예제 #1
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $mailingId = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('mailing_id', null, '', 'int');
     $sendOnDate = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('send_on_date', null, BackendModel::getUTCDate('d/m/Y'));
     $sendOnTime = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('send_on_time', null, BackendModel::getUTCDate('H:i'));
     $messageDate = $sendOnDate;
     // validate mailing ID
     if ($mailingId == '') {
         $this->output(self::BAD_REQUEST, null, 'Provide a valid mailing ID');
     if ($sendOnDate == '' || $sendOnTime == '') {
         $this->output(self::BAD_REQUEST, null, 'Provide a valid send date date provided');
     // record is empty
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($mailingId)) {
         $this->output(self::BAD_REQUEST, null, BL::err('MailingDoesNotExist', 'mailmotor'));
     // reverse the date and make it a proper
     $explodedDate = explode('/', $sendOnDate);
     $sendOnDate = $explodedDate[2] . '-' . $explodedDate[1] . '-' . $explodedDate[0];
     // calc full send timestamp
     $sendTimestamp = strtotime($sendOnDate . ' ' . $sendOnTime);
     // build data
     $item['id'] = $mailingId;
     $item['send_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $sendTimestamp);
     $item['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // update mailing
     // trigger event
     BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_edit_mailing_step4', array('item' => $item));
     // output
     $this->output(self::OK, array('mailing_id' => $mailingId, 'timestamp' => $sendTimestamp), sprintf(BL::msg('SendOn', $this->getModule()), $messageDate, $sendOnTime));
예제 #2
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // set force compile on because we're using multiple forms on 1 page
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // get the step
     $this->stepId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('step', array(1, 2, 3, 4), 1, 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // load jquery tiny
         $this->header->addJS('tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js', 'core');
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the wizard steps
         // load the appropriate step
         $this->{'loadStep' . $this->stepId}();
         // parse
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
예제 #3
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // action to execute
     $id = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('id', null, 0);
     // no id's provided
     if (empty($id) || !BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=mailing-does-not-exist');
     } else {
         // get the mailing and reset some fields
         $mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($id);
         $mailing['status'] = 'concept';
         $mailing['send_on'] = null;
         $mailing['created_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $mailing['edited_on'] = $mailing['created_on'];
         $mailing['data'] = serialize($mailing['data']);
         unset($mailing['recipients'], $mailing['id'], $mailing['cm_id'], $mailing['send_on_raw']);
         // set groups
         $groups = $mailing['groups'];
         // create a new mailing based on the old one
         $newId = BackendMailmotorModel::insertMailing($mailing);
         // update groups for this mailing
         BackendMailmotorModel::updateGroupsForMailing($newId, $groups);
         // trigger event
         BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_copy_mailing', array('item' => $mailing));
     // redirect
     $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&report=mailing-copied&var=' . $mailing['name']);
예제 #4
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('mailing_id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // fetch the mailing
         $mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($this->id);
         // get all data for the user we want to edit
         $records = (array) BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getCM()->getCampaignBounces($mailing['cm_id']);
         // reset some data
         if (!empty($records)) {
             // loop the records
             foreach ($records as $record) {
                 // only remove the hard bounces
                 if ($record['bounce_type'] == 'Hard') {
                     // remove the address
         // trigger event
         BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_delete_bounces');
         // user was deleted, so redirect
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('statistics') . '&id=' . $mailing['id'] . '&report=deleted-bounces');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('statistics') . '&error=no-bounces');
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         $this->display(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . '/layout/templates/edit_mailing_iframe.tpl');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
예제 #6
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // action to execute
     $id = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('id', null, 0);
     // no id's provided
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=mailing-does-not-exist');
     } else {
     // redirect
     $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('groups') . '&report=export-failed');
예제 #7
  * Gets all data needed for this page
 private function getData()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=mailing-does-not-exist');
     // get mailing
     $this->mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($this->id);
     // fetch the statistics
     $this->statistics = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getStatistics($this->id, true);
     // no stats found
     if ($this->statistics === false) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=no-statistics-loaded&var=' . str_replace('#', '', $this->mailing['name']));
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
예제 #9
  * Gets all data needed for this page
 private function getData()
     // get parameters
     $id = $this->getParameter('mailing_id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=mailing-does-not-exist');
     // fetch the mailing
     $this->mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($id);
     // fetch the bounces
     $this->bounces = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getBounces($this->mailing['id']);
     // does the item exist
     if (empty($this->bounces)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('statistics') . '&id=' . $this->mailing['id'] . '&error=no-bounces');
예제 #10
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // parse
         // display the page
         $this->display(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . '/layout/templates/edit_mailing_iframe.tpl');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
예제 #11
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $id = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('id', null, '', 'int');
     // validate
     if ($id == '' || !BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->output(self::BAD_REQUEST, null, 'No mailing found.');
     // get mailing record
     $mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($id);
     	mailing was already sent
     	We use a custom status code 900 because we want to do more with JS than triggering an error
     if ($mailing['status'] == 'sent') {
         $this->output(900, null, BL::err('MailingAlreadySent', $this->getModule()));
     // make a regular date out of the send_on timestamp
     $mailing['delivery_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mailing['send_on']);
     // send the mailing
     try {
         // only update the mailing if it was queued
         if ($mailing['status'] == 'queued') {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // stop the script and show our error
         $this->output(902, null, $e->getMessage());
     // set status to 'sent'
     $item['id'] = $id;
     $item['status'] = $mailing['send_on'] > time() ? 'queued' : 'sent';
     // update the mailing record
     // trigger event
     BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_mailing_status_' . $item['status'], array('item' => $item));
     // we made it \o/
     $this->output(self::OK, array('mailing_id' => $item['id']), BL::msg('MailingSent', $this->getModule()));
예제 #12
  * Gets all data needed for this page
 private function getData()
     // get parameters
     $id = $this->getParameter('mailing_id', 'int');
     $this->linkURL = $this->getParameter('url');
     // does the item exist
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=mailing-does-not-exist');
     if ($this->linkURL == '') {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('statistics') . '&id=' . $id . '&error=link-does-not-exist');
     // fetch the statistics
     $this->statistics = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getStatistics($id, true);
     // fetch the mailing
     $this->mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($id);
     // no stats found
     if ($this->statistics === false) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=no-statistics-loaded');
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the form
         // validate the form
         // parse the
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
예제 #14
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // get parameters
     $id = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('id', null, '', 'int');
     // validate
     if ($id == '' || !BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         $this->output(self::BAD_REQUEST, null, 'No mailing found.');
     // get mailing record
     $mailing = BackendMailmotorModel::getMailing($id);
     	mailing was already sent
     	We use a custom status code 900 because we want to do more with JS than triggering an error
     if ($mailing['status'] == 'sent') {
         $this->output(900, null, BL::err('MailingAlreadySent', $this->getModule()));
     // make a regular date out of the send_on timestamp
     $mailing['delivery_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mailing['send_on']);
     // send the mailing
     try {
         // only update the mailing if it was queued
         if ($mailing['status'] == 'queued') {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // fetch campaign ID in CM
         $cmId = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getCampaignMonitorID('campaign', $id);
         // check if the CM ID isn't false
         if ($cmId !== false) {
             // delete the mailing in CM
             // delete the reference
             BackendModel::getDB(true)->delete('mailmotor_campaignmonitor_ids', 'cm_id = ?', $cmId);
         // check what error we have
         switch ($e->getMessage()) {
             case 'HTML Content URL Required':
                 $message = BL::err('HTMLContentURLRequired', $this->getModule());
             case 'Payment details required':
                 $message = sprintf(BL::err('PaymentDetailsRequired', $this->getModule()), BackendModel::getModuleSetting($this->getModule(), 'cm_username'));
             case 'Duplicate Campaign Name':
                 $message = BL::err('DuplicateCampaignName', $this->getModule());
                 $message = $e->getMessage();
         // stop the script and show our error
         $this->output(902, null, $message);
     // set status to 'sent'
     $item['id'] = $id;
     $item['status'] = $mailing['send_on'] > time() ? 'queued' : 'sent';
     // update the mailing record
     // trigger event
     BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_mailing_status_' . $item['status'], array('item' => $item));
     // we made it \o/
     $this->output(self::OK, array('mailing_id' => $item['id']), BL::msg('MailingSent', $this->getModule()));
예제 #15
  * Returns the statistics for a given mailing
  * @param int $id The id of the mailing.
  * @param bool[optional] $fetchClicks If the click-count should be included.
  * @param bool[optional] $fetchOpens If the open-count should be included.
  * @return array
 public static function getStatistics($id, $fetchClicks = false, $fetchOpens = false)
     // check if the mailing exists
     if (!BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($id)) {
         throw new SpoonException('No mailing found for id ' . $id);
     // fetch cmID
     $cmId = self::getCampaignMonitorID('campaign', $id);
     // fetch the CM ID
     if ($cmId) {
         // fetch the statistics
         $stats = self::getCM()->getCampaignSummary($cmId);
         // stop here if no recipients were found
         if ($stats['recipients'] == 0) {
             return false;
         // reset the bounces to match the real ones
         $bounces = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getBounces($id);
         // re-calculate base stats to match CM's
         $stats['bounces'] = count($bounces);
         $stats['recipients'] = $stats['recipients'];
         $stats['recipients_total'] = $stats['recipients'];
         $stats['unopens'] = $stats['recipients'] - $stats['unique_opens'] - $stats['bounces'];
         $stats['clicks_total'] = 0;
         // add percentages to these stats
         $stats['bounces_percentage'] = $stats['recipients'] == 0 ? 0 : floor($stats['bounces'] / $stats['recipients_total'] * 100) . '%';
         $stats['recipients_percentage'] = $stats['recipients'] == 0 ? 0 : ceil($stats['recipients'] / $stats['recipients_total'] * 100) . '%';
         $stats['unique_opens_percentage'] = $stats['recipients'] == 0 ? 0 : ceil($stats['unique_opens'] / $stats['recipients'] * 100) . '%';
         $stats['unopens_percentage'] = $stats['recipients'] == 0 ? 0 : floor($stats['unopens'] / $stats['recipients'] * 100) . '%';
         $stats['clicks_percentage'] = $stats['recipients'] == 0 ? 0 : ceil($stats['clicks'] / $stats['recipients'] * 100) . '%';
         // fetch clicks or not?
         if ($fetchClicks) {
             // get detailed click reports
             $subscriberClicks = self::getCM()->getCampaignClicks($cmId);
             // links have been clicked
             if (!empty($subscriberClicks)) {
                 // declare array
                 $stats['clicked_links'] = array();
                 $stats['clicked_links_by'] = $subscriberClicks;
                 // filter out the clicked links
                 foreach ($subscriberClicks as $link => $clickers) {
                     // count the clickers
                     $clickerCount = count($clickers);
                     $stats['clicked_links'][] = array('link' => $link, 'clicks' => $clickerCount);
                     $stats['clicks_total'] += $clickerCount;
                 // re-loop so we can fix the keys
                 foreach($stats['clicked_links'] as $link)
                 	// store the link data
                 	$stats['clicked_links'][] = array('link' => urlencode($link['link']));
                 	// unset the record with the link as key
                 // re-loop so we can fix the keys
                 foreach($stats['clicked_links_by'] as $link => $clicks)
                 	// loop the clicks
                 	foreach($clicks as $click)
                 		// store the link data
                 		$stats['clicked_links_by'][$link][] = array('email' => $click['email']);
                 		// unset the record with the link as key
         // fetch opened stats or not?
         if ($fetchOpens) {
             // fetch opens
             $stats['opens'] = self::getMailingOpens($cmId);
         // return the results
         return $stats;
     // at this point, return false
     return false;