function wp_new_user_notification($user_id, $deprecated = null, $notify = '') { global $wp_version, $wp_hasher; $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); $user = get_userdata($user_id); if (version_compare($wp_version, '4.3', '>=')) { // for WordPress 4.3 and above global $wpdb; if (version_compare($wp_version, '4.3', '=')) { $notify = $deprecated; } else { if ($deprecated !== null) { _deprecated_argument(__FUNCTION__, '4.3.1'); } } // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails. $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES); if (!$bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('admin-user')) { $message = sprintf(__('New user registration on your site %s:'), $blogname) . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user->user_login) . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= sprintf(__('E-mail: %s'), $user->user_email) . "\r\n"; @wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] New User Registration'), $blogname), $message); } if ('admin' === $notify || empty($notify)) { return; } // Generate something random for a password reset key. $key = wp_generate_password(20, false); /** This action is documented in wp-login.php */ do_action('retrieve_password_key', $user->user_login, $key); // Now insert the key, hashed, into the DB. if (empty($wp_hasher)) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-phpass.php'; $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true); } $hashed = time() . ':' . $wp_hasher->HashPassword($key); $wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_activation_key' => $hashed), array('user_login' => $user->user_login)); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('new-user')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('new-user'); $password_url = network_site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key=" . $key . "&login="******"\r\n\r\n"; $message .= __('To set your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= '<' . network_site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key={$key}&login="******">\r\n\r\n"; $message .= wp_login_url() . "\r\n"; wp_mail($user->user_email, sprintf(__('[%s] Your username and password info'), $blogname), $message); } } else { // for WordPress below 4.3 $plaintext_pass = $deprecated; // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails. $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES); if (!$bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('admin-user')) { $message = sprintf(__('New user registration on your site %s:'), $blogname) . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user->user_login) . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= sprintf(__('E-mail: %s'), $user->user_email) . "\r\n"; @wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] New User Registration'), $blogname), $message); } if (empty($plaintext_pass)) { return; } if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('new-user')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('new-user'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $bnfw->engine->send_registration_email($bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID), $user, $plaintext_pass); } } else { $message = sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user->user_login) . "\r\n"; $message .= sprintf(__('Password: %s'), $plaintext_pass) . "\r\n"; $message .= wp_login_url() . "\r\n"; wp_mail($user->user_email, sprintf(__('[%s] Your username and password'), $blogname), $message); } } }
/** * Save the meta box's post metadata. * * @since 1.0 * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being saved. */ public function save_meta_data($post_id) { if (self::POST_TYPE !== get_post_type($post_id)) { return; } // Check nonce. if (empty($_POST[self::POST_TYPE . '_nonce'])) { return; } // Verify nonce. if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST[self::POST_TYPE . '_nonce'], self::POST_TYPE)) { return; } if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return; } if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } $setting = array('notification' => $_POST['notification'], 'subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'message' => $_POST['notification_message'], 'disabled' => isset($_POST['disabled']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['disabled']) : 'false', 'email-formatting' => isset($_POST['email-formatting']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['email-formatting']) : 'html', 'disable-current-user' => isset($_POST['disable-current-user']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['disable-current-user']) : 'false', 'disable-autop' => isset($_POST['disable-autop']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['disable-autop']) : 'false', 'only-post-author' => isset($_POST['only-post-author']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['only-post-author']) : 'false', 'users' => array()); if (isset($_POST['users'])) { $setting['users'] = $_POST['users']; } if (isset($_POST['show-fields']) && 'true' == $_POST['show-fields']) { $setting['show-fields'] = 'true'; $setting['from-name'] = sanitize_text_field($_POST['from-name']); $setting['from-email'] = sanitize_email($_POST['from-email']); $setting['cc'] = isset($_POST['cc']) ? $_POST['cc'] : ''; $setting['bcc'] = isset($_POST['bcc']) ? $_POST['bcc'] : ''; } else { $setting['show-fields'] = 'false'; } $setting = apply_filters('bnfw_notification_setting', $setting); $this->save_settings($post_id, $setting); if (isset($_POST['send-test-email'])) { if ('true' == $_POST['send-test-email']) { BNFW::factory()->engine->send_test_email($setting); add_filter('redirect_post_location', array($this, 'test_mail_sent')); } } }
function created_event() { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; if ($_GET['status'] == 'added') { echo ' <script> alert("Event added toy your google calendar"); </script> '; } else { if ($_GET['status'] == 'not') { echo ' <script> alert("Event not available"); </script> '; } } if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { $eid = $_GET['id']; $tablename1 = $table_prefix . 'calendar'; $data = array('event_status' => 1); $formats = array('%d'); $whe = array('event_id' => $eid); //For inserting data in wp_event_users $wpdb->update($tablename1, $data, $whe, $formats); $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_event_users WHERE Eve_id ='{$eid}'"); foreach ($result as $row) { $uid = $row->Eve_User_Id; $result1 = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT user_email FROM wp_users WHERE ID ='{$uid}'"); $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('delete-event')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('delete-event'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $setting = $bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID); $to = $result->user_email; $message = 'Event has been cancelled'; $subject = $setting['subject']; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; wp_mail($to, $subject, wpautop($message), $headers); } } } wp_redirect(site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/events-lists/created-by-me/'); exit; } else { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $cuid = $current_user->ID; $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $table_prefix . "calendar where event_author='{$cuid}' AND event_status='0' ORDER BY event_datecreated DESC"); $i = 1; if (empty($result)) { echo "No events created by you"; } else { echo ' <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="data"> <thead> <tr> <th>S.No</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Venue</th> <th>Start Date & Time</th> <th>End Date & Time</th> <th>Author</th> <th>Created On</th> <th>Edit/Delete</th> </tr> </thead> </tbody>'; foreach ($result as $row) { $start_time = date('h:ia', strtotime($row->event_stime)); $end_time = date('h:ia', strtotime($row->event_etime)); $id = $row->event_id; echo ' <tr class="odd gradeX"> <td>' . $i++ . '</td> <td>' . $row->event_title . '</td> <td>' . $row->event_desc . '</td> <td>' . $row->event_venue . '</td> <td>Date: ' . $row->event_begin . '<br/>Time: ' . $start_time . '</td> <td>Date: ' . $row->event_end . '<br/>Time: ' . $end_time . '</td> <td>'; $aid = $row->event_author; $res = $wpdb->get_row("Select * from " . $table_prefix . "users where ID='{$aid}'"); echo $res->display_name . '</td> <td>' . $row->event_datecreated . '</td> <td><a href="' . site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/edit-event?eid=' . $id . '">Edit</a>/<a href="' . site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/events-lists/created-by-me?action=delete&id=' . $id . '">Delete</a></td> </tr>'; } echo '</tbody></table>'; } } }
<?php // session_start(); // echo "<pre>";print_r($_SESSION);die; function mres($value) { $search = array("\\", "", "\n", "\r", "'", '"', ""); $replace = array("\\\\", "\\0", "\\n", "\\r", "\\'", '\\"', "\\Z"); return str_replace($search, $replace, $value); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { set_site_message('my-certificates', 'success', "The request for scope extension has been successfully sent."); global $wpdb; $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('scope-ext-notifier')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('scope-ext-notifier'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $sql = "select `first_name`,`last_name` from " . $wpdb->prefix . "users where `ID` = '" . get_current_user_id() . "'"; $customer_user = $wpdb->get_row($sql); $firstname = $customer_user->first_name; $lastname = $customer_user->last_name; $certificate_name = $_POST['scope_certificate_name']; $list_of_standards = $_POST['standards']; $scopefilename = $_POST['scope_filename']; $scopefilename = explode('~IASfilename~', $scopefilename); $scopefilename = array_filter($scopefilename); $scopefileurl = $_POST['scope_fileurl']; $scopefileurl = explode('~IASurl~', stripslashes($scopefileurl)); $scopefileurl = array_filter($scopefileurl); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $setting = $bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID);
function application_add_company() { global $wpdb; if (function_exists('start_session')) { start_session(); } $_SESSION['wp_page'] = 'my-companies'; // Create for empty post data if (!isset($_REQUEST['submit']) && !isset($_REQUEST['name']) && empty($_REQUEST['name']) && !isset($_REQUEST['firstname']) && empty($_REQUEST['firstname']) && !isset($_REQUEST['lastname']) && empty($_REQUEST['lastname']) && !isset($_REQUEST['email']) && empty($_REQUEST['email']) && !isset($_REQUEST['phone']) && empty($_REQUEST['phone']) && !isset($_REQUEST['preferredcontactmethodcode']) && empty($_REQUEST['preferredcontactmethodcode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['address']) && empty($_REQUEST['address']) && !isset($_REQUEST['city']) && empty($_REQUEST['city']) && !isset($_REQUEST['zipcode']) && empty($_REQUEST['zipcode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['state']) && empty($_REQUEST['state']) && !isset($_REQUEST['country']) && empty($_REQUEST['country'])) { if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) && !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) { $_SESSION['wp_errors']['company_invalid_post_data'] = __("Mandatory field(s) are required.."); wp_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); } else { // This case is occur when internet is disconnect and user direct hit the url $_SESSION['wp_errors']['company_invalid_post_data'] = __("Something went wrong.Please try again later."); wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_page_by_path('listings')) . '?page=my-companies&type=all'); } } // Check for unique company name $company_sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company where name="' . $_POST['name'] . '"'; if ($_POST['id'] != 0) { $company_sql .= ' AND id != ' . $_POST['id']; } //echo $company_sql; $company_result = $wpdb->get_results($company_sql); $company_count = $wpdb->num_rows; /* if ($company_count > 0) { set_site_message('my-companies', 'error', "Company Already exists"); //$_SESSION['wp_errors']['company_exists'] = __("Company Already exists "); wp_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); exit; } */ $roles = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'wp_capabilities'); if (!empty($roles) && isset($roles[0]) && array_key_exists('staff', $roles[0])) { $isstaff = true; } //if ($wpdb->num_rows == 0) { if ($_POST['id'] == 0) { if (email_exists($_REQUEST['email'])) { set_site_message('my-companies', 'error', "Email already exists please enter another email"); wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_page_by_path('listings')) . '?page=my-companies&type=all'); } $company_type = isset($_POST['company_type']) ? $_POST['company_type'] : "Company"; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "company"; $data = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'created_by' => get_current_user_id(), 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'created_on' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s'), 'address' => $_POST['address'], 'fax' => $_POST['fax'], 'country' => $_POST['country'], 'state' => $_POST['state'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'zipcode' => $_POST['zipcode'], 'website_url' => $_POST['website_url'], 'status' => "New_company", 'type' => $company_type); //print_r($data);die; $wpdb->insert($table, $data); $company_id = $wpdb->insert_id; /* create new contact associated with new inserted company */ $random_password = wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false); /* 0846 - 08/06/15 - in place of user_name in below function we take user_email because we change the functionality to take user_name as user_email */ $user_id = wp_create_user($_REQUEST['email'], $random_password, $_REQUEST['email']); $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id); /* assign role agent if company is agency */ if ($isstaff) { if ($company_type == 'Agency') { $agent_array = get_role("Agent"); if (empty($agent_array)) { add_role('agent', 'Agent', array('read' => true, 'application-form' => true)); $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->add_cap('Agent'); } else { $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->add_cap('Agent'); } } else { $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->remove_cap('Agent'); } } $wpdb->query("update " . $wpdb->prefix . "users set display_name = '" . $_POST['firstname'] . " " . $_POST['lastname'] . "', first_name = '" . $_POST['firstname'] . "',last_name='" . $_POST['lastname'] . "',salutaions='" . $_POST['salutaions'] . "',preferred_form='" . $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode'] . "', phone = '" . $_POST['phone'] . "', country=" . $_POST['country'] . ",state=" . $_POST['state'] . ",city='" . $_POST['city'] . "', address = '" . $_POST['address'] . "', created_by = " . get_current_user_id() . ", created_on = '" . date("Y-m-d H:m:s") . "', company_id = '" . $company_id . "' where ID=" . $user_id); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users where ID=' . get_current_user_id(); $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $get_current_user_role_new = get_current_user_role(); if (strtolower($get_current_user_role_new) != 'staff') { $firstname_users = $result[0]->first_name; $lastname_users = $result[0]->last_name; $link_to_comapnies = get_permalink(get_page_by_path('listings')) . '?page=my-companies&type=all'; $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('new-company')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('new-company'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $setting = $bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID); foreach ($setting['users'] as $users_role) { $main_role = strtolower(str_replace('role-', '', $users_role)); $sql = "select `user_email`,`display_name` from " . $wpdb->prefix . "users where `user_type` = '" . $main_role . "'"; $staff_user = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach ($staff_user as $staff_user) { $emailstaff = $staff_user->user_email; $username_staff = ucwords($staff_user->display_name); $subjectstaff = str_replace('New Company Added', 'Existing Company Details Updated', $setting['subject']); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $messagestaff = $setting['message']; $messagestaff = str_replace('[firstname]', $firstname_users, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[lastname]', $lastname_users, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[username]', $username_staff, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[date]', $date, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[companyname]', $_POST['name'], $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[linkToCompany]', $link_to_comapnies, $messagestaff); $subjectstaff = str_replace('[firstname]', $firstname_users, $subjectstaff); $subjectstaff = str_replace('[lastname]', $lastname_users, $subjectstaff); wp_mail($emailstaff, $subjectstaff, wpautop($messagestaff)); } } } } } if ($isstaff) { try { staff_company_approve($company_id, false); // approve company } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['company_error_msg'] = "CRM Approve ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); wp_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); exit; } } /* approve user at the time of company creation */ if ($isstaff) { try { approve_user_by_staff($user_id, false); // approve user } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['user_error_msg'] = "CRM Approve ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); wp_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); exit; } } if (isset($_POST['redirect_url']) && !empty($_POST['redirect_url'])) { set_site_message('my-companies', 'success', "Company Added Successfully"); //$_SESSION['wp_notices']['company_added'] = __("Company Added Successfully"); wp_redirect($_POST['redirect_url']); } else { set_site_message('my-companies', 'success', "Company Added Successfully"); // $_SESSION['wp_notices']['company_added'] = __("Company Added Successfully"); wp_redirect(admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=' . $_GET['page']); } } else { $status = "Modified"; $company_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT status, crm_id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "company where " . $wpdb->prefix . " = " . $_POST['id']); $users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "users where company_id = " . $_POST['id']); //Do not update company status until it is approved if (!empty($company_result) && $company_result[0]->crm_id == '') { $status = $company_result[0]->status; } if (!empty($users)) { $user_id = $users[0]->ID; } $company_type = isset($_POST['company_type']) ? $_POST['company_type'] : "Company"; $update_item_sql = 'SELECT ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users.salutaions,' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users.first_name as firstname,' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users.last_name as lastname,' . $wpdb->prefix . ',' . $wpdb->prefix . ',' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.fax,' . $wpdb->prefix . ',' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.address,' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.preferredcontactmethodcode,' . $wpdb->prefix . ',' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.zipcode,' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.state,' . $wpdb->prefix . ',' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company.website_url FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users on ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users.company_id=' . $wpdb->prefix . ' where ' . $wpdb->prefix . '' . $_POST['id'] . ' AND ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users.ID=' . $_POST['user_id']; $update_item_result = $wpdb->get_results($update_item_sql); $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode'] = isset($_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode']) ? $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode'] : 'Email'; $post_array = array_slice($_POST, 0, 8, true) + array("preferredcontactmethodcode" => $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode']) + array_slice($_POST, 3, count($_POST) - 3, true); $update_array = json_decode(json_encode($update_item_result), true); $diff_array = array_diff($_POST, $update_array[0]); $updated_string = ''; foreach ($diff_array as $key => $value) { if (isset($update_array[0][$key]) && isset($diff_array[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'firstname': $label = 'First Name'; break; case 'lastname': $label = 'Last Name'; break; case 'preferredcontactmethodcode': $label = 'Preferred Contact Method'; break; case 'name': $label = 'Company Name'; break; default: $label = $key; } $updated_string .= ucfirst(str_replace("_", ' ', $label)) . " from '" . $update_array[0][$key] . "' to '" . $diff_array[$key] . "'<br/>"; } } //Add updated data in logger $json_data = json_encode($diff_array); $log_data = array(); //Declare array to stored log data $log_data['ref_type'] = "company"; $log_data['ref_id'] = $_POST['id']; $log_data['title'] = "Company Updated"; $log_data['description'] = "Company Updated From Portal"; $log_data['content'] = $json_data; //Used to log activity IB_Logging::ib_log_activity($log_data); $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'company', array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'address' => $_POST['address'], 'preferredcontactmethodcode' => $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'fax' => $_POST['fax'], 'country' => $_POST['country'], 'state' => $_POST['state'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'zipcode' => $_POST['zipcode'], 'website_url' => $_POST['website_url'], 'status' => $status, 'modified_by' => get_current_user_id(), 'modified_on' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s'), 'type' => $company_type), array('id' => $_POST['id'])); /* update user details */ $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'users', array('first_name' => $_POST['firstname'], 'last_name' => $_POST['lastname'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'preferred_form' => $_POST['preferredcontactmethodcode'], 'modified_by' => get_current_user_id(), 'modified_on' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s'), 'country' => $_POST['country'], 'state' => $_POST['state'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'zipcode' => $_POST['zipcode'], 'website_url' => $_POST['website_url']), array('ID' => $_POST['user_id'])); /* update quotation progarm company details*/ $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'quotation_program', array('companyname' => $_POST['name']), array('company_id' => $_POST['id'])); /* assign role agent if company is agency */ if (isset($isstaff) && $isstaff) { if ($company_type == 'Agency') { $agent_array = get_role("Agent"); if (empty($agent_array)) { add_role('agent', 'Agent', array('read' => true, 'application-form' => true)); $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->add_cap('Agent'); } else { $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->add_cap('Agent'); } } else { $user = new WP_User($user_id); $user->remove_cap('Agent'); } } if (isset($isstaff) && $isstaff) { try { $company_sql = 'SELECT crm_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'company where id="' . $_POST['id'] . '"'; $company_result = $wpdb->get_results($company_sql); if (!empty($company_result) && !empty($company_result[0]->crm_id)) { staff_company_approve($_POST['id'], true); // approve company } else { staff_company_approve($_POST['id'], false); // approve company } } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['company_error_msg'] = "CRM Approve ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); wp_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); exit; } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users where ID=' . get_current_user_id(); $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $get_current_user_role_new = get_current_user_role(); if (strtolower($get_current_user_role_new) != 'staff') { $firstname_users = $result[0]->first_name; $lastname_users = $result[0]->last_name; $link_to_comapnies = get_permalink(get_page_by_path('listings')) . '?page=my-companies&type=modified'; $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('existing-company-update')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('existing-company-update'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $setting = $bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID); foreach ($setting['users'] as $users_role) { $main_role = strtolower(str_replace('role-', '', $users_role)); $sql = "select `user_email`,`display_name` from " . $wpdb->prefix . "users where `user_type` = '" . $main_role . "'"; $staff_user = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach ($staff_user as $staff_user) { $emailstaff = $staff_user->user_email; $username_staff = ucwords($staff_user->display_name); $subjectstaff = $setting['subject']; $subjectstaff = str_replace("[firstname]", $firstname_users, $subjectstaff); $subjectstaff = str_replace('[lastname]', $lastname_users, $subjectstaff); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $messagestaff = $setting['message']; //$messagestaff = str_replace('[common_header]', $common_header, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[firstname]', $firstname_users, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[lastname]', $lastname_users, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[username]', $username_staff, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[date]', $date, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[companyname]', $_POST['name'], $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace('[linkToCompany]', $link_to_comapnies, $messagestaff); $messagestaff = str_replace("[update_fields]", $updated_string, $messagestaff); $subjectstaff = str_replace('[firstname]', $firstname_users, $subjectstaff); $subjectstaff = str_replace('[lastname]', $lastname_users, $subjectstaff); if ($updated_string != '') { wp_mail($emailstaff, $subjectstaff, wpautop($messagestaff)); } } } } } } if (isset($_POST['redirect_url']) && !empty($_POST['redirect_url'])) { set_site_message('my-companies', 'success', "Company Details Updated Successfully"); // $_SESSION['wp_notices']['company_updated'] = __("Company Updated Successfully"); wp_redirect($_POST['redirect_url']); } else { set_site_message('my-companies', 'success', "Company Details Updated Successfully"); //$_SESSION['wp_notices']['company_updated'] = __("Company Updated Successfully"); wp_redirect(admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=' . $_GET['page']); } } //} }
* @param unknown $ref_id */ private function send_notification($type, $ref_id) { $notifications = $this->notifier->get_notifications($type); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $this->engine->send_notification($this->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID), $ref_id); } } /** * Can send comment notification or not * * @since 1.0 * @param unknown $comment * @return unknown */ private function can_send_comment_notification($comment) { // Returns false if the comment is marked as spam AND admin has enabled suppression of spam $suppress_spam = get_option('bnfw_suppress_spam'); if ('1' === $suppress_spam && 0 === strcmp($comment->comment_approved, 'spam')) { return false; } return true; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Fire up the plugin * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ BNFW::factory();
function complete_editeve($title, $sdate, $stime, $tdate, $ttime, $repeat, $recur, $venue, $users, $desc, $status) { global $wpdb, $table_prefix, $eventtable, $usertable, $reg_errors; $status = 0; $active = null; $decline = null; //To get information about logged in user $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $cuser = $current_user->user_login; $cuid = $current_user->ID; //Start and end time converted in 24 hour formate $estime = date("H:i", strtotime($stime)); $ettime = date("H:i", strtotime($ttime)); if (1 > count($reg_errors->get_error_messages())) { //For inserting data in wp_calendar //$event_uinfo is for the updated information of event $event_uinfo = array('event_begin' => $sdate, 'event_end' => $tdate, 'event_title' => $title, 'event_desc' => $desc, 'event_venue' => $venue, 'event_stime' => $estime, 'event_etime' => $ettime, 'event_recur' => $recur, 'event_repeats' => $repeat, 'event_category' => null, 'event_link' => null); //Formate $event_uformat = array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'); //Where condition for update query $whe = array('event_id' => $_POST['event_id']); $wpdb->update($eventtable, $event_uinfo, $whe, $event_uformat); //For updating wp_event_users table $event_users = explode(",", $u); $eventid = $_POST['event_id']; if ($users != null) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($event_users); $i++) { $eve_users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM" . $usertable . " WHERE Eve_id ='{$eventid}' AND Eve_User_Id='{$event_users[$i]}'"); if (count($eve_users) == 0) { //$nuser is for the new user invited by the author $nuser = array('Eve_id' => $eventid, 'Eve_User_Id' => $eu[$i], 'Accepted' => $active, 'Declined' => $decline, 'Eve_Status' => $status); $nuser_format = array('%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d'); $wpdb->insert($usertable, $nuser, $nuser_format); } else { exit; } } } $event_user = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $usertable . " WHERE Eve_id ='{$eventid}'"); foreach ($event_user as $row) { $userid = $row->Eve_User_Id; $result1 = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT user_email FROM " . $table_prefix . "users WHERE ID ='{$userid}'"); $bnfw = BNFW::factory(); if ($bnfw->notifier->notification_exists('edit-event')) { $notifications = $bnfw->notifier->get_notifications('edit-event'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $setting = $bnfw->notifier->read_settings($notification->ID); $to = $result->user_email; $message = ' <div id="email_container" style="background:#444"> <div style="width:570px; padding:0 0 0 20px; margin:50px auto 12px auto" id="email_header"> <span style="background:#585858; color:#fff; padding:12px;font-family:trebuchet ms; letter-spacing:1px; -moz-border-radius-topleft:5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius:5px; border-top-left-radius:5px;moz-border-radius-topright:5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:5px; border-top-right-radius:5px;"> Updation in Event Information </div> </div> <div style="width:550px; padding:0 20px 20px 20px; background:#fff; margin:0 auto; border:3px #000 solid; moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; color:#454545;line-height:1.5em; " id="email_content"> <h1 style="padding:5px 0 0 0; font-family:georgia;font-weight:500;font-size:24px;color:#000;border-bottom:1px solid #bbb"> ' . $title . ' Information updated </h1> <p> This event is organized by ' . $cuser . '. Updation in informations <br/>Venue: ' . $venue . '<br/>Event Starts at: ' . $sdate . ' ' . $stime . '<br/>Event ends at: ' . $tdate . ' ' . $ttime . '<br/>Event description: ' . $desc . ' </p> <p> <a href="' . site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/pages/pending-invitations?status=yes&id=' . $eventid . '&uid=' . $cuid . '"><span class="myButton" id="myButton" style="box-shadow: rgb(207, 134, 108) 0px 1px 0px 0px inset; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid rgb(148, 41, 17); display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px; padding: 6px 24px; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: rgb(133, 70, 41) 0px 1px 0px; background: linear-gradient(rgb(208, 69, 27) 5%, rgb(188, 51, 21) 100%) rgb(208, 69, 27);">Accept</span></a> <a href="' . site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/pages/pending-invitations?status=no&id=' . $eid . '&uid=' . $cuid . '"><span class="myButton" id="myButton" style="box-shadow: rgb(207, 134, 108) 0px 1px 0px 0px inset; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid rgb(148, 41, 17); display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px; padding: 6px 24px; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: rgb(133, 70, 41) 0px 1px 0px; background: linear-gradient(rgb(208, 69, 27) 5%, rgb(188, 51, 21) 100%) rgb(208, 69, 27);">Decline</span></a> </p> </div> </div>'; $subject = $setting['subject']; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; wp_mail($to, $subject, wpautop($message), $headers); } } } wp_redirect(site_url() . '/index.php/customer-area/events-lists/created-by-me/'); exit; } }