public function processImageAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $objModelAlbum = new Album_Model_Album(); /*----------- GET LOGGEDIN USER INFORMATION ----------------------*/ $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); $userId = $usersNs->userId; $arrPostVal = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $fileName = $arrPostVal['fileName']; $fileSize = $arrPostVal['fileSize']; $fileType = $arrPostVal['fileType']; $album = $arrPostVal['album']; $quality = $arrPostVal['quality']; /*-------------------- GET EXTENSION OF FILE ----------------------*/ $arrExtension = explode(".", $fileName); $arrExtensionSize = count($arrExtension); $fileType = "." . $arrExtension[$arrExtensionSize - 1]; /*------------------- CHECK AVAILABLE USER PHOTO CAPACITY ---------*/ $arrAlbumCapacity = $objModelAlbum->albumCapacity($userId); $maximumCapacity = 5368709120; // 5 GB //$maximumCapacity = 47185920; // 45 MB $availableCapacity = $maximumCapacity - $arrAlbumCapacity[2]; if ($availableCapacity < $fileSize) { echo 'completed'; exit; } else { /*------------------- END AVAILABLE CHECK USER PHOTO CAPACITY -----*/ $this->view->uploading_type = $arrPostVal['uploadingType']; $this->view->review_edit = $arrPostVal['review_edit']; $uploadedCount = $arrPostVal['uploadedCount']; $newPhotoName = "album_" . time() . "_" . rand(10, 99) . $fileType; $imagePath = PUBLIC_PATH . "/media/album/default/" . $fileName; $targetPath = PUBLIC_PATH . "/media/album/default/" . $newPhotoName; $targetPathR = PUBLIC_PATH . "/media/album/custom/" . $newPhotoName; $targetPathT = PUBLIC_PATH . "/media/album/thumb/" . $newPhotoName; set_time_limit(0); copy($imagePath, $targetPathR); rename($imagePath, $targetPath); $mageSize = $this->getImageSize($quality, $targetPath); $thumb = Base_Image_PhpThumbFactory::create($targetPath); $thumb->resize($mageSize['width'], $mageSize['height']); $thumb->save($targetPathR); $thumb->resize(131, 98); // Thumb Image $thumb->save($targetPathT); //---> Fetch Album Permission $valAlbum = $objModelAlbum->find($album); $this->view->albumPermission = $albumPermission = $valAlbum->getPermission(); /*----------- CAPTURE TO DATABASE --------------------------------*/ $option['albumId'] = $album; $option['userId'] = $userId; $option['image'] = $newPhotoName; $option['name'] = $newPhotoName; $option['type'] = $fileType; $option['size'] = filesize($targetPath); $option['status'] = 1; $option['permission'] = $albumPermission; $option['addedon'] = time(); $objModelAlbumPhoto = new Album_Model_AlbumPhoto($option); $objModelAlbumPhoto->save(); $objModelFriendGroup = new Application_Model_FriendGroup(); $arrFriendGroup = $objModelFriendGroup->getPermissions(); $this->view->arrFriendGroup = $arrFriendGroup; $this->view->uploadedCount = $uploadedCount; $this->view->album = $album; $objModelUserPermission = new Application_Model_UserPermission(); $whereUserPermission = "permission_id='5' AND user_id='{$userId}'"; $arrUserPermission = $objModelUserPermission->fetchRow($whereUserPermission); } }
private function setModel($row) { $permission = $row->findParentRow('Application_Model_DbTable_Permission', 'Permission'); $model = new Application_Model_UserPermission(); $model->setId($row->id)->setPermissionId($row->permission_id)->setFriendGroupId($row->friend_group_id)->setAddedon($row->addedon)->setUpdatedon($row->updatedon)->setUserId($row->user_id)->setPermissionName($permission->name); return $model; }
public function indexAction() { if (isset($_SESSION['msg'])) { $this->view->msg = $_SESSION['msg']; unset($_SESSION['msg']); } $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $userId = $userNs->userId; $form = new Album_Form_Album(); $objModelAlbum = new Album_Model_Album(); $objModelGapperLocation = new Application_Model_GapperLocation(); /*------------- GET GAPPER LOCATION ---------------*/ $yesterday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y")); $whereGapperLocation = "user_id='{$userId}' and latest=1 AND addedon >= '{$yesterday}'"; $arrGapperLocation = $objModelGapperLocation->fetchAll($whereGapperLocation); if (!empty($arrGapperLocation)) { $this->view->myLatitude = $arrGapperLocation[0]->latitude; $this->view->myLongitude = $arrGapperLocation[0]->longitude; } else { $this->view->myLatitude = ""; $this->view->myLongitude = ""; } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ $elements = $form->getElements(); $form->clearDecorators(); foreach ($elements as $element) { $element->removeDecorator('label'); } /*---------------------- GET USED PHOTO SIZE OF USER --------------------------*/ $arrAlbumCapacity = $objModelAlbum->albumCapacity($userId); $this->view->capacityImage = $arrAlbumCapacity[0]; $this->view->capacityPercent = $arrAlbumCapacity[1]; $request = $this->getRequest(); // Get posted value if ($request->isPost()) { $params = $request->getParams(); // Get all posted value if ($form->isValid($params)) { $option['userId'] = $userId; // LoggedIn UserId $arrLatLang = explode(",", $params['latlang']); $latitude = substr($arrLatLang[0], 1, strlen($arrLatLang[0])); // Longitude of location $longitude = substr($arrLatLang[1], 0, -1); // Latitude of location $option['name'] = $params['name']; $option['description'] = $params['description']; $option['location'] = $params['address']; $option['permission'] = $params['permissions']; $option['longitude'] = $longitude; $option['latitude'] = $latitude; $option['status'] = 1; $albumM = new Album_Model_Album($option); $album_id = $albumM->save(); if ($album_id > 0) { /*----- start tags--------*/ if ($params['tags'] != "" && $params['tags'] != 'Separate Tags by a comma. For example: \' Holiday, London, Travel\'') { $arrTags = explode(",", $params['tags']); foreach ($arrTags as $_tag) { $_tag = trim($_tag); $tagsM = new Application_Model_Tags(); $tag = $tagsM->fetchRow("tag='{$_tag}'"); if (false === $tag) { $tagsM->setTag($_tag); $tag_id = $tagsM->save(); } else { $tag_id = $tag->getId(); } $albumTagM = new Album_Model_AlbumTag(); $albumTagM->setAlbumId($album_id); $albumTagM->setTagId($tag_id); $albumTagM->save(); } } $redirectUrl = "/album/my-photos/album-photos/id/" . $album_id; /*---------- end tags-------*/ //$this->_helper->redirector('index','create-album',"album"); $_SESSION['msg'] = "Album created successfully."; $this->_redirect($redirectUrl); $form->reset(); } else { $_SESSION['msg'] = "Faild to create Album. Please try again."; $this->_redirect('/album/create-album'); } } } $objModelUserPermission = new Application_Model_UserPermission(); $whereUserPermission = "permission_id='5' AND user_id='{$userId}'"; $arrUserPermission = $objModelUserPermission->fetchRow($whereUserPermission); $form->getElement('permissions')->setValue($arrUserPermission->friendGroupId); $this->view->form = $form; }
/** * @Created By : Mahipal Singh Adhikari * @Created On : 17-Nov-2010 * @Description : Check user privacy settings for his profile * @Input : $user_id(int), $friend_id(int), $permission_id(int) * @Return : boolean(True or False) **/ public function checkUserPrivacySettings($user_id, $friend_id = 0, $permission_id) { $permit = false; //echo "<br />user_id=".$user_id." friend_id=".$friend_id." permission_id=".$permission_id."<br />"; //if no parameters sent, return false if (!isset($user_id) && $user_id == "" || !isset($permission_id) && $permission_id == "") { return false; } //if logged in user viewing own if ($user_id == $friend_id) { return true; } //now get user permission settings $UserPermissionObj = new Application_Model_UserPermission(); $wherePerCond = "user_id='{$user_id}' AND permission_id={$permission_id}"; $permission = $UserPermissionObj->fetchRow($wherePerCond); if (false == $permission) { return false; } $permissionId = $permission->getId(); $permission = $permission->getFriendGroupId(); //echo "<br />permission=".$permission." for id=".$friend_id."<br />"; //if permission is private(Just me) return false if ($permission == 4) { return false; //do not display to anyone } //if permission is public return true if ($permission == 5) { return true; //display to public } //now if user is logged in i.e. $friend_id is not null, check connection with user //if((isset($friend_id) && is_numeric($friend_id))) if (is_numeric($friend_id) && $friend_id != 0) { //if permission is Gap Daemon Community return true if ($permission == 1) { return true; //display to all LoggeIn users } $friendM = new Application_Model_Friend(); $friend_cond = "user_id='{$user_id}' AND friend_id='{$friend_id}' AND status='accept'"; $conTypeObj = $friendM->fetchRow($friend_cond); //if logged in user connected with this user if (false !== $conTypeObj) { $con_type = $conTypeObj->getConnectionType(); //echo "<br />connection type=".$con_type."<br />"; /* if($con_type=="friend" && ($permission==2 || $permission==4)) { $permit = true; //display to Friends & Family AND Friends, Family and Mates } else if($con_type=="family" && ($permission==2 || $permission==4)) { $permit = true; //display to Friends & Family AND Friends, Family and Mates } else if($con_type=="travelmate" && ($permission==3 || $permission==4)) { $permit = true; //display to Travel Mates AND Friends, Family and Mates }*/ if ($con_type == "friend" && ($permission == 2 || $permission == 6)) { $permit = true; //display to Friends, Friends & Family } else { if ($con_type == "family" && ($permission == 3 || $permission == 6)) { $permit = true; //display to Family, Friends & Family } else { if ($con_type == "travelmate" && $permission == 2) { $permit = true; //display to Travel Mates Friends } else { $permit = false; } } } } else { $permit = false; } } //end if return $permit; }