} ?> <aside id="secondary" class="right-sidebar widget-area" role="complementary"> <ul> <li> <article class="tour-details clearfix"> <h1><?php echo $car_rental_obj->get_title(); ?> </h1> <span class="address"><?php echo $pick_up_location_title; ?> </span> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("description", "", "", BYT_Theme_Utils::strip_tags_and_shorten($car_rental_obj->get_description(), 100), "", true); ?> <?php $tags = $car_rental_obj->get_tags(); if (count($tags) > 0) { ?> <div class="tags"> <ul> <?php foreach ($tags as $tag) { echo '<li>' . $tag->name . '</li>'; } ?> </ul> </div>
"> <article> <?php do_action('byt_show_single_accommodation_description_before'); BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("text-wrap", "", "", $accommodation_obj->get_description(), __('General', 'bookyourtravel'), false, false, false); BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("text-wrap", "", "", $check_in_time, __('Check-in time', 'bookyourtravel'), false, false, false); BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("text-wrap", "", "", $check_out_time, __('Check-out time', 'bookyourtravel'), false, false, false); BYT_Theme_Utils::render_tab_extra_fields('accommodation_extra_fields', $accommodation_extra_fields, 'description', $accommodation_obj); do_action('byt_show_single_accommodation_description_after'); ?> </article> </section> <!--//description--> <!--facilities--> <section id="facilities" class="tab-content <?php echo $first_display_tab == 'facilities' ? 'initial' : ''; ?> "> <article> <?php do_action('byt_show_single_accommodation_facilites_before'); ?> <?php $facilities = $accommodation_obj->get_facilities(); if ($facilities && count($facilities) > 0) { ?> <h1><?php _e('Facilities', 'bookyourtravel'); ?> </h1> <div class="text-wrap">
</span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($score_out_of_10 > 0) { ?> <span class="rating"><?php echo $score_out_of_10; ?> / 10</span><?php } ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("description", "", "", BYT_Theme_Utils::strip_tags_and_shorten($accommodation_obj->get_description(), 100), "", true); ?> <?php $tags = $accommodation_obj->get_tags(); if (count($tags) > 0) { ?> <div class="tags"> <ul> <?php foreach ($tags as $tag) { echo '<li>' . $tag->name . '</li>'; } ?> </ul> </div>
<!--//description--> <!--availability--> <section id="availability" class="tab-content <?php echo $first_display_tab == 'availability' ? 'initial' : ''; ?> "> <article> <?php do_action('byt_show_single_tour_availability_before'); ?> <h1><?php _e('Available departures', 'bookyourtravel'); ?> </h1> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("text-wrap", "", "", $tour_obj->get_custom_field('availability_text'), '', false, true); ?> <form id="launch-tour-booking" action="#" method="POST"> <div class="text-wrap"> <?php if ($tour_obj->get_type_is_repeated() == 1) { echo __('<p>This is a daily tour.</p>', 'bookyourtravel'); } else { if ($tour_obj->get_type_is_repeated() == 2) { echo __('<p>This tour is repeated every weekday (working day).</p>', 'bookyourtravel'); } else { if ($tour_obj->get_type_is_repeated() == 3) { echo sprintf(__('<p>This tour is repeated every week on a %s.</p>', 'bookyourtravel'), $tour_obj->get_type_day_of_week_day()); } } }
BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("max_people", "", __('Max people', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('max_count'), '', false, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("door_count", "", __('Door count', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('number_of_doors'), '', false, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("min_age", "", __('Minimum driver age', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('min_age'), '', false, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("transmission", "", __('Transmission', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('transmission_type') == 'manual' ? __('Manual', 'bookyourtravel') : __('Automatic', 'bookyourtravel'), '', false, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("air_conditioned", "", __('Air-conditioned?', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('is_air_conditioned') ? __('Yes', 'bookyourtravel') : __('No', 'bookyourtravel'), '', false, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("unlimited_mileage", "", __('Unlimited mileage?', 'bookyourtravel'), $car_rental_obj->get_custom_field('is_unlimited_mileage') ? __('Yes', 'bookyourtravel') : __('No', 'bookyourtravel'), '', false, true); ?> </div> <?php echo "<div class='actions'>"; BYT_Theme_Utils::render_link_button($car_rental_obj->get_permalink(), "gradient-button", "", __('Book now', 'bookyourtravel')); echo "</div>"; ?> </div> </div> </article> <!--//car rental item--> <?php } else { ?> <li>
?> <p> <?php $price_string = ''; if (!$show_currency_symbol_after) { $price_string = '<span class="curr">' . $default_currency_symbol . '</span>'; $price_string .= '<span class="amount">' . number_format_i18n($tour_min_price, $price_decimal_places) . '</span>'; } else { $price_string = '<span class="amount">' . number_format_i18n($tour_min_price, $price_decimal_places) . '</span>'; $price_string .= '<span class="curr">' . $default_currency_symbol . '</span>'; } if (!$is_price_per_group) { echo sprintf(__('From %s per person', 'bookyourtravel'), $price_string); } else { echo sprintf(__('From %s per group', 'bookyourtravel'), $price_string); } ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php if ($score_out_of_10 > 0) { // display score out of 10 BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "rating", $score_out_of_10 . ' / 10', "", '', false, false); } ?> </a> </li> <?php }
<section id="locations" class="tab-content <?php echo $first_display_tab == 'locations' ? 'initial' : ''; ?> "> <article> <?php do_action('byt_show_single_cruise_locations_before'); ?> <?php foreach ($cruise_locations as $location_id) { $location_obj = new byt_location((int) $location_id); $location_title = $location_obj->get_title(); $location_excerpt = $location_obj->get_excerpt(); if (!empty($location_title) && !empty($location_excerpt)) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "", "", BYT_Theme_Utils::render_image('', '', $location_obj->get_main_image(), $location_title, $location_title, false) . $location_excerpt, $location_title); BYT_Theme_Utils::render_link_button(get_permalink($location_obj->get_id()), "gradient-button right", "", __('Read more', 'bookyourtravel')); } } ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_tab_extra_fields('cruise_extra_fields', $cruise_extra_fields, 'locations', $cruise_obj); ?> <?php do_action('byt_show_single_cruise_locations_after'); ?> </article> </section> <!--//locations--> <?php
if ($enable_accommodations) { if ($show_hotel_count_in_location_items) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "count", $hotel_count . ' ' . __('Hotels', 'bookyourtravel'), '', '', false); } if ($show_self_catered_count_in_location_items) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "count", $self_catered_count . ' ' . __('Self-catered', 'bookyourtravel'), '', '', false); } } if ($enable_tours && $show_tour_count_in_location_items) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "count", $tour_count . ' ' . __('Tours', 'bookyourtravel'), '', '', false); } if ($enable_cruises && $show_cruise_count_in_location_items) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "count", $cruise_count . ' ' . __('Cruises', 'bookyourtravel'), '', '', false); } if ($enable_car_rentals && $show_car_rental_count_in_location_items) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field("", "count", $car_rental_count . ' ' . __('Car rentals', 'bookyourtravel'), '', '', false); } if ($accommodation_min_price > 0 && ($hotel_count || $self_catered_count)) { ?> <div class="ribbon"> <div class="half hotel"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($location_obj->get_permalink()); ?> #hotels" title="<?php esc_attr_e('View all', 'bookyourtravel'); ?> "> <span class="small"><?php _e('from', 'bookyourtravel'); ?>
/** * Function that renders all extra fields tied to an entity tab, as labeled field in the form of * <div class="container_css_class"> * <span class="label_css_class">$label_text</span> $field_value * </div> */ public static function render_tab_extra_fields($option_id, $extra_fields, $tab_id, $entity_obj, $container_class = "text-wrap", $label_is_header = true, $id_is_css_class = false, $container_is_tr = false) { global $byt_theme_of_custom; $extra_fields = BYT_Theme_Utils::custom_array_search($extra_fields, 'tab_id', $tab_id); if (is_array($extra_fields)) { foreach ($extra_fields as $extra_field) { $field_is_hidden = isset($extra_field['hide']) ? intval($extra_field['hide']) : 0; if (!$field_is_hidden) { $field_id = isset($extra_field['id']) ? $extra_field['id'] : ''; $field_label = isset($extra_field['label']) ? $extra_field['label'] : ''; $field_label = $byt_theme_of_custom->get_translated_dynamic_string($byt_theme_of_custom->get_option_id_context($option_id) . ' ' . $field_label, $field_label); $field_type = isset($extra_field['type']) ? $extra_field['type'] : ''; if ($field_type == 'text' || $field_type == 'textarea') { if (!empty($field_id) && !empty($field_label)) { if ($id_is_css_class) { $container_class = $field_id; } if ($label_is_header) { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field($container_class, "", "", $entity_obj->get_custom_field($field_id), $field_label, false, true, $container_is_tr); } else { BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field($container_class, "", $field_label, $entity_obj->get_custom_field($field_id), "", false, true, $container_is_tr); } } } elseif ($field_type == 'image') { $field_image_uri = $entity_obj->get_custom_field_image_uri($field_id, 'medium'); echo '<img src="' . $field_image_uri . '" alt="' . $field_label . '" />'; } } } } }
BYT_Theme_Utils::render_link_button($submit_room_types_url . "?fesid=" . $post->ID, "gradient-button", "", __('Edit', 'bookyourtravel')); ?> </div> </div> <div class="more-information"> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field('', '', __('Room facilities:', 'bookyourtravel'), $room_type_obj->get_facilities_string(), '', true, true); ?> <?php echo $room_type_obj->get_description(); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field('', '', __('Bed size:', 'bookyourtravel'), $room_type_obj->get_custom_field('bed_size'), '', true, true); ?> <?php BYT_Theme_Utils::render_field('', '', __('Room size:', 'bookyourtravel'), $room_type_obj->get_custom_field('room_size'), '', true, true); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { echo '<p>' . __('You have not submitted any room types yet.', 'bookyourtravel') . '</p>'; } ?> </article> </section>