function permissions($id) { // primero actualiza los permisos $this->update_acos(); // importando las clases App::import('Model', 'UserGroup'); App::import('Model', 'Aro'); App::import('Model', 'ArosAco'); // consulta todos los acos $aco = new Aco(); $this->set('acos', $aco->find('threaded', array('recursive' => 0))); // consulta el id del aro $aro = new Aro(); $aro_row = $aro->find('first', array('conditions' => array('model' => 'UserGroup', 'foreign_key' => $id))); $this->UserGroup = new UserGroup(); $this->set('userGroup', $this->UserGroup->read(null, $id)); $this->set('aro_foreignkey', $id); if (!empty($this->data)) { // guarda los permisos $group =& $this->UserGroup; $group->id = $id; $aro_aco_del = new ArosAco(); foreach ($this->data['Acos'] as $aco_id => $mode) { switch ($mode['option']) { case 1: // allow $this->Acl->allow($group, $mode['url']); break; case 2: // deny $this->Acl->deny($group, $mode['url']); break; default: // lo borra $aro_aco_del->deleteAll(array('aro_id' => $aro_row['Aro']['id'], 'aco_id' => $aco_id)); break; } } $this->Session->setFlash(__('UserGroup permissions changed successfully', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } // consulta la relacion de aros_acos $aros_aco = new ArosAco(); $this->set('aros_acos', $aros_aco->find('all', array('conditions' => array('aro_id' => $aro_row['Aro']['id'])))); }
/** * Get an array of access-control links between the given Aro and Aco * * @param mixed $aro * @param mixed $aco * @return array * @access public */ function getAclLink($aro, $aco) { $Aro = new Aro(); $Aco = new Aco(); $Link = new ArosAco(); $obj = array(); $obj['Aro'] = $Aro->find($Aro->_resolveID($aro)); $obj['Aco'] = $Aco->find($Aco->_resolveID($aco)); $obj['Aro'] = $obj['Aro']['Aro']; $obj['Aco'] = $obj['Aco']['Aco']; if ($obj['Aro'] == null || count($obj['Aro']) == 0 || $obj['Aco'] == null || count($obj['Aco']) == 0) { return false; } return array('aro' => $obj['Aro']['id'], 'aco' => $obj['Aco']['id'], 'link' => $Link->findAll(array('ArosAco.aro_id' => $obj['Aro']['id'], 'ArosAco.aco_id' => $obj['Aco']['id']))); }
function beforeFilter() { $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/'; // for the authorizations $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions'; $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controllers/'; // if the user is not logged and it requests the root '/' url // redirects to '/login' if (!$this->Session->read('')) { if ($this->params['url']['url'] == '/') { $this->redirect('/login'); } } App::import('Model', 'User'); if ($this->Session->read('')) { if ($this->params['url']['url'] == '/') { $user = new User(); $user = $user->read(null, $this->Session->read('')); $this->redirect($user['UserGroup']['home_url']); } } if ($this->layout == 'default' && $this->Session->read('')) { // creating an array with all the permissions for this user // and in the view we check if it has permissions to show the link // getting all the acos with permissions App::import('Model', 'Aco'); App::import('Model', 'Aro'); App::import('Model', 'ArosAco'); $aco = new Aco(); $aro = new Aro(); $aros_aco = new ArosAco(); $acos = $aco->find('threaded', array('recursive' => 0)); // consulta el id del aro $aro_row = $aro->find('first', array('conditions' => array('model' => 'UserGroup', 'foreign_key' => $this->Session->read('Auth.User.user_group_id')))); // consulta la relacion de aros_acos $aros_acos = $aros_aco->find('all', array('conditions' => array('aro_id' => $aro_row['Aro']['id']))); $this->set('acl_lists', $this->AclGetList->get($this->Session->read('Auth.User.user_group_id'), $acos, $aros_acos)); } // rendering the menu for "default" layout // checking if there is a logged user if ($this->layout == 'default' && $this->Session->read('')) { // renders the menu according the user group App::import('Model', 'Menu'); $menu = new Menu(); $this->set('layout_menus', $menu->find_for_show($this->Session->read('Auth.User.user_group_id'))); // selecting the current menu $this->set('layout_current', $this->params['url']['url']); //$route = Router::parse('/'.$this->params['url']['url']); //$aco_alias = 'controllers/'.$route['controller'].'/'.$route['action']; //$this->set('layout_acos', $this->Acl->Aco->node('controllers/'.$route['controller'].'/'.$route['action'])); // asks the controller for selecting the correct link in the menu $cont = split('_', $this->params['controller']); $newcont = ''; foreach ($cont as $c) { $newcont .= ucfirst($c); } $current_aco = $this->Acl->Aco->node('controllers/' . $newcont . '/' . $this->params['action']); $this->set('layout_aco_id', $current_aco[0]['Aco']['id']); //$route = Router::parse('/profile'); //$this->set('menu_url', '/'.$this->params['controller'].'/'.$this->params['action']); if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User.type') == 'web') { $user = new User(); $user->id = $this->Session->read(''); $user->updatecredit_expiration(); $this->set('user_balance', $user->getBalance()); $this->set('user_expirationdate', $user->getExpirationDate()); } } }