public function getResourceFromService() { $params = $this->getState('params'); $resourceId = $params['resourceId']; $resourceIdRef = $params['resourceId']; $options = array('path' => sprintf($this->urlResource, $resourceId), 'data' => array('$format' => 'json')); $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options); $resource = null; $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url); if (isset($r)) { $res = json_decode($r); //$resource = $res->d->results ?: $res->d; if (!empty($res->d->results)) { $resource = $res->d->results; } elseif (!empty($res->d)) { $resource = $res->d; } $resource->Merchant = BFCHelper::getMerchantFromServicebyId($resource->MerchantId); // $resource->Services = $resource->OnSellUnit->Services; if (!empty($resource->ServiceIdList)) { $services = BFCHelper::GetServicesByIds($resource->ServiceIdList); if (count($resource->Services) > 0) { $tmpservices = array(); foreach ($resource->Services as $service) { $tmpservices[] = BFCHelper::getLanguage($service->Name, $this->language); } $services = implode(', ', $tmpservices); } $resource->Services = $services; } } return $resource; }
function setBreadcrumb($resource, $layout = '', $language) { if (!empty($resource)) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); $count = count($pathway); $newPathway = array(); if ($count > 1) { $newPathway = array_pop($pathway); } $pathway->setPathway($newPathway); // $pathway->addItem( // $resource->Merchant->Name, // JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $resource->Merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->Merchant->Name)) // ); // $pathway->addItem( // JTEXT::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_VIEWS_MERCHANTDETAILS_LAYOUT_' . strtoupper($layout) ), // JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&layout=' . $layout . '&merchantId=' . $resource->Merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->Merchant->Name)) // ); // $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); // echo "<pre>"; // echo print_r($resource); // echo "</pre>"; $pathway->addItem($resourceName, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=resource&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName))); } }
function setBreadcrumb($resource, $layout = '') { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem($resource->Merchant->Name, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $resource->Merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->Merchant->Name))); $pathway->addItem(JTEXT::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_VIEWS_MERCHANTDETAILS_LAYOUT_' . strtoupper($layout)), JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&layout=' . $layout . '&merchantId=' . $resource->Merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->Merchant->Name))); // $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->Language); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $pathway->addItem($resourceName, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=resource&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName))); }
function setBreadcrumb($resource, $layout = '', $language) { if (!empty($resource)) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); // resetto il pathway $pathway->setPathway(null); // $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $pathway->addItem($resource->MerchantName, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $resource->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->MerchantName))); $pathway->addItem($resourceName, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=onsellunit&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName))); } }
/** * Method to get a list of options for a list input. * * @return array An array of JHtml options. */ protected function getOptions() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $language = $document->getLanguage(); $masterTypologies = BFCHelper::getMasterTypologies(); $options = array(); if ($masterTypologies) { foreach ($masterTypologies as $masterTypology) { $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $masterTypology->MasterTypologyId, BFCHelper::getLanguage($masterTypology->Name, $language)); } } $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options); return $options; }
/** * Method to get a list of options for a list input. * * @return array An array of JHtml options. */ protected function getOptions() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $language = $document->getLanguage(); $merchantCategories = BFCHelper::getMerchantCategories(); $options = array(); if ($merchantCategories) { foreach ($merchantCategories as $merchantCategory) { $currOpt = JHtml::_('select.option', $merchantCategory->MerchantCategoryId, BFCHelper::getLanguage($merchantCategory->Name, $language)); $currOpt->checked = null; $options[] = $currOpt; } } $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options); return $options; }
function setBreadcrumb($resource, $layout = '', $language) { if (!empty($resource)) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); // resetto il pathway // $pathway->setPathway(null); $count = count($pathway); $newPathway = array(); if ($count > 1) { $newPathway = array_pop($pathway); } $pathway->setPathway($newPathway); // $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); // $pathway->addItem( // $resource->Merchant->Name, // JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $resource->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resource->Merchant->Name)) // ); $pathway->addItem($resourceName, JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=condominium&resourceId=' . $resource->CondominiumId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName))); } }
$merchantAddress = true; } $merchantname = BFCHelper::getLanguage($merchant->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $resourceDescription = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $hashorder = JRequest::getVar('hash'); if (empty($hashorder)) { if ($merchant->RatingsContext !== 2 && $merchant->RatingsContext !== 3) { //redirect alla risorsa senza possibilità di renensirla header("Location: " . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=resource&resourceId=' . $resource->UnitId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName), true, -1)); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->close(); } } $this->document->setTitle($resourceName . ' - ' . $merchant->Name); $this->document->setDescription(BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $this->language)); $user = JFactory::getUser(); //if (!$user->guest) { // echo 'You are logged in as:<br />'; // echo 'User name: ' . $user->username . '<br />'; // echo 'Real name: ' . $user->name . '<br />'; // echo 'User ID : ' . $user->id . '<br />'; //} //echo ("<pre>"); //echo (print_r($user)); //echo ("</pre>"); ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_resource com_bookingforconnector_resource-mt<?php echo $merchant->MerchantTypeId; ?> com_bookingforconnector_resource-t<?php
} else { $uriMerchant .= '&merchantId=' . $merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($merchant->Name); } $routeMerchant = JRoute::_($uriMerchant); //$route = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=onsellunit&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName)); //$routeMerchant = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $resource->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($merchant->Name)); $resourceImageUrl = Juri::base() . "/images/default.jpg"; $merchantLogoPath = Juri::base() . "/images/default.jpg"; // if ($resource->ImageUrl != '') { // $resourceImageUrl = BFCHelper::getImageUrl('resources',$resource->ImageUrl, 'resource_list_default'); if ($merchant->LogoUrl != '') { $merchantLogoPath = BFCHelper::getImageUrl('merchant', $merchant->LogoUrl, 'merchant_logo_small_rapidview'); } $isMerchantAnonymous = BFCHelper::isMerchantAnonymous($merchant->MerchantTypeId); $contractType = $resource->ContractType ? JTEXT::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_VIEWS_ONSELLUNIT_CONTRACTTYPE1') : JTEXT::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_VIEWS_ONSELLUNIT_CONTRACTTYPE'); $typeName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->CategoryName, $this->language); //echo "<pre>"; //echo print_r($resource); //echo "</pre>"; //$showResourceMap = false; ?> <style> .flexslider { margin: 0; background: #fff; border: 0px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; position: relative; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -o-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px;
?> </h4> <?php $count = 0; ?> <?php foreach ($services as $service) { ?> <?php if ($count > 0) { echo ','; } ?> <span class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-services-service"><?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($service->Name, $language); ?> </span> <?php $count += 1; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($merchantRules != null && $merchantRules != '' || $resourceRules != null && $resourceRules != '') { ?>
<?php // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $this->document->setTitle($this->item->Name); $this->document->setDescription(BFCHelper::getLanguage($this->item->Description, $this->language)); $merchantSiteUrl = ''; if ($this->item->AddressData->SiteUrl != '') { $merchantSiteUrl = $this->item->AddressData->SiteUrl; $parsed = parse_url($merchantSiteUrl); if (empty($parsed['scheme'])) { $merchantSiteUrl = 'http://' . ltrim($merchantSiteUrl, '/'); } // if (strpos('http://', $merchantSiteUrl) == false) { // $merchantSiteUrl = 'http://' . $merchantSiteUrl; // } } $metodForm = ""; if (strpos($merchantSiteUrl, '%3f') !== false || strpos($merchantSiteUrl, '?') !== false) { $metodForm = "post"; } if (strpos($merchantSiteUrl, '?post') !== false) { $metodForm = "post"; $merchantSiteUrl = str_replace("?post", "", $merchantSiteUrl); } ?> <style> body#bd{ background-color: #ffffff; background-image:none; }
?> " onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='<?php echo $imgError; ?> '" /></a> <h4 class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-name"><a class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-resource-nameAnchor" href="<?php echo $route; ?> "><?php echo $offerName; ?> </a></h4> <p class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-desc"> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($offer->Description, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); ?> </p> </div> <div class="clearboth"></div> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource nominheight noborder"> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> "> <?php if ($offer->Price != null && $offer->Price > 0) { ?>
if (isset($filtersEnabledMasterTypologies) && is_array($filtersEnabledMasterTypologies) && array_key_exists($masterTypology->MasterTypologyId, $filtersEnabledMasterTypologies)) { ?> <?php $checked = ''; if (isset($filtersMasterTypologies) && is_array($filtersMasterTypologies) && in_array($masterTypology->MasterTypologyId, $filtersMasterTypologies)) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } ?> <label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="filtersMasterTypologies" class="checkboxmastertypologies" value="<?php echo $masterTypology->MasterTypologyId; ?> " <?php echo $checked; ?> /><?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($masterTypology->Name, $language); ?> <span class="countvalues" style="display:none;">(<?php echo $filtersEnabledMasterTypologies[$masterTypology->MasterTypologyId]; ?> )</label> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?>
function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null) { //If the array is not correct, return it: if (is_array($areas)) { if (!array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onContentSearchAreas()))) { return array(); } } $section = JText::_('PLG_SEARCH_BOOKINGFORCONNECTORRESOURCE'); //Then load the parameters of the plugin. $pluginParams = $this->params; //Now define the parameters like this: $limit = $pluginParams->def('search_limit', 20); $direction = $pluginParams->def('direction', "asc"); //Use the function trim to delete spaces in front of or at the back of the searching terms $text = trim($text); //Return Array when nothing was filled in. if ($text == '') { return array(); } $wheres = array(); switch ($phrase) { //search exact case 'exact': /*$text = $db->Quote( '%'.$db->getEscaped( $text, true ).'%', false ); $where = '(' . implode( ') OR (', $wheres2 ) . ')';*/ break; //search all or any //search all or any case 'all': case 'any': //set default //set default default: /* $words = explode( ' ', $text ); $wheres = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = $db->Quote( '%'.$db->getEscaped( $word, true ).'%', false ); $wheres2 = array(); $wheres2[] = 'LOWER( LIKE '.$word; $wheres[] = implode( ' OR ', $wheres2 ); } $where = '(' . implode( ($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR ('), $wheres ) . ')'; */ break; } //ordering of the results switch ($ordering) { //alphabetic, ascending case 'alpha': $order = 'Name'; break; //oldest first //oldest first case 'oldest': //popular first //popular first case 'popular': //newest first //newest first case 'newest': //default setting: alphabetic, ascending //default setting: alphabetic, ascending default: $order = 'Name'; } //replace nameofplugin $rows = array(); $resources = BFCHelper::getResourcesSearch($text, 0, $limit, $order, $direction); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $language = $document->getLanguage(); /* we have to find the itemid for the target page */ $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag(); $uri = 'index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=resource'; $db->setQuery('SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link LIKE ' . $db->Quote($uri . '%') . ' AND language=' . $db->Quote($lang) . ' LIMIT 1'); $itemId = $db->getErrorNum() ? 0 : intval($db->loadResult()); //The 'output' of the displayed link foreach ($resources as $resource) { //$rows[$key]->href = 'index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&view=merchantdetails&merchantId=' . $merchant->MerchantId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($merchant->Name); $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language); $rows[] = (object) array('href' => Jroute::_('index.php?Itemid=' . $itemId . '&option=com_bookingforconnector&view=resource&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName)), 'title' => $resourceName, 'created' => null, 'section' => $section, 'text' => BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')), 'browsernav' => '0'); } //Return the search results in an array return $rows; }
unset($currstay->RatePlanStay->SuggestedStay); $currstay->CalculatedPricesDetails = $completestay->CalculatedPricesDetails; $currstay->AllVariations = $completestay->AllVariations; $currstay->DiscountVariation = $completestay->DiscountVariation; $currstay->SupplementVariation = $completestay->SupplementVariation; $staysuggested = htmlspecialchars(json_encode($currstay), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } $bookingTypes = $this->MerchantBookingTypes; $bookingTypedefault = ""; //$bookingTypesDesc =""; $bookingTypesoptions = array(); $bookingTypesValues = array(); if (!empty($bookingTypes)) { $bookingTypesDescArray = array(); foreach ($bookingTypes as $bt) { $currDesc = BFCHelper::getLanguage($bt->Name, $lang) . "<div class='ccdescr'>" . BFCHelper::getLanguage($bt->Description, $lang) . "</div>"; if ($bt->AcquireCreditCardData && !empty($bt->Data)) { $ccimgages = explode("|", $bt->Data); $cCCTypeList = array(); $currDesc .= "<div class='ccimages'>"; foreach ($ccimgages as $ccimgage) { $currDesc .= '<i class="fa fa-cc-' . strtolower($ccimgage) . '" title="' . $ccimgage . '"></i> '; $cCCTypeList[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $ccimgage, $ccimgage); } $currDesc .= "</div>"; } // if($bt->AcquireCreditCardData==1 && !BFCHelper::isUnderHTTPS() ){ // continue; // } $bookingTypesoptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $bt->BookingTypeId . ":" . $bt->AcquireCreditCardData, $currDesc); $calculatedBookingType = $bt;
echo $indirizzo; ?> </span>, <span class="postal-code "><?php echo $cap; ?> </span> <span class="locality"><?php echo $comune; ?> </span> <span class="region">(<?php echo $provincia; ?> )</span></strong> </div> <p class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-desc"> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, 'en-gb', null, array('nomore1br' => 'nomore1br', 'ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); ?> </p> </div> <div class="clearboth"></div> <div class="row-fluid com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource nominheight noborder"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span3 com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-paxes minheight34 borderright"> <?php if ($resource->MinCapacityPaxes == $resource->MaxCapacityPaxes) { ?> <?php echo $resource->MaxCapacityPaxes; ?> <?php echo 'Persons';
?> </h4> <?php $count = 0; ?> <?php foreach ($services as $service) { ?> <?php if ($count > 0) { echo ','; } ?> <span class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-services-service"><?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($service->Name, 'en-gb'); ?> </span> <?php $count += 1; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($merchantRules != null && $merchantRules != '' || $resourceRules != null && $resourceRules != '') { ?>
<?php if ($selVariationId != '') { ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-stay-variations" style="<?php echo $currentState == 'booking' ? 'display:block;' : 'display:none;'; ?> "> <?php foreach ($this->stay->Variations as $variation) { ?> <?php if ($variation->VariationPlanId == $selVariationId) { ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-stay-price"> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($variation->Name, $this->language); ?> <br /> € <span class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-stay-total"><?php echo BFCHelper::priceFormat($totalWithVariation); ?> </span> </div> <?php break; ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
echo $indirizzo; ?> </span>, <span class="postal-code "><?php echo $cap; ?> </span> <span class="locality"><?php echo $comune; ?> </span> <span class="region">(<?php echo $provincia; ?> )</span></strong> </div> <p class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-desc"> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $GLOBALS['bfi_lang'], null, array('nomore1br' => 'nomore1br', 'ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); ?> </p> </div> <div class="clearboth"></div> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource nominheight noborder"> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> "> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_COL; ?>
<div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-open"> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-features"> <a class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-imgAnchor" ><img class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-img" src="<?php echo $img; ?> " onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='<?php echo $imgError; ?> '" /></a> <h3 class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-name"><?php echo $onSellUnitName; ?> </h3> <p class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-desc"> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($onSellUnit->Description, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br')); ?> </p> </div> <div class="clearboth"></div> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource nominheight noborder"> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> "> <?php if ($onSellUnit->Price != null && $onSellUnit->Price > 0) { ?>
<?php /** * @package Bookingforconnector * @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2016 Ipertrade * @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $counterResources = 1; $condominium = $this->item; $merchant = $condominium->Merchant; $condominiumName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($condominium->Name, $this->language); ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-t"> <?php if ($this->items != null) { ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resources"> <?php foreach ($this->items as $resource) { ?> <?php // assign the current resource to a property so it will be available inside template 'resource' if ($counterResources < COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_MAXRESOURCESAJAXMERCHANT) { $counterResources += 1; $this->item->currentResource = $resource; echo $this->loadTemplate('resource'); } else { echo JHTML::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_bookingforconnector&layout=resources&view=condominium&resourceId=' . $condominium->CondominiumId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($condominiumName)), JTEXT::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_MERCHANTS_VIEW_MERCHANTDETAILS_RESOURCE_ALL')); break;
$masterTypeId = $pars['masterTypeId']?: ''; $zoneId = $pars['zoneId']?: 0; $resourceName = $pars['resourceName'] ?: ''; $refid = $pars['refid']?: ''; $onlystay = $pars['onlystay']?: 'true'; $pricerange = $pars['pricerange']?: '0'; */ //if ($pars['checkout'] == null) // $checkout->modify($checkoutspan); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $language = $document->getLanguage(); $merchantCategories = BFCHelper::getMasterTypologies(); $types = array(); $types[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '', '---'); foreach ($merchantCategories as $mc) { $types[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $mc->MasterTypologyId, BFCHelper::getLanguage($mc->Name, $language)); } $persons = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('1')), JHTML::_('select.option', '2', JText::_('2')), JHTML::_('select.option', '3', JText::_('3')), JHTML::_('select.option', '4', JText::_('4')), JHTML::_('select.option', '5', JText::_('5')), JHTML::_('select.option', '6', JText::_('6')), JHTML::_('select.option', '7', JText::_('7')), JHTML::_('select.option', '8', JText::_('8')), JHTML::_('select.option', '9', JText::_('9')), JHTML::_('select.option', '10', JText::_('10'))); $prices = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JTEXT::_('MOD_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_SEARCH_ALL')), JHTML::_('select.option', '1|199', '< 200 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '200|399', '200 - 399 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '400|599', '400 - 599 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '600|799', '600 - 799 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '800|999', '800 - 999 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '1000|1499', '1000 - 1499 €'), JHTML::_('select.option', '1500|0', '> 1500 €')); //$zones = array( // JHTML::_('select.option', '0', 'Bibione' ), // JHTML::_('select.option', '1', 'Bibione Spiaggia' ), // JHTML::_('select.option', '2', 'Bibione Pineda' ), // JHTML::_('select.option', '3', 'Bibione Lido del Sole' ), // JHTML::_('select.option', '4', 'Bibione Lido dei Pini' ), // JHTML::_('select.option', '5', 'Bevazzana' ) // ); $locationZones = BFCHelper::getLocationZones(); $zones = array(); $zones[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, JTEXT::_('MOD_BOOKINGFORSEARCH_ALL')); if (!empty($locationZones)) {
echo $merchant->Rating; ?> </span> </span> </h3> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div > <?php $merchantgroups = BFCHelper::getMerchantGroups(); $merchantGroupIdList = explode(",", $merchant->MerchantGroupIdList); $html = ""; if (isset($merchantgroups)) { $html .= '<span class="bfcmerchantgroup">'; foreach ($merchantgroups as $merchantgroup) { if (!empty($merchantgroup->ImageUrl) && in_array($merchantgroup->MerchantGroupId, $merchantGroupIdList)) { $name = BFCHelper::getLanguage($merchantgroup->Name, $language); $imageurl = BFCHelper::getImageUrlResized('merchantgroup', $merchantgroup->ImageUrl, 'merchant_merchantgroup'); $imageurlError = BFCHelper::getImageUrl('merchantgroup', $merchantgroup->ImageUrl, 'merchant_merchantgroup'); $image = '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" alt="' . $name . '" title="' . $name . '" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src=\'' . $imageurlError . ' \'" />'; $html .= $image; } } $html .= '</span>'; } echo $html; ?> </div> <table class="mod_bookingforconnector-resource-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="mod_bookingforconnector-resource-table-label noborder"><?php echo 'Address';
<?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (count($priceTypes) > 0) { ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-pricetypes"> <?php $pts = array(); foreach ($priceTypes as $pt) { $pts[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $pt->Type, BFCHelper::getLanguage($pt->Name, $this->language)); } ?> <?php echo JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $pts, 'pricetype', array('onchange' => 'changePriceType(jQuery,this);'), 'value', 'text', $selPriceType); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <strong><?php echo JText::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_RESOURCE_VIEW_CALCULATOR_NORESULT'); ?> </strong> <?php if ($stayAvailability < 1) {
} if (isset($merchant->DistanceFromCenter)) { $distanceFromCenter = $merchant->DistanceFromCenter; } } $maxCapacityPaxes = $resource->MaxCapacityPaxes; $minCapacityPaxes = $resource->MinCapacityPaxes; $this->document->setTitle($resourceName . ' - ' . $merchant->Name); $this->document->setDescription(BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $this->language)); $merchantRules = ""; if (isset($merchant->Rules)) { $merchantRules = BFCHelper::getLanguage($merchant->Rules, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); } $resourceRules = ""; if (isset($resource->Rules)) { $resourceRules = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Rules, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); } ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_resource com_bookingforconnector_resource-mt<?php echo $merchant->MerchantTypeId; ?> "> <h2 class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-name"><?php echo $resourceName; ?> <span class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-rating com_bookingforconnector_resource-rating<?php echo $merchant->Rating; ?> "> </span>
echo JText::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_RESOURCE_VIEW_CALCULATOR_RESOURCES'); ?> :</div> <div class="bf-summary-body-resourcename"> <?php echo $resourceName; ?> <?php if ($selPriceTypeObj != null && $isBase != "True") { ?> <br/> <?php echo JText::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_RESOURCE_VIEW_CALCULATOR_TREATMENT'); ?> : <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($selPriceTypeObj->Name, $this->language); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (!empty($calPricesResources)) { ?> <div class="bf-summary-body-resourceprice"> <?php $totalPriceResource = 0; //prezzo della risorsa + persone $totalPriceDiscountedResource = 0; //prezzo della risorsa + persone foreach ($calPricesResources as $calPrice) {
<div id="showallresource<?php echo $condominium->CondominiumId; ?> " style="display:none;" class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_COL; ?> 12"> <?php } ?> <div class="com_bookingforconnector-search-resource-details com_bookingforconnector-item-secondary <?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> " style="padding-top: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;"> <?php $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->ResName, $this->language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $currUriresource = $uriresource . '&resourceId=' . $resource->ResourceId . ':' . BFCHelper::getSlug($resourceName); if ($itemIdresource != 0) { $currUriresource .= '&Itemid=' . $itemIdresource; } $resourceRoute = JRoute::_($currUriresource); $bookingType = $resource->BookingType; $IsBookable = $resource->IsBookable; $btnText = JText::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_MERCHANTS_VIEW_MERCHANTDETAILS_RESOURCE_BUTTON'); $btnClass = ""; if ($IsBookable) { $btnText = JText::_('COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_MERCHANTS_VIEW_MERCHANTDETAILS_RESOURCE_BUTTON_HTTPS'); $btnClass = "com_bookingforconnector-bookable"; } $classofferdisplay = ""; if ($resource->Price < $resource->TotalPrice || $resource->IsOffer) {
function search_availability() { bfi_get_locale(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { unset($_SESSION['search.filterparams']); setSessionFromSubmittedData(); $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $num_per_page = 20; $start = ($page - 1) * $num_per_page; $searchmodel = new BookingForConnectorModelSearch(); $items = $searchmodel->getItems(false, false, $start); $items = is_array($items) ? $items : array(); $total = 0; if (!empty($_SESSION['search.results']) && !empty($_SESSION['search.results']['totalresultcount'])) { $total = $_SESSION['search.results']['totalresultcount']; } $pages = ceil($total / $num_per_page); $output = ''; $output = $output . '<div id="bfcmerchantlist"><div id="searchitems" rel="' . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($items)) . '"></div> <div class="resourcetabmenu"> <a class="resources" rel="resources"><i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i> ' . __('List', 'bfi') . '</a><a id="maptab" class="mappa" rel="mappa"> ' . __('Map', 'bfi') . '</a> </div> <div class="resourcetabcontainer"> <div id="resources" class="tabcontent"> <div class="com_bookingforconnector-merchantlist">'; echo $output; $merchant_ids = ''; if ($_SESSION['search.params']['merchantResults']) { $resource_ids = array(); if (is_array($items)) { $merchant_ids = array(); foreach ($items as $merchant) { $merchant_ids[] = $merchant->MerchantId; } $merchant_ids = implode(',', $merchant_ids); } echo '<div id="idsforajax" rel="' . $merchant_ids . '"></div>'; include 'templates/search-listing.php'; } else { $resource_ids = array(); foreach ($items as $resource) { $resource_ids[] = $resource->ResourceId; } $resource_ids = implode(',', $resource_ids); echo '<div id="idsforajax" rel="' . $resource_ids . '"></div>'; include 'templates/search-listing-resources.php'; } $output = ''; $output = $output . '</div> </div> <div id="mappa" class="tabcontent"> <div id="map_canvassearch" class="searchmap" style="width:100%; min-height:400px"></div> </div>'; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pagination_args = array('base' => $url . '%_%', 'format' => '&page=%#%', 'total' => $pages, 'current' => $page, 'show_all' => false, 'end_size' => 5, 'mid_size' => 2, 'prev_next' => true, 'prev_text' => __('«'), 'next_text' => __('»'), 'type' => 'plain', 'add_args' => false, 'add_fragment' => ''); $paginate_links = paginate_links($pagination_args); if ($paginate_links) { echo "<nav class='custom-pagination'>"; // echo "<span class='page-numbers page-num'>Page " . $page . " of " . $numpages . "</span> "; echo "<span class='page-numbers page-num'>" . __('Page', 'bfi') . " </span> "; print $paginate_links; echo "</nav>"; } $output = $output . "</div></div>"; echo $output; } else { $task = $_REQUEST['task']; if ($task == 'GetMerchantsByIds') { $lists = $_REQUEST['merchantsId']; $merchants = BFCHelper::getMerchantsByIds($lists, $GLOBALS['bfi_lang']); die($merchants); } else { if ($task == 'getMerchantGroups') { $merchantgroups = BFCHelper::getMerchantGroups(); wp_send_json($merchantgroups); } else { if ($task == 'GetPhoneByMerchantId') { $merchantId = $_REQUEST['merchantid']; $language = $GLOBALS['bfi_lang']; $phno = BFCHelper::GetPhoneByMerchantId($merchantId, $language); wp_send_json($phno); } else { if ($task == 'GetResourcesByIds') { $lists = $_REQUEST['resourcesId']; $language = $GLOBALS['bfi_lang']; $resources = BFCHelper::GetResourcesByIds($lists, $language); @header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); echo $resources; die; } else { if ($task == 'getmarketinfo') { $base_url = get_site_url(); $merchant_id = $_REQUEST['merchantId']; $model = new BookingForConnectorModelMerchantDetails(); $merchant = $model->getItem($merchant_id); $output = '<div class="com_bookingforconnector_map_merchantdetails" style="display:block;height:150px;overflow:auto; width: 300px;"> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-t257"> <h3 style="margin:0;" class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-name"><a class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-nameAnchor" href="' . $base_url . '/merchant-details/merchantdetails/' . $merchant->MerchantId . '-' . seoUrl($merchant->Name) . '">' . $merchant->Name . '</a> <br/><span class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-rating com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-rating' . $merchant->Rating . '"> <span class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-ratingText">Rating ' . $merchant->Rating . '</span> </span> </h3> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-contacts" style="display:none;"> <h3>' . __('Facility contacts data', 'bfi') . '</h3> <div>' . __('Phone', 'bfi') . ': <br/> <!-- Fax: --> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; die($output); } else { if ($task == 'getmarketinforesource') { $base_url = get_site_url(); $resource_id = $_REQUEST['resourceId']; $model = new BookingForConnectorModelResource(); $resource = $model->getItem($resource_id); $merchant = $resource->Merchant; $output = '<div class="com_bookingforconnector_map_merchantdetails" style="display:block;height:150px;overflow:auto; width: 300px;"> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-t257"> <h3 style="margin:0;" class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-name"><a class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-nameAnchor" href="' . $base_url . '/accommodation-details/resource/' . $resource->ResourceId . '-' . seoUrl($resource->Name) . '">' . $resource->Name . '</a> <br/><span class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-rating com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-rating' . $merchant->Rating . '"> <span class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-ratingText">Rating ' . $merchant->Rating . '</span> </span> </h3> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-contacts" style="display:none;"> <h3>' . __('Facility contacts data', 'bfi') . '</h3> <div>' . __('Phone', 'bfi') . ': <br/> Fax: </div> </div> </div> </div>'; die($output); } else { if ($task == 'getmarketinforesourceonsell') { $base_url = get_site_url(); $resource_id = $_REQUEST['resourceId']; $model = new BookingForConnectorModelOnSellUnit(); $resource = $model->getItem($resource_id); $merchant = $resource->Merchant; $resource->Price = $resource->MinPrice; $resourceName = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $resourceDescription = BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); $zone = $resource->LocationZone; $location = $resource->LocationName; $contractType = $resource->ContractType ? 'contacttype1' : 'contacttype'; // $img = "/images/default.png"; // $imgError = "/images/default.png"; $img = plugins_url("images/default.png", dirname(__FILE__)); $imgError = plugins_url("images/default.png", dirname(__FILE__)); $route = '/merchant-details/sale/' . $resource_id . '-' . seoUrl($resource->Name); if ($resource->ImageUrl != '') { $img = BFCHelper::getImageUrlResized('onsellunits', $resource->ImageUrl, 'onsellunit_map_default'); $imgError = BFCHelper::getImageUrl('onsellunits', $resource->ImageUrl, 'onsellunit_map_default'); } elseif ($merchant->LogoUrl != '') { $img = BFCHelper::getImageUrlResized('merchant', $merchant->LogoUrl, 'onsellunit_map_default'); $imgError = BFCHelper::getImageUrl('merchant', $merchant->LogoUrl, 'onsellunit_map_default'); } ob_start(); include 'templates/onsellmapmarker.php'; $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); die($output); } } } } } } } } }
print "</tr>\n<tr>"; } $i++; } print "</tr>\n"; } ?> </table> <div class="com_bookingforconnector_resource-description"> <h4 class="underlineborder"><?php echo 'Description'; ?> </h4> <?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Description, $language, null, array('ln2br' => 'ln2br', 'striptags' => 'striptags')); ?> </div> <?php if (isset($resource->CanCollaborate) && $resource->CanCollaborate) { ?> <div class="pull-right cancollaborate"><?php _e('It is possible the cooperation between agencies', 'bfi'); ?> </div> <br /> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> <?php
<div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource<?php echo $counter % 2; ?> "> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_COL; ?> 7 borderright"> <h4 class="com_bookingforconnector_search-merchant-resource-name"><a href="<?php echo $resourceRoute; ?> "><?php echo BFCHelper::getLanguage($resource->Name, $language); ?> </a></h4> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_ROW; ?> "> <div class="<?php echo COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_BOOTSTRAP_COL; ?> 4 com_bookingforconnector_merchantdetails-resource-paxes"> <?php if ($resource->MinCapacityPaxes == $resource->MaxCapacityPaxes) { ?> <?php echo $resource->MaxCapacityPaxes;