public function do_execute()
     if (file_exists(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'installed')) {
         $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie seems to already be installed.\n", 'red', 'bold');
         $this->cliEcho('Please remove the file ');
         $this->cliEcho(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'installed', 'white', 'bold');
         $this->cliEcho(' and try again.');
     $this->cliEcho("\nWelcome to the \"The Bug Genie\" installation wizard!\n", 'white', 'bold');
     $this->cliEcho("This wizard will take you through the installation of The Bug Genie.\nRemember that you can also install The Bug Genie from your web-browser.\n");
     $this->cliEcho("Simply point your web-browser to the The Bug Genie subdirectory on your web server,\nand the installation will start.\n\n");
     $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue with the installation: ");
     $this->cliEcho("How to support future development\n", 'green', 'bold');
     $this->cliEcho("Even though this software has been provided to you free of charge,\ndeveloping it would not have been possible without support from our users.\n");
     $this->cliEcho("By making a donation, or buying a support contract you can help us continue development.\n\n");
     $this->cliEcho("If this software is valuable to you - please consider supporting it.\n\n");
     $this->cliEcho("More information about supporting The Bug Genie's development can be found here:\n");
     $this->cliEcho("\n\n", 'blue', 'underline');
     $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue: ");
     try {
         $this->cliEcho("License information\n", 'green', 'bold');
         $this->cliEcho("This software is Open Source Initiative approved Open Source Software.\nOpen Source Initiative Approved is a trademark of the Open Source Initiative.\n\n");
         $this->cliEcho("True to the the Open Source Definition, The Bug Genie is released\nunder the MPL 1.1 only. You can read the full license here:\n");
         $this->cliEcho("\n\n", 'blue', 'underline');
         if ($this->getProvidedArgument('accept_license') != 'yes') {
             $this->cliEcho("Before you can continue the installation, you need to confirm that you \nagree to be bound by the terms in this license.\n\n");
             $this->cliEcho("Do you agree to be bound by the terms in the MPL 1.1 license?\n(type \"yes\" to agree, anything else aborts the installation): ");
             if (!$this->askToAccept()) {
                 throw new Exception($this->cliEcho('You need to accept the license to continue', 'red', 'bold'));
         } else {
             $this->cliEcho('You have accepted the license', 'yellow', 'bold');
         $not_well = array();
         if (!is_writable('core/B2DB/')) {
             $not_well[] = 'b2db_perm';
         if (!is_writable(THEBUGGENIE_PATH)) {
             $not_well[] = 'root';
         if (count($not_well) > 0) {
             foreach ($not_well as $afail) {
                 switch ($afail) {
                     case 'b2db_perm':
                         $this->cliEcho("Could not write to the B2DB directory\n", 'red', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho('The folder ');
                         $this->cliEcho('include/B2DB', 'white', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho(' folder needs to be writable');
                     case 'root':
                         $this->cliEcho("Could not write to the main directory\n", 'red', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho('The top level folder must be writable during installation');
             throw new Exception("\n\nYou need to correct the above errors before the installation can continue.");
         } else {
             $this->cliEcho("Step 1 - database information\n");
             if (file_exists('core/')) {
                 $this->cliEcho("You seem to already have completed this step successfully.\n");
                 if ($this->getProvidedArgument('use_existing_db_info') == 'yes') {
                     $this->cliEcho("Using existing database information\n", 'yellow', 'bold');
                     $use_existing_db_info = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->cliEcho("Do you want to use the stored settings?\n", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("\nType \"no\" to enter new settings, press ENTER to use existing: ", 'white', 'bold');
                     $use_existing_db_info = $this->askToDecline();
             } else {
                 $use_existing_db_info = false;
             if (!$use_existing_db_info) {
                 $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie uses a database to store information. To be able to connect\nto your database, The Bug Genie needs some information, such as\ndatabase type, username, password, etc.\n\n");
                 $this->cliEcho("Please select what kind of database you are installing The Bug Genie on:\n");
                 $db_types = array();
                 foreach (B2DB::getDBtypes() as $db_type => $db_desc) {
                     $db_types[] = $db_type;
                     $this->cliEcho(count($db_types) . ': ' . $db_desc . "\n", 'white', 'bold');
                 do {
                     $this->cliEcho('Enter the corresponding number for the database (1-' . count($db_types) . '): ');
                     $db_selection = $this->getInput();
                     if (!isset($db_types[(int) $db_selection - 1])) {
                         throw new Exception($db_selection . ' is not a valid database type selection');
                     $db_type = $db_types[(int) $db_selection - 1];
                     $this->cliEcho("Selected database type: ");
                     $this->cliEcho($db_type . "\n\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Please enter the database hostname: \n");
                     $this->cliEcho('Database hostname [localhost]: ', 'white', 'bold');
                     $db_hostname = $this->getInput();
                     $db_hostname = $db_hostname == '' ? 'localhost' : $db_hostname;
                     $this->cliEcho("\nPlease enter the username The Bug Genie will use to connect to the database: \n");
                     $this->cliEcho('Database username: '******'white', 'bold');
                     $db_username = $this->getInput();
                     $this->cliEcho("Database password (press ENTER if blank): ", 'white', 'bold');
                     $db_password = $this->getInput();
                     $this->cliEcho("\nPlease enter the database The Bug Genie will use.\nIf it does not exist, The Bug Genie will create it for you.\n(the default database name is ");
                     $this->cliEcho("thebuggenie_db", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho(" - press ENTER to use that):\n");
                     $this->cliEcho('Database name: ', 'white', 'bold');
                     $db_name = $this->getInput('thebuggenie_db');
                     $this->cliEcho("The following settings will be used:\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Database type: \t\t", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho($db_type . "\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Database hostname: \t", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho($db_hostname . "\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Database username: \t", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho($db_username . "\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Database password: \t", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho($db_password . "\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("Database name: \t\t", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho($db_name . "\n");
                     $this->cliEcho("\nIf these settings are ok, press ENTER, or anything else to retry: ");
                     $e_ok = $this->askToDecline();
                 } while (!$e_ok);
                 try {
                     $engine_path = B2DB::getEngineClassPath();
                     if ($engine_path !== null) {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Cannot initialize the B2DB engine");
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw new Exception("Could not connect to the database:\n" . $e->getMessage());
                 $this->cliEcho("\nSuccessfully connected to the database.\n", 'green');
                 $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue ... ");
                 $this->cliEcho("Saving database connection information ... ", 'white', 'bold');
                 B2DB::saveConnectionParameters(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '');
                 $this->cliEcho("Successfully saved database connection information.\n", 'green');
             } else {
                 B2DB::initialize(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '');
                 $this->cliEcho("Successfully connected to the database.\n", 'green');
                 if ($this->getProvidedArgument('use_existing_db_info') != 'yes') {
                     $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue ... ");
             $this->cliEcho("\nThe Bug Genie needs some server settings to function properly...\n\n");
             do {
                 $this->cliEcho("URL rewriting\n", 'cyan', 'bold');
                 $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie uses a technique called \"url rewriting\" - which allows for pretty\nURLs such as ") . $this->cliEcho('/issue/1', 'white', 'bold') . $this->cliEcho(' instead of ') . $this->cliEcho("viewissue.php?issue_id=1\n", 'white', 'bold');
                 $this->cliEcho("Make sure you have read the URL_REWRITE document located in the root\nfolder, or at before you continue\n");
                 if (!$this->hasProvidedArgument('url_subdir')) {
                     $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue ... ");
                 $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie subdir\n", 'white', 'bold');
                 $this->cliEcho("This is the sub-path of the Web server where The Bug Genie will be located.\n");
                 if ($this->hasProvidedArgument('url_subdir')) {
                     $this->cliEcho('The Bug Genie subdir: ', 'white', 'bold');
                     $url_subdir = $this->getProvidedArgument('url_subdir');
                     $this->cliEcho($url_subdir, 'yellow', 'bold');
                 } else {
                     $this->cliEcho('Start and end this with a forward slash', 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho(". (ex: \"/thebuggenie/\")\nIf The Bug Genie is running at the root directory, just type \"/\" (without the quotes)\n\n");
                     $this->cliEcho('The Bug Genie subdir: ', 'white', 'bold');
                     $url_subdir = $this->getInput();
                 $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie will now be accessible at\n");
                 $this->cliEcho("" . $url_subdir, 'white', 'bold');
                 if ($this->hasProvidedArgument('url_subdir')) {
                     $this->cliEcho("Using existing values", 'yellow', 'bold');
                     $e_ok = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->cliEcho("\nPress ENTER if ok, or \"no\" to try again: ");
                     $e_ok = $this->askToDecline();
             } while (!$e_ok);
             if ($this->getProvidedArgument('setup_htaccess') != 'yes') {
                 $this->cliEcho("Setup can autoconfigure your .htaccess file (located in the thebuggenie/ subfolder), so you don't have to.\n");
                 $this->cliEcho('Would you like setup to auto-generate the .htaccess file for you?');
                 $this->cliEcho("\nPress ENTER if ok, or \"no\" to not set up the .htaccess file: ");
                 $htaccess_ok = $this->askToDecline();
             } else {
                 $this->cliEcho('Autoconfiguring .htaccess', 'yellow', 'bold');
                 $htaccess_ok = true;
             if ($htaccess_ok) {
                 if (!is_writable(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'thebuggenie/') || file_exists(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'thebuggenie/.htaccess') && !is_writable(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'thebuggenie/.htaccess')) {
                     $this->cliEcho("Permission denied when trying to save the [main folder]/thebuggenie/.htaccess\n", 'red', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("You will have to set up the .htaccess file yourself. See the README file for more information.\n", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho('Please note: ', 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie will not function properly until the .htaccess file is properly set up!\n");
                 } else {
                     $content = str_replace('###PUT URL SUBDIRECTORY HERE###', $url_subdir, file_get_contents(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'templates/htaccess.template'));
                     file_put_contents(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'thebuggenie/.htaccess', $content);
                     if (file_get_contents(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'thebuggenie/.htaccess') != $content) {
                         $this->cliEcho("Permission denied when trying to save the [main folder]/thebuggenie/.htaccess\n", 'red', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho("You will have to set up the .htaccess file yourself. See the README file for more information.\n", 'white', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho('Please note: ', 'white', 'bold');
                         $this->cliEcho("The Bug Genie will not function properly until the .htaccess file is properly set up!\n");
                     } else {
                         $this->cliEcho("The .htaccess file was successfully set up...\n", 'green', 'bold');
             } else {
                 $this->cliEcho("Skipping .htaccess auto-setup.");
             if ($this->getProvidedArgument('setup_htaccess') != 'yes') {
                 $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue ... ");
             $enable_modules = array();
             if ($this->getProvidedArgument('enable_all_modules') != 'yes') {
                 $this->cliEcho("You will now get a list of available modules.\nTo enable the module after installation, just press ENTER.\nIf you don't want to enable the module, type \"no\".\nRemember that all these modules can be disabled/uninstalled after installation.\n\n");
             $this->cliEcho("Enable incoming and outgoing email? ", 'white', 'bold') . $this->cliEcho('(yes): ');
             $enable_modules['mailing'] = $this->getProvidedArgument('enable_all_modules') == 'yes' ? true : $this->askToDecline();
             if ($this->getProvidedArgument('enable_all_modules') == 'yes') {
                 $this->cliEcho("Yes\n", 'yellow', 'bold');
             $this->cliEcho("Enable communication with version control systems (i.e. svn)? ", 'white', 'bold') . $this->cliEcho('(yes): ');
             $enable_modules['vcs_integration'] = $this->getProvidedArgument('enable_all_modules') == 'yes' ? true : $this->askToDecline();
             if ($this->getProvidedArgument('enable_all_modules') == 'yes') {
                 $this->cliEcho("Yes\n", 'yellow', 'bold');
             $enable_modules['publish'] = true;
             $this->cliEcho("Creating tables ...\n", 'white', 'bold');
             $tables_path_handle = opendir($tables_path);
             $tables_created = array();
             while ($table_class_file = readdir($tables_path_handle)) {
                 if (($tablename = substr($table_class_file, 0, strpos($table_class_file, '.'))) != '') {
                     $this->cliEcho("Creating table {$tablename}\n", 'white', 'bold');
             $this->cliEcho("All tables successfully created...\n\n", 'green', 'bold');
             $this->cliEcho("Setting up initial scope... \n", 'white', 'bold');
             $scope = new TBGScope();
             $scope->setName('The default scope');
             TBGSettings::saveSetting('language', 'en_US');
             $this->cliEcho("Initial scope setup successfully... \n\n", 'green', 'bold');
             $this->cliEcho("Setting up modules... \n", 'white', 'bold');
             try {
                 foreach ($enable_modules as $module => $install) {
                     if ((bool) $install && file_exists(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . $module . DS . 'module')) {
                         $this->cliEcho("Installing {$module}... \n");
                         $this->cliEcho("Module {$module} installed successfully...\n", 'green');
                 $this->cliEcho("All modules installed successfully...\n", 'green', 'bold');
                 $this->cliEcho("Finishing installation... \n", 'white', 'bold');
                 if (!is_writable(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'installed')) {
                     $this->cliEcho("Could not create the 'installed' file.\n", 'red', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("Please create the file ");
                     $this->cliEcho(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . "installed\n", 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("with the following line inside:\n");
                     $this->cliEcho('3.0, installed ' . date('d.m.Y H:i'), 'blue', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("This can be done by running the following command when installation has finished:\n");
                     $this->cliEcho('echo "3.0, installed ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . '" > ' . THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'installed', 'white', 'bold');
                     $this->cliEcho("Press ENTER to continue ... ");
                 } else {
                     file_put_contents(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'installed', '3.0, installed ' . date('d.m.Y H:i'));
                 $this->cliEcho("The installation was completed successfully!\n", 'green', 'bold');
                 $this->cliEcho("\nTo use The Bug Genie, access" . $url_subdir . "index.php with a web-browser.\n");
                 $this->cliEcho("The default username is ") . $this->cliEcho('Administrator') . $this->cliEcho(' and the password is ') . $this->cliEcho('admin');
                 $this->cliEcho("\n\nFor support, please visit ") . $this->cliEcho('', 'blue', 'underline');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not install the {$module} module:\n" . $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->cliEcho("\n\nThe installation was interrupted\n", 'red');
         $this->cliEcho($e->getMessage() . "\n");
예제 #2
  * Runs the action for the third step of the installation
  * where it tests the connection, sets up the database and the initial scope
  * @param TBGRequest $request The request object
  * @return null
 public function runInstallStep3(TBGRequest $request)
     $this->selected_connection_detail = $request->getParameter('connection_type');
     try {
         if ($this->username = $request->getParameter('db_username')) {
             if ($this->password = $request->getRawParameter('db_password')) {
             if ($this->selected_connection_detail == 'dsn') {
                 if (($this->dsn = $request->getParameter('db_dsn')) != '') {
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('You must provide a valid DSN');
             } else {
                 if ($this->db_type = $request->getParameter('db_type')) {
                     if ($this->db_hostname = $request->getParameter('db_hostname')) {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception('You must provide a database hostname');
                     if ($this->db_port = $request->getParameter('db_port')) {
                     if ($this->db_databasename = $request->getParameter('db_name')) {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception('You must provide a database to use');
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('You must provide a database type');
             B2DB::initialize(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '');
             $engine_path = B2DB::getEngineClassPath();
             if ($engine_path !== null) {
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot initialize the B2DB engine");
             if (B2DB::getDBname() == '') {
                 throw new Exception('You must provide a database to use');
             B2DB::saveConnectionParameters(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '');
         } else {
             throw new Exception('You must provide a database username');
         // Add table classes to classpath
         $tables_path = THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'classes' . DS . 'B2DB' . DS;
         $tables_path_handle = opendir($tables_path);
         $tables_created = array();
         while ($table_class_file = readdir($tables_path_handle)) {
             if (($tablename = substr($table_class_file, 0, strpos($table_class_file, '.'))) != '') {
                 $tables_created[] = $tablename;
         $this->tables_created = $tables_created;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //throw $e;
         $this->error = $e->getMessage();
예제 #3
    TBGLogging::log('Loading B2DB');
    try {
        TBGLogging::log('Adding B2DB classes to autoload path');
        define('B2DB_CACHEPATH', THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'cache' . DS . 'B2DB' . DS);
        TBGContext::addClasspath(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'B2DB' . DS . 'classes' . DS);
        TBGLogging::log('...done (Adding B2DB classes to autoload path)');
        TBGLogging::log('Initializing B2DB');
        if (!isset($argc)) {
        B2DB::initialize(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '');
        TBGLogging::log('...done (Initializing B2DB)');
        if (B2DB::isInitialized()) {
            TBGLogging::log('Database connection details found, connecting');
            TBGLogging::log('...done (Database connection details found, connecting)');
            TBGLogging::log('Adding core table classpath to autoload path');
            TBGContext::addClasspath(THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'classes' . DS . 'B2DB' . DS);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        tbg_exception('Could not load and initiate the B2DB subsystem', $e);
    TBGLogging::log('Initializing context');
    //require THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . '';
    require THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'geshi/geshi.php';
    TBGLogging::log('Caspar framework loaded');
} catch (Exception $e) {