function insert_dbDates_project(BSCAHdate $d) { connect(); $query = sprintf('UPDATE DATE SET PROJECTS = "%s" WHERE DATE_ID = "%s"', $d->get_projects(), $d->get_id()); error_log("in insert_dbDates, query is" . $query); $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "unable to insert into DATE: " . $d->get_id() . mysql_error(); mysql_close(); return false; } mysql_close(); return true; }
/** * uses the master schedule to create a new week in dbWeeks and * 7 new dates in dbDates and new shifts in dbShifts * * @param DateTime $date The Sunday that this week starts with * @return false if the week-creation process fails */ function generate_new_week(DateTime $date) { // set the group names the format used by master schedule $weekdays = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]; $dates = []; foreach ($weekdays as $day) { $venue_shifts = get_master_shifts($venue, $day); /* Each row in the array is an associative array * of (venue, my_group, day, time, start, end, slots,notes) */ $shifts = []; foreach ($venue_shifts as $venue_shift) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $shifts[] = generate_and_populate_shift($date->format("m-d-y"), $venue, $venue_shift->get_start_time(), $venue_shift->get_end_time(), ""); } // makes a new date with these shifts $new_date = new BSCAHdate($date->format("m-d-y"), $shifts, "", ""); // Exits this method if the ID was not properly set in the constructor if ($new_date->get_id() == null) { return false; } $dates[] = $new_date; $date->modify("+1 day"); } // creates a new week from the dates // Week is set to "archived" if the week has already passed, otherwise is set to "unpublished" $newweek = new Week($dates, $date->getTimestamp() < time() ? "archived" : "unpublished"); if ($newweek == null) { return false; } $insert_status = insert_dbWeeks($newweek); add_log_entry('<a href=\\"personEdit.php?id=' . $_SESSION['_id'] . '\\">' . $_SESSION['f_name'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['l_name'] . '</a> generated a new week: <a href=\\"calendar.php?id=' . $newweek->get_id() . '&edit=true\\">' . $newweek->get_name() . '</a>.'); return $insert_status; }
function testConstructor() { $my_shifts[] = new Shift("02-28-10-9-13", "Garden", 1, [], [], ""); //This may have an error because id is trying to pass itself to a new shift - GIOVI $my_project[] = new Project("02-28-10", null, "Food Delivery", 8, 11, 3, null, "notes"); $test_date = new BSCAHdate("02-28-10", $my_shifts, "manager notes", $my_project); $replacement_project = new Project("02-28-14", null, "Truck Delivery", 9, 12, 3, null, "new notes"); echo "Testing get shifts and get projects" . '</br>'; $shifts = $test_date->get_shifts(); $projects = $test_date->get_projects(); //$replacement_project = new Project("02-28-14", null, "Truck Delivery", 9, 12, 3, null, "new notes"); foreach ($my_shifts as $value) { if ($value instanceof Shift) { echo "This is a shift value" . '</br>'; } else { echo "This is suppose to be a shift value" . '</br>'; } } foreach ($my_project as $value) { if ($value instanceof Project) { echo "This is a project value" . '</br>'; } else { echo "This is suppose to be a project value" . '</br>'; } } if ($test_date->get_id() == "02-28-10") { echo "ID test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "ID test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_day() == "Sun") { echo "Day test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Day test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_day_of_week() == 7) { echo "Day of week test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Day of week test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_day_of_year() == 59) { echo "Day of year test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Day of Year test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_year() == 2010) { echo "Year test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Year test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_dom() == 28) { echo "Day of Month test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Day of Month test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_mgr_notes() == "manager notes") { echo "Manager Notes test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Manager notes test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_name() == "February 28, 2010") { echo "Name test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Name test failed" . '</br>'; } if ($test_date->get_num_projects() == 1) { echo "Number of projects test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Number of projects test failed" . '</br>'; } //$this->assertTrue($my_date->get_project($key) ==); //Tests the method of $my_date->get_projects() to see if each element mateches the elments in $my_project if ($projects == $my_project) { echo "Projects test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Projects test failed" . '</br>'; } //Tests the method of $my_date->get_shifts() to see if each element mateches the elments in $my_shifts if ($shifts == $my_shifts) { echo "Shifts test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Shifts test failed" . '</br>'; } /**if($test_date->get_shift_id() == "02-28-10-9-13") { echo "Shift ID test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Shift ID test failed" . '</br>'; } **/ //$this->assertTrue($my_date->get_shift($key) == "Tue"); //This test if $my_date->replace_project actually replaces the project //$test_date->replace_project($projects, $replacement_project); /**if($test_date->get_projects() == $replacement_project) { echo "Replace project test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Replace project test failed" . '</br>'; } **/ $test_date->set_mgr_notes("new manager notes"); if ($test_date->get_mgr_notes() == "new manager notes") { echo "Set Manager Notes test succedded" . '</br>'; } else { echo "Set Manger Notes test failed" . '</br>'; } echo "testBSCAHdate complete"; }