public function grab()
     $author_ids = $this->_getAuthorIds();
     $authors = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_ids, 'id', $this->dsParamORDER);
     return (array) $authors;
 public function ldap_login($context)
     if (!empty($context->username) || !empty($_POST['password'])) {
         //LDAP connection
         $ldap = ldap_connect(Symphony::Configuration()->get('server', 'ldap_authors'), Symphony::Configuration()->get('port', 'ldap_authors'));
         if ($ldap) {
             ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, Symphony::Configuration()->get('protocol_version', 'ldap_authors'));
             $filterdn = preg_replace('/\\%username\\%/', $context['username'], Symphony::Configuration()->get('filterdn', 'ldap_authors'));
             $basedn = Symphony::Configuration()->get('basedn', 'ldap_authors');
             try {
                 //Attempt to authenticate to the LDAP server
                 $bind = ldap_bind($ldap, $filterdn . ',' . $basedn, $_POST['password']);
                 $user = AuthorManager::fetchByUsername($context['username']);
                 if (count($user) > 0 && $user->get('LDAP') === '1') {
                     //LDAP user has visited before therefore login
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     //New LDAP user, we need to insert their details in the authors table
                     $ldap_user = $this->ldap_retrieve_user($ldap, $basedn, $filterdn);
                     if ($ldap_user) {
                         //Get attributes and insert data
                         $attrs = array(Symphony::Configuration()->get('first_name_key', 'ldap_authors'), Symphony::Configuration()->get('last_name_key', 'ldap_authors'), Symphony::Configuration()->get('email_key', 'ldap_authors'));
                         $author_details = $this->ldap_retrieve_attributes($attrs, $ldap_user[0]);
                         if (count($author_details) == 3) {
                             $id = AuthorManager::add(array('username' => $context['username'], 'password' => $this->fake_password(10), 'first_name' => $author_details[0], 'last_name' => $author_details[1], 'email' => $author_details[2], 'user_type' => Symphony::Configuration()->get('default_author_type', 'ldap_authors'), 'primary' => 'no', 'LDAP' => true));
                             if ($id) {
                                 //Once user is inserted log them in
                                 $user = AuthorManager::fetchByID($id);
                                 return true;
                             } else {
                                 Symphony::$Log->pushToLog('[LDAP] Unable to insert LDAP user into Symphony authors table.', E_ERROR);
                         } else {
                             Symphony::$Log->pushToLog('[LDAP] Unable to retireve first name, last name and email address from the LDAP server.', E_ERROR);
                     } else {
                         Symphony::$Log->pushToLog('[LDAP] Authentication with the LDAP server was successful, however unable to find LDAP user details.', E_ERROR);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Symphony::$Log->pushToLog('[LDAP] Unable to bind to LDAP server, this could be misconfiguration or invalid credentials. (User: "******")', E_WARNING);
             return false;
         } else {
             Symphony::$Log->pushToLog('[LDAP] Unable to connect to LDAP server, please check configuration.', E_ERROR);
 public function __viewIndex()
     $entry_id = $_REQUEST['entry_id'];
     $author_id = $_REQUEST['author_id'];
     if (!$entry_id || !$author_id) {
         echo json_encode('expired');
     $setup = $_REQUEST['setup'];
     $force = $_REQUEST['force'];
     if ($force == 'true') {
         $this->_driver->renewTheLock($entry_id, $author_id);
         echo json_encode('true');
     $lock = $this->_driver->lockExists($entry_id);
     if ($author_id != $lock[0] && $lock[0] > 0) {
         $authorManager = new AuthorManager($this->_Parent);
         $author = $authorManager->fetchByID($lock[0]);
         echo json_encode($author->getFullName());
     } else {
         if ($lock == -1) {
             echo json_encode('expired-lifetime');
         } else {
             if ($lock == 0 && $setup == true) {
                 $this->_driver->renewTheLock($entry_id, $author_id);
                 echo json_encode('true');
             } else {
                 if ($lock == 0) {
                     echo json_encode('expired');
                 } else {
                     $this->_driver->renewTheLock($entry_id, $author_id);
                     echo json_encode('true');
예제 #4
 public static function get()
     $url_parts = REST_API::getRequestURI();
     $author_url = $url_parts[0];
     $response = new XMLElement('response');
     if (isset($author_url)) {
         if (is_numeric($author_url)) {
             $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_url);
         } else {
             $author = AuthorManager::fetchByUsername($author_url);
         if (!$author) {
             REST_API::sendError('Author not found.', 404);
     } else {
         $authors = AuthorManager::fetch();
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
예제 #5
  * Give the field some data and ask it to return a value using one of many
  * possible modes.
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param integer $mode
  * @param integer $entry_id
  * @return array|null
 public function prepareExportValue($data, $mode, $entry_id = null)
     $modes = (object) $this->getExportModes();
     // Make sure we have an array to work with:
     if (isset($data['author_id']) && is_array($data['author_id']) === false) {
         $data['author_id'] = array($data['author_id']);
     // Return the author IDs:
     if ($mode === $modes->listAuthor || $mode === $modes->getPostdata) {
         return isset($data['author_id']) ? $data['author_id'] : array();
     // All other modes require full data:
     $authors = isset($data['author_id']) ? AuthorManager::fetchByID($data['author_id']) : array();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         if (is_null($author)) {
         if ($mode === $modes->listAuthorObject) {
             $items[] = $author;
         } else {
             if ($mode === $modes->listValue) {
                 $items[] = $author->getFullName();
             } else {
                 if ($mode === $modes->listAuthorToValue) {
                     $items[$data['author_id']] = $author->getFullName();
     return $items;
예제 #6
 function action()
     if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
         $actionParts = array_keys($_POST['action']);
         $action = end($actionParts);
         ##Login Attempted
         if ($action == 'login') {
             if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || !$this->_Parent->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: LoginFailure
                 # Description: Failed login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('LoginFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 //$this->Body->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', 'Login invalid. <a href="'.URL.'/symphony/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>'));
                 //$this->_alert = 'Login invalid. <a href="'.URL.'/symphony/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>';
                 $this->_invalidPassword = true;
             } else {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: LoginSuccess
                 # Description: Successful login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('LoginSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
                     redirect(URL . str_replace(parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH), '', $_POST['redirect']));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/');
             ##Reset of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'reset') {
             $author = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT `id`, `email`, `first_name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `email` = '" . $_POST['email'] . "'");
             if (!empty($author)) {
                 $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' ");
                 if (!($token = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('token', 0, "SELECT `token` FROM `tbl_forgotpass` WHERE `expiry` > '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' AND `author_id` = " . $author['id']))) {
                     $token = substr(md5(time() . rand(0, 200)), 0, 6);
                     $this->_Parent->Database->insert(array('author_id' => $author['id'], 'token' => $token, 'expiry' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c', time() + 120 * 60)), 'tbl_forgotpass');
                 $this->_email_sent = General::sendEmail($author['email'], $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('email', 0, "SELECT `email` FROM `tbl_authors` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"), __('Symphony Concierge'), __('New Symphony Account Password'), __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __('A new password has been requested for your account. Login using the following link, and change your password via the Authors area:') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . '	' . URL . "/symphony/login/{$token}/" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('It will expire in 2 hours. If you did not ask for a new password, please disregard this email.') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team'));
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetSuccess
                 # Description: A successful password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             } else {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetFailure
                 # Description: A failed password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
                 $this->_email_sent = false;
             ##Change of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'change' && $this->_Parent->isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password-confirmation']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_mismatchedPassword = true;
             } else {
                 $author_id = $this->_Parent->Author->get('id');
                 require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.authormanager.php';
                 $authorManager = new AuthorManager($this->_Parent);
                 $author = $authorManager->fetchByID($author_id);
                 $author->set('password', md5($this->_Parent->Database->cleanValue($_POST['password'])));
                 if (!$author->commit() || !$this->_Parent->login($author->get('username'), $_POST['password'])) {
                     redirect(URL . "symphony/system/authors/edit/{$author_id}/error/");
                 ## TODO: Fix me
                 # Delegate: PasswordChanged
                 # Description: After editing an author. ID of the author is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordChanged', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author_id));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/');
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'resetpass' && isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`email`, t1.`first_name` \n\t\t\t\t\t    FROM `tbl_authors` as t1, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2\n\t\t\t\t\t \tWHERE t2.`token` = '" . $_REQUEST['token'] . "' AND t1.`id` = t2.`author_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t \tLIMIT 1";
         $author = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, $sql);
         if (!empty($author)) {
             $newpass = General::generatePassword();
             General::sendEmail($author['email'], '*****@*****.**', 'Symphony Concierge', 'RE: New Symphony Account Password', 'Hi ' . $author['first_name'] . ',' . self::CRLF . "As requested, here is your new Symphony Author Password for '" . URL . "'" . self::CRLF . "\t{$newpass}" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . 'Best Regards,' . self::CRLF . 'The Symphony Team');
             $this->_Parent->Database->update(array('password' => md5($newpass)), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '" . $author['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
             $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `author_id` = '" . $author['id'] . "'");
             ## TODO: Fix Me
             # Delegate: PasswordResetRequest
             # Description: User has requested a password reset. Author ID is provided.
             //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetRequest', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             $this->_alert = 'Password reset. Check your email';
  * This function determines whether an there is a currently logged in
  * Author for Symphony by using the `$Cookie`'s username
  * and password. If an Author is found, they will be logged in, otherwise
  * the `$Cookie` will be destroyed.
  * @see core.Cookie#expire()
 public function isLoggedIn()
     // Ensures that we're in the real world.. Also reduces three queries from database
     // We must return true otherwise exceptions are not shown
     if (is_null(self::$_instance)) {
         return true;
     if ($this->Author) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $username = self::$Database->cleanValue($this->Cookie->get('username'));
         $password = self::$Database->cleanValue($this->Cookie->get('pass'));
         if (strlen(trim($username)) > 0 && strlen(trim($password)) > 0) {
             $id = self::$Database->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `username` = '{$username}' AND `password` = '{$password}' LIMIT 1");
             if ($id) {
                 self::$Database->update(array('last_seen' => DateTimeObj::get('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '{$id}'");
                 $this->Author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($id);
                 return true;
         return false;
예제 #8
    foreach ($this->dsParamFILTERS as $field => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value) && trim($value) == '') {
        $ret = __processAuthorFilter($field, $value, Symphony::Database());
        if (empty($ret)) {
            $author_ids = array();
        if (empty($author_ids)) {
            $author_ids = $ret;
        $author_ids = array_intersect($author_ids, $ret);
    $authors = AuthorManager::fetchByID(array_values($author_ids), $this->dsParamSORT, $this->dsParamORDER);
} else {
    $authors = AuthorManager::fetch($this->dsParamSORT, $this->dsParamORDER);
if ((!is_array($authors) || empty($authors)) && $this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
    throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
} else {
    if (!$this->_param_output_only) {
        $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
    foreach ($authors as $author) {
        if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
            $key = 'ds-' . $this->dsParamROOTELEMENT;
            if (!is_array($param_pool[$key])) {
                $param_pool[$key] = array();
예제 #9
  * Symphony allows Authors to login via the use of tokens instead of
  * a username and password. A token is derived from concatenating the
  * Author's username and password and applying the sha1 hash to
  * it, from this, a portion of the hash is used as the token. This is a useful
  * feature often used when setting up other Authors accounts or if an
  * Author forgets their password.
  * @param string $token
  *  The Author token, which is a portion of the hashed string concatenation
  *  of the Author's username and password
  * @return boolean
  *  True if the Author is logged in, false otherwise
 public function loginFromToken($token)
     $token = self::Database()->cleanValue($token);
     if (strlen(trim($token)) == 0) {
         return false;
     if (strlen($token) == 6) {
         $row = self::Database()->fetchRow(0, sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`username`, `a`.`password`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_authors` AS `a`, `tbl_forgotpass` AS `f`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `a`.`id` = `f`.`author_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `f`.`expiry` > '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `f`.`token` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t", DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), $token));
         self::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `token` = '{$token}' ");
     } else {
         $row = self::Database()->fetchRow(0, sprintf("SELECT `id`, `username`, `password`\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_authors`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE SUBSTR(%s(CONCAT(`username`, `password`)), 1, 8) = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `auth_token_active` = 'yes'\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", 'SHA1', $token));
     if ($row) {
         $this->Author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($row['id']);
         $this->Cookie->set('username', $row['username']);
         $this->Cookie->set('pass', $row['password']);
         self::Database()->update(array('last_seen' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '{$id}'");
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #10
 public function formatAuthorString($id, $username)
     // Get author info
     $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($id);
     // If the author no longer exists, use the fallback name
     if (!$author instanceof Author) {
         $author_string = $username;
     } else {
         $author_string = Widget::Anchor($author->getFullName(), '/symphony/system/authors/edit/' . $id)->generate();
     return $author_string;
예제 #11
 public function prepareTableValue($data, XMLElement $link = NULL, $entry_id = null)
     if (!is_array($data['author_id'])) {
         $data['author_id'] = array($data['author_id']);
     if (empty($data['author_id'])) {
         return NULL;
     $value = array();
     foreach ($data['author_id'] as $author_id) {
         $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
         if (!is_null($author)) {
             $value[] = $author->getFullName();
     return parent::prepareTableValue(array('value' => General::sanitize(implode(', ', $value))), $link, $entry_id);
예제 #12
    foreach ($this->dsParamFILTERS as $field => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value) && trim($value) == '') {
        $ret = __processAuthorFilter($field, $value, Symphony::Database());
        if (empty($ret)) {
            $author_ids = array();
        if (empty($author_ids)) {
            $author_ids = $ret;
        $author_ids = array_intersect($author_ids, $ret);
    $authors = AuthorManager::fetchByID(array_values($author_ids), $this->dsParamSORT, $this->dsParamORDER, $this->dsParamLIMIT, max(0, $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE - 1) * $this->dsParamLIMIT);
} else {
    $authors = AuthorManager::fetch($this->dsParamSORT, $this->dsParamORDER, $this->dsParamLIMIT, max(0, $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE - 1) * $this->dsParamLIMIT);
if ((!is_array($authors) || empty($authors)) && $this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
    throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
} else {
    if (!$this->_param_output_only) {
        $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
    foreach ($authors as $author) {
        if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
            $key = 'ds-' . $this->dsParamROOTELEMENT;
            if (!is_array($param_pool[$key])) {
                $param_pool[$key] = array();
 public function groupRecords($records)
     if (!is_array($records) || empty($records)) {
     $groups = array($this->get('element_name') => array());
     foreach ($records as $r) {
         $data = $r->getData($this->get('id'));
         if (!isset($data['author_id'])) {
         if (!isset($groups[$this->get('element_name')][$data['author_id']])) {
             $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($data['author_id']);
             $groups[$this->get('element_name')][$data['author_id']] = array('attr' => array('author-id' => $data['author_id'], 'username' => $author->get('username'), 'full-name' => $author->getFullName()), 'records' => array(), 'groups' => array());
         $groups[$this->get('element_name')][$data['author_id']]['records'][] = $r;
     return $groups;
 public function appendFormattedElement(&$wrapper, $data, $encode = false)
     if (!is_array($data['author_id'])) {
         $data['author_id'] = array($data['author_id']);
     $list = new XMLElement($this->get('element_name'));
     foreach ($data['author_id'] as $author_id) {
         $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
         if (is_null($author)) {
         $list->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', $author->getFullName(), array('id' => (string) $author->get('id'), 'username' => General::sanitize($author->get('username')))));
 public function eventPreSave($context)
     $event = $context['event'];
     if (in_array("lock-entry", $event->eParamFILTERS)) {
         // see if we're editing anything
         if (!isset($_POST['id'])) {
             //change $context['message']
         } else {
             $entry_id = $_POST['id'];
         // if there's no user logged in, user_id still has to be set to something
         $author_id = $context['parent']->isLoggedIn() ? $context['parent']->Author->get('id') : 1;
         if (($lock = $this->lockExists($entry_id)) <= 0) {
             // if a lock doesn't exist or is expired, we can just give them one (ie ignore it)
             $context['messages'] = array(array('lock-entry', 'passed', ''));
         } else {
             // the lock exists, see if it's owned by the user
             if ($lock[0] != $author_id) {
                 $authorManager = new AuthorManager($this->_Parent);
                 $authors = $authorManager->fetchByID($this->locked[1]);
                 $context['messages'] = array(array('lock-entry', 'failed', 'This lease is currently owned by ' . $authors->getFullName() . '.'));
 public function __actionEdit()
     if (!($author_id = $this->_context[1])) {
         redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/system/authors/');
     $isOwner = $author_id == Administration::instance()->Author->get('id');
     if (@array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action']) || @array_key_exists('done', $_POST['action'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $this->_Author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
         $authenticated = false;
         if ($fields['email'] != $this->_Author->get('email')) {
             $changing_email = true;
         // Check the old password was correct
         if (isset($fields['old-password']) && strlen(trim($fields['old-password'])) > 0 && General::hash(trim($fields['old-password'])) == $this->_Author->get('password')) {
             $authenticated = true;
         } else {
             if (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
                 $authenticated = true;
         $this->_Author->set('id', $author_id);
         if ($this->_Author->isPrimaryAccount() || $isOwner && Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
             $this->_Author->set('user_type', 'developer');
             // Primary accounts are always developer, Developers can't lower their level
         } elseif (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper() && isset($fields['user_type'])) {
             $this->_Author->set('user_type', $fields['user_type']);
             // Only developer can change user type
         $this->_Author->set('email', $fields['email']);
         $this->_Author->set('username', $fields['username']);
         $this->_Author->set('first_name', General::sanitize($fields['first_name']));
         $this->_Author->set('last_name', General::sanitize($fields['last_name']));
         $this->_Author->set('language', $fields['language']);
         if (trim($fields['password']) != '') {
             $this->_Author->set('password', General::hash($fields['password']));
             $changing_password = true;
         // Don't allow authors to set the Section Index as a default area
         // If they had it previously set, just save `null` which will redirect
         // the Author (when logging in) to their own Author record
         if ($this->_Author->get('user_type') == 'author' && $fields['default_area'] == '/blueprints/sections/') {
             $this->_Author->set('default_area', null);
         } else {
             $this->_Author->set('default_area', $fields['default_area']);
         $this->_Author->set('auth_token_active', $fields['auth_token_active'] ? $fields['auth_token_active'] : 'no');
         if ($this->_Author->validate($this->_errors)) {
             if (!$authenticated && ($changing_password || $changing_email)) {
                 if ($changing_password) {
                     $this->_errors['old-password'] = __('Wrong password. Enter old password to change it.');
                 } elseif ($changing_email) {
                     $this->_errors['old-password'] = __('Wrong password. Enter old one to change email address.');
             } elseif (($fields['password'] != '' || $fields['password-confirmation'] != '') && $fields['password'] != $fields['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_errors['password'] = $this->_errors['password-confirmation'] = __('Passwords did not match');
             } elseif ($this->_Author->commit()) {
                 Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' OR `author_id` = '" . $author_id . "' ");
                 if ($isOwner) {
                     Administration::instance()->login($this->_Author->get('username'), $this->_Author->get('password'), true);
                  * After editing an author, provided with the Author object
                  * @delegate AuthorPostEdit
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/system/authors/'
                  * @param Author $author
                  * An Author object
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostEdit', '/system/authors/', array('author' => $this->_Author));
                 redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/system/authors/edit/' . $author_id . '/saved/');
             } else {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Unknown errors occurred while attempting to save.') . '<a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/system/log/">' . __('Check your activity log') . '</a>.', Alert::ERROR);
         } else {
             if (is_array($this->_errors) && !empty($this->_errors)) {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('There were some problems while attempting to save. Please check below for problem fields.'), Alert::ERROR);
     } else {
         if (@array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])) {
              * Prior to deleting an author, provided with the Author ID.
              * @delegate AuthorPreDelete
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/system/authors/'
              * @param integer $author_id
              *  The ID of Author ID that is about to be deleted
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPreDelete', '/system/authors/', array('author_id' => $author_id));
             if (!$isOwner) {
                 redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/system/authors/');
             } else {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('You cannot remove yourself as you are the active Author.'), Alert::ERROR);
 public function execute(array &$param_pool = null)
     $author_ids = array();
     if (is_array($this->dsParamFILTERS) && !empty($this->dsParamFILTERS)) {
         foreach ($this->dsParamFILTERS as $field => $value) {
             if (!is_array($value) && trim($value) == '') {
             $ret = $this->__processAuthorFilter($field, $value);
             if (empty($ret)) {
                 $author_ids = array();
             if (empty($author_ids)) {
                 $author_ids = $ret;
             $author_ids = array_intersect($author_ids, $ret);
         $authors = AuthorManager::fetchByID(array_values($author_ids));
     } else {
         $authors = AuthorManager::fetch($this->dsParamSORT, $this->dsParamORDER);
     if ((!is_array($authors) || empty($authors)) && $this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
         throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
     } elseif (!is_array($authors) || empty($authors)) {
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
         return $result;
     } else {
         if (!$this->_param_output_only) {
             $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
         $singleParam = false;
         $key = 'ds-' . $this->dsParamROOTELEMENT;
         if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
             if (!is_array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
                 $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT = array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT);
             $singleParam = count($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT) === 1;
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
                 foreach ($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT as $param) {
                     // The new style of paramater is `ds-datasource-handle.field-handle`
                     $param_key = $key . '.' . str_replace(':', '-', $param);
                     if (!is_array($param_pool[$param_key])) {
                         $param_pool[$param_key] = array();
                     $param_pool[$param_key][] = $param === 'name' ? $author->getFullName() : $author->get($param);
                     if ($singleParam) {
                         if (!is_array($param_pool[$key])) {
                             $param_pool[$key] = array();
                         $param_pool[$key][] = $param === 'name' ? $author->getFullName() : $author->get($param);
             if ($this->_param_output_only) {
             $xAuthor = new XMLElement('author');
             $xAuthor->setAttributeArray(array('id' => $author->get('id'), 'user-type' => $author->get('user_type'), 'primary-account' => $author->get('primary')));
             // No included elements, so just create the Author XML
             if (!isset($this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS) || !is_array($this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS) || empty($this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
             } else {
                 // Name
                 if (in_array('name', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
                     $xAuthor->appendChild(new XMLElement('name', $author->getFullName()));
                 // Username
                 if (in_array('username', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
                     $xAuthor->appendChild(new XMLElement('username', $author->get('username')));
                 // Email
                 if (in_array('email', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
                     $xAuthor->appendChild(new XMLElement('email', $author->get('email')));
                 // Author Token
                 if (in_array('author-token', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS) && $author->isTokenActive()) {
                     $xAuthor->appendChild(new XMLElement('author-token', $author->createAuthToken()));
                 // Default Area
                 if (in_array('default-area', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS) && !is_null($author->get('default_area'))) {
                     // Section
                     if ($section = SectionManager::fetch($author->get('default_area'))) {
                         $default_area = new XMLElement('default-area', $section->get('name'));
                         $default_area->setAttributeArray(array('id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle'), 'type' => 'section'));
                     } else {
                         $default_area = new XMLElement('default-area', $author->get('default_area'));
                         $default_area->setAttribute('type', 'page');
     return $result;
예제 #18
 function __actionEdit()
     if (!($author_id = $this->_context[1])) {
         redirect(URL . '/symphony/system/authors/');
     $isOwner = $author_id == Administration::instance()->Author->get('id');
     if (@array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action']) || @array_key_exists('done', $_POST['action'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $this->_Author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
         $authenticated = false;
         if ($fields['email'] != $this->_Author->get('email')) {
             $changing_email = true;
         // Check the old password was correct
         if (isset($fields['old-password']) && strlen(trim($fields['old-password'])) > 0 && General::hash(trim($fields['old-password'])) == $this->_Author->get('password')) {
             $authenticated = true;
         } elseif (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper() && $isOwner === false) {
             $authenticated = true;
         $this->_Author->set('id', $author_id);
         if ($this->_Author->isPrimaryAccount() || $isOwner && Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
             $this->_Author->set('user_type', 'developer');
             // Primary accounts are always developer, Developers can't lower their level
         } elseif (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper() && isset($fields['user_type'])) {
             $this->_Author->set('user_type', $fields['user_type']);
             // Only developer can change user type
         $this->_Author->set('email', $fields['email']);
         $this->_Author->set('username', $fields['username']);
         $this->_Author->set('first_name', General::sanitize($fields['first_name']));
         $this->_Author->set('last_name', General::sanitize($fields['last_name']));
         $this->_Author->set('language', $fields['language']);
         if (trim($fields['password']) != '') {
             $this->_Author->set('password', General::hash($fields['password']));
             $changing_password = true;
         $this->_Author->set('default_section', intval($fields['default_section']));
         $this->_Author->set('auth_token_active', $fields['auth_token_active'] ? $fields['auth_token_active'] : 'no');
         if ($this->_Author->validate($this->_errors)) {
             if (!$authenticated && ($changing_password || $changing_email)) {
                 if ($changing_password) {
                     $this->_errors['old-password'] = __('Wrong password. Enter old password to change it.');
                 } elseif ($changing_email) {
                     $this->_errors['old-password'] = __('Wrong password. Enter old one to change email address.');
             } elseif (($fields['password'] != '' || $fields['password-confirmation'] != '') && $fields['password'] != $fields['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_errors['password'] = $this->_errors['password-confirmation'] = __('Passwords did not match');
             } elseif ($this->_Author->commit()) {
                 Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' OR `author_id` = '" . $author_id . "' ");
                 if ($isOwner) {
                     $this->_Parent->login($this->_Author->get('username'), $this->_Author->get('password'), true);
                 ## TODO: Fix me
                 # Delegate: Edit
                 # Description: After editing an author. ID of the author is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Edit', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/system/authors/edit/' . $author_id . '/saved/');
             } else {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Unknown errors occurred while attempting to save. Please check your <a href="%s">activity log</a>.', array(URL . '/symphony/system/log/')), Alert::ERROR);
     } elseif (@array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])) {
         ## TODO: Fix Me
         # Delegate: Delete
         # Description: Prior to deleting an author. ID is provided.
         //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Delete', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author_id));
         if (!$isOwner) {
             redirect(URL . '/symphony/system/authors/');
         } else {
             $this->pageAlert(__('You cannot remove yourself as you are the active Author.'), Alert::ERROR);
예제 #19
 public function groupRecords($records)
     if (!is_array($records) || empty($records)) {
     $groups = array($this->get('element_name') => array());
     foreach ($records as $r) {
         $data = $r->getData($this->get('id'));
         $author_id = !isset($data['author_id']) ? 0 : $data['author_id'];
         if (!isset($groups[$this->get('element_name')][$author_id])) {
             $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
             // If there is an author, use those values, otherwise just blank it.
             if ($author instanceof Author) {
                 $username = $author->get('username');
                 $full_name = $author->getFullName();
             } else {
                 $username = '';
                 $full_name = '';
             $groups[$this->get('element_name')][$author_id] = array('attr' => array('author-id' => $author_id, 'username' => $username, 'full-name' => $full_name), 'records' => array(), 'groups' => array());
         $groups[$this->get('element_name')][$author_id]['records'][] = $r;
     return $groups;
예제 #20
 public function action()
     if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
         $actionParts = array_keys($_POST['action']);
         $action = end($actionParts);
         ##Login Attempted
         if ($action == 'login') {
             if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || !Administration::instance()->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                  * A failed login attempt into the Symphony backend
                  * @delegate AuthorLoginFailure
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $username
                  *  The username of the Author who attempted to login.
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorLoginFailure', '/login/', array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 $this->_invalidPassword = true;
             } else {
                  * A successful login attempt into the Symphony backend
                  * @delegate AuthorLoginSuccess
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $username
                  *  The username of the Author who logged in.
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorLoginSuccess', '/login/', array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
                     redirect(URL . str_replace(parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH), '', $_POST['redirect']));
             ##Reset of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'reset') {
             $author = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0, "SELECT `id`, `email`, `first_name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `email` = '" . Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['email']) . "'");
             if (!empty($author)) {
                 Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' ");
                 if (!($token = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('token', 0, "SELECT `token` FROM `tbl_forgotpass` WHERE `expiry` > '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' AND `author_id` = " . $author['id']))) {
                     $token = substr(General::hash(time() . rand(0, 1000)), 0, 6);
                     Symphony::Database()->insert(array('author_id' => $author['id'], 'token' => $token, 'expiry' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c', time() + 120 * 60)), 'tbl_forgotpass');
                 try {
                     $email = Email::create();
                     $email->recipients = $author['email'];
                     $email->subject = __('New Symphony Account Password');
                     $email->text_plain = __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __('A new password has been requested for your account. Login using the following link, and change your password via the Authors area:') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . '	' . SYMPHONY_URL . "/login/{$token}/" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('It will expire in 2 hours. If you did not ask for a new password, please disregard this email.') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team');
                     $this->_email_sent = true;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } catch (EmailGatewayException $e) {
                     throw new SymphonyErrorPage('Error sending email. ' . $e->getMessage());
                  * When a password reset has occured and after the Password
                  * Reset email has been sent.
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetSuccess
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param integer $author_id
                  *  The ID of the Author who requested the password reset
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetSuccess', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             } else {
                  * When a password reset has been attempted, but Symphony doesn't
                  * recognise the credentials the user has given.
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetFailure
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $email
                  *  The santizied Email of the Author who tried to request the password reset
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetFailure', '/login/', array('email' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['email'])));
                 $this->_email_sent = false;
             ##Change of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'change' && Administration::instance()->isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password-confirmation']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_mismatchedPassword = true;
             } else {
                 $author_id = Administration::instance()->Author->get('id');
                 $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
                 $author->set('password', General::hash(Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['password'])));
                 if (!$author->commit() || !Administration::instance()->login($author->get('username'), $_POST['password'])) {
                     redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . "/system/authors/edit/{$author_id}/error/");
                  * When an Author changes their password as the result of a login
                  * with an emergency token (ie. forgot password). Just after their
                  * new password has been set successfully
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordChange
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param integer $author_id
                  *  The ID of the Author who has just changed their password
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordChange', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author_id));
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'resetpass' && isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
         $author = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0, "SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`email`, t1.`first_name`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_authors` as t1, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2\n\t\t\t\t\t \tWHERE t2.`token` = '" . Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_REQUEST['token']) . "' AND t1.`id` = t2.`author_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t \tLIMIT 1");
         if (!empty($author)) {
             $newpass = General::generatePassword();
             General::sendEmail($author['email'], Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('email', 0, "SELECT `email` FROM `tbl_authors` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"), __('Symphony Concierge'), __('New Symphony Account Password'), __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __("As requested, here is your new Symphony Author Password for ") . URL . " " . self::CRLF . " {$newpass}" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team'));
             Symphony::Database()->update(array('password' => General::hash($newpass)), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '" . $author['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
             Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `author_id` = '" . $author['id'] . "'");
              * Just after a Forgot Password email has been sent to the Author
              * who has requested a password reset.
              * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetRequest
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/login/'
              * @param integer $author_id
              *  The ID of the Author who has requested their password be reset
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetRequest', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             $this->_alert = __('Password reset. Check your email');