protected function editAboutMe()
            $form = Form::load('logbook.views.EditBlogAuthorDetails');

                $item = new Author();
    public function save()
        $form = Form::load('logbook.views.AddBlogEntry');

            $auth = new Author();

                $item = new Entry();

                    $item->set('entry_date',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

                $group = new Group();
                $author_id = $item->get('author_id');
                $entry_id = $item->get('entry_id');
                if($groups = $group->fetch())
                    foreach($groups as $group)
                            $data = file_get_contents(Application::MANAGED_CODE.'lbk_default_access_'.$group->get('access_id'));
                            $perms = unserialize($data);

                die('You are not an author!');
예제 #3
        public function display()
            $disp = Display::current();
			$disp->setValue('tree_menu', $disp->treeMenu());

            $disp->addView('page_content', 'frost.views.cms.part.text.TextAdd');
            $form = Form::load('frost.views.cms.part.text.TextAdd');
            $form->setInputValue('module_id', Application::param('module_id'));
            $form->setInputValue('media_type', Application::param('media_type'));
            $form->setInputValue('label', 'Plain text item');
            $form->setInputValue('weight', '1000');

            $disp->setValue('module_id', Application::param('module_id'));
            $disp->setValue('login_error', $this->login_error);

            $disp->setValue('current_handler', Application::current()->handler()->getClass());
 public function RemoteDisplay()
     $this->responses = array();
     $this->remote_num = '';
     $this->ignore_ajax = '';
     $this->called = '';
     $this->chunks = array();
     $this->previous_display = '';
     $args = array();
     $args['remote_num'] = $this->remoteNum();
     JsRegister::current()->registerScript('remote_num', $args);
 protected function saveSiteFunction()
     $form = Form::load('pilot.views.SiteFunctionMain');
     $site_function = new SiteFunction();
     if ($site_function_id = Application::param('site_function_id')) {
         $site_function->clauseSafe('site_function_id', $site_function_id);
     $this->saveObject($form, $site_function, $this->siteFunctionTitle());
     if (!Application::current()->user()->authorise($this->getClass())) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException('You cannot access this function');
  * Check if this application is running on the command line
  * Some reasons why you might need to do this is to throw an exception
  * if a function is _not_ being run from the command line. For example
  * your access control system depends on the session to store a valid
  * user, but the session is not available from the command line, then you
  * need to make your handlers that run from the command line publicly 
  * available, however, you don't want them run from a browser, only=
  * via the command line by cron, for example
  * @return boolean - true if this script is being executed from the
  *                   command line
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function isCommandLine()
     $ret = false;
     $app = Application::current();
     if (is_object($app)) {
         $ret = $app->is_command_line;
     return $ret;
 public function runHandlerTest()
     $redir = Application::current()->redirection_listener;
     Application::alterParam('h', $this->test_handler->getClass());
     try {
         $cached = ob_get_clean();
     } catch (RedirectionException $exc) {
         $this->setResult('Redirected to: ' . $exc->handler() . ' with vars: ' . $exc->varString(), MurphyTest::REDIRECT);
     } catch (AccessDeniedException $exc) {
         $this->setResult('Access denied to ' . $this->test_handler->getClass() . ' for user: '******' in test: ' . $this->name, MurphyTest::ACCESS_DENIED);
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         $this->setResult('Exception of type ' . get_class($exc) . ': ' . $exc->getMessage(), MurphyTest::EXCEPTION);
     $this->setResult('Completed handler test for: ' . $this->name, MurphyTest::COMPLETE);
 public function display()
     //echo "<br />DEBUG: HERE<br />";
     header('Content-type: application/x-javascript');
     readfile("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/packages/seeingsystem/views/js/ss_prototype.js");
     readfile("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/packages/seeingsystem/views/js/ss_effects.js");
     $disp = Display::current();
     if (Application::current()->user()->authorise('SeeingsystemSetup')) {
         $disp->setValue('logged_in', true);
     } else {
         $disp->setValue('login_error', $this->login_error);
         $login_form = Form::load('seeingsystem.views.Login');
     // Write to the log
     $fh = fopen('access_logs/access.log', 'a') or die("can't open file");
     $stringData = time() . "," . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\n";
     fwrite($fh, $stringData);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     if ($params['user_id']) {
         $disp->setValue('user_tags', $this->getFlickrTags($params['api_key'], $params['user_id']));
     } else {
         $disp->setValue('user_tags', '');
     $disp->setValue('timeout_interval', $params['timeout_interval']);
     $disp->setValue('fade_speed', $params['fade_speed']);
     $disp->setValue('domain', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $disp->setValue('ss_key', $params['key']);
     $disp->setValue('slide_div_width', $params['width']);
     $disp->setValue('slide_div_height', $params['height']);
     $disp->setValue('api_key', $params['api_key']);
     // Change the method if there is no user and no tags
     if (!$params['user_id'] && !$params['tags']) {
         $disp->setValue('method', '');
     } else {
         $disp->setValue('method', $params['method']);
     // user_id (Optional) - The NSID of the user who's photo to search.
     // If this parameter isn't passed then everybody's public photos will be searched.
     // A value of "me" will search against the calling user's photos for authenticated calls.
     $disp->setValue('user_id', $params['user_id']);
     //photoset_id (Optional) - The id of the photoset
     $disp->setValue('photoset_id', $params['photoset_id']);
     //tags (Optional) - A comma-delimited list of tags. Photos with one or more of the tags listed will be returned.
     $disp->setValue('tags', $params['tags']);
     // tag_mode (Optional) - Either 'any' for an OR combination of tags, or 'all' for an AND combination.
     // Defaults to 'any' if not specified.
     $disp->setValue('tag_mode', $params['tag_mode']);
     //sort (Optional) - The order in which to sort returned photos. Deafults to date-posted-desc.
     // The possible values are: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc, date-taken-asc, date-taken-desc,
     // interestingness-desc, interestingness-asc, and relevance.
     $disp->setValue('sort', $params['sort']);
     //extras (Optional) - A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.
     // Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format,
     // last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags.
     $disp->setValue('extras', $params['extras']);
     //content_type (Optional) - Content Type setting: 1 for photos only. 2 for screenshots only.
     // 3 for 'other' only. 4 for all types.
     $disp->setValue('content_type', '1');
     //per_page (Optional) - Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100.
     // The maximum allowed value is 500.
     $disp->setValue('per_page', $params['per_page']);
     //page (Optional) - The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
     $disp->setValue('page', 1);
     $disp->setValue('format', $params['format']);
     //header('Content-type: application/x-javascript');
     // Load the view that is specific to the 'display' parameter in the databse configuration. The 'default'
     // display is just a call to the init() function of the generic object.
     $disp->displayPage('packages/seeingsystem/views/flickr_json_slideshow01_' . $params['display'] . '.php');
예제 #9
  * Display a page, with the variables that have been previously 
  * assigned using the {@link Display::addView()} method.
  * This method should be called by the programmer during a 
  * {@link Display::current()} execution with the top level 'site template'
  * that the programmer has set.
  * The url to display must be a valid RocketSled template. At present
  * this means that it is an HTML page with embedded php that calls
  * the necessary methods of the display class to plug the required
  * values into the template.
  * This method will throw an exception when a view is attempted to
  * display without first being added.
  * @param name    - the name passed to {@link Display::addView()}
  * @see RsmlView
 public function view($view_name, $optional = false)
     if ($view = $this->getView($view_name)) {
         if ($view instanceof RsmlView) {
         } else {
             throw new Exception('The view: ' . $view_name . ' is not an RsmlView, it is: ' . $view->getClass());
     } else {
         if (!$optional) {
             throw new Exception('No view with name: ' . $view_name . ' was registered with this display object. FULL DEBUG for ' . Application::current()->handler()->getClass() . ': ' . $data);
 public function display()
     $disp = Display::current();
     if (Application::current()->user()->authorise('SeeingsystemSetup')) {
         $disp->setValue('logged_in', true);
     } else {
         $disp->setValue('login_error', $this->login_error);
         $login_form = Form::load('seeingsystem.views.Login');
     if (Application::param('tags')) {
         $tags = Application::param('tags');
     } else {
         $tags = 'seeingsystem';
     $page = 0;
     if (Application::param('static') && Application::param('page')) {
         $page = Application::param('page');
         # build the API URL to call
         $params = array('api_key' => '1cd28ef9270b9dad6d02734d6a8d88a9', 'method' => '', 'user_id' => '77411642@N00', 'tags' => $tags, 'tag_mode' => 'all', 'sort' => 'date-posted-desc', 'extras' => 'original_format', 'content_type' => '1', 'per_page' => '1', 'page' => $page, 'format' => 'php_serial');
         $rsp_obj = $this->getFlickrPhotos($params);
         # display the photo title (or an error if it failed)
         if ($rsp_obj['stat'] == 'ok') {
             Photo Source URLs
             You can construct the source URL to a photo once you know its ID, server ID, farm ID and secret, as returned by many API methods.
             The URL takes the following format:
             Size Suffixes:
             The letter suffixes are as follows:
             s	small square 75x75
             t	thumbnail, 100 on longest side
             m	small, 240 on longest side
             -	medium, 500 on longest side
             b	large, 1024 on longest side (only exists for very large original images)
             o	original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format
             Note: Original photos behave a little differently. They have their own secret (called originalsecret in responses) and a variable file extension (called originalformat in responses). These values are returned via the API only when the caller has permission to view the original size (based on a user preference and various other criteria). The values are returned by the method and by any method that returns a list of photos and allows an extras parameter (with a value of original_format), such as The method, as always, will return the full original URL where permissions allow.
             farm-id: 1
             server-id: 2
             photo-id: 1418878
             secret: 1e92283336
             size: m
             //Using - http://farm{farm-id}{server-id}/{id}_{secret}_[mstb].jpg
             $photo_id = $rsp_obj['photos']['photo'][0]['id'];
             $farm_id = $rsp_obj['photos']['photo'][0]['farm'];
             $server_id = $rsp_obj['photos']['photo'][0]['server'];
             $secret = $rsp_obj['photos']['photo'][0]['secret'];
             //$file_name = $rsp_obj['photos']['photo'][0]['title'];
             $photo_url = "http://farm{$farm_id}{$server_id}/{$photo_id}_{$secret}.jpg";
             $size = getimagesize($photo_url);
             $width = $size[0];
             $height = $size[1];
             $top_border = (704 - $height) / 2;
             $bottom_border = (704 - $height) / 2 - 1;
             $left_border = (704 - $width) / 2;
             $right_border = (704 - $width) / 2 - 1;
             $style = "width:{$width}px;height:{$height}px;border-top:{$top_border}px solid black;border-bottom:{$bottom_border}px solid black;border-left:{$left_border}px solid black;border-right:{$right_border}px solid black;";
         } else {
             echo "Call failed!";
         $disp->setValue('photo_url', $photo_url);
         $disp->setValue('style', $style);
     } else {
         $disp->setValue('photo_url', "/assets/start.jpg");
         //$disp->setValue('photo_url', "");
     $disp->setTitle('Seeing System - Slideshow');
     $disp->setValue('page', ++$page);
     $disp->setValue('tags', $tags);
     $disp->addView('page_content', 'seeingsystem.views.Seeingsystem');