예제 #1
             foreach ($objLinkedAssetArrayByNewAsset as $objLinkedAsset) {
                 $objLinkedAsset->CheckedOutFlag = true;
                 $objLinkedAsset->LocationId = $intDestinationLocationId;
                 // Create the new assettransaction object and save it
                 $objAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction();
                 $objAssetTransaction->AssetId = $objLinkedAsset->AssetId;
                 $objAssetTransaction->TransactionId = $objTransaction->TransactionId;
                 $objAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $objAsset->LocationId;
                 $objAssetTransaction->DestinationLocationId = $intDestinationLocationId;
                 // Create new AssetTransactionCheckout by that user to the same user for each linked asset
                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout = new AssetTransactionCheckout();
                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->AssetTransactionId = $objAssetTransaction->AssetTransactionId;
                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->ToUserId = QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId;
         $objAsset->LocationId = $intDestinationLocationId;
         $objAsset->CheckedOutFlag = true;
     $strWarning .= "Your transaction has successfully completed<br /><a href='index.php'>Main Menu</a> | <a href='asset_menu.php'>Manage Assets</a><br />";
     //Remove that flag when transaction is compelete or exists some errors
     $blnTransactionComplete = true;
     $arrCheckedAssetCode = "";
 } else {
     $strWarning .= "This transaction has not been completed.<br />";
 if (is_array($arrCheckedAssetCode)) {
 public function btnSave_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $this->btnCancel->Warning = "";
     if ($this->objAssetArray) {
         $blnError = false;
         foreach ($this->objAssetArray as $asset) {
             // TransactionTypeId = 1 is for moves
             if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1) {
                 if ($asset->LocationId == $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue) {
                     $this->dtgAssetTransact->Warning = 'Cannot move an asset from a location to the same location.';
                     $blnError = true;
             // For all transactions except Unreserve, make sure the asset is not already reserved
             if ($this->intTransactionTypeId != 9 && $asset->ReservedFlag) {
                 $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('The Asset %s is reserved.', $asset->AssetCode);
                 $blnError = true;
             // For all transactions except Unarchive, make sure the asset is not already archived
             if ($this->intTransactionTypeId != 11 && $asset->ArchivedFlag) {
                 $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('The Asset %s is archived.', $asset->AssetCode);
                 $blnError = true;
         if (!$blnError) {
             if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                 $this->lstCheckOutTo->Warning = '';
                 $this->lstDueDate->Warning = '';
                 $intToUser = "";
                 $intToContact = "";
                 $dttDueDate = "";
                 if ((QApplication::$TracmorSettings->CheckOutToOtherUsers == "1" || QApplication::$TracmorSettings->CheckOutToContacts == "1") && $this->lstCheckOutTo->Display) {
                     if ($this->lstCheckOutTo->SelectedValue == "1") {
                         if (!$this->lstUser->SelectedValue) {
                             $this->lstCheckOutTo->Warning = 'Please select a user.';
                             $blnError = true;
                         } else {
                             $intToUser = $this->lstUser->SelectedValue;
                     } elseif ($this->lstCheckOutTo->SelectedValue == "2") {
                         if (!$this->lstToContact->SelectedValue) {
                             $this->lstCheckOutTo->Warning = 'Please select a contact.';
                             $blnError = true;
                         } else {
                             $intToContact = $this->lstToContact->SelectedValue;
                     } else {
                         $this->lstCheckOutTo->Warning = 'Please select one of the options';
                         $blnError = true;
                 } else {
                     $intToUser = QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId;
                 if ($this->lstDueDate->Display) {
                     if ($this->lstDueDate->SelectedValue == 2) {
                         $dttDueDate = $this->dttDueDate;
                         if ($dttDueDate && $dttDueDate->DateTime < QDateTime::Now()) {
                             $this->lstDueDate->Warning = 'Due date must be a future date';
                             $blnError = true;
                     } elseif (QApplication::$TracmorSettings->DueDateRequired == "1") {
                         $this->lstDueDate->Warning = 'Due date is required';
                         $blnError = true;
             if (QApplication::$TracmorSettings->ReasonRequired == "1" && !trim($this->txtNote->Text) && $this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                 $this->txtNote->Warning = 'Reason is required.';
                 $blnError = true;
             } elseif (($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 2 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 11) && is_null($this->lstLocation->SelectedValue)) {
                 $this->lstLocation->Warning = 'Location is required.';
                 $blnError = true;
             } elseif ($this->txtNote->Text == '' && $this->intTransactionTypeId != 3) {
                 $this->txtNote->Warning = 'Note is required.';
                 $blnError = true;
         if (!$blnError) {
             try {
                 // Get an instance of the database
                 $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1];
                 // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back
                 // Create the new transaction object and save it
                 $this->objTransaction = new Transaction();
                 // Entity Qtype is Asset
                 $this->objTransaction->EntityQtypeId = EntityQtype::Asset;
                 $this->objTransaction->TransactionTypeId = $this->intTransactionTypeId;
                 $this->objTransaction->Note = $this->txtNote->Text;
                 // Assign different source and destinations depending on transaction type
                 foreach ($this->objAssetArray as $asset) {
                     if ($asset instanceof Asset && $asset->LinkedFlag != 1) {
                         $SourceLocationId = $asset->LocationId;
                         // Load all linked assets
                         $objLinkedAssetArrayByNewAsset = Asset::LoadChildLinkedArrayByParentAssetId($asset->AssetId);
                         if (!$objLinkedAssetArrayByNewAsset) {
                             $objLinkedAssetArrayByNewAsset = array();
                         if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 2) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue;
                             $asset->CheckedOutFlag = false;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = 1;
                             $asset->CheckedOutFlag = true;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 8) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = $asset->LocationId;
                             $asset->ReservedFlag = true;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 9) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = $asset->LocationId;
                             $asset->ReservedFlag = false;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 10) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = 6;
                             $asset->ArchivedFlag = true;
                             //$asset->CheckedOutFlag = false;
                             //$asset->ReservedFlag = false;
                         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 11) {
                             $DestinationLocationId = $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue;
                             $asset->ArchivedFlag = false;
                         $asset->LocationId = $DestinationLocationId;
                         // Transact all child linked assets
                         foreach ($objLinkedAssetArrayByNewAsset as $objLinkedAsset) {
                             $objLinkedAsset->CheckedOutFlag = $asset->CheckedOutFlag;
                             $objLinkedAsset->ArchivedFlag = $asset->ArchivedFlag;
                             $objLinkedAsset->ReservedFlag = $asset->ReservedFlag;
                             $objLinkedAsset->LocationId = $asset->LocationId;
                             // Create the new assettransaction object and save it
                             $this->objAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction();
                             $this->objAssetTransaction->AssetId = $objLinkedAsset->AssetId;
                             $this->objAssetTransaction->TransactionId = $this->objTransaction->TransactionId;
                             $this->objAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $SourceLocationId;
                             $this->objAssetTransaction->DestinationLocationId = $DestinationLocationId;
                             // Create the new AssetTransactionCheckout object and save it
                             if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout = new AssetTransactionCheckout();
                                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->AssetTransactionId = $this->objAssetTransaction->AssetTransactionId;
                                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->ToContactId = $intToContact;
                                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->ToUserId = $intToUser;
                                 if ($dttDueDate instanceof QDateTimePicker) {
                                     $objAssetTransactionCheckout->DueDate = $dttDueDate->DateTime;
                         // Create the new assettransaction object and save it
                         $this->objAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction();
                         $this->objAssetTransaction->AssetId = $asset->AssetId;
                         $this->objAssetTransaction->TransactionId = $this->objTransaction->TransactionId;
                         $this->objAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $SourceLocationId;
                         $this->objAssetTransaction->DestinationLocationId = $DestinationLocationId;
                         // Create the new AssetTransactionCheckout object and save it for each linked asset
                         if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                             $objAssetTransactionCheckout = new AssetTransactionCheckout();
                             $objAssetTransactionCheckout->AssetTransactionId = $this->objAssetTransaction->AssetTransactionId;
                             $objAssetTransactionCheckout->ToContactId = $intToContact;
                             $objAssetTransactionCheckout->ToUserId = $intToUser;
                             if ($dttDueDate instanceof QDateTimePicker) {
                                 $objAssetTransactionCheckout->DueDate = $dttDueDate->DateTime;
                 // Commit the above transactions to the database
                 QApplication::Redirect('../common/transaction_edit.php?intTransactionId=' . $this->objTransaction->TransactionId);
             } catch (QOptimisticLockingException $objExc) {
                 // Rollback the database
                 $objAsset = Asset::Load($objExc->EntityId);
                 $this->objParentObject->btnRemove_Click($this->objParentObject->FormId, 'btnRemove' . $objExc->EntityId, $objExc->EntityId);
                 // Lock Exception Thrown, Report the Error
                 $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('The Asset %s has been altered by another user and removed from the transaction. You may add the asset again or save the transaction without it.', $objAsset->AssetCode);
     } else {
         $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('Please provide at least one asset.');