예제 #1
 public function indexAction()
     $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members');
     $this->view->userId = $loggedin_id = $userNs->userId;
     $settings = new Admin_Model_GlobalSettings();
     $page_size = $settings->settingValue('journal_page_size');
     $blogm = new Application_Model_Blog();
     $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     //Display only Public & Published journals
     $where = "publish='published' AND status='public' ";
     //search by Keyword
     if(isset($params['search-jrnl']) && $params['search-jrnl']!='Search by Keyword')
     	$searchkey = $params['search-jrnl'];
     	$where .= " AND (title LIKE '%$searchkey%' OR tags LIKE '%$searchkey%' OR content LIKE '%$searchkey%' ";
     	$this->view->searchjrnl = $searchkey;
     	//search by Author as well while searching by keyword
     	$user_where_sql  = "status='active'";
     	$user_where_sql .= " AND (username like '%$searchkey%' OR CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name ) LIKE '%$searchkey%')";
     	$UserM	=	new Admin_Model_User();
     	$UserM	=	$UserM->fetchAll($user_where_sql);
     			foreach($UserM as $userrow)
     				$userarray[] = $userrow->getId();
     			$userstr  = implode(',',$userarray);
     			$where .= " OR user_id IN ($userstr)";
     	$where .= ")";
     //search by Location
     if(isset($params['search-city']) && $params['search-city']!='In City / Place')
     	$searchcity = $params['search-city'];
     	$where .= " AND location LIKE '%$searchcity%'";
     	$this->view->searchcity  = $searchcity;
     //search by Category
     if(isset($params['search-filtr']) && $params['search-filtr']!='')
     	$searchfiltr = $params['search-filtr'];
     	$where .= " AND category_id = '$searchfiltr'";
     	$this->view->searchfiltr  = $searchfiltr;
     //search by Tag cloud
     if(isset($params['search-cloud']) && $params['search-cloud']!='')
     	$searchcloud = $params['search-cloud'];
     	$where .= " AND tags LIKE '%$searchcloud%'";
     	$this->view->searchcloud  = $searchcloud;
     $data	=	$blogm->fetchAll($where, "addedon DESC",$page_size);
     //search by Keyword
     $whereSearchSQL = "";
     if (isset($params['search-jrnl']) && $params['search-jrnl'] != 'Search by Keyword') {
         $searchkey = $params['search-jrnl'];
         $whereSearchSQL .= " AND (b.title LIKE '%{$searchkey}%' OR b.tags LIKE '%{$searchkey}%' OR b.content LIKE '%{$searchkey}%' ";
         $this->view->searchjrnl = $searchkey;
         //search by Author as well while searching by keyword
         $user_where_sql = "status='active'";
         $user_where_sql .= " AND (username like '%{$searchkey}%' OR CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name ) LIKE '%{$searchkey}%')";
         $UserM = new Admin_Model_User();
         $UserM = $UserM->fetchAll($user_where_sql);
         if (false !== $UserM) {
             if (count($UserM) > 0) {
                 foreach ($UserM as $userrow) {
                     $userarray[] = $userrow->getId();
                 $userstr = implode(',', $userarray);
                 $whereSearchSQL .= " OR b.user_id IN ({$userstr})";
         $whereSearchSQL .= ")";
     //search by Location
     if (isset($params['search-city']) && $params['search-city'] != 'In City / Place') {
         $searchcity = $params['search-city'];
         $whereSearchSQL .= " AND b.location LIKE '%{$searchcity}%'";
         $this->view->searchcity = $searchcity;
     //search by Category
     if (isset($params['search-filtr']) && $params['search-filtr'] != '') {
         $searchfiltr = $params['search-filtr'];
         $whereSearchSQL .= " AND b.category_id = '{$searchfiltr}'";
         $this->view->searchfiltr = $searchfiltr;
     //search by Tag cloud
     if (isset($params['search-cloud']) && $params['search-cloud'] != '') {
         $searchcloud = $params['search-cloud'];
         $whereSearchSQL .= " AND b.tags LIKE '%{$searchcloud}%'";
         $this->view->searchcloud = $searchcloud;
     $sSQL = "SELECT b.* FROM blog AS b";
     $sSQL .= " JOIN journal AS j ON j.user_id = b.user_id";
     //$sSQL .= " WHERE b.publish='published' AND b.status=5";
     $sSQL .= " WHERE b.publish='published'";
     $sSQL .= " AND j.publish='published' AND j.status='public'";
     if ($whereSearchSQL != "") {
         $sSQL .= $whereSearchSQL;
     $sSQL .= " ORDER BY b.addedon DESC";
     //echo "<br />".$sSQL;exit;
     $page = $this->_getParam('page', 1);
     $pageObj = new Base_Paginator();
     //$data	=	$pageObj->fetchPageDataRaw($sSQL, $page, $page_size);
     $data = $pageObj->fetchBlogData($sSQL, $page, $page_size);
     $this->view->data = $data;
     /******* Featured blog post START ********/
     //$where_fea = "publish='published' AND status=5 AND featured=1";
     $where_fea = "publish='published' AND featured=1";
     $data_fea = $blogm->fetchAll($where_fea, "updatedon DESC");
     $this->view->data_fea = $data_fea;
     /******* Featured blog post END ********/
     //Get Jouranl Post Category
     $categoryM = new Application_Model_Category();
     $this->view->journalCategory = $categoryM->getJournalCategory();