public function DoCheck()
     // Search engine
     $vo_search_config_settings = SearchEngine::checkPluginConfiguration();
     $this->view->setVar('search_config_settings', $vo_search_config_settings);
     $this->view->setVar('search_config_engine_name', SearchEngine::getPluginEngineName());
     // Media
     $t_media = new Media();
     $va_plugin_names = $t_media->getPluginNames();
     $va_plugins = array();
     foreach ($va_plugin_names as $vs_plugin_name) {
         if ($va_plugin_status = $t_media->checkPluginStatus($vs_plugin_name)) {
             $va_plugins[$vs_plugin_name] = $va_plugin_status;
     $this->view->setVar('media_config_plugin_list', $va_plugins);
     // PDF Rendering
     $t_pdf_renderer = new PDFRenderer();
     $va_plugin_names = PDFRenderer::getAvailablePDFRendererPlugins();
     $va_plugins = array();
     foreach ($va_plugin_names as $vs_plugin_name) {
         if ($va_plugin_status = $t_pdf_renderer->checkPluginStatus($vs_plugin_name)) {
             $va_plugins[$vs_plugin_name] = $va_plugin_status;
     $this->view->setVar('pdf_renderer_config_plugin_list', $va_plugins);
     // Application plugins
     $va_plugin_names = ApplicationPluginManager::getPluginNames();
     $va_plugins = array();
     foreach ($va_plugin_names as $vs_plugin_name) {
         if ($va_plugin_status = ApplicationPluginManager::checkPluginStatus($vs_plugin_name)) {
             $va_plugins[$vs_plugin_name] = $va_plugin_status;
     $this->view->setVar('application_config_plugin_list', $va_plugins);
     // Barcode generation
     $vb_gd_is_available = caMediaPluginGDInstalled(true);
     $va_barcode_components = array();
     $va_gd = array('name' => 'GD', 'description' => _t('GD is a graphics processing library required for all barcode generation.'));
     if (!$vb_gd_is_available) {
         $va_gd['errors'][] = _t('Is not installed; barcode printing will not be possible.');
     $va_gd['available'] = $vb_gd_is_available;
     $va_barcode_components['GD'] = $va_gd;
     $this->view->setVar('barcode_config_component_list', $va_barcode_components);
     // General system configuration issues
     if (!(bool) $this->request->config->get('dont_do_expensive_configuration_checks_in_web_ui')) {
         if (ConfigurationCheck::foundErrors()) {
             $this->view->setVar('configuration_check_errors', ConfigurationCheck::getErrors());
예제 #2
 * Creates links to the appropriate editor (in Providence) or detail page (in Pawtucket) from supplied text and ids.
 * Used in SearchResult::get() and BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes::get() to automatically generate links when fetching
 * information from related tables.
 * @param array $pa_text An array of strings to create links for
 * @param string $ps_table_name The name of the table/record to which the links refer
 * @param array $pa_row_ids Array of row_ids to link to. Values must correspond by index with those in $pa_text
 * @param string $ps_class Optional CSS class to apply to links
 * @param string $ps_target
 * @param array $pa_options Supported options are:
 *		requireLinkTags = if set then links are only added when explicitly defined with <l> tags. Default is to make the entire text a link in the absence of <l> tags.
 * 		addRelParameter =
 * @return array A list of HTML links
function caCreateLinksFromText($pa_text, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids, $ps_class = null, $ps_target = null, $pa_options = null)
    if (!in_array(__CA_APP_TYPE__, array('PROVIDENCE', 'PAWTUCKET'))) {
        return $pa_text;
    if (__CA_APP_TYPE__ == 'PAWTUCKET') {
        $o_config = Configuration::load();
    $pb_add_rel = caGetOption('addRelParameter', $pa_options, false);
    $vb_can_handle_target = false;
    if ($ps_target) {
        $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
        $vb_can_handle_target = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookCanHandleGetAsLinkTarget(array('target' => $ps_target));
    // Parse template
    $o_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $o_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
    // don't reported mangled HTML errors
    $va_links = array();
    global $g_request;
    if (!$g_request) {
        return $pa_text;
    foreach ($pa_text as $vn_i => $vs_text) {
        $vs_text = preg_replace("!([A-Za-z0-9]+)='([^']*)'!", "\$1=\"\$2\"", $vs_text);
        // DomDcoument converts single quotes around attributes to double quotes so we do the same to the template
        $vs_text = preg_replace("![ ]+/>!", "/>", $vs_text);
        $vs_text = preg_replace("![\r\n]+!", "", $vs_text);
        // DomDocument removes newlines so we do the same here to the template
        $o_dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="utf-8">' . mb_convert_encoding($vs_text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
        // Needs XML declaration to force it to consider the text as UTF-8. Please don't ask why. No one knows.
        $o_dom->encoding = 'utf-8';
        $va_l_tags = array();
        $o_links = $o_dom->getElementsByTagName("l");
        // l=link
        foreach ($o_links as $o_link) {
            if (!$o_link) {
            $vs_html = $o_dom->saveXML($o_link);
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!^<[^\\>]+>!", "", $vs_html);
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!<[^\\>]+>\$!", "", $vs_content);
            $va_l_tags[] = array('directive' => html_entity_decode($vs_html), 'content' => $vs_content);
        if (sizeof($va_l_tags)) {
            $vs_content = html_entity_decode($vs_text);
            $vs_content = preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", function ($m) {
                return mb_convert_encoding($m[1], "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");
            }, $vs_content);
            foreach ($va_l_tags as $va_l) {
                if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                    $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $va_l['content'], 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                    $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                    $vs_link_text = $va_params['tag'];
                } else {
                    switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                        case 'PROVIDENCE':
                            $vs_link_text = caEditorLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], $pb_add_rel ? array('rel' => true) : array());
                        case 'PAWTUCKET':
                            $vs_link_text = caDetailLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i]);
                if ($vs_link_text) {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $vs_link_text, $vs_content);
                } else {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $va_l['content'], $vs_content);
            $va_links[] = $vs_content;
        } else {
            if (isset($pa_options['requireLinkTags']) && $pa_options['requireLinkTags']) {
                $va_links[] = $vs_text;
            if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $vs_text, 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                $va_links[] = $va_params['tag'];
            } else {
                switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                    case 'PROVIDENCE':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caEditorLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i])) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                    case 'PAWTUCKET':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caDetailLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i])) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                        $va_links[] = $vs_text;
    return $va_links;
예제 #3
 * Creates links to the appropriate editor (in Providence) or detail page (in Pawtucket) from supplied text and ids.
 * Used in SearchResult::get() and BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes::get() to automatically generate links when fetching
 * information from related tables.
 * @param array $pa_text An array of strings to create links for
 * @param string $ps_table_name The name of the table/record to which the links refer
 * @param array $pa_row_ids Array of row_ids to link to. Values must correspond by index with those in $pa_text
 * @param string $ps_class Optional CSS class to apply to links
 * @param array $pa_options Supported options are:
 *		requireLinkTags = if set then links are only added when explicitly defined with <l> tags. Default is to make the entire text a link in the absence of <l> tags.
 * @return array A list of HTML links
function caCreateLinksFromText($pa_text, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids, $ps_class = null, $ps_target = null, $pa_options = null)
    if (!in_array(__CA_APP_TYPE__, array('PROVIDENCE', 'PAWTUCKET'))) {
        return $pa_text;
    if (__CA_APP_TYPE__ == 'PAWTUCKET') {
        $o_config = Configuration::load();
    $vb_can_handle_target = false;
    if ($ps_target) {
        $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
        $vb_can_handle_target = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookCanHandleGetAsLinkTarget(array('target' => $ps_target));
    // Parse template
    $o_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $o_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
    // don't reported mangled HTML errors
    $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
    $va_links = $va_type_ids = array();
    if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_table_name)) {
        $va_type_ids = $t_instance->getFieldValuesForIDs($pa_row_ids, array('type_id'));
        //if (caUseIdentifiersInUrls()) {
        //	$pa_row_ids = array_values($t_instance->getFieldValuesForIDs($pa_row_ids, array($t_instance->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD'))));
    global $g_request;
    if (!$g_request) {
        return $pa_text;
    foreach ($pa_text as $vn_i => $vs_text) {
        $vs_text = preg_replace("!([A-Za-z0-9]+)='([^']*)'!", "\$1=\"\$2\"", $vs_text);
        // DomDcoument converts single quotes around attributes to double quotes so we do the same to the template
        $vs_text = preg_replace("![ ]+/>!", "/>", $vs_text);
        // DomDocument removes spaces before the end of self-closing tags so we do the same here to the template
        $o_dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="utf-8">' . $vs_text);
        // Needs XML declaration to force it to consider the text as UTF-8. Please don't ask why. No one knows.
        $va_l_tags = array();
        $o_links = $o_dom->getElementsByTagName("l");
        // l=link
        foreach ($o_links as $o_link) {
            if (!$o_link) {
            $vs_html = $o_dom->saveXML($o_link);
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!^<[^\\>]+>!", "", $vs_html);
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!<[^\\>]+>\$!", "", $vs_content);
            $va_l_tags[] = array('directive' => html_entity_decode($vs_html), 'content' => $vs_content);
        if (sizeof($va_l_tags)) {
            $vs_content = $vs_text;
            foreach ($va_l_tags as $va_l) {
                if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                    $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $va_l['content'], 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                    $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                    $vs_link_text = $va_params['tag'];
                } else {
                    switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                        case 'PROVIDENCE':
                            $vs_link_text = caEditorLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i]);
                        case 'PAWTUCKET':
                            $vs_link_text = caDetailLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], array(), array(), array('type_id' => $va_type_ids[$pa_row_ids[$vn_i]]));
                if ($vs_link_text) {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $vs_link_text, $vs_content);
                } else {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $va_l['content'], $vs_content);
            $va_links[] = $vs_content;
        } else {
            if (isset($pa_options['requireLinkTags']) && $pa_options['requireLinkTags']) {
                $va_links[] = $vs_text;
            if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $vs_text, 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                $va_links[] = $va_params['tag'];
            } else {
                switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                    case 'PROVIDENCE':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caEditorLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i])) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                    case 'PAWTUCKET':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caDetailLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], array(), array(), array('type_id' => $va_type_ids[$pa_row_ids[$vn_i]]))) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                        $va_links[] = $vs_text;
    return $va_links;
예제 #4
 private function preprocess($ps_expression)
     // Trigger TimeExpressionParser preprocess hook
     $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     $va_hook_result = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookTimeExpressionParserPreprocessBefore(array("expression" => $ps_expression));
     if ($va_hook_result["expression"] != $ps_expression) {
         $ps_expression = $va_hook_result["expression"];
     # convert
     $va_dict = $this->opo_datetime_settings->getAssoc("expressions");
     $vs_lc_expression = mb_strtolower($ps_expression);
     if (isset($va_dict[$vs_lc_expression])) {
         $ps_expression = $va_dict[$vs_lc_expression];
     # remove commas
     $ps_expression = str_replace(',', ' ', $ps_expression);
     $ps_expression = preg_replace('![ ]+!', ' ', $ps_expression);
     # remove articles
     $definiteArticles = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("definiteArticles");
     if (sizeof($definiteArticles)) {
         $ps_expression = " " . $ps_expression . " ";
         foreach ($definiteArticles as $article) {
             $ps_expression = str_ireplace(" " . $article . " ", " ", $ps_expression);
     $indefiniteArticles = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("indefiniteArticles");
     if (sizeof($indefiniteArticles)) {
         $ps_expression = " " . $ps_expression . " ";
         foreach ($indefiniteArticles as $article) {
             $ps_expression = str_ireplace(" " . $article . " ", " ", $ps_expression);
     $ps_expression = trim($ps_expression);
     #replace time keywords containing spaces with conf defined replacement, allowing treatments for expression like "av. J.-C." in french
     $wordsWithSpaces = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("wordsWithSpaces");
     $wordsWithSpacesReplacements = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("wordsWithSpacesReplacements");
     if (sizeof($wordsWithSpaces) && sizeof($wordsWithSpacesReplacements)) {
         $ps_expression = str_replace($wordsWithSpaces, $wordsWithSpacesReplacements, $ps_expression);
     # separate '?' from words
     $ps_expression = preg_replace('!([^\\?\\/]+)\\?{1}([^\\?]+)!', '\\1 ? \\2', $ps_expression);
     $ps_expression = preg_replace('!([^\\?\\/]+)\\?{1}$!', '\\1 ?', $ps_expression);
     # Remove UTC offset if present
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/(T[\\d]{1,2}:[\\d]{2}:[\\d]{2})-[\\d]{1,2}:[\\d]{2}/i", "\$1", $ps_expression);
     # distinguish w3cdtf dates since we already use '-' for ranges
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{4})-([\\d]{2})-([\\d]{2})/", "\$1#\$2#\$3", $ps_expression);
     # distinguish w3cdtf dates since we already use '-' for ranges
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{4})-([\\d]{2})([^\\d\\-\\/\\.]+)/", "\$1#\$2\$3", $ps_expression);
     # distinguish dd-MMM-yy and dd-MMM-yyyy dates since we already use '-' for ranges (ex. 10-JUN-80 or 10-JUN-1980)
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{1,2})-([A-Za-z]{3,15})-([\\d]{2,4})/", "\$1#\$2#\$3", $ps_expression);
     # convert dd-mm-yyyy dates to dd/mm/yyyy to prevent our range conjunction code below doesn't mangle it
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{2})-([\\d]{2})-([\\d]{4})/", "\$1/\$2/\$3", $ps_expression);
     if (preg_match("/([\\d]{4})-([\\d]{2})\$/", $ps_expression, $va_matches)) {
         if (intval($va_matches[2]) > 12) {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{4})-([\\d]{2})\$/", "\$1-" . substr($va_matches[1], 0, 2) . "\$2", $ps_expression);
         } else {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{4})-([\\d]{2})\$/", "\$1#\$2", $ps_expression);
     # process 6-number year ranges
     # replace '-' used to express decades (eg. 192-) and centuries (eg. 19--) with underscores since we use '-' for ranges
     if (preg_match('![\\d]{4}\\-!', $ps_expression)) {
         $ps_expression = preg_replace("![\\-]{1}!", " - ", $ps_expression);
     } else {
         $ps_expression = preg_replace('!([\\d]{2})[\\-]{2}!', '\\1__', $ps_expression);
         $ps_expression = preg_replace('!([\\d]{3})[\\-]{1}$!', '\\1_', $ps_expression);
         $ps_expression = preg_replace('!([\\d]{3})[\\-]{1}[\\D]+!', '\\1_', $ps_expression);
     if (!preg_match("!^[\\-]{1}[\\d]+\$!", $ps_expression)) {
         $ps_expression = preg_replace("![\\-\\–\\—]{1}!", " - ", $ps_expression);
     $va_era_list = array_merge(array_keys($this->opo_language_settings->getAssoc("ADBCTable")), array($this->opo_language_settings->get("dateADIndicator"), $this->opo_language_settings->get("dateBCIndicator")));
     foreach ($va_era_list as $vs_era) {
         $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]+)" . $vs_era . "[ ]*/i", "\$1 {$vs_era} ", $ps_expression);
         #str_replace($vs_era, " ".$vs_era, $ps_expression);
     $va_meridian_list = array_merge(array_keys($this->opo_language_settings->getAssoc("meridianTable")), array($this->opo_language_settings->get("timeAMMeridian"), $this->opo_language_settings->get("timePMMeridian")));
     foreach ($va_meridian_list as $vs_meridian) {
         $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]+)" . $vs_meridian . "[ ]*/i", "\$1 {$vs_meridian} ", $ps_expression);
         #str_replace($vs_meridian, " ".$vs_meridian, $ps_expression);
     if (is_array($va_after = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("afterQualifier"))) {
         $vs_primary_after = array_shift($va_after);
         foreach ($va_after as $vs_after) {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/^{$vs_after}[ ]+/i", "{$vs_primary_after} ", $ps_expression);
     if (is_array($va_before = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("beforeQualifier"))) {
         $vs_primary_before = array_shift($va_before);
         foreach ($va_before as $vs_before) {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/^{$vs_before}[ ]+/i", "{$vs_primary_before} ", $ps_expression);
     if (is_array($va_born = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("bornQualifier"))) {
         $vs_primary_born = array_shift($va_born);
         foreach ($va_born as $vs_born) {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/^{$vs_born}[ ]+/i", "{$vs_primary_born} ", $ps_expression);
     if (is_array($va_died = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("diedQualifier"))) {
         $vs_primary_died = array_shift($va_died);
         foreach ($va_died as $vs_died) {
             $ps_expression = preg_replace("/^{$vs_died}[ ]+/i", "{$vs_primary_died} ", $ps_expression);
     $va_conjunction_list = $this->opo_language_settings->getList("rangeConjunctions");
     foreach ($va_conjunction_list as $vs_conjunction) {
         if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+\$/", $vs_conjunction)) {
             // only add spaces around non-alphanumeric conjunctions
             $ps_expression = str_replace($vs_conjunction, ' ' . $vs_conjunction . ' ', $ps_expression);
     // check for ISO 8601 date/times... if we find one split the time off into a separate token
     $va_datetime_conjunctions = $this->opo_language_settings->getList('dateTimeConjunctions');
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]+)T([\\d]+)/i", "\$1 " . $va_datetime_conjunctions[0] . " \$2", $ps_expression);
     // support year ranges in the form yyyy/yyyy
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("!^([\\d]{4})/([\\d]{4})\$!", "\$1 - \$2", trim($ps_expression));
     // support date entry in the form yyyy-mm-dd/yyy-mm-dd (HSP)
     $ps_expression = preg_replace("/([\\d]{4}#[\\d]{2}#[\\d]{2})\\/([\\d]{4}#[\\d]{2}#[\\d]{2})/", "\$1 - \$2", $ps_expression);
     // Trigger TimeExpressionParser preprocess hook
     $va_hook_result = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookTimeExpressionParserPreprocessAfter(array("expression" => $ps_expression));
     if ($va_hook_result["expression"] != $ps_expression) {
         $ps_expression = $va_hook_result["expression"];
     return trim($ps_expression);
예제 #5
  * Caches and returns list of all possible actions 
 public static function loadRoleActionList()
     if (!ca_user_roles::$s_action_list) {
         $o_config = Configuration::load();
         $o_actions_config = Configuration::load(__CA_CONF_DIR__ . '/user_actions.conf');
         $vo_datamodel = Datamodel::load();
         $va_raw_actions = $o_actions_config->getAssoc('user_actions');
         // expand actions that need expanding
         foreach ($va_raw_actions as $vs_group => $va_group_info) {
             $va_new_actions = array();
             if (!is_array($va_group_info["actions"])) {
                 $va_group_info["actions"] = array();
             foreach ($va_group_info["actions"] as $vs_action_key => $va_action) {
                 if (is_array($va_action["expand_types"]) && strlen($va_action["expand_types"]["table"]) > 0) {
                     $t_instance = $vo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_action["expand_types"]["table"], true);
                     if (method_exists($t_instance, "getTypeList")) {
                         $va_type_list = $t_instance->getTypeList();
                         foreach ($va_type_list as $vn_type_id => $va_type) {
                             $vs_descr_app = str_replace("%t", "&quot;" . $va_type["name_singular"] . "&quot;", $va_action["expand_types"]["description_appendix"]);
                             $vs_label_app = str_replace("%t", "&quot;" . $va_type["name_singular"] . "&quot;", $va_action["expand_types"]["label_appendix"]);
                             $va_new_actions[$vs_action_key . "_type:{$t_instance->tableName()}:{$va_type["idno"]}"] = array("description" => $va_action["description"] . " " . $vs_descr_app, "label" => $va_action["label"] . " " . $vs_label_app);
             $va_group_info["actions"] = array_merge($va_group_info["actions"], $va_new_actions);
         if (is_array($va_raw_plugin_actions = ApplicationPluginManager::getPluginRoleActions())) {
             $va_raw_actions['plugins'] = array('label' => 'Plugin actions', 'description' => '', 'actions' => $va_raw_plugin_actions);
         if (is_array($va_raw_widget_actions = WidgetManager::getWidgetRoleActions())) {
             $va_raw_actions['widgets'] = array('label' => 'Widget actions', 'description' => '', 'actions' => $va_raw_widget_actions);
         $va_flattened_actions = array();
         foreach ($va_raw_actions as $vs_group => $va_group_actions_info) {
             if (!is_array($va_group_actions_info['actions'])) {
                 $va_group_actions_info['actions'] = array();
             $va_flattened_actions = array_merge($va_flattened_actions, $va_group_actions_info['actions']);
         ca_user_roles::$s_action_list = array('raw' => $va_raw_actions, 'flattened' => $va_flattened_actions);
     return ca_user_roles::$s_action_list;
예제 #6
  * Export a single record using the mapping defined by this exporter and return as string
  * @param string $ps_exporter_code defines the exporter to use
  * @param int $pn_record_id Primary key of the record to export. Record type is determined by the table_num field for this exporter.
  * @param array $pa_options
  *        singleRecord = Gives a signal to the export format implementation that this is a single record export. For certain formats
  *        	this might trigger different behavior, for instance the XML export format prepends the item-level output with <?xml ... ?>
  *        	in those cases.
  *        rdfMode = Signals the implementation that this is an RDF mode export
  *        logDirectory = path to directory where logs should be written
  *		  logLevel = KLogger constant for minimum log level to record. Default is KLogger::INFO. Constants are, in descending order of shrillness:
  *			KLogger::EMERG = Emergency messages (system is unusable)
  *			KLogger::ALERT = Alert messages (action must be taken immediately)
  *			KLogger::CRIT = Critical conditions
  *			KLogger::ERR = Error conditions
  *			KLogger::WARN = Warnings
  *			KLogger::NOTICE = Notices (normal but significant conditions)
  *			KLogger::INFO = Informational messages
  *			KLogger::DEBUG = Debugging messages
  *		  logger = Optional ready-to-use instance of KLogger to use for logging/debugging
  * @return string Exported record as string
 public static function exportRecord($ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id, $pa_options = array())
     // The variable cache is valid for the whole record export.
     // It's being modified in ca_data_exporters::processExporterItem
     // and then reset here if we move on to the next record.
     ca_data_exporters::$s_variables = array();
     $o_log = caGetOption('logger', $pa_options);
     // only set up new logging facilities if no existing one has been passed down
     if (!$o_log || !$o_log instanceof KLogger) {
         $vs_log_dir = caGetOption('logDirectory', $pa_options);
         if (!file_exists($vs_log_dir) || !is_writable($vs_log_dir)) {
             $vs_log_dir = caGetTempDirPath();
         if (!($vn_log_level = caGetOption('logLevel', $pa_options))) {
             $vn_log_level = KLogger::INFO;
         $o_log = new KLogger($vs_log_dir, $vn_log_level);
     // make sure we pass logger to item processor
     $pa_options['logger'] = $o_log;
     ca_data_exporters::$s_instance_cache = array();
     $t_exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($ps_exporter_code);
     if (!$t_exporter) {
         $o_log->logError(_t("Failed to load exporter with code '%1' for item with ID %2", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
         return false;
     $o_log->logInfo(_t("Successfully loaded exporter with code '%1' for item with ID %2", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
     $va_export = array();
     foreach ($t_exporter->getTopLevelItems() as $va_item) {
         $va_export = array_merge($va_export, $t_exporter->processExporterItem($va_item['item_id'], $t_exporter->get('table_num'), $pn_record_id, $pa_options));
     $o_log->logInfo(_t("The export tree for exporter code '%1' and item with ID %2 is now ready to be processed by the export format (i.e. transformed to XML, for example).", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
     $o_log->logDebug(print_r($va_export, true));
     // we may wanna auto-load this?
     switch ($t_exporter->getSetting('exporter_format')) {
         case 'XML':
             $o_export = new ExportXML();
         case 'MARC':
             $o_export = new ExportMARC();
         case 'CSV':
             $o_export = new ExportCSV();
         case 'ExifTool':
             $o_export = new ExportExifTool();
     // if someone wants to mangle the whole tree ... well, go right ahead
     $o_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     $o_manager->hookExportRecord(array('exporter_instance' => $t_exporter, 'record_id' => $pn_record_id, 'export' => &$va_export));
     $pa_options['settings'] = $t_exporter->getSettings();
     $vs_wrap_before = $t_exporter->getSetting('wrap_before_record');
     $vs_wrap_after = $t_exporter->getSetting('wrap_after_record');
     if ($vs_wrap_before || $vs_wrap_after) {
         $pa_options['singleRecord'] = false;
     $vs_export = $o_export->processExport($va_export, $pa_options);
     if (strlen($vs_wrap_before) > 0) {
         $vs_export = $vs_wrap_before . "\n" . $vs_export;
     if (strlen($vs_wrap_after) > 0) {
         $vs_export = $vs_export . "\n" . $vs_wrap_after;
     return $vs_export;
예제 #7
  * @param string $ps_source
  * @param string $ps_mapping
  * @param array $pa_options
  *		user_id = user to execute import for
  *		description = Text describing purpose of import to be logged.
  *		showCLIProgressBar = Show command-line progress bar. Default is false.
  *		format = Format of data being imported. MANDATORY
  *		useNcurses = Use ncurses library to format output
  *		logDirectory = path to directory where logs should be written
  *		logLevel = KLogger constant for minimum log level to record. Default is KLogger::INFO. Constants are, in descending order of shrillness:
  *			KLogger::EMERG = Emergency messages (system is unusable)
  *			KLogger::ALERT = Alert messages (action must be taken immediately)
  *			KLogger::CRIT = Critical conditions
  *			KLogger::ERR = Error conditions
  *			KLogger::WARN = Warnings
  *			KLogger::NOTICE = Notices (normal but significant conditions)
  *			KLogger::INFO = Informational messages
  *			KLogger::DEBUG = Debugging messages
  *		dryRun = do import but don't actually save data
  *		environment = an array of environment values to provide to the import process. The keys manifest themselves as mappable tags.
  *		forceImportForPrimaryKeys = list of primary key ids to force mapped source data into. The number of keys passed should equal or exceed the number of rows in the source data. [Default is empty] 
  *		transaction = transaction to perform import within. Will not be used if noTransaction option is set. [Default is to create a new transaction]
  *		noTransaction = don't wrap the import in a transaction. [Default is false]
 public static function importDataFromSource($ps_source, $ps_mapping, $pa_options = null)
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list = array();
     $opa_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     $va_notices = $va_errors = array();
     $pb_no_transaction = caGetOption('noTransaction', $pa_options, false, array('castTo' => 'bool'));
     $pa_force_import_for_primary_keys = caGetOption('forceImportForPrimaryKeys', $pa_options, null);
     if (!($t_mapping = ca_data_importers::mappingExists($ps_mapping))) {
         return null;
     $o_event = ca_data_import_events::newEvent(isset($pa_options['user_id']) ? $pa_options['user_id'] : null, $pa_options['format'], $ps_source, isset($pa_options['description']) ? $pa_options['description'] : '');
     $o_trans = null;
     if (!$pb_no_transaction) {
         if (!($o_trans = caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null))) {
             $o_trans = new Transaction();
     $po_request = caGetOption('request', $pa_options, null);
     $pb_dry_run = caGetOption('dryRun', $pa_options, false);
     $pn_file_number = caGetOption('fileNumber', $pa_options, 0);
     $pn_number_of_files = caGetOption('numberOfFiles', $pa_options, 1);
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logLevel']) || !$pa_options['logLevel']) {
         $pa_options['logLevel'] = KLogger::INFO;
     if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logDirectory']) || !$pa_options['logDirectory'] || !file_exists($pa_options['logDirectory'])) {
         if (!($pa_options['logDirectory'] = $o_config->get('batch_metadata_import_log_directory'))) {
             $pa_options['logDirectory'] = ".";
     if (!is_writeable($pa_options['logDirectory'])) {
         $pa_options['logDirectory'] = caGetTempDirPath();
     $o_log = new KLogger($pa_options['logDirectory'], $pa_options['logLevel']);
     $vb_show_cli_progress_bar = isset($pa_options['showCLIProgressBar']) && $pa_options['showCLIProgressBar'] ? true : false;
     $o_progress = caGetOption('progressBar', $pa_options, new ProgressBar('WebUI'));
     if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) {
         $o_progress->set('outputToTerminal', true);
     if ($vb_use_ncurses = isset($pa_options['useNcurses']) && $pa_options['useNcurses'] ? true : false) {
         $vb_use_ncurses = caCLIUseNcurses();
     $vn_error_window_height = null;
     $vn_max_x = $vn_max_y = null;
     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         $r_screen = ncurses_newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_border(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_getmaxyx($r_screen, $vn_max_y, $vn_max_x);
         $vn_error_window_height = $vn_max_y - 8;
         $r_errors = ncurses_newwin($vn_error_window_height, $vn_max_x - 4, 4, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_errors, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_errors, 0, 1, _t(" Recent errors "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         $r_progress = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, $vn_max_y - 4, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_progress, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_progress, 0, 1, _t(" Progress "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         $r_status = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, 1, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_status, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 0, 1, _t(" Import status "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     $o_log->logInfo(_t('Started import of %1 using mapping %2', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get("importer_code")));
     $t = new Timer();
     $vn_start_time = time();
     $va_log_import_error_opts = array('startTime' => $vn_start_time, 'window' => $r_errors, 'log' => $o_log, 'request' => $po_request, 'progressCallback' => isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null, 'reportCallback' => isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null);
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     // constant locale set by index.php for web requests
     $vn_locale_id = isset($pa_options['locale_id']) && (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] ? (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] : $g_ui_locale_id;
     $o_dm = $t_mapping->getAppDatamodel();
     $o_progress->start(_t('Reading %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress));
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, 100, _t('Reading %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     // Open file
     $ps_format = isset($pa_options['format']) && $pa_options['format'] ? $pa_options['format'] : null;
     if (!($o_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) {
         ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not open source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts);
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     if (!$o_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => $t_mapping->getSetting('basePath')))) {
         ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not read source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts);
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished reading input source at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4)));
     $vn_num_items = $o_reader->numRows();
     $o_progress->start(_t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress));
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, $vn_num_items, _t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     // What are we importing?
     $vn_table_num = $t_mapping->get('table_num');
     if (!($t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num))) {
         // invalid table
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     $vs_subject_table_name = $t_subject->tableName();
     $t_label = $t_subject->getLabelTableInstance();
     $vs_label_display_fld = $t_subject->getLabelDisplayField();
     $vs_subject_table = $t_subject->tableName();
     $vs_type_id_fld = $t_subject->getTypeFieldName();
     $vs_idno_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD');
     // get mapping rules
     $va_mapping_rules = $t_mapping->getRules();
     // get mapping groups
     $va_mapping_groups = $t_mapping->getGroups();
     $va_mapping_items = $t_mapping->getItems();
     // Mapping-level settings
     $vs_type_mapping_setting = $t_mapping->getSetting('type');
     $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip = $t_mapping->getSetting('numInitialRowsToSkip');
     if (!in_array($vs_import_error_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('errorPolicy'), array('ignore', 'stop'))) {
         $vs_import_error_policy = 'ignore';
     if (!in_array($vs_existing_record_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('existingRecordPolicy'), array('none', 'skip_on_idno', 'skip_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'overwrite_on_idno', 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels', 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels'))) {
         $vs_existing_record_policy = 'none';
     // Analyze mapping for figure out where type, idno, preferred label and other mandatory fields are coming from
     $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = null;
     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids = array();
     $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids = array();
     $va_mandatory_fields = $t_subject->getMandatoryFields();
     foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
         $vs_destination = $va_item['destination'];
         if (sizeof($va_dest_tmp = explode(".", $vs_destination)) >= 2) {
             if ($va_dest_tmp[0] == $vs_subject_table && $va_dest_tmp[1] == 'preferred_labels') {
                 if (isset($va_dest_tmp[2])) {
                     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $va_dest_tmp[2];
                 } else {
                     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $vs_label_display_fld;
         switch ($vs_destination) {
             case 'representation_id':
                 if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations') {
                     $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
             case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_type_id_fld}":
                 $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
             case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_idno_fld}":
                 $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
         foreach ($va_mandatory_fields as $vs_mandatory_field) {
             if ($vs_mandatory_field == $vs_type_id_fld) {
             // type is handled separately
             if ($vs_destination == "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_mandatory_field}") {
                 $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids[$vs_mandatory_field] = $vn_item_id;
     $va_items_by_group = array();
     foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
         $va_items_by_group[$va_item['group_id']][$va_item['item_id']] = $va_item;
     $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished analyzing mapping at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4)));
     // Set up environment
     $va_environment = caGetOption('environment', $pa_options, array(), array('castTo' => 'array'));
     if (is_array($va_environment_config = $t_mapping->getEnvironment())) {
         foreach ($va_environment_config as $vn_i => $va_environment_item) {
             $va_env_tmp = explode("|", $va_environment_item['value']);
             if (!($o_env_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) {
             if (!$o_env_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => ''))) {
             switch (sizeof($va_env_tmp)) {
                 case 1:
                     $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_environment_item['value'], array('returnAsArray' => false));
                 case 2:
                     $vn_seek = (int) $va_env_tmp[0];
                     $o_reader->seek($vn_seek > 0 ? $vn_seek - 1 : $vn_seek);
                     $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_env_tmp[1], array('returnAsArray' => false));
                     $vs_env_value = $va_environment_item['value'];
             $va_environment[$va_environment_item['name']] = $vs_env_value;
     // Run through rows
     $vn_row = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0;
     while ($o_reader->nextRow()) {
         $va_mandatory_field_values = array();
         $vs_preferred_label_for_log = null;
         if ($vn_row < $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip) {
             // skip over initial header rows
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Started reading row %1 at %2 seconds', $vn_row, $t->getTime(4)));
         $t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num);
         if ($o_trans) {
         // Update status display
         if ($vb_use_ncurses && ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed) {
             ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 1, 2, _t("Items processed/skipped: %1/%2", ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Errors: %1 (%2)", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, sprintf("%3.1f", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors / ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed * 100) . "%") . str_repeat(" ", 6) . _t("Mapping: %1", $ps_mapping) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Source: %1", $ps_source) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . str_repeat(" ", 5));
         // Get data for current row
         $va_row = array_merge($o_reader->getRow(), $va_environment);
         // Apply rules
         foreach ($va_mapping_rules as $va_rule) {
             if (!isset($va_rule['trigger']) || !$va_rule['trigger']) {
             if (!isset($va_rule['actions']) || !is_array($va_rule['actions']) || !sizeof($va_rule['actions'])) {
             $vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_rule['trigger'], $va_row);
             if (!ExpressionParser::hadError() && (bool) $vm_ret) {
                 foreach ($va_rule['actions'] as $va_action) {
                     if (!is_array($va_action) && strtolower($va_action) == 'skip') {
                         $va_action = array('action' => 'skip');
                     switch ($vs_action_code = strtolower($va_action['action'])) {
                         case 'set':
                             $va_row[$va_action['target']] = $va_action['value'];
                             // TODO: transform value using mapping rules?
                         case 'skip':
                             if ($vs_action_code != 'skip') {
                                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with default action because an invalid action ("%2") was specified', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code));
                             } else {
                                 $o_log->logDebug(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with action "%2"', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code));
                             continue 4;
         // Perform mapping and insert
         // Get minimal info for imported row (type_id, idno, label)
         // Get type
         if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) {
             // Type is specified in row
             $vs_type = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_type_id_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
         } else {
             // Type is constant for all rows
             $vs_type = $vs_type_mapping_setting;
         // Get idno
         $vs_idno = null;
         if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id) {
             // idno is specified in row
             $vs_idno = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vs_idno)) {
                 $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default'];
             if (!is_array($vs_idno) && $vs_idno[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vs_idno)) {
                 // Parse placeholder when it's at the beginning of the value
                 if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vs_idno, $va_row, $va_item, null, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) {
                     $vs_idno = $vm_parsed_val;
             // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default
             if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'])) {
                 $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'] . $vs_idno;
             if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix'])) {
                 $vs_idno .= $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix'];
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                 $vs_idno = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row);
         } else {
             $vs_idno = "%";
         $vb_idno_is_template = (bool) preg_match('![%]+!', $vs_idno);
         // get preferred labels
         $va_pref_label_values = array();
         foreach ($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids as $vn_preferred_label_mapping_id => $vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld) {
             $vs_label_val = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
             // If a template is specified format the label value with it so merge-on-preferred_label doesn't fail
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                 $vs_label_val = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row);
             $va_pref_label_values[$vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld] = $vs_label_val;
         $vs_display_label = isset($va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld]) ? $va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld] : $vs_idno;
         // Look for existing record?
         if (is_array($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) && sizeof($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) > 0) {
             $vn_id = array_shift($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys);
             if (!$t_subject->load($vn_id)) {
                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of forced primary key \'%1\' does not exist', $vn_id));
                 // skip because primary key does not exist
         } elseif ($vs_existing_record_policy != 'none') {
             switch ($vs_existing_record_policy) {
                 case 'skip_on_idno':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                             continue 2;
                             // skip because idno matched
                 case 'skip_on_preferred_labels':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                         continue 2;
                         // skip because label matched
                 case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels':
                 case 'merge_on_idno':
                 case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace':
                 case 'merge_on_idno_with_replace':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on identifer by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                     if (in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace'))) {
                     // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 case 'merge_on_preferred_labels':
                 case 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                 case 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels':
                 case 'overwrite_on_idno':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template && $vs_idno) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                             if ($t_subject->numErrors()) {
                                 ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                                 // Don't stop?
                             } else {
                                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                     if ($vs_existing_record_policy == 'overwrite_on_idno') {
                     // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 case 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                         if ($t_subject->numErrors()) {
                             ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                             // Don't stop?
                         } else {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
         $o_progress->next(_t("Importing %1", $vs_idno), array('window' => $r_progress));
         if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
             $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items, _t("[%3/%4] Processing %1 (%2)", caTruncateStringWithEllipsis($vs_display_label, 50), $vs_idno, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
         $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = false;
         $va_content_tree = array();
         foreach ($va_items_by_group as $vn_group_id => $va_items) {
             $va_group = $va_mapping_groups[$vn_group_id];
             $vs_group_destination = $va_group['destination'];
             $va_group_tmp = explode(".", $vs_group_destination);
             if (sizeof($va_items) < 2 && sizeof($va_group_tmp) > 2) {
             $vs_target_table = $va_group_tmp[0];
             if (!($t_target = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true))) {
                 // Invalid target table
                 $o_log->logWarn(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because target %3 is invalid', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_target_table));
             if ($o_trans) {
             $va_group_buf = array();
             foreach ($va_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
                 if ($vb_use_as_single_value = caGetOption('useAsSingleValue', $va_item['settings'], false)) {
                     // Force repeating values to be imported as a single value
                     $va_vals = array(ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('delimiter' => caGetOption('delimiter', $va_item['settings'], ''), 'returnAsArray' => false)));
                 } else {
                     $va_vals = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'environment' => $va_environment));
                 if (!sizeof($va_vals)) {
                     $va_vals = array(0 => null);
                 // consider missing values equivalent to blanks
                 // Do value conversions
                 foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) {
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['default'];
                     // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default
                     if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['prefix'])) {
                         $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['prefix'] . $vm_val;
                     if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['suffix'])) {
                         $vm_val .= $va_item['settings']['suffix'];
                     if (!is_array($vm_val) && $vm_val[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vm_val)) {
                         // Parse placeholder
                         if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vm_val, $va_row, $va_item, $vn_i, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) {
                             $vm_val = $vm_parsed_val;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                         $vm_val = caProcessTemplate($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], array_replace($va_row, array((string) $va_item['source'] => ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vm_val, $va_item))), array('getFrom' => $o_reader));
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) {
                         if (is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) {
                             foreach ($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'] as $vn_regex_index => $va_regex) {
                                 if (!strlen($va_regex['match'])) {
                                 $vm_val = preg_replace("!" . str_replace("!", "\\!", $va_regex['match']) . "!" . (isset($va_regex['caseSensitive']) && (bool) $va_regex['caseSensitive'] ? '' : 'i'), $va_regex['replaceWith'], $vm_val);
                     $va_vals[$vn_i] = $vm_val;
                     if ($o_reader->valuesCanRepeat()) {
                         $va_row[$va_item['source']][$vn_i] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])][$vn_i] = $vm_val;
                     } else {
                         $va_row[$va_item['source']] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])] = $vm_val;
                 // Process each value
                 $vn_c = -1;
                 foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) {
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML'] && is_string($vm_val)) {
                         $vm_val = nl2br($vm_val);
                     // Get location in content tree for addition of new content
                     $va_item_dest = explode(".", $va_item['destination']);
                     $vs_item_terminal = $va_item_dest[sizeof($va_item_dest) - 1];
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && !in_array($vs_type, $va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because of type restriction', $vs_idno, $vn_row));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 matches value %5', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id, $vm_val));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']))) {
                         if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression'], $va_row)) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because expression %3 is true', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']));
                             continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches value %4', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal, $vm_val));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']))) {
                         if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression'], $va_row)) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because expression %2 is true', $vs_idno, $va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']));
                             continue 2;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because value for %2 is empty', $vs_idno, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 2;
                     if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) {
                     if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_idno_mapping_item_id) {
                     if (is_null($vm_val)) {
                     // Get mapping error policy
                     $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = false;
                     if (!isset($va_item['settings']['errorPolicy']) || !in_array($vs_item_error_policy = $va_item['settings']['errorPolicy'], array('ignore', 'stop'))) {
                         $vs_item_error_policy = 'ignore';
                         $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = true;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && strlen($vs_rel_type = $va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && $vs_target_table != $vs_subject_table) {
                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_relationship_type'] = $vs_rel_type;
                     // Is it a constant value?
                     if (preg_match("!^_CONSTANT_:[\\d]+:(.*)!", $va_item['source'], $va_matches)) {
                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_matches[1];
                         // Set it and go onto the next item
                         if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                             $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                     // Perform refinery call (if required) per value
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['refineries']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['refineries'])) {
                         foreach ($va_item['settings']['refineries'] as $vs_refinery) {
                             if (!$vs_refinery) {
                             if ($o_refinery = RefineryManager::getRefineryInstance($vs_refinery)) {
                                 $va_refined_values = $o_refinery->refine($va_content_tree, $va_group, $va_item, $va_row, array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'source' => $ps_source, 'subject' => $t_subject, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'valueIndex' => $vn_i));
                                 if (!$va_refined_values || is_array($va_refined_values) && !sizeof($va_refined_values)) {
                                     continue 2;
                                 if ($o_refinery->returnsMultipleValues()) {
                                     foreach ($va_refined_values as $va_refined_value) {
                                         $va_refined_value['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                                         if (!is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                             $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array();
                                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array_merge($va_group_buf[$vn_c], $va_refined_value);
                                 } else {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_refined_values;
                                 if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                                     $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                                 continue 2;
                             } else {
                                 ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Invalid refinery %2 specified', $vs_idno, $vs_refinery));
                     if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                         $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                     $vn_max_length = !is_array($vm_val) && isset($va_item['settings']['maxLength']) && (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] ? (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] : null;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['delimiter']) && $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) {
                         if (!is_array($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) {
                             $va_item['settings']['delimiter'] = array($va_item['settings']['delimiter']);
                         if (sizeof($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) {
                             foreach ($va_item['settings']['delimiter'] as $vn_index => $vs_delim) {
                                 $va_item['settings']['delimiter'][$vn_index] = preg_quote($vs_delim, "!");
                             $va_val_list = preg_split("!(" . join("|", $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) . ")!", $vm_val);
                             // Add delimited values
                             foreach ($va_val_list as $vs_list_val) {
                                 $vs_list_val = trim(ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vs_list_val, $va_item));
                                 if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vs_list_val) > $vn_max_length) {
                                     $vs_list_val = mb_substr($vs_list_val, 0, $vn_max_length);
                                 $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array($vs_item_terminal => $vs_list_val, '_errorPolicy' => $vs_item_error_policy);
                             // Don't add "regular" value below
                     if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vm_val) > $vn_max_length) {
                         $vm_val = mb_substr($vm_val, 0, $vn_max_length);
                     switch ($vs_item_terminal) {
                         case 'preferred_labels':
                         case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                             if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true)) {
                                 $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$t_instance->getLabelDisplayField()] = $vm_val;
                             if ($o_trans) {
                             if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) {
                                 if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                             if ($vs_item_terminal == 'preferred_labels') {
                                 $vs_preferred_label_for_log = $vm_val;
                             $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $vm_val;
                             if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) {
                                 if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                 // end foreach($va_vals as $vm_val)
             foreach ($va_group_buf as $vn_group_index => $va_group_data) {
                 $va_ptr =& $va_content_tree;
                 foreach ($va_group_tmp as $vs_tmp) {
                     if (!is_array($va_ptr[$vs_tmp])) {
                         $va_ptr[$vs_tmp] = array();
                     $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[$vs_tmp];
                     if ($vs_tmp == $vs_target_table) {
                         // add numeric index after table to ensure repeat values don't overwrite each other
                         $va_parent =& $va_ptr;
                         $va_ptr[] = array();
                         $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[sizeof($va_ptr) - 1];
                 $va_ptr = $va_group_data;
         // Process out self-relationships
         if (is_array($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table])) {
             $va_self_related_content = array();
             foreach ($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table] as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                 if (isset($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])) {
                     $va_self_related_content[] = $va_element_data;
             if (sizeof($va_self_related_content) > 0) {
                 $va_content_tree["related.{$vs_subject_table}"] = $va_self_related_content;
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished building content tree for %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         $o_log->logDebug(_t("Content tree is\n%1", print_R($va_content_tree, true)));
         // Process data in subject record
         $opa_app_plugin_manager->hookDataImportContentTree(array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'content_tree' => &$va_content_tree, 'idno' => &$vs_idno, 'transaction' => &$o_trans, 'log' => &$o_log, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'environment' => $va_environment, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row));
         if (!sizeof($va_content_tree) && !str_replace("%", "", $vs_idno)) {
         if (!$t_subject->getPrimaryKey()) {
             $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'I');
             $t_subject->set($vs_type_id_fld, $vs_type);
             if ($vb_idno_is_template) {
             } else {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoForRepresentationID' => true, 'assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                 // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_id
             // Look for parent_id in the content tree
             $vs_parent_id_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
             foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) {
                 if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) {
                     foreach ($va_content as $va_element_data) {
                         foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) {
                             switch ($vs_element) {
                                 case $vs_parent_id_fld:
                                     if ($va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld]) {
                                         $t_subject->set($vs_parent_id_fld, $va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld], array('treatParentIDAsIdno' => true));
             foreach ($va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids as $vs_mandatory_field => $vn_mandatory_mapping_item_id) {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_mandatory_field, $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_mandatory_field], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not insert new record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
             $o_log->logDebug(_t('Created idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         } else {
             $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'U');
             // update
             if ($vb_idno_is_template) {
             } else {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                 // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_di
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
             if (sizeof($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids) && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() > 0) {
                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update remove preferred labels from matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                         if ($o_trans) {
                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                         return false;
             $o_log->logDebug(_t('Updated idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         if ($vs_idno_fld && ($o_idno = $t_subject->getIDNoPlugInInstance())) {
             $va_values = $o_idno->htmlFormValuesAsArray($vs_idno_fld, $t_subject->get($vs_idno_fld));
             if (!is_array($va_values)) {
                 $va_values = array($va_values);
             if (($vs_proc_idno = join($o_idno->getSeparator(), $va_values)) && $vs_proc_idno != $vs_idno) {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_proc_idno);
                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could update idno"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                         if ($o_trans) {
                         return false;
         $va_elements_set_for_this_record = array();
         foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) {
             if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) {
                 foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                     foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) {
                         if (is_array($va_element_content)) {
                             $vs_item_error_policy = $va_element_content['_errorPolicy'];
                         } else {
                             $vs_item_error_policy = null;
                         switch ($vs_element) {
                             case 'preferred_labels':
                                 $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, true);
                                 if ($t_subject->numErrors() == 0) {
                                     $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = true;
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add preferred label to %2. Record was deleted because no preferred label could be applied: ", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => false));
                                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy %1', $vs_import_error_policy));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                     continue 5;
                             case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                                 $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, false);
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add non-preferred label to %2:", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                 if ($t_subject->hasField($vs_element)) {
                                     $t_subject->set($vs_element, $va_element_content[$vs_element], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                                 if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations' && $vs_element == 'properties') {
                                     foreach ($va_element_content as $vs_prop => $vs_prop_val) {
                                         $t_subject->setPropertyValue($vs_prop, $vs_prop_val);
                                 if (is_array($va_element_content)) {
                                     $va_element_content['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id;
                                 if (!isset($va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element]) && !$va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] && in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace'))) {
                                     $t_subject->removeAttributes($vs_element, array('force' => true));
                                 $va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] = true;
                                 $t_subject->addAttribute($va_element_content, $vs_element, null, array('showRepeatCountErrors' => true, 'alwaysTreatValueAsIdno' => true));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Failed to add value for %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
             } else {
                 // related
                 $vs_table_name = preg_replace('!^related\\.!', '', $vs_table_name);
                 foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                     $va_match_on = caGetOption('_matchOn', $va_element_data, null);
                     $vb_dont_create = caGetOption('_dontCreate', $va_element_data, null);
                     $va_data_for_rel_table = $va_element_data;
                     $va_nonpreferred_labels = isset($va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels']) ? $va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels'] : null;
                     $va_data_for_rel_table = array_merge($va_data_for_rel_table, ca_data_importers::_extractIntrinsicValues($va_data_for_rel_table, $vs_table_name));
                     switch ($vs_table_name) {
                         case 'ca_objects':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_object_lots':
                             $vs_idno_stub = null;
                             if (is_array($va_element_data['idno_stub'])) {
                                 $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub'] : '';
                             } else {
                                 $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub'] : '';
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectLotID($vs_idno_stub, $va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno_stub']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object lot with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_entities':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getEntityID($va_element_data['preferred_labels'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related entity with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_places':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getPlaceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related place with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_collections':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getCollectionID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related collection with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_occurrences':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getOccurrenceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related occurrence with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_storage_locations':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getStorageLocationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related storage location with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_list_items':
                             $va_data_for_rel_table['is_enabled'] = 1;
                             $va_data_for_rel_table['preferred_labels'] = $va_element_data['preferred_labels'];
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID($va_element_data['_list'], $va_element_data['idno'] ? $va_element_data['idno'] : null, $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related list item with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_object_representations':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectRepresentationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels, 'matchMediaFilesWithoutExtension' => true))) {
                                 $t_subject->linkRepresentation($vn_rel_id, null, null, null, null, array('type_id' => trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), 'is_primary' => true));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object representation with:", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                             // 									if (($vs_subject_table_name == 'ca_objects') && $va_element_data['media']['media']) {
                             // 										unset($va_data_for_rel_table['media']);
                             // 										foreach($va_data_for_rel_table as $vs_key => $vm_val) {
                             // 											// Attributes, including intrinsics are in two-level format, eg. idno is $va_attributes['idno']['idno']
                             // 											// but addRepresentations() expects intrinsics to be single level (eg. $va_attributes['idno']) so
                             // 											// we do some rewriting here
                             // 											if (is_array($vm_val) && isset($vm_val[$vs_key])) {
                             // 												$va_data_for_rel_table[$vs_key] = $vm_val[$vs_key];
                             // 											}
                             // 										}
                             // 										if (!($t_subject->addRepresentation($va_element_data['media']['media'], isset($va_element_data['_type']) ? $va_element_data['_type'] : caGetDefaultItemID('object_representation_types'), $vn_locale_id, 0, 0, true, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on)))) {
                             // 											$vs_error = join("; ", $t_subject->getErrors());
                             // 											ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                             // 											if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                             // 												$o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                             // 												if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); }
                             // 												if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); }
                             // 												return false;
                             // 											}
                             // 										}
                             // 									}
                         case 'ca_loans':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getLoanID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related loan with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_movements':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getMovementID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related movement with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                     if (is_array($va_element_data['_related_related']) && sizeof($va_element_data['_related_related'])) {
                         foreach ($va_element_data['_related_related'] as $vs_rel_rel_table => $va_rel_rels) {
                             foreach ($va_rel_rels as $vn_i => $va_rel_rel) {
                                 if (!($t_rel_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table_name))) {
                                     $o_log->logWarn(_t("[%1] Could not instantiate related table %2", $vs_idno, $vs_table_name));
                                 if ($o_trans) {
                                 if ($t_rel_instance->load($vn_rel_id)) {
                                     if ($t_rel_rel = $t_rel_instance->addRelationship($vs_rel_rel_table, $va_rel_rel['id'], $va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])) {
                                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5', $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5:", $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                             ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
         // $t_subject->update();
         // 			if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, 'attributes', ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
         // 				ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
         // 				if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
         // 					$o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
         // 					if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); }
         // 					$o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
         // 					if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); }
         // 					return false;
         // 				}
         // 			}
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished inserting content tree for %1 at %2 seconds into database', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         if (!$vb_output_subject_preferred_label && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() == 0) {
             $t_subject->addLabel(array($vs_label_display_fld => '???'), $vn_locale_id, null, true);
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add default label", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Imported %2 as %3 ', $vs_idno, $vs_preferred_label_for_log, $vs_subject_table_name));
         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, _t('Imported %1', $vs_idno));
     $o_log->logInfo(_t('Import of %1 completed using mapping %2: %3 imported/%4 skipped/%5 errors', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get('importer_code'), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors));
     //if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) {
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, $vn_num_items, $vn_num_items, _t('Import completed'), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     if (isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback'])) {
         $va_general = array('elapsedTime' => time() - $vn_start_time, 'numErrors' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, 'numProcessed' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed);
         $ps_callback($po_request, $va_general, ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list, true);
     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
     if ($pb_dry_run) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         $o_log->logInfo(_t('Rollback successful import run in "dry run" mode'));
     } else {
         if ($o_trans) {
     return true;
예제 #8
 public static function do_configuration_check($po_opts = null)
     include_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/SearchEngine.php";
     include_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Media.php";
     include_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/ca/ApplicationPluginManager.php";
     include_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/ca/ConfigurationCheck.php";
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Configuration.php";
     // Media
     $t_media = new Media();
     $va_plugin_names = $t_media->getPluginNames();
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("Checking media processing plugins..."), array('color' => 'bold_blue'));
     foreach ($va_plugin_names as $vs_plugin_name) {
         if ($va_plugin_status = $t_media->checkPluginStatus($vs_plugin_name)) {
             CLIUtils::addMessage("\t" . _t("Found %1", $vs_plugin_name));
     // Application plugins
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("Checking application plugins..."), array('color' => 'bold_blue'));
     $va_plugin_names = ApplicationPluginManager::getPluginNames();
     $va_plugins = array();
     foreach ($va_plugin_names as $vs_plugin_name) {
         if ($va_plugin_status = ApplicationPluginManager::checkPluginStatus($vs_plugin_name)) {
             CLIUtils::addMessage("\t" . _t("Found %1", $vs_plugin_name));
     // Barcode generation
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("Checking for barcode dependencies..."), array('color' => 'bold_blue'));
     $vb_gd_is_available = caMediaPluginGDInstalled(true);
     CLIUtils::addMessage("\t(" . _t('GD is a graphics processing library required for all barcode generation.') . ")");
     if (!$vb_gd_is_available) {
         CLIUtils::addError("\t\t" . _t('GD is not installed; barcode printing will not be possible.'));
     } else {
         CLIUtils::addMessage("\t\t" . _t('GD is installed; barcode printing will be available.'));
     // General system configuration issues
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("Checking system configuration... this may take a while."), array('color' => 'bold_blue'));
     if (ConfigurationCheck::foundErrors()) {
         CLIUtils::addMessage("\t" . _t('Errors were found:'), array('color' => 'bold_red'));
         foreach (ConfigurationCheck::getErrors() as $vn_i => $vs_error) {
             CLIUtils::addError("\t\t[" . ($vn_i + 1) . "] {$vs_error}");
     return true;
예제 #9
 public function getHTMLWidgets()
     $vs_cur_selection = $this->getDestination();
     $va_widgets_config = $this->opa_widgets_config;
     // fire hook
     $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     if ($va_revised_widgets_config = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookRenderWidgets($va_widgets_config)) {
         $va_widgets_config = $va_revised_widgets_config;
     foreach ($va_widgets_config as $vs_key => $va_info) {
         if (preg_match('!^/' . $va_info['domain']['module'] . '/' . $va_info['domain']['controller'] . '$!i', $vs_cur_selection)) {
             $va_params = $this->_parseAdditionalParameters($va_info['parameters']);
             // invoke controller method
             $vs_classname = ucfirst($va_info['handler']['controller']) . 'Controller';
             if (!$va_info['handler']['isplugin']) {
                 if (!(include_once $this->ops_controller_path . '/' . $va_info['handler']['module'] . '/' . $vs_classname . '.php')) {
                     // Invalid controller path
                     $this->postError(2300, _t("Invalid controller path"), "AppNavigation->getHTMLWidgets()");
                     return false;
             } else {
                 if (!(include_once $this->opo_config->get('application_plugins') . '/' . $va_info['handler']['module'] . '/controllers/' . $vs_classname . '.php')) {
                     $this->postError(2300, _t("Invalid controller path"), "AppNavigation->getHTMLWidgets()");
                     return false;
             $o_action_controller = new $vs_classname($this->opo_request, $this->opo_response, $this->opo_request->config->get('views_directory') . '/' . $va_info['handler']['module']);
             $vs_output = $o_action_controller->{$va_info['handler']['action']}($va_params);
             if ($o_action_controller->numErrors()) {
                 return join('; ', $o_action_controller->getErrors());
             return $vs_output;
     return '';
  * Returns list of user actions defined by all plugins
  * @return array List of user actions keyed by action code
 public static function getPluginRoleActions()
     if ($va_actions = CompositeCache::fetch('role_action_list', 'ApplicationPluginManager')) {
         return $va_actions;
     $va_actions = array();
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     $vs_app_plugin_dir = $o_config->get('application_plugins');
     $va_app_plugin_dirs = ApplicationPluginManager::getPluginNames();
     foreach ($va_app_plugin_dirs as $vs_plugin_dir) {
         if (!file_exists($vs_app_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin.php')) {
         require_once $vs_app_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin.php';
         $vs_plugin_classname = $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin';
         $va_actions = array_merge($va_actions, call_user_func(array($vs_plugin_classname, 'getRoleActionList')));
     CompositeCache::save('role_action_list', $va_actions, 'ApplicationPluginManager');
     return $va_actions;
예제 #11
  *	Generates HTML for top-level menubar 
 public function getHTMLMenuBarAsLinkArray()
     $va_nav_info = $this->getNavInfo(0);
     // get top-level navigation
     // fire hook
     $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     if ($va_revised_nav_info = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookRenderMenuBar($va_nav_info)) {
         $va_nav_info = $va_revised_nav_info;
     $vo_session = $this->opo_request->session;
     if (intval($this->opo_config->get('do_menu_bar_caching')) > 0 && ($va_menu_cache = $vo_session->getVar('ca_nav_menubar_link_cache'))) {
         return $va_menu_cache;
     $vs_cur_selection = $this->getDestinationAsNavigationPath();
     $va_links = array();
     foreach ($va_nav_info as $vs_key => $va_menu) {
         if (!$this->_evaluateRequirements($va_menu['requires'])) {
         $va_links[] = caNavLink($this->opo_request, $va_menu['displayName'], '', trim($va_menu['default']['module']), trim($va_menu['default']['controller']), trim($va_menu['default']['action']));
     $vo_session->setVar('ca_nav_menubar_link_cache', $va_links);
     return $va_links;
 * GNU General Public License. ( See
 * the "license.txt" file for details, or visit the CollectiveAccess web site at
 * @package CollectiveAccess
 * @subpackage tests
 * @license GNU Public License version 3
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once __CA_BASE_DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/AbstractPluginIntegrationTest.php';
require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/ca/ApplicationPluginManager.php';
require_once __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/plugins/relationshipGenerator/relationshipGeneratorPlugin.php';
require_once __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/models/ca_collections.php';
// Force initial setup of plugins so it isn't called later, which will overwrite our manually set up plugin
 * Performs an integration test of sorts for the RelationshipGeneratorPlugin.
 * See AbstractPluginIntegrationTest for details of the generic cycle of switching in a plugin with test configuration,
 * creating reference data for the tests, running the tests, then deleting all data generated for the tests.
class RelationshipGeneratorPluginIntegrationTest extends AbstractPluginIntegrationTest
    public static function setUpBeforeClass()
        self::_processConfiguration(__DIR__ . '/conf/integration', 'conf/relationshipGenerator.conf.template', 'conf/relationshipGenerator.conf');
        self::_switchInTestPlugin('relationshipGenerator', new relationshipGeneratorPlugin(__DIR__ . '/conf/integration'));
        self::_createRelationshipType('part', 'ca_objects_x_collections');
        self::_createListItem('test_object_type1', BaseModel::$s_ca_models_definitions['ca_objects']['FIELDS']['type_id']['LIST_CODE']);
예제 #13
 * Creates links to the appropriate editor (in Providence) or detail page (in Pawtucket) from supplied text and ids.
 * Used in SearchResult::get() and BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes::get() to automatically generate links when fetching
 * information from related tables.
 * @param array $pa_text An array of strings to create links for
 * @param string $ps_table_name The name of the table/record to which the links refer
 * @param array $pa_row_ids Array of row_ids to link to. Values must correspond by index with those in $pa_text
 * @param string $ps_class Optional CSS class to apply to links
 * @param string $ps_target
 * @param array $pa_options Supported options are:
 *		requireLinkTags = if set then links are only added when explicitly defined with <l> tags. Default is to make the entire text a link in the absence of <l> tags.
 * 		addRelParameter =
 * @return array A list of HTML links
function caCreateLinksFromText($pa_text, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids, $ps_class = null, $ps_target = null, $pa_options = null)
    if (!in_array(__CA_APP_TYPE__, array('PROVIDENCE', 'PAWTUCKET'))) {
        return $pa_text;
    if (__CA_APP_TYPE__ == 'PAWTUCKET') {
        $o_config = Configuration::load();
    $pb_add_rel = caGetOption('addRelParameter', $pa_options, false);
    $vb_can_handle_target = false;
    if ($ps_target) {
        $o_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
        $vb_can_handle_target = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookCanHandleGetAsLinkTarget(array('target' => $ps_target));
    // Parse template
    $o_doc = str_get_dom($ps_template);
    $va_links = array();
    global $g_request;
    if (!$g_request) {
        return $pa_text;
    foreach ($pa_text as $vn_i => $vs_text) {
        $vs_text = preg_replace("!([A-Za-z0-9]+)='([^']*)'!", "\$1=\"\$2\"", $vs_text);
        $va_l_tags = array();
        $o_links = $o_doc('l');
        foreach ($o_links as $o_link) {
            if (!$o_link) {
            $vs_html = $o_link->html();
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!^<[^\\>]+>!", "", $vs_html);
            $vs_content = preg_replace("!<[^\\>]+>\$!", "", $vs_content);
            $va_l_tags[] = array('directive' => html_entity_decode($vs_html), 'content' => $vs_content);
        if (sizeof($va_l_tags)) {
            $vs_content = html_entity_decode($vs_text);
            $vs_content = preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", function ($m) {
                return mb_convert_encoding($m[1], "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");
            }, $vs_content);
            foreach ($va_l_tags as $va_l) {
                if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                    $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $va_l['content'], 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                    $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                    $vs_link_text = $va_params['tag'];
                } else {
                    switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                        case 'PROVIDENCE':
                            $vs_link_text = caEditorLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], $pb_add_rel ? array('rel' => true) : array());
                        case 'PAWTUCKET':
                            $vs_link_text = caDetailLink($g_request, $va_l['content'], $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i]);
                if ($vs_link_text) {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $vs_link_text, $vs_content);
                } else {
                    $vs_content = str_replace($va_l['directive'], $va_l['content'], $vs_content);
            $va_links[] = $vs_content;
        } else {
            if (isset($pa_options['requireLinkTags']) && $pa_options['requireLinkTags']) {
                $va_links[] = $vs_text;
            if ($vb_can_handle_target) {
                $va_params = array('request' => $g_request, 'content' => $vs_text, 'table' => $ps_table_name, 'id' => $pa_row_ids[$vn_i], 'classname' => $ps_class, 'target' => $ps_target, 'additionalParameters' => null, 'options' => null);
                $va_params = $o_app_plugin_manager->hookGetAsLink($va_params);
                $va_links[] = $va_params['tag'];
            } else {
                switch (__CA_APP_TYPE__) {
                    case 'PROVIDENCE':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caEditorLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i])) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                    case 'PAWTUCKET':
                        $va_links[] = ($vs_link = caDetailLink($g_request, $vs_text, $ps_class, $ps_table_name, $pa_row_ids[$vn_i])) ? $vs_link : $vs_text;
                        $va_links[] = $vs_text;
    return $va_links;
예제 #14
  * Export a single record using the mapping defined by this exporter and return as string
  * @param string $ps_exporter_code defines the exporter to use
  * @param int $pn_record_id Primary key of the record to export. Record type is determined by the table_num field for this exporter.
  * @param array $pa_options
  *        singleRecord = Gives a signal to the export format implementation that this is a single record export. For certain formats
  *        	this might trigger different behavior, for instance the XML export format prepends the item-level output with <?xml ... ?>
  *        	in those cases.
  * @return string Exported record as string
 public static function exportRecord($ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id, $pa_options = array())
     ca_data_exporters::$s_instance_cache = array();
     $t_exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($ps_exporter_code);
     if (!$t_exporter) {
         return false;
     $va_export = array();
     foreach ($t_exporter->getTopLevelItems() as $va_item) {
         $va_export = array_merge($va_export, $t_exporter->processExporterItem($va_item['item_id'], $t_exporter->get('table_num'), $pn_record_id, $pa_options));
     // TODO: we may wanna auto-load this
     switch ($t_exporter->getSetting('exporter_format')) {
         case 'XML':
             $o_export = new ExportXML();
         case 'MARC':
             $o_export = new ExportMARC();
         case 'CSV':
             $o_export = new ExportCSV();
     // if someone wants to mangle the whole tree ... well, go right ahead
     $o_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     //caDebug($va_export, "Export before tree plugin hook");
     if (is_null($va_plugin_export = $o_manager->hookExportRecord(array('exporter_instance' => $t_exporter, 'record_id' => $pn_record_id, 'export' => $va_export)))) {
         // skip this record if plugin returns null
     } else {
         $va_export = $va_plugin_export['export'];
     //caDebug($va_export,"Export after tree plugin hook");
     $pa_options['settings'] = $t_exporter->getSettings();
     return $o_export->processExport($va_export, $pa_options);