<?php Route::get('/api/protected', array('before' => 'auth-jwt', function () { return "Hello " . Auth0::jwtuser()->name . " this is the Laravel API"; }));
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@index']); Route::get('/auth/login', ['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@login']); Route::get('/logout', ['as' => 'logout', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@logout']); Route::get('/auth0/callback', ['as' => 'logincallback', 'uses' => '\\Auth0\\Login\\Auth0Controller@callback']); Route::get('/dump', ['as' => 'dump', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@dump', 'middleware' => 'auth']); Route::get('/spa', ['as' => 'spa', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@spa']); Route::get('/api/ping', ['as' => 'api', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@api', 'middleware' => 'auth0.jwt']); Route::get('/api/protected', array('middleware' => 'auth0.jwt', function () { return "Hello " . Auth0::jwtuser()->name; })); Route::group(['prefix' => 'api', 'middleware' => ['cors', 'auth0.jwt']], function () { Route::post('post', 'TestController@index'); Route::post('user', 'UserController@update'); Route::get('/mobilecsrf', function () { return csrf_token(); }); Route::get('obra/show', 'ObraController@show'); Route::post('obra/save', 'ObraController@save'); Route::get('obra/show/{id}', 'ObraController@buscar'); Route::get('obra/proximas', 'ObraController@getProximas'); });