include '../301.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/controllers/check_admin_login_action.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/AttachmentDao.php'; ?> <body> <div id="container"> <!-- nav bar start --> <?php include 'navigator.php'; ?> <input type="hidden" id="page" value="system"/> <!-- nav bar end --> <div style="margin-left: 100px; margin-right: 100px;"> <?php $dao = new AttachmentDao(); $photoFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/photo"; $delFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/photo/deleted"; if (!file_exists($delFolder)) { mkdir($delFolder); } $files = scandir($photoFolder); $delFiles = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'deleted') { $result = $dao->getByFile($file); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo $file; echo '<br/>'; $originFile = $photoFolder . '/' . $file; $newFile = $delFolder . '/' . $file;
/** * This file is for the user's information management after he/she is logged in via QQ. * Generally, the process will check whether exists in the database or not, * not exists: will create a new user and store in database; * exists: will get the existing user. * Finally, put the user infomation into session/cookie. * @author Ye_WD * @2015-12-16 */ $openid = $_POST["openid"]; $nickname = $_POST["nickname"]; $gender = $_POST["gender"]; $filepath = $_POST["filepath"]; $access_token = $_POST["access_token"]; $userDao = new UserDao(); $attachmentDao = new AttachmentDao(); $sessionController = new SessionController(); $user_row = $userDao->getByQQOpenid($openid); // 用户第一次登陆 if (empty($user_row)) { $userId = $userDao->addQQUser($openid, $nickname, $gender); if (!$userId) { db_error("储存QQ用户信息失败!"); } $attachmentId = $attachmentDao->addSimple($filepath); if (!$attachmentId) { db_error("存储图片附件失败!"); } if (!$userDao->addPhoto($userId, $attachmentId)) { db_error("存储用户头像失败!"); }
<?php include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/AttachmentDao.php'; include_once 'WechatArticle.php'; include_once 'WechatArticleDao.php'; $waDao = new WechatArticleDao(); $aDao = new AttachmentDao(); $a_id = $_POST['attachment_id']; $wa_id = $_POST['id']; $type = $_POST['type']; $series = $_POST['series']; if (empty($series)) { $series = 0; } $filepath = $_GET['filepath']; $wa = new WechatArticle($wa_id, $a_id, $_POST['title'], $_POST['brief'], $_POST['address'], $type, $series, $_POST['deleted']); $update_attachemnt = false; if ($a_id) { $attachment_row = $aDao->getById($a_id); if ($attachment_row['filepath'] != $filepath) { // 更新了图片 $update_attachemnt = true; } } else { // 无图片 $update_attachemnt = true; } if ($update_attachemnt) { $a_id = $aDao->addSimple($filepath); if (!$a_id) { echo '数据库添加图片失败!' . '</br>' . mysql_error();
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <script src="//"></script> <script src="../assets/js/integration/jquery.flexslider-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../assets/js/home.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../assets/js/vue.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../assets/js/casaseries.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <?php include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/AttachmentDao.php'; include_once 'WechatArticle.php'; include_once 'WechatArticleDao.php'; $waDao = new WechatArticleDao(); $aDao = new AttachmentDao(); $type = $_GET['type']; $series = $_GET['series']; if (empty($type)) { // Default display list is 民宿风采 $type = 2; } if (empty($series)) { // Now just "探庐系列 " has submenu. if ($type == 1) { $series = 1; } else { $series = 0; } } $article_rows = $waDao->getByType($type, $series);
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/common/common_tools.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/TagDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/CasaTagDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/CasaDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/CasaTagDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/AttachmentDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/AreaDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/ContentDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/models/ContentAttachmentDao.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/services/CasaService.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/casarover/application/services/ContentService.php'; $casa_JSON_str = remove_slash($_REQUEST['casa_JSON_str']); $casa = json_decode($casa_JSON_str); $casaDao = new CasaDao(); $areaDao = new AreaDao(); $attachmentDao = new AttachmentDao(); $tagDao = new TagDao(); $casaTagDao = new CasaTagDao(); $contentDao = new ContentDao(); $contentAttachmentDao = new ContentAttachmentDao(); $casaService = new CasaService(); $contentService = new ContentService(); mysql_query('START TRANSACTION') or die(mysql_error()); $mode = 'edit'; if (empty($casa->id)) { $mode = 'add'; } /** 1.添加基础民宿 */ if (!empty($casa->name) && !empty($casa->code) && !empty($casa->area)) { $casa_id = $casaDao->addOrUpdateSimple($casa->name, $casa->code, $casa->link, $casa->area, $casa->id); if (!$casa_id) {