예제 #1
        if (strpos($var['maxfilesize'], 'M') !== false) {
            $var['maxfilesize'] = intval($var['maxfilesize']) * 1024 * 1024;
        } elseif (strpos($var['maxfilesize'], 'K') !== false) {
            $var['maxfilesize'] = intval($var['maxfilesize']) * 1024;
        } elseif (strpos($var['maxfilesize'], 'G') !== false) {
            $var['maxfilesize'] = intval($var['maxfilesize']) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    print $atmail->parse("html/{$atmail->Language}/{$atmail->LoginType}/attachment.html", $var);
} elseif ($var['func'] == "renameattach") {
    $sendmsg = new SendMsg(array('Account' => "{$atmail->username}@{$atmail->pop3host}"));
    $AttachmentList = $_REQUEST['Attachment'];
    // Loop through each attachment to rename on disk
    if (is_array($AttachmentList)) {
        foreach ($AttachmentList as $attach) {
            $attach = $atmail->myunescape($attach);
            $sendmsg->renameattach($var['unique'], $attach);
    echo "<ATTACH STATUS='OK'/>";
} elseif ($var['func'] == "attachmentmodallist") {
    $icon = $atmail->icon_hash();
    $sendmsg = new SendMsg(array('Account' => "{$atmail->username}@{$atmail->pop3host}"));
    // Delete the selected attachment
    if ($var['delete']) {
        $var['status'] = $sendmsg->delete_attachment($var['delete'], $var['unique']);
    // List the number of attachments . Based on the unique compose
    // window and our logged in account
    $h = $sendmsg->list_attachments($var['unique']);
예제 #2
if ($atmail->status == 2 && !preg_match('/xhtml/i', $_REQUEST['whoscalling'])) {
$var['src'] = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['file']);
$var['src'] = preg_replace('/^.+[\\\\\\/]/', '', $var['src']);
// Don't allow to go down a dir, sanity check
$tmpfile = $pref['user_dir'] . "/tmp/" . $atmail->auth->get_account() . "/" . $var['src'];
// Exit if no pathname is defined
if (!$var['src']) {
    die("Not implemented");
$size = filesize($tmpfile);
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$name = $atmail->myunescape($_REQUEST['name']);
if (!$name) {
    $name = $var['src'];
if (preg_match('/.*\\.(.*)$/', $name, $match)) {
    $var['ext'] = $match[1];
$var['type'] = $mime[$var['ext']];
if (!$var['type']) {
    $mime[$var['ext']] = "unknown/data";
// Take off the extension
//$name = str_replace(".{$var['ext']}", '', $name);
//$name = urlencode($name);
//$name = $name . ".{$var['ext']}";
// If the filename is too long, cut it to a size the HTTP header can read!