예제 #1
  * We can override a method to add, for example, authorisation
 public function update($id)
     if (Authority::cannot('update', 'product', $id)) {
         return Response::json(array('message' => 'You are not allowed to update this product'), 401);
예제 #2
Route::filter('csrf', function () {
    if (Session::token() != Input::get('_token')) {
        throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException();
| Resource-based Permissions
| Checks if the logged in user can perform the requested action on the
| requested resource item.
| Gets resource type (e.g. User) action (e.g. delete) and item id from request.
Route::filter('permission', function ($route, $request) {
    // convert dotted route name into array
    $routeName = explode('.', $route->getName());
    // take the last part as the action
    $action = array_pop($routeName);
    // get the resource name (without action)
    $resource = implode('.', $routeName);
    // get resource ids as array
    $parameters = $route->parameters();
    // test if current user has permission to perform {action} on {resource} with {parameters}
    if (Authority::cannot($action, $resource, $parameters)) {
        return App::abort(403);
예제 #3
파일: Page.php 프로젝트: pompalini/emngo
  * Get the current page.
  * @return	array			Array of the page data. Can be empty.
 public static function get_current_page()
     $page = NULL;
     $uri = self::$ci->uri->uri_string();
     // Ignore the page named 'page' and get the home page
     if ($uri == '') {
         $page = self::get_home_page();
     } else {
         if (config_item('url_mode') == 'short') {
             $page = self::get_page_by_short_url(self::$ci->uri->segment(3));
         } else {
             // Asked entity : Page or article
             $entity = self::get_entity();
             // Article
             if (!empty($entity['type']) && $entity['type'] == 'article') {
                 $paths = explode('/', $entity['path_ids']);
                 $id_page = $paths[count($paths) - 2];
                 $page = self::get_page_by_id($id_page);
             } else {
                 if (!is_null(self::get_special_uri_array())) {
                     $uri = self::get_page_path_from_special_uri();
                     if ($uri == '') {
                         $page = self::get_home_page();
                     } else {
                         $page = self::get_page_by_url($uri);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($entity['id_entity'])) {
                         $page = self::get_page_by_id($entity['id_entity']);
                     } else {
                         $page = self::get_module_page();
     if (is_null($page) or empty($page)) {
         $page = self::get_page_by_code('404');
     } else {
         $resource = 'frontend/page/' . $page['id_page'];
         if (Authority::cannot('access', $resource, NULL, TRUE)) {
             $http_code = $page['deny_code'];
             $page = self::get_page_by_code($page['deny_code']);
     // Add index to identify current page
     $page['__current__'] = TRUE;
     return $page;
예제 #4
파일: page.php 프로젝트: trk/ionize
  * Gets the parent list list for the parent select dropdown
  * Receives by $_POST :
  * - id_menu : Menu ID
  * - id_current : Current page ID
  * - id_parent : Parent page ID
  * @returns	string	HTML string of options items
 public function get_parents_select()
     $id_menu = $this->input->post('id_menu');
     $id_current = $this->input->post('id_current');
     $id_parent = $this->input->post('id_parent');
     $element_id = $this->input->post('element_id');
     $check_add_page = $this->input->post('check_add_page');
     $data = $this->page_model->get_lang_list(array('id_menu' => $id_menu), Settings::get_lang('default'));
     $parents = array('0' => '/');
     ($parents_array = $this->structure->get_parent_select($data, $id_current)) ? $parents += $parents_array : '';
     if ($check_add_page) {
         foreach ($parents as $id_page => $str) {
             if (Authority::cannot('add_page', 'backend/page/' . $id_page, NULL, TRUE)) {
     $this->template['pages'] = $parents;
     $this->template['id_selected'] = $id_parent;
     $this->template['element_id'] = $element_id;
예제 #5
파일: start.php 프로젝트: reith2004/domain
require __DIR__ . DS . 'helpers' . EXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load bundles
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load namespaces
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Domain' => __DIR__));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Filters
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Route::filter('authority', function ($resource) {
    $action = Request::$route->parameters['0'];
    if (Authority::cannot($action, $resource)) {
        return Response::make('', 401);
Route::filter('auth', function () {
    if (Auth::guest()) {
        return Redirect::make('', 401);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Setting system tables
// --------------------------------------------------------------
DBManager::$hidden = Config::get('domain::dbmanager.hidden');
$api_version = Config::get('layla.domain.api.version');
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Map the Base Controller
예제 #6
  * If the resource has one rule, checks if the User has access to the resource.
  * If not and $return is FALSE, displays the defined view.
  * If no view is defined, displays the default deny view.
  * Only returns TRUE/FALSE is $return is set to TRUE.
  * @param      $resource
  * @param null $view
  * @param bool $return
  * @return bool
 public function authority_protect($resource, $view = NULL, $return = FALSE)
     if (Authority::resource_has_rule($resource)) {
         if (Authority::cannot('access', $resource)) {
             if (!$return) {
                 if (is_null($view)) {
                     $view = self::$_DENY_DEFAULT_VIEW;
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
예제 #7
파일: Pages.php 프로젝트: trk/ionize
  * @param $page
  * @return bool
 private static function _filter_pages_authorization($page)
     $resource = 'frontend/page/' . $page['id_page'];
     if (Authority::cannot('access', $resource, NULL, TRUE)) {
         if (empty($page['deny_code']) or $page['deny_code'] === '404') {
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
예제 #8
파일: Article.php 프로젝트: pompalini/emngo
 private static function _filter_articles_authorization($articles, $filter_codes = NULL)
     if (is_string($filter_codes)) {
         $filter_codes = explode(',', $filter_codes);
     $codes = array();
     if (is_array($filter_codes)) {
         foreach ($filter_codes as $code) {
             $codes[] = trim($code);
     if (in_array('all', $codes) && count($codes) == 1) {
         return $articles;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($articles as $article) {
         $resource = 'frontend/article/' . $article['id_article'];
         if (Authority::cannot('access', $resource, NULL, TRUE)) {
             if (empty($codes)) {
             if (in_array($article['deny_code'], $codes)) {
                 $return[] = $article;
         } else {
             if (in_array('all', $codes)) {
                 $return[] = $article;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($codes)) {
                 } else {
                     $return[] = $article;
     return $return;
예제 #9
| requested resource item.
| Gets resource type (e.g. User) action (e.g. delete) and item id from request.
Route::filter('checkResourcePermission', function ($route, $request) {
    // Get request details
    $routeName = explode('.', Route::currentRouteName());
    $resource = $routeName[0];
    $action = $routeName[1];
    $item = $route->parameter($resource);
    // Replace laravel-style route action names with their CRUD equivalents
    $actionsToReplace = array('store', 'show', 'index', 'edit', 'destroy');
    $replaceWithAction = array('create', 'read', 'read', 'update', 'delete');
    $action = str_replace($actionsToReplace, $replaceWithAction, $action);
    // Check if user is forbidden from performing $action on $resource $item
    if (Authority::cannot($action, $resource, $item)) {
        return App::abort(403, 'You do not have permission to ' . $action . ' ' . $resource . ' ' . $item);
| Role
| Checks if the logged in user has been assigned the specified role
Route::filter('hasRole', function ($route, $request, $value) {
    $user = Authority::getCurrentUser();
    // If not logged in or user does not have role
    if (!Auth::check() or !$user->hasRole($value)) {