예제 #1
  * Report resource
 public function report($resource_id, $resource_type, $reason)
     if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
         return null;
     $user_id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
     if ($this->isReported($resource_id, $resource_type)) {
         return false;
     $data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'resource_type' => $resource_type, 'resource_id' => $resource_id, 'reason' => $reason, 'created_on' => Application_Plugin_Common::now(), 'reviewed_by' => 0, 'is_accepted' => 0);
     // new report email notification
     if (Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('report_notify_email')) {
         $to = Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('report_notify_email');
         $subject = 'New report';
         // prepare phtml email template
         $mail_template_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/emails/';
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $body = $view->render('newreport.phtml');
         $ret = Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($to, $subject, $body, true);
     return $this->insert($data);
예제 #2
 * Load & submit invitation form
function getBetterInvitaionForm()
    require_once 'InviteForm.php';
    $form = new Addon_Form_BetterInvite();
    $translator = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
    // form is submitted and valid?
    if (isset($_POST['identifier']) && $_POST['identifier'] == 'Invite') {
        if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
            $to = $form->getValue('email');
            $subject = $translator->translate('Invitation');
            $base_url = Application_Plugin_Common::getFullBaseUrl();
            $user_id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
            $user_name = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->name;
            $user_screenname = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->screen_name;
            $invitation_link = $base_url . '/?ref=' . $user_id;
            $profile_link = $base_url . '/' . $user_name . '/?ref=' . $user_id;
            // prepare phtml email template
            $view = new Zend_View();
            $view->assign('invitation_link', $invitation_link);
            $body = $view->render('email.phtml');
            $body = str_replace("NETWORK_NAME", Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('network_name'), $body);
            $body = str_replace("INVITATION_LINK", $invitation_link, $body);
            $body = str_replace("INVITED_BY_SCREENNAME", $user_screenname, $body);
            $body = str_replace("INVITED_BY_PROFILE_LINK", $profile_link, $body);
            // send email
            $ret = Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($to, $subject, $body, true);
            // show info message
            if ($ret) {
                Application_Plugin_Alerts::success(Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->translate('Invitation has been sent'), 'on');
        // flush field
    return $form;
예제 #3
  * Retrive all unreaded notifications
 public function getNotifications($only_new = false, $fixed_limit = false, $send_emails = false)
     if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
     $current_user_id = (int) Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
     // application now time
     $now = Application_Plugin_Common::now();
     if ($this->page_number < 1) {
         $this->page_number = 1;
     $limit_from = ((int) $this->page_number - 1) * (int) Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('pagination_limit');
     $limit_to = (int) Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('pagination_limit');
     $sql = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\n\t\tn.id AS notification_id,\n\t\tn.type AS notification_type,\n\t\tn.resource_type AS notification_resource_type,\n\t\tn.resource_id AS notification_resource_id,\n\t\tn.created_on AS notification_date,\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tt.email AS to_email,\n\t\tt.name AS to_name,\n\t\tt.screen_name AS to_screen_name,\n\n\t\tc.resource_type AS comment_resource_type,\n\t\tc_authors.name AS comment_author_name,\n\t\tc_authors.screen_name AS comment_author_screen_name,\n\t\tc_authors.avatar AS comment_author_avatar,\n\t\tc_posts.id AS commented_post_id,\n\t\tc.content AS comment_content,\n\t\tc_images.uid AS commented_image_uid,\n\t\tc_profile_wall.name AS commented_post_on_wall,\n\n\t\tl.id AS like_id,\n\t\tl.resource_type AS like_resource_type,\n\t\tl_users.name AS like_user_name,\n\t\tl_users.screen_name AS like_user_screen_name,\n\t\tl_users.avatar AS like_user_avatar,\n\n\t\tp.id AS profile_id,\n\t\tp.name AS profile_name,\n\t\tp.screen_name AS profile_screen_name,\n\t\tp.avatar AS profile_avatar,\n\n\t\tpo.id AS post_id,\n\t\tpo.content AS post_content,\n\t\tpo_authors.name AS post_author_name,\n\t\tpo_authors.screen_name AS post_author_screen_name,\n\t\tpo_authors.avatar AS post_author_avatar,\n\n\t\tp_meta.meta_value AS bulk_notifications\n\n\t\tFROM notifications n\n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles t ON t.id = n.to_user\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN comments c ON c.id = n.resource_id AND n.resource_type = 'comment'\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles c_authors ON c_authors.id = c.author_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN posts c_posts ON c_posts.id = c.resource_id AND c.resource_type = 'post'\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles c_profile_wall ON c_profile_wall.id = c_posts.wall_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN images c_images ON c_images.id = c.resource_id AND c.resource_type = 'image'\n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN likes l ON l.id = n.resource_id AND n.resource_type = 'like'\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles l_users ON l_users.id = l.user_id\n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles p ON p.id = n.resource_id AND n.resource_type = 'profile'\n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN posts po ON po.id = n.resource_id AND n.resource_type = 'post'\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profiles po_authors ON po_authors.id = po.author_id\n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN profile_meta p_meta ON p_meta.profile_id = n.to_user AND p_meta.meta_key = 'bulk_notifications'\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tWHERE 1\n\n\t\tAND (n.type <> 2 OR l.id IS NOT NULL)\n\t\t\t\n\t\t";
     if ($send_emails) {
         $sql .= "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND n.email_sent = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tAND n.created_on < '{$now}' - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE\n\t\t\t\t\tAND n.created_on > DATE(DATE_SUB('{$now}', INTERVAL 1 DAY))\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     } else {
         $sql .= " AND n.to_user = {$current_user_id} ";
     if ($only_new == true) {
         $sql .= " AND n.is_new = 1 ";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY n.created_on DESC ";
     if ($fixed_limit) {
         // fixed limit, for notification box
         $sql .= " LIMIT " . (int) $fixed_limit;
     } elseif (!$send_emails) {
         // go with pagination
         $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit_from}, {$limit_to} ";
     $result = $this->getAdapter()->fetchAll($sql);
     $transl = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
     // save locale since we might change it below
     $locale_saved = $transl->getLocale();
     $result_rows = $this->fixData($result, $send_emails);
     // send emails
     if ($send_emails) {
         // set default language to network default
         foreach ($result_rows as $row) {
             // update this notification to email_sent = 1, never mind if it wan't be really sent later on
             $data = array('email_sent' => '1');
             $where = array('id = ?' => $row['notification_id']);
             $result = $this->update($data, $where);
             $notification_key = 'notification_email_' . $row['notification_type'];
             // if row is not updated then email was probably already sent
             // also, check if this user has enabled this notification
             if ($result == 1 && $row['do_send_email'] && $row['bulk_notifications'][$notification_key]) {
                 $to = $row['to_email'];
                 $subject = $row['subject_email'];
                 // prepare phtml email template
                 $mail_template_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/emails/';
                 $view = new Zend_View();
                 $view->assign('top', sprintf($transl->translate('Hello %s'), $row['to_screen_name']));
                 $view->assign('message', '<p>' . $row['html_link'] . '</p>');
                 $view->assign('footer', $transl->translate('Thank you'));
                 $body = $view->render('notifications.phtml');
                 Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($to, $subject, $body);
                 $row['view_from_name'] = $row['profile_name'];
                 $row['view_from_screen_name'] = $row['profile_screen_name'];
                 $row['view_from_avatar'] = $row['profile_avatar'];
         return 1;
     // restore locale
     return $result_rows;
예제 #4
  * Create new user - add defaults & save
 public function createNewUser(Application_Model_Profiles_Row $profile, $origin = null)
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Default');
     $language = $session->language ? $session->language : Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('default_language');
     $profile->role = 'user';
     $profile->screen_name = $profile->name;
     $profile->type = 'user';
     $profile->avatar = 'default/generic.jpg';
     $profile->cover = 'default/' . rand(1, 3) . '.jpg';
     $profile->is_hidden = 0;
     $profile->owner = 0;
     $profile->default_privacy = 'everyone';
     $profile->profile_privacy = 'everyone';
     $profile->language = $language;
     // trigger hooks
     Zend_Registry::get('hooks')->trigger('hook_app_preadduser', $profile);
     try {
         $created_id = $profile->save();
     } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
     $ProfilesMeta = new Application_Model_ProfilesMeta();
     $ProfilesMeta->metaUpdate('date_created', Application_Plugin_Common::now(), $created_id);
     // referral user cookie
     if (isset($_COOKIE['ref'])) {
         $ref_by_user = $this->getProfileByField('id', base64_decode($_COOKIE['ref']));
         if ($ref_by_user) {
             $ProfilesMeta->metaUpdate('referred_by', $ref_by_user->id, $profile->id);
     if ($origin) {
         $ProfilesMeta->metaUpdate('registration_origin', $origin, $profile->id);
     // new user notification
     if (Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('newuser_notify_email')) {
         $to = Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('newuser_notify_email');
         $subject = 'New user - ' . $profile->name;
         // prepare phtml email template
         $mail_template_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/emails/';
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $view->assign('user_name', $profile->name);
         $body = $view->render('newuser.phtml');
         Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($to, $subject, $body);
     // auto follow users
     if (Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('auto_follow_users')) {
         $Connections = new Application_Model_Connections();
         $users = explode(",", Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('auto_follow_users'));
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $follow = $this->getProfileByField('name', trim($user));
             if ($follow && $follow->type == 'user') {
                 $Connections->followUser($profile->id, $follow->id);
             } elseif ($follow && $follow->type == 'group') {
                 $Connections->followUser($profile->id, $follow->id);
                 $Connections->approveConnection($profile->id, $follow->id);
     // trigger hooks
     Zend_Registry::get('hooks')->trigger('hook_app_postadduser', $profile);
     return $profile;
예제 #5
  * Send recovery email
 public static function sendRecoveryEmail($email, $name, $key)
     // password recovery email
     $subject = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->translate('New Password:'******'/editprofile/recoverpassword/key/' . $key;
     // prepare phtml email template
     $mail_template_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/emails/';
     $view = new Zend_View();
     $view->assign('recovery_link', $pw_recovery_url);
     $body = $view->render('resetpassword.phtml');
     $ret = Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($email, $subject, $body, true);
     return $ret;
  * Change password with recover key
 public function recoverpasswordAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Get password change key if any
     $key = $request->getParam('key', false);
     $Profiles = new Application_Model_Profiles();
     $ProfilesMeta = new Application_Model_ProfilesMeta();
     if ($key) {
         $form = new Application_Form_ChangeForgottenPassword();
         $profile_id = $ProfilesMeta->getProfileId('password_reset', $key);
         if ($profile_id) {
             $profile = $Profiles->getProfileByField('id', $profile_id);
     // Redirect if bad or no user
     if (!$key || !isset($profile) || !$profile) {
     $this->view->form = $form;
     // Form Submitted...
     if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         $newpassword = $form->getValue('password2');
         $hash = new Application_Plugin_Phpass();
         $hashed_password = $hash->HashPassword($newpassword);
         // update password
         $Profiles->updateField($profile->name, 'password', $hashed_password);
         // remove password reset key
         $ProfilesMeta->deletePair('password_reset', $key);
         Application_Plugin_Alerts::success($this->view->translate('Password updated'));
         // prepare phtml email template
         $mail_template_path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/emails/';
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $body = $view->render('passwordnotice.phtml');
         // send email as a security measure
         $ret = Application_Plugin_Common::sendEmail($profile->email, $this->view->translate('Password updated'), $body, true);