function bp_group_documents_display_content() { global $bp; //instanciating the template will do the heavy lifting with all the superglobal variables $template = new BP_Group_Documents_Template(); ?> <div id="bp-group-documents"> <?php do_action('template_notices'); ?> <?php //-----------------------------------------------------------------------LIST VIEW-- ?> <?php if ($template->document_list && count($template->document_list >= 1)) { ?> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_use_categories')) { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-categories"> <form id="bp-group-documents-category-form" method="get" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> "> <?php echo __('Category:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> <select name="category"> <option value="" ><?php echo __('All', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($template->get_group_categories() as $category) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?> " <?php if ($template->category == $category->term_id) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $category->name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo __('Go', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-sorting"> <form id="bp-group-documents-sort-form" method="get" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> "> <?php _e('Order by:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> <select name="order"> <option value="newest" <?php if ('newest' == $template->order) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php _e('Newest', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <option value="alpha" <?php if ('alpha' == $template->order) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php _e('Alphabetical', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <option value="popular" <?php if ('popular' == $template->order) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php _e('Most Popular', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> </select> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e('Go', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </form> </div> <?php if ('1.1' != substr(BP_VERSION, 0, 3)) { ?> <h3><?php _e('Document List', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </h3> <?php } ?> <div class="pagination no-ajax"> <div id="group-documents-page-count" class="pag-count"> <?php $template->pagination_count(); ?> </div> <?php if ($template->show_pagination()) { ?> <div id="group-documents-page-links" class="pagination-links"> <?php $template->pagination_links(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ('1.1' == substr(BP_VERSION, 0, 3)) { ?> <ul id="forum-topic-list" class="item-list"> <?php } else { ?> <ul id="bp-group-documents-list" class="item-list"> <?php } ?> <?php //loop through each document and display content along with admin options $count = 0; foreach ($template->document_list as $document_params) { $document = new BP_Group_Documents($document_params['id'], $document_params); ?> <li <?php if (++$count % 2) { echo 'class="alt"'; } ?> > <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_display_icons')) { $document->icon(); } ?> <a class="group-documents-title" id="group-document-link-<?php echo $document->id; ?> " href="<?php $document->url(); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $document->name; ?> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_display_file_size')) { echo ' <span class="group-documents-filesize">(' . get_file_size($document) . ')</span>'; } ?> </a> <span class="group-documents-meta"><?php printf(__('Uploaded by %s on %s', 'bp-group-documents'), bp_core_get_userlink($document->user_id), date(get_option('date_format'), $document->created_ts)); ?> </span> <?php if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS && $document->description) { echo '<br /><span class="group-documents-description">' . nl2br($document->description) . '</span>'; } //show edit and delete options if user is privileged echo '<div class="admin-links">'; if ($document->current_user_can('edit')) { $edit_link = wp_nonce_url($template->action_link . 'edit/' . $document->id, 'group-documents-edit-link'); echo "<a href='{$edit_link}'>" . __('Edit', 'bp-group-documents') . "</a> | "; } if ($document->current_user_can('delete')) { $delete_link = wp_nonce_url($template->action_link . 'delete/' . $document->id, 'group-documents-delete-link'); echo "<a href='{$delete_link}' id='bp-group-documents-delete'>" . __('Delete', 'bp-group-documents') . "</a>"; } echo '</div>'; echo '</li>'; } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php _e('There have been no documents uploaded for this group', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="spacer"> </div> <?php //-------------------------------------------------------------------DETAIL VIEW-- ?> <?php if ($template->show_detail) { ?> <?php if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-upload-new"> <?php } else { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-edit"> <?php } ?> <h3><?php echo $template->header; ?> </h3> <form method="post" id="bp-group-documents-form" class="standard-form" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" /> <input type="hidden" name="bp_group_documents_operation" value="<?php echo $template->operation; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="bp_group_documents_id" value="<?php echo $template->id; ?> " /> <?php if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); ?> " <label><?php _e('Choose File:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <input type="file" name="bp_group_documents_file" class="bp-group-documents-file" /> <?php } ?> <?php if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_FEATURED) { ?> <label class="bp-group-documents-featured-label"><input type="checkbox" name="bp_group_documents_featured" class="bp-group-documents-featured" value="1" <?php if ($template->featured) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> > <?php _e('Featured Document', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <?php } ?> <div id="document-detail-clear" class="clear"></div> <div class="document-info"> <label><?php _e('Display Name:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <input type="text" name="bp_group_documents_name" id="bp-group-documents-name" value="<?php echo $template->name; ?> " /> <?php if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS) { ?> <label><?php _e('Description:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <textarea name="bp_group_documents_description" id="bp-group-documents-description"><?php echo $template->description; ?> </textarea> <?php } ?> <label></label> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e('Submit', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </div> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_use_categories')) { ?> <div class="bp-group-documents-category-wrapper"> <label><?php _e('Category:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <div class="bp-group-documents-category-list"> <ul> <?php foreach ($template->get_group_categories(false) as $category) { ?> <li><input type="checkbox" name="bp_group_documents_categories[]" value="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?> " <?php if ($template->doc_in_category($category->term_id)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><?php echo $category->name; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="bp_group_documents_new_category" class="bp-group-documents-new-category" /> </div><!-- .bp-group-documents-category-wrapper --> <?php } ?> </form> </div><!--end #post-new-topic--> <?php if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <a class="button" id="bp-group-documents-upload-button" href="" style="display:none;"><?php _e('Upload a New Document', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--end #group-documents--> <?php }
/** * * @version 1.2.2, 3/10/2013, stergatu esc_textarea * v2, 21/5/2013, stergatu, added documents categories */ function bp_group_documents_display_content() { $bp = buddypress(); //instanciating the template will do the heavy lifting with all the superglobal variables $template = new BP_Group_Documents_Template(); ?> <div id="bp-group-documents"> <?php do_action('template_notices'); ?> <h3><?php echo get_option('bp_group_documents_nav_page_name') . ' ' . __('List', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </h3> <?php //-----------------------------------------------------------------------LIST VIEW-- ?> <div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="subnav" role="navigation"> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_use_categories')) { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-categories"> <form class="standard-form" id="bp-group-documents-category-form" method="get" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> "> <?php echo __('Category:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> <select name="category"> <option value="" ><?php echo __('All', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($template->get_group_categories() as $category) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?> " <?php if ($template->category == $category->term_id) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $category->name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo __('Go', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-sorting"> <form class="standard-form" id="bp-group-documents-sort-form" method="get" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> "> <?php _e('Order by:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> <select name="order" id="order"> <option value="newest" <?php selected('newest', $template->order); ?> ><?php _e('Newest', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <option value="alpha" <?php selected('alpha', $template->order); ?> ><?php _e('Alphabetical', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> <option value="popular" <?php selected('popular', $template->order); ?> ><?php _e('Most Popular', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </option> </select> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e('Go', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </form> </div> <?php if ($template->document_list && count($template->document_list >= 1)) { ?> <div class="pagination no-ajax"> <div id="group-documents-page-count" class="pag-count"> <?php $template->pagination_count(); ?> </div> <?php if ($template->show_pagination()) { ?> <div id="group-documents-page-links" class="pagination-links"> <?php $template->pagination_links(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- // subnav --> <?php if ($template->document_list && count($template->document_list >= 1)) { if ('1.1' == substr(BP_VERSION, 0, 3)) { ?> <ul id="forum-topic-list" class="item-list"> <?php } else { ?> <ul id="bp-group-documents-list" class="item-list"> <?php } //loop through each document and display content along with admin options $count = 0; foreach ($template->document_list as $document_params) { $document = new BP_Group_Documents($document_params['id'], $document_params); ?> <li <?php if (++$count % 2) { echo 'class="alt"'; } ?> > <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_display_icons')) { $document->icon(); } ?> <a class="bp-group-documents-title" id="group-document-link-<?php echo $document->id; ?> " href="<?php $document->url(); ?> " target="_blank"> <?php echo str_replace("\\", "", esc_html(stripslashes($document->name))); ?> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_display_file_size')) { echo ' <span class="group-documents-filesize">(' . get_file_size($document) . ')</span>'; } ?> </a> <div class="bp-group-documents-meta"> <?php $document->categories(); printf(__('Uploaded by %s on %s', 'bp-group-documents'), bp_core_get_userlink($document->user_id), date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $document->created_ts)); ?> . <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_display_download_count')) { echo ' <span class="group-documents-download-count">' . $document->download_count . __(' downloads since then.', 'bp-group-documents') . '</span>'; } ?> </div> <?php //show edit and delete options if user is privileged echo '<div class="admin-links">'; if ($document->current_user_can('edit')) { $edit_link = wp_nonce_url($template->action_link . 'edit/' . $document->id, 'group-documents-edit-link') . '#edit-document-form'; echo "<a href='{$edit_link}'>" . __('Edit', 'bp-group-documents') . "</a> | "; } if ($document->current_user_can('delete')) { $delete_link = wp_nonce_url($template->action_link . 'delete/' . $document->id, 'group-documents-delete-link'); echo "<a href='{$delete_link}' class='bp-group-documents-delete'>" . __('Delete', 'bp-group-documents') . "</a>"; } echo '</div>'; if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS && $document->description) { echo '<span class="group-documents-description">' . wp_kses(stripslashes($document->description), wp_kses_allowed_html('post')) . '</span>'; } //eleni add this in order to display the Addthis button on 3/2/2011 include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; if (is_plugin_active('buddypress-addthis-ls/bp-addthis-ls.php')) { echo get_bp_addthis_ls_button($document->get_url(), $document->name); } // end eleni add echo '</li>'; } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php if ($template->category > 0) { _e('There are no documents in the selected category.', 'bp-group-documents'); } else { _e('There are no documents uploaded for this group.', 'bp-group-documents'); } ?> </p> </div> <?php } //-------------------------------------------------------------------DETAIL VIEW-- if ($template->show_detail) { if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-upload-new"> <?php } else { ?> <div id="bp-group-documents-edit"><a name="edit-document-form"></a> <?php } ?> <h3><?php echo $template->header; ?> </h3> <form method="post" id="bp-group-documents-form" class="standard-form" action="<?php echo $template->action_link; ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="bp_group_documents_operation" value="<?php echo $template->operation; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="bp_group_documents_id" value="<?php echo $template->id; ?> " /> <?php if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); ?> " /> <label class="bp-group-documents-file-label"><?php _e('Choose File:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <input type="file" name="bp_group_documents_file" class="bp-group-documents-file" /> <p class="bp-group-documents-valid-file-formats"> <?php $valid_file_formats1 = get_option('bp_group_documents_valid_file_formats'); _e('Valid File Formats', 'bp-group-documents'); echo ':<br />' . str_replace(',', ', ', $valid_file_formats1); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <label><?php _e('Document:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> :</label><span><?php echo $template->name; ?> </span> <?php } if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_FEATURED) { ?> <label class="bp-group-documents-featured-label"><?php _e('Featured Document', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> : </label> <input type="checkbox" name="bp_group_documents_featured" class="bp-group-documents-featured" value="1" <?php if ($template->featured) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php } ?> <div id="document-detail-clear" class="clear"></div> <div class="bp-group-documents-document-info"> <label><?php _e('Display Name:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <input type="text" name="bp_group_documents_name" id="bp-group-documents-name" value="<?php echo $template->name; ?> " /> <?php if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS) { ?> <label><?php _e('Description:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <?php if (BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_ALLOW_WP_EDITOR) { if (function_exists('wp_editor')) { wp_editor($template->description, 'bp_group_documents_description', array('media_buttons' => false, 'dfw' => false)); } else { the_editor($template->description, 'bp_group_documents_description', 'bp_group_documents_description', false); } } else { ?> <textarea name="bp_group_documents_description" id="bp-group-documents-description" rows="5" cols="100"><?php echo esc_textarea($template->description); ?> </textarea> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php if (get_option('bp_group_documents_use_categories')) { ?> <div class="bp-group-documents-category-wrapper"> <label><?php _e('Category:', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </label> <?php $group_categories = $template->get_group_categories(false); if (count($group_categories) > 0) { ?> <div class="bp-group-documents-category-list"> <ul> <?php foreach ($template->get_group_categories(false) as $category) { ?> <li><input type="checkbox" name="bp_group_documents_categories[]" value="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?> " <?php if ($template->doc_in_category($category->term_id)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><?php echo $category->name; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="bp_group_documents_new_category" class="bp-group-documents-new-category" /> </div><!-- .bp-group-documents-category-wrapper --> <?php } ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('bp_group_document_save_' . $template->operation, 'bp_group_document_save'); ?> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e('Save', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> " /> </form> </div><!--end #post-new-topic--> <?php if ($template->operation == 'add') { ?> <a class="button" id="bp-group-documents-upload-button" href="" style="display:none;"><?php _e('Upload a New Document', 'bp-group-documents'); ?> </a> <?php } } ?> </div><!--end #group-documents--> <?php }