public function before() { parent::before(); if (!Auth::member(100) and Request::active()->action != 'login') { Response::redirect('admin/login'); } }
public function action_index() { //初期表示 $view = View::forge('login/index'); //既にログインしてたら、home画面へリダイレクト AUth::check() and Response::redirect('home'); //エラー文のセット $error = null; //認証インスタンスの生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); //入力項目の取得 if (Input::post()) { //DBとの比較 if ($auth->login(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'))) { //ログインするユーザのグループが1(学生)の場合 if (Auth::member(1)) { //学生用home画面にリダイレクト Response::redirect('home'); } else { if (Auth::member(100)) { //管理者用home画面にリダイレクト Response::redirect('admin'); } } } else { $error = 'ユーザ名かパスワードに誤りがあります。'; $view = View::forge('login/index'); $view->set('error', $error); } } return $view; }
public function before() { parent::before(); // check for admin if (!Auth::member(5)) { \Response::redirect_back('home'); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); // Check if the current user is an administrator if (!\Auth::member(6)) { \Messages::info(__('user.login.permission-denied')); \Response::redirect(); } }
public function action_remove($user_id) { // check for admin if (!Auth::member(5)) { \Response::redirect_back('home'); } $user = Model_User::query()->where('id', $user_id)->get_one(); $user->delete(); Response::Redirect('users'); }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (Auth::check()) { if (!Auth::member(100) and !in_array(Request::active()->action, array('login', 'logout'))) { Session::set_flash('error', e('You don\'t have access to the admin panel')); Response::redirect('/'); } } else { Response::redirect('admin/login'); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); // Check if the current user is an administrator if (!\Auth::member(6)) { \Messages::warnig(__('user.login.permission-denied')); \Response::redirect(\Router::get('backend')); } $this->template->title = "RN | ADMIN"; // Set global $this->template->title = \Config::get('application.seo.backend.title'); }
public function before() { parent::before(); //ログインしていなければ if (!Auth::check()) { //ログインページへ移動 Response::redirect('user/login'); //ログインしていてもAdminでなければ } elseif (!Auth::member(100)) { //user/indexページへ移動 Response::redirect('user/index'); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (Request::active()->controller !== 'Controller_Admin' or !in_array(Request::active()->action, array('login', 'logout'))) { if (Auth::check()) { $admin_group_id = Config::get('auth.driver', 'Simpleauth') == 'Ormauth' ? 6 : 100; if (!Auth::member($admin_group_id)) { Session::set_flash('error', e('You don\'t have access to the Admin panel')); Response::redirect('/'); } } else { Response::redirect('admin/login'); } } }
public function after($response) { $response = parent::after($response); if (Uri::Current() != Uri::Create('login')) { if (Settings::get('maintenance_mode') === true) { if (!Auth::member(5)) { $this->template->content = View::Forge('core/maintenance'); } elseif (Uri::Current() != Uri::Create('admin/settings')) { // YOUR GOOD Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('admin/settings')); } } } return $response; }
public function before() { parent::before(); // Without this line, templating won't work! if (\Auth::check()) { // Check if the current user is an administrator if (!\Auth::member(100)) { \Session::set_flash('error', 'You don\'t have the required access'); \Response::redirect('auth'); } # Set user info $this->template->set_global('auth', ['user' => ['screen_name' => \Auth::get_screen_name(), 'group' => \Auth::group()->get_name()]], false); } else { \Response::redirect('auth'); } }
public function action_login() { // Already logged in Auth::member(100) and Response::redirect('admin'); $val = Validation::forge(); if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $val->add('email', 'Email or Username')->add_rule('required'); $val->add('password', 'Password')->add_rule('required'); if ($val->run()) { $auth = Auth::instance(); // check the credentials. This assumes that you have the previous table created if (Auth::check() or $auth->login(Input::post('email'), Input::post('password'))) { // credentials ok, go right in $current_user = Model_User::find_by_username(Auth::get_screen_name()); Session::set_flash('success', e('Welcome, ' . $current_user->username)); Response::redirect('admin'); } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', 'Fail'); } } } $this->template->title = 'Login'; $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/login', array('val' => $val), false); }
public function action_delete($url_id) { $url = Model_Url::find($url_id); if ($url->user_id != static::$user_id && !Auth::member(5)) { Session::set('error', 'This isn\'t your URL!'); Response::Redirect_Back('user/urls'); } else { if ($url->delete()) { $url_stats = Model_Url_Stat::query()->where('url_id', $url_id)->rows_limit(1)->limit(1)->count(); if (empty($url_stats) === false) { $url_stats = DB::delete('url_stats')->where('url_id', $url_id)->execute(); } Session::set('success', 'Url has been deleted!'); Response::Redirect_Back('user/urls'); } else { Session::set('error', 'Unknown Error!'); Response::Redirect_Back('user/urls'); } } }
public function action_view($all = null) { $limit = 25; if (empty($all) === false) { // check for admin if (!Auth::member(5)) { Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('user')); } } // Total Urls $data['total_urls'] = Model_Url::query(); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['total_urls']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['total_urls'] = $data['total_urls']->count(); if (Uri::Current() == Uri::Create('admin')) { $keys = \Settings::Get('character_set'); if (empty($keys) === true) { $keys = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; } $random_length = \Settings::Get('random_url_length'); if (empty($random_length) === true) { $random_length = 5; } $url_sample_space = DB::select(DB::expr('count(id) as count'))->from('urls')->where(DB::expr('char_length(short_url)'), $random_length)->limit(1)->execute()->as_array(); $data['urls_left'] = Controller_Dashboard::mathFact(strlen($keys)) / (Controller_Dashboard::mathFact(strlen($keys) - $random_length) * Controller_Dashboard::mathFact($random_length)) - $url_sample_space[0]['count']; } // Total Hits $data['total_hits'] = DB::select(DB::Expr('SUM(hits) as hits'))->from('urls'); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['total_hits']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['total_hits'] = $data['total_hits']->execute()->as_array(); $data['total_hits'] = reset($data['total_hits']); $data['total_hits'] = $data['total_hits']['hits']; // No Clicks $data['no_clicks'] = Model_Url::query()->where('hits', 0); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['no_clicks']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['no_clicks'] = $data['no_clicks']->count(); // Total Custom Urls $data['total_custom_urls'] = Model_Url::query()->where('custom', 1); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['total_custom_urls']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['total_custom_urls'] = $data['total_custom_urls']->count(); // Created Today Urls $data['created_today'] = Model_Url::query()->where('created_at', '>=', strtotime('today 12:01 AM')); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['created_today']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['created_today'] = $data['created_today']->count(); // Most visted Urls $data['most_visited'] = Model_Url::query(); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['most_visited']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['most_visited']->order_by('hits', 'desc')->limit($limit); $data['most_visited'] = $data['most_visited']->get(); // Created Today Urls $data['recently_created'] = Model_Url::query(); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['recently_created']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['recently_created']->order_by('created_at', 'desc')->limit($limit); $data['recently_created'] = $data['recently_created']->get(); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['recently_viewed'] = Model_Url::query()->order_by('updated_at', 'desc')->where('updated_at', '!=', 'created_at')->where('user_id', static::$user_id)->limit($limit)->get(); } else { $data['recently_viewed'] = Model_Url::query()->order_by('updated_at', 'desc')->where('updated_at', '!=', null)->limit($limit)->get(); } // Short URL Stats string for google graphs $m = date("m"); $de = date("d"); $y = date("Y"); $new_results = ''; if (empty($all) === true) { $date_vist_counts = DB::query(' SELECT COUNT( as hits, DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(url_stats.created_at)) as day, MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(url_stats.created_at)) as month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(url_stats.created_at)) as year FROM `url_stats` INNER JOIN `urls` ON = url_stats.url_id WHERE url_stats.created_at >= ' . strtotime('12:01 AM TODAY - 15 days') . ' AND urls.user_id = ' . static::$user_id . ' GROUP BY year,month,day')->execute()->as_array(); $date_created_counts = DB::query(' SELECT COUNT(id) as created, DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as day, MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as year FROM `urls` WHERE created_at >= ' . strtotime('12:01 AM TODAY - 15 days') . ' AND user_id = ' . static::$user_id . ' GROUP BY year,month,day')->execute()->as_array(); } else { $date_vist_counts = DB::query(' SELECT COUNT(id) as hits, DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as day, MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as year FROM `url_stats` WHERE created_at >= ' . strtotime('12:01 AM TODAY - 15 days') . ' GROUP BY year,month,day')->execute()->as_array(); $date_created_counts = DB::query(' SELECT COUNT(id) as created, DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as day, MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at)) as year FROM `urls` WHERE created_at >= ' . strtotime('12:01 AM TODAY - 15 days') . ' GROUP BY year,month,day')->execute()->as_array(); } $created_counts_array = null; foreach ($date_created_counts as $created_counts) { $created_counts_array[$created_counts['year'] . '-' . $created_counts['month'] . '-' . $created_counts['day']] = $created_counts; } foreach ($date_vist_counts as $vists) { if (isset($created_counts_array[$vists['year'] . '-' . $vists['month'] . '-' . $vists['day']]) === true) { $created_count = $created_counts_array[$vists['year'] . '-' . $vists['month'] . '-' . $vists['day']]['created']; } else { $created_count = 0; } $date_timestamp = strtotime($vists['year'] . '-' . $vists['month'] . '-' . $vists['day']); $new_results .= "['" . date('l dS F Y', $date_timestamp) . "', " . $vists['hits'] . ", " . $created_count . "], "; } $data['short_url_stats'] = $new_results; $new_results = ''; // Get countries Stats if (empty($all) === true) { $countries = DB::select('country', DB::expr('count( as hits'))->from('url_stats')->join('urls', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'url_stats.url_id')->where('urls.user_id', static::$user_id)->group_by('country'); } else { $countries = DB::select('country', DB::expr('count(id) as hits'))->from('url_stats')->group_by('country'); } $countries = $countries->execute()->as_array(); if (empty($countries) === false) { foreach ($countries as $country) { $new_results .= "['" . $country['country'] . "', " . $country['hits'] . "], "; } } $data['country_stats'] = $new_results; $data['short_urls'] = Model_Url::query(); if (empty($all) === true) { $data['short_urls']->where('user_id', static::$user_id); } $data['short_urls']->rows_limit($limit); $data['short_urls'] = $data['short_urls']->get(); $this->template->content = View::Forge('dashboard/index', $data); }
} else { ?> <td> <a data-text="This URL will be removed!" class="confirm" href="<?php echo Uri::Create('url/delete/' . $url->id); ?> "> <i class="icon-remove"></i></a> <a target="_blank" id="url_<?php echo $url->id; ?> " href="<?php echo $url->url; ?> "> <?php if (Auth::member(5) && Uri::Create('admin/urls') == Uri::Current()) { $url_parts = parse_url($url->url); $host = $url_parts['host']; ?> <a class="confirm" data-text="All URLs LIKE <?php echo $host; ?> will be blocked!" href="<?php echo Uri::Create('admin/add_blocked/' . str_replace('.', '-', $host) . ''); ?> "> <i class="icon-ban-circle"></i> </a> <?php } ?>
?> <td class="small"><?php echo $user->id; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $user->username; ?> </td> <td><?php echo \Admin\Site_AdminUser::get_gruop_name($user->group, true); ?> </td> <td> <?php if (Auth::member(100)) { ?> <?php echo $user->email; } else { ?> <?php echo sprintf('<span class="text-muted">%s</span>', term('site.set_already')); } ?> </td> <td><?php echo site_get_time($user->created_at, 'relative', 'Y/m/d H:i'); ?> </td> </tr>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right"> <?php if (Uri::base(false) . Uri::string() != Uri::Base()) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo Uri::Base(); ?> " title="Home">Home</a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if (Auth::check()) { ?> <?php if (Auth::member(5)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo Uri::Create('admin'); ?> " title="Admin Panel">Admin</a></li> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo Uri::Create('user'); ?> " title="User Dashboard">Dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo Uri::Create('user/settings');
<?php Route::filter('auth.clientzone', function () { if (!Auth::member()->check()) { if (Request::ajax()) { return Response::make('Unauthorized', 401); } else { return Redirect::route('client.login'); } } else { if (Auth::member()->get()->status == 3) { return Redirect::route('client.member.forced_profile'); } } }); # LOGIN PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'login', ['as' => 'client.login', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@login']); #REGISTRATION PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'registration/{status?}', ['as' => 'client.registration', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@registration']); #ACCOUNT ACTIVATION PAGE Route::get('activate', ['as' => 'client.activate', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@activate']); #REMINDER PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'reminder', ['as' => 'client.reminder', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@reminder']); #RESET PASSWORD PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'reset/{token}', ['as' => 'client.reset', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@reset']); #RESET PASSWORD PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'user-profile', ['as' => 'client.member.forced_profile', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@profile']); #RESET PASSWORD PAGE Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], 'resend', ['as' => 'client.resend', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@resend']); # CLIENTZONE AFTER LOGIN Route::group(['before' => 'auth.clientzone'], function () {
</div> <div class="post-index"><?php echo $item->post_index; ?> </div> <div class="address"><?php echo $item->address; ?> </div> <div class="action"> <i class="fa fa-comment<?php echo $item->memo ? '' : ' hidden'; ?> " aria-hidden="true"></i> <?php if (Auth::member(\Config::get('my.groups.superadmin'))) { ?> <i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o vendor-edit-button" aria-hidden="true"></i> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php
public function action_approve($id = null) { if (Auth::member(6)) { $text = Model_Text::find($id); $text->approved = true; if ($text->save(false)) { $this->send_approved_email($text); Session::set_flash('success', e('Approved translation #' . $id)); } else { Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not approve translation #' . $id)); } \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('admin/dashboard'); } else { Response::redirect('admin/text'); } }
public function action_admincreate() { // Check if the current user is an administrator if (!\Auth::member(6)) { \Messages::info(__('user.login.not-logged')); \Response::redirect(\Router::get('login')); } if (Input::method() == 'POST') { try { /* * Unique serial based off timestamp and rand() * for user saved in EAV table by FuelPHP */ $user = \Auth::create_user(Input::post('email'), Input::post('email'), Input::post('email'), 1, array('author' => true, 'first_name' => Input::post('first_name'), 'last_name' => Input::post('last_name'))); $email = Input::post('email'); \Messages::success("Created author {$email}"); } catch (Exception $e) { \Messages::error($error = $e->getMessage()); } \Response::redirect_back(); } return View::forge('user/admin/create'); }
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#form_body').summernote({ <?php if (\Auth::member(50)) { ?> toolbar: [ ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['insert', ['link', 'picture']], ['view', ['fullscreen']] ], <?php } ?> keyMap: { pc: {'ENTER': ''}, mac: {'ENTER': ''} }, lang: 'ja-JP', height: 300, minHeight: 150 }); }); </script>