<?php require_once PLUGINS . 'autoreader/autoreader.php'; $arObj = new Autoreader($h); $arObj->getSettings($h); $action = $h->cage->post->testAlnumLines('action'); switch ($action) { case "save": $autoreader_settings = $arObj->getOptionSettings($h); echo json_encode($autoreader_settings); exit; case "flush": $hook = "autoreader_runcron"; $cron_data = array('hook' => $hook); $h->pluginHook('cron_flush_hook', 'cron', $cron_data); exit; default: $autoreader_settings = $arObj->getOptionSettings($h); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Options</h2> <?php if (isset($updated)) { ?> <div id="added-warning" class="updated"><p><?php echo 'Options saved.'; ?>
function action_add($h, $arObj, $data = null, $action = 'add') { $arObj = new Autoreader($h); $autoreader_settings = $arObj->getOptionSettings($h); ?> <form id="edit_campaign" action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <?php if ($action == 'edit') { $id = $data['main']['id']; echo input_hidden_tag('campaign_edit', $id); } else { echo input_hidden_tag('campaign_add', 1); $data = $arObj->campaign_structure; } ?> <ul id="edit_buttons" class="submit"> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) { ?> <li><a href="help.php?item=campaigns" class="help_link">Help</a></li> <?php } ?> <li><input type="submit" name="edit_submit" value="Save" id="edit_submit" /></li> </ul> <div id="error_message"></div> <div id="admin_plugin_tabs"> <ul class="tabs"> <li class="current"><a href="#section_basic" id="tab_basic">Basic</a></li> <li><a href="#section_feeds" id="tab_feeds">Feeds</a></li> <li><a href="#section_categories" id="tab_categories">Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#section_rewrite" id="tab_rewrite">Rewrite</a></li> <li><a href="#section_options" id="tab_options">Options</a></li> <?php if ($action == 'edit') { ?> <li><a href="#section_tools" id="tab_tools">Tools</a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="edit_sections"> <!-- Basic section --> <div class="section current" id="section_basic"> <div class="longtext required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_title', 'Title'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_title', _data_value($data['main'], 'title')); ?> <p class="note">Tip: pick a name that describes the collection of this campaign's feeds (eg: Basketball)</p> </div> <div class="checkbox required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_active', 'Active?'); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_active', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'active', true)); ?> <p class="note">If inactive, the parser will ignore these feeds</p> </div> <div class="text"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_slug', 'Campaign slug'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_slug', _data_value($data['main'], 'slug')); ?> <p class="note">Optionally, you can set an identifier for this campaign. Useful for detailed track of your ad-revenue.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Feeds section --> <div class="section" id="section_feeds"> <p>Please fill in at least one feed. If you are not sure about the exact feed url, just type in the domain name, and the feed will be autodetected</p> <div id="edit_feed"> <?php if (isset($data['feeds']['edit'])) { ?> <?php foreach ($data['feeds']['edit'] as $id => $feed) { ?> <div class="inlinetext required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_feed_edit_' . $id, 'Feed URL'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_feed[edit][' . $id . ']', $feed, 'disabled=disabled class=input_text id=campaign_feed_edit_' . $id); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_feed[delete][' . $id . ']', 1, isset($data['feeds']['delete']) && _data_value($data['feeds']['delete'], $id), 'id=campaign_feed_delete_' . $id); ?> <label for="campaign_feed_delete_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="delete_label">Delete ?</label> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($data['feeds']['new'])) { ?> <?php foreach ($data['feeds']['new'] as $i => $feed) { ?> <div class="inlinetext required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_feed_new_' . $i, 'Feed URL'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_feed[new][' . $i . ']', $feed, 'class=input_text id=campaign_feed_new_' . $i); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { ?> <div class="inlinetext required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_feed_new_' . $i, 'Feed URL'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_feed[new][]', null, 'class=input_text id=campaign_feed_new_' . $i); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <a href="#add_feed" id="add_feed">Add more</a> | <a href="#" id="test_feeds">Check all</a> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- Categories section --> <div class="section" id="section_categories"> <p>These are the categories where the posts will be created once they are fetched from the feeds.</p> <p>Please select one.</p> <ul id="categories"> <?php $arObj->adminEditCategories($h, $data); ?> <?php if (isset($data['categories']['new'])) { ?> <?php foreach ($data['categories']['new'] as $i => $catname) { ?> <li> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_newcat[]', 1, true, 'id=campaign_newcat_' . $i); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_newcatname[]', $catname, 'class=input_text id=campaign_newcatname_' . $i); ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <a href="#quick_add" id="quick_add">Quick add</a> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- Rewrite section --> <div class="section" id="section_rewrite"> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) { ?> <p>Want to transform a word into another? Or link a specific word to some website? <?php // echo '<a href=' . $arObj->helpurl . '" class="help_link">Read more</a>' ?> </p> <ul id="edit_words"> <?php if (isset($data['rewrites']) && count($data['rewrites'])) { ?> <?php foreach ($data['rewrites'] as $i => $rewrite) { ?> <li class="word"> <div class="origin textarea"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_word_origin_' . $i, 'Origin'); ?> <?php echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_origin[' . $i . ']', $rewrite['origin']['search'], 'id=campaign_word_origin_' . $rewrite->id); ?> <label class="regex"> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_regex[' . $i . ']', 1, $rewrite['origin']['regex']); ?> <span><?php _e('RegEx', 'wpomatic'); ?> </span> </label> </div> <div class="rewrite textarea"> <label> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_rewrite[' . $i . ']', 1, isset($rewrite['rewrite'])); ?> <span>Rewrite to:</span> </label> <?php echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_rewrite[' . $i . ']', _data_value($rewrite, 'rewrite')); ?> </div> <div class="relink textarea"> <label> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_relink[' . $i . ']', 1, isset($rewrite['relink'])); ?> <span>Relink to:</span> </label> <?php echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_relink[' . $i . ']', _data_value($rewrite, 'relink')); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <li class="word"> <div class="origin textarea"> <label for="campaign_word_origin_new1">Origin</label> <textarea name="campaign_word_origin[new1]" id="campaign_word_origin_new1"></textarea> <label class="regex"><input type="checkbox" name="campaign_word_option_regex[new1]" /> <span>RegEx</span></label> </div> <div class="rewrite textarea"> <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="campaign_word_option_rewrite[new1]" /> <span>Rewrite to:</span></label> <textarea name="campaign_word_rewrite[new1]"></textarea> </div> <div class="relink textarea"> <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="campaign_word_option_relink[new1]" /> <span>Relink to:</span></label> <textarea name="campaign_word_relink[new1]"></textarea> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <a href="#add_word" id="add_word">Add more</a> <?php } else { echo "This section is being worked on and will be added in a future release of this plugin."; } ?> </div> <!-- Options --> <div class="section" id="section_options"> <?php if (isset($campaign_edit)) { ?> <div class="section_warn"> <img src="<?php echo $arObj->tplpath; ?> /images/icon_alert.gif" alt="Warning" class="icon" /> <h3>Note</h3> <p>Changing these options only affects the creation of posts after the next time feeds are parsed.</p> <p>If you need to edit existing posts, you can do so by using the options under the Tools tab</p> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="checkbox"> <label for="campaign_templatechk">Custom post template</label> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_templatechk', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'template')); ?> <div id="post_template" class="textarea <?php if (_data_value($data['main'], 'template', '{content}') !== '{content}') { echo 'current'; } ?> "> <?php echo textarea_tag('campaign_template', _data_value($data['main'], 'template', '{content}')); ?> <a href="#" id="enlarge_link">Enlarge</a> <p class="note" id="tags_note"> 'Valid tags: </p> <p id="tags_list"> <span class="tag">{content}</span>, <span class="tag">{title}</span>, <span class="tag">{permalink}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedurl}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedtitle}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedlogo}</span>,<br /> <span class="tag">{campaigntitle}</span>, <span class="tag">{campaignid}</span>, <span class="tag">{campaignslug}</span> </p> </div> <p class="note">Read about <a href="<?php echo $arObj->helpurl; ?> " class="help_link">post templates</a>, or check some <a href="<?php echo $arObj->helpurl; ?> " class="help_link">examples</a> ?></p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="multipletext"> <?php $f = _data_value($data['main'], 'frequency'); if ($f) { $frequency = WPOTools::calcTime($f); } else { $frequency = array(); } ?> <label>Frequency</label> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_d', _data_value($frequency, 'days', 1), 'size=2 maxlength=3'); ?> d <?php echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_h', _data_value($frequency, 'hours', 5), 'size=2 maxlength=2'); ?> h <?php echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_m', _data_value($frequency, 'minutes', 0), 'size=2 maxlength=2'); ?> m <?php } ?> <?php echo select_tag('campaign_frequency_h', options_for_select(array('3600' => 'hourly', '43200' => 'twice daily', '86400' => 'daily', '302400' => 'weekly'), _data_value($data['main'], 'frequency', '1'))); ?> <p class="note">How often should this feed be checked? </p> </div> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_cacheimages', 'Cache images'); ?> <?php // need to install timthumb folder to get the following working ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_cacheimages', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'cacheimages', is_writable($autoreader_settings['wpo_cachepath']))); ?> <p class="note">Images will be stored in your server, instead of hotlinking from the original site. <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) { ?> <a href="helpurl image_caching" class="help_link">More</a><?php } ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_feeddate', 'Use feed date'); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_feeddate', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'feeddate', false)); ?> <p class="note">Use the original date from the post instead of the time the post is created by this plugin. </p> </div> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_dopingbacks', 'Perform pingbacks'); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_dopingbacks', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'dopingbacks', false)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="radio"> <label class="main">Type of post to create</label> <?php echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'new', !isset($data['main']['posttype']) || _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'new', 'id=type_new'); ?> <?php echo label_for('type_new', 'Published (New)'); ?> <?php echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'top', !isset($data['main']['posttype']) || _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'top', 'id=type_top'); ?> <?php echo label_for('type_top', 'Published (Top)'); ?> <?php echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'pending', _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'pending', 'id=type_pending'); ?> <?php echo label_for('type_pending', 'Pending'); ?> </div> <div class="text"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_author', 'Author:'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_author', _data_value($data['main'], 'author')); ?> <?php // echo select_tag('campaign_author', options_for_select($author_usernames, _data_value($data['main'], 'author', 'admin'))) ?> <p class="note">If blank, the created posts will be assigned to the current user.</p> </div> <div class="text required"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_max', 'Max items to create on each fetch'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_max', _data_value($data['main'], 'max', '10'), 'size=2 maxlength=3'); ?> <p class="note">Set it to 0 for unlimited. If set to a value, only the last X items will be selected, ignoring the older ones.</p> </div> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_linktosource', 'Post title links to source?'); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_linktosource', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'linktosource', false)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="radio"> <label class="main">Discussion options:</label> <?php echo select_tag('campaign_commentstatus', options_for_select(array('open' => 'Open', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'registered_only' => 'Registered only'), _data_value($data['main'], 'comment_status', 'open'))); ?> <?php echo checkbox_tag('campaign_allowpings', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'allowpings', true)); ?> <?php echo label_for('campaign_allowpings', 'Allow pings'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($action == 'edit') { ?> <!-- Tools --> <div class="section" id="section_tools"> <?php if (!$autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) { ?> <div class="buttons"> <h3>Posts action</h3> <p class="note">The selected action applies to all the posts created by this campaign</p> <ul> <li> <div class="text"> Check hotaru Cron to confirm running of this campaign. <a href="/admin_index.php?page=plugin_settings&plugin=cron">check now</a> </div> </li> <li> <label class="main">Delete posts for this campaign:</label> <div class="btn"> <input type="submit" name="tool_removeall" value="Remove all posts" id="tool_removeall"/> </div> </li> <li> <div class="radio"> <label class="main">Change status to:</label> <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="new" id="changetype_new" checked="checked" /> <label for="changetype_new">Published (New)</label> <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="top" id="changetype_top" checked="checked" /> <label for="changetype_top">Published (Top)</label> <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="pending" id="changetype_pending" /> <label for="changetype_pending">Pending</label> <input type="submit" name="tool_changetype" value="Change" id="tool_changetype" /> </div> </li> <li> <div class="text"> <?php echo label_for('campaign_tool_changeauthor', 'Change author username to:'); ?> <?php echo input_tag('campaign_tool_changeauthor', _data_value($data['main'], 'author')); ?> <input type="submit" name="tool_changeauthor" value="Change" id="tool_changeauthor" /> <p class="note">If blank, the created posts will be assigned to the current user.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- <div class="btn"> <label>Test all feeds</label> <input type="button" name="campaign_tool_testall_btn" value="Test" /> <p class="note">This option creates one draft from each feed you added.</p> </div> --> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </form> <?php }
<?php require_once PLUGINS . 'autoreader/autoreader.php'; $arObj = new Autoreader($h); $arObj->getSettings($h); $campaigns = $arObj->getCampaigns($h); $action = $h->cage->post->testAlnumLines('action'); switch ($action) { case "fetch": $fetched = $arObj->adminForcefetch($h); $array = array('fetched' => $fetched); echo json_encode($array); exit; case "delete": $result = $arObj->adminDelete($h); echo $result; exit; case "reset": $result = $arObj->adminReset($h); echo $result; exit; default: //print "default"; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Campaigns</h2> <table class="widefat"> <thead>
<?php require_once PLUGINS . 'autoreader/autoreader.php'; $arObj = new Autoreader($h); $arObj->getSettings($h); $logs = $arObj->getLogs($h); $autoreader_settings = $arObj->getOptionSettings($h); //$logging = get_option('wpo_log'); $logs = $arObj->getLogs($h, 'limit=7'); $nextcampaigns = $arObj->getCampaigns($h, 'fields=id,title,lastactive,frequency&limit=5' . '&where=active=1&orderby=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastactive)%2Bfrequency&ordertype=ASC'); $lastcampaigns = $arObj->getCampaigns($h, 'fields=id,title,lastactive,frequency&limit=5&where=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastactive)>0&orderby=lastactive'); $campaigns = $arObj->getCampaigns($h, 'fields=id,title,count&limit=5&orderby=count'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Dashboard</h2> <div id="sidebar"> <div id="sidebar_logging"> <?php if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->helpurl; ?> logging" class="help_link">Help</a><?php } ?> <h3>Latest log entries <?php