . $tab . DS . $bandId; ?> " name="bandform"> <ul class="layout"> <li> <label for="band_name">Name: </label> <input id="band_name" class="band_input" type="text" value="<?php echo $band->getName(); ?> " name="name" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Bandname eingeben" required /> </li> <li> <label for="band_desc">Beschreibung: </label> <textarea id="band_desc" class="band_input" rows="5" name="desc" placeholder="kurze Bandbeschreibung eintippen" required /><?php echo $band->getDesc(); ?> </textarea>
{ public $name = ''; public $covers = '<<Song**>>'; } // class Song extends Storable { public $title = ''; } // $newBand1 = new Band(['name' => 'Beatles', 'covers' => ['Let it Beee', 'Yellow mom']]); // $newBand2 = new Band(['name' => 'Led Zeppa', 'covers' => ['Let it Beee', 'Strait to time']]); // echo '<pre>'; var_dump($newBand1, $newBand2); echo '</pre>'; // $id1 = $newBand1->store(); // $oldBand1 = Band::load($id1); // $id2 = $newBand2->store(); // $oldBand2 = Band::load($id2); // echo '<pre>'; var_dump($oldBand1, $oldBand2); echo '</pre>'; // $db->dump('*');
public function extractBandObject(&$result, $skeleton = false) { $band = null; try { if ($result[BandDao::BAND_ID_FIELD] !== null) { $band = new Band(); $band->setVariable(Band::BAND_ID, $result[BandDao::BAND_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::NAME, $result[BandDao::BAND_NAME_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::SUMMARY, $result[BandDao::SUMMARY_FIELD]); if (!$skeleton) { $band->setVariable(Band::DESCRIPTION, $result[BandDao::DESCRIPTION_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::INSPIRATION, $result[BandDao::INSPIRATION_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::WEBSITE, $result[BandDao::WEBSITE_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::CONTACT_INFORMATION, $result[BandDao::CONTACT_INFORMATION_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::FACEBOOK_URL, $result[BandDao::FACEBOOK_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::MYSPACE_URL, $result[BandDao::MYSPACE_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::TWITTER_URL, $result[BandDao::TWITTER_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::CREATED_BY, $result[BandDao::CREATED_BY_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::CREATED_DATE, $result[BandDao::CREATED_DATE_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::MODIFIED_BY, $result[BandDao::MODIFIED_BY_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::MODIFIED_DATE, $result[BandDao::MODIFIED_DATE_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(Band::ACTIVE, $result[BandDao::ACTIVE_FIELD]); } $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::REGION_ID, $result[BandDao::REGION_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::CITY_ID, $result[BandDao::CITY_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::STATE_ID, $result[BandDao::STATE_ID_FIELD]); $band->setVariable(LocationConstants::COUNTRY_ID, $result[BandDao::COUNTRY_ID_FIELD]); } } catch (PDOException $ex) { echo "extractMemberObject error: " . $ex->getMessage(); } return $band; }
?> <ul class="adm-bands layout"> <a href="<?php echo BASEPATH . DS . $page . DS . $tab . DS; ?> new"> <li class="box"> <h3 class="glow"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> Neue Band erstellen</h3> </li> </a> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $bands->getTotalBands(); $i++) { //create an band instance for every iteration $band = new Band($bands->getBand($i)); ?> <a href="<?php echo BASEPATH . DS . $page . DS . $tab . DS; echo $band->getId(); ?> "> <li class="box"> <h3 class="glow"><?php echo $band->getName(); ?> </h3> </li> </a> <?php }
<?php require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/record.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/genre.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/band.php"; $status_message = ''; // Status messages, default to nothing $r = new Record(); $r->auth(null); $r->init(WEB::_get('id')); // Populate Genre Select List $g = new Genre(); $genreList = $g->getGenreAsSelect(); // Populate Band Select List $bd = new Band(); $bandList = $bd->getBandAsSelect(); if (!$r->valid()) { $status_message = WEB::_error('Record couldn\'t be viewed. Check ID #!', null); } // Handle Post Request if (WEB::_req('POST')) { $msg = WEB::_imageUpload($_FILES['image']); if (!array_key_exists('error', $msg)) { $band_id = WEB::_post('band_id'); $record_current_value = WEB::_post('record_current_value'); $record_size = WEB::_post('record_size'); $record_original_price = WEB::_post('record_original_price'); $record_release_date = WEB::_post('record_release_date'); $record_name = WEB::_post('record_name'); $record_description = WEB::_post('record_description'); $record_condition = WEB::_post('record_condition');
<h2><?php echo $getexe; ?> </h2> <?php $data = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_DEFAULT); if (!empty($data['SendPostForm'])) { unset($data['SendPostForm']); $create = new Band(); $create->ExeCreate($data); if ($create->getResult()) { $phpServer = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF'); header('Location: ' . basename($phpServer) . '?exe=band/create&id=' . $create->getResult()); } else { WSError($create->getError()[0], $create->getError()[1]); } } ?> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> </script> <form name="PostForm" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label>Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php if (isset($data)) { echo $data['name']; } ?> "> <br><br>
<?php //testing band.php class include_once "band.php"; echo '<pre>'; $band = new Band('JimmyJam'); //var_dump($band->add_rating(1)); //var_dump($band->update_band()); //var_dump($band->update_rating_and_votes(4,19)); //var_dump($band->grab_all_bands()); var_dump($band->calculate_rating()); //test insert band //var_dump($band->insert_band(2,4));
public function for_song() { $error = array(); $song_clem = DB::connection('clem')->query('SELECT title, album, artist, albumartist, year, genre, filename,track FROM songs'); foreach ($song_clem as $value) { /* AJOUT D'ARTISTES */ if (trim($value->artist) != '') { $band = new Band(null, 1, utf8_encode($value->artist), null, null); try { $band->add(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_error_msg .= 'artiste :' . $e->getMessage() . '<br>'; break; } } /* AJOUT D'ALBUM */ if (trim($value->album) != '') { $name_band = Band::from_name_band(utf8_encode($value->artist)); $album = new Album(null, $name_band[0]->id_band, 1, utf8_encode($value->album), $value->year); try { $album->add(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_error_msg .= 'album: ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br>'; break; } } if (trim($value->title) != '') { $album = Album::from_name_album(utf8_encode($value->album)); $song = new song(null, 1, utf8_encode($value->title), $value->year, null, $value->filename, $value->track); $song->set_id_kind(explode(';', $value->genre)); $song->id_album = $album[0]->id_album; try { $song->add(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_error_msg .= 'chanson: ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br>'; break; } } } // var_dump($song_clem); }
public function actionNewGeneral() { $user = Yii::app()->user->name; $resultData = new Band(); $resultData = Band::model()->findAllBySql('SELECT id_band FROM tband WHERE name_band = "' . $user . '"'); $rider = new Rider(); $rider->name_rider = ""; $rider->id_band = $resultData[0]->id_band; $rider->save(); $this->redirect(array("general", array('id' => $rider->id_rider))); }
} $pages = ceil($bands->getTotalBands() / PERPAGE); $pagination = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) { $pagination[] = $i + 1; } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="content67"> <h2>Bands bei uns im Hexenhaus</h2> <hr> <ul class="bands layout"> <?php for ($i = ($pagenum - 1) * PERPAGE; $i < $bands->getTotalBands() && $i < $pagenum * PERPAGE; $i++) { $band = new Band($bands->getBand($i)); ?> <li class="box"> <div class="leftdiv left"> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $band->getLink(); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $band->getThumb(); ?> " alt="<?php echo $band->getName(); ?> ">
<div class="content form_create"> <article> <header> <h1>Atualizar Banda:</h1> </header> <?php $data = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_DEFAULT); $bandid = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if (!empty($data['SendPostForm'])) { unset($data['SendPostForm']); //require('_models/AdminCategory.class.php'); $update = new Band(); $update->ExeUpdate($bandid, $data); WSError($update->getError()[0], $update->getError()[1]); } else { $read = new Read(); $read->ExeRead("band", "WHERE id = :id", "id={$bandid}"); if (!$read->getResult()) { header('Location: panel.php?exe=band/index'); } else { $data = $read->getResult()[0]; } } //$checkCreate = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'create', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); //if($checkCreate && empty($cadastra)): // $tipo = ( empty($data['category_parent']) ? 'seção' : 'categoria'); // WSErro("A {$tipo} <b>{$data['category_title']}</b> foi cadastrada com sucesso no sistema! Continue atualizando a mesma!", WS_ACCEPT);