protected function _fakeWatcherOnParseError($e, $watcher, $type, $action, $errors) { $txId = uniqid('parser'); if (!isset($watcher)) { $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->createFileWatcher(); $watcher->entityIds = array($txId); $watcher->params->type = $type; $watcher->params->action = $action; $watcher->save(); } else { WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId); } $event = new EventModel(); $event->entityId = $txId; $event->entityType = 'transaction'; $event->namespace = 'connectivity'; $event->created = time(); $event->modified = time(); $event->pushEventData = true; $eventData = array(); if ($errors || $e->getErrorMessages()) { $errors = array_merge($errors ?: array(), $e->getErrorMessages() ?: array()); } $eventData['hasFailures'] = true; if ($e instanceof InvalidFileContentException) { $eventData['simParsed'] = $e->getSimParsed(); } if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php'; foreach ($errors as $errMess) { if ($errMess instanceof ErrorModel) { $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code); } } $eventData['message'] = array('failed' => $errors); } $event->eventData = $eventData; $event->forceFinish = true; $compressor = new ErrorModelCompressEvent(); $compressor->compress($event); WatcherService::getInstance()->publishEvent($event); return $watcher; }
public function filesAction() { if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) { throw new AppEx\ForbiddenException("Files action must be a post request."); } $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $front->registerPlugin(new \Tid_Zend_Controller_Plugin_UploadMax()); try { $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer('App_File_Transfer_Adapter_HttpMultipartMixed', false, array('ignoreNoFile' => true)); } catch (Zend_File_Transfer_Exception $e) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage()); } $upload->addValidator('Count', true, array('min' => 1, 'max' => 1))->addValidator('Extension', true, array('xml', 'csv', 'txt'))->addValidator('MimeType', true, array('application/xml', 'text/plain', 'headerCheck' => true)); if ($upload->isValid()) { if ($upload->receive()) { try { $fileinfo = current($upload->getFileInfo()); $filename = $fileinfo['tmp_name']; // Attempt to parse data from file $parseResult = $this->_stockSrv->getData($filename, $upload->getMimeType()); $data = $parseResult['data']; $errors = $parseResult['errors']; if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $errMess) { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php'; $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code); } } $method = 'create' . ucfirst($data['_type']); if (!empty($data['_type']) && is_callable(array($this->_stockSrv, $method))) { // Check permissions according to the data type $dumbSim = new Application\Model\SimModel(); $this->_helper->allowed($data['_perm'], $dumbSim); try { $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->{$method}($parseResult); } catch (AppEx\GlobalServiceException $ex) { $ex->addErrorMessages($errors); throw $ex; } $txId = uniqid('parser'); WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId); $event = new EventModel(); $event->entityId = $txId; $event->entityType = 'transaction'; $event->namespace = 'connectivity'; $event->eventData = $errors; $event->created = time(); $event->forceFinish = true; WatcherService::getInstance()->publishEvent($event); // WatcherService::getInstance()->setStatus($watcher->id, WatcherModel::STATUS_FINISHED); $errors_ex = $this->_loadErrorsFromWatcher($watcher); if (!empty($errors_ex)) { $errors = Zend_Json::encode($errors_ex); App::log()->warn("Error on file upload in stock:\n" . $errors); throw new AppEx\StockParserException("Some errors uploading file to stock.", array('errorMessages' => $errors_ex)); } } else { throw new AppEx\UnexpectedException('Unknown data type (' . $data['_type'] . ')'); } } catch (PermissionException $e) { throw $e; } catch (StockParserException $e) { throw $e; } catch (GlobalServiceException $e) { $txId = uniqid('parser'); if (!isset($watcher)) { $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->createFileWatcher(); $watcher->entityIds = array($txId); $watcher->params->type = 'sim'; $watcher->params->action = 'stockUpload'; $watcher->save(); } else { WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId); } $event = new EventModel(); $event->entityId = $txId; $event->entityType = 'transaction'; $event->namespace = 'connectivity'; $event->created = time(); $event->modified = time(); $event->pushEventData = true; $eventData = array(); $errors = $e->getErrorMessages(); $eventData['hasFailures'] = true; if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php'; foreach ($errors as $errMess) { if ($errMess instanceof ErrorModel) { $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code); } } $eventData['message'] = array('failed' => $errors); } $event->eventData = $eventData; $event->forceFinish = true; $compressor = new ErrorModelCompressEvent(); $compressor->compress($event); WatcherService::getInstance()->publishEvent($event); // WatcherService::getInstance()->setStatus($watcher->id, WatcherModel::STATUS_FINISHED); $errors = $this->_loadErrorsFromWatcher($watcher); if (!empty($errors)) { App::log()->warn("Error on file upload in stock:\n" . Zend_Json::encode($errors)); throw new AppEx\StockParserException("Some errors uploading file to stock.", array('errorMessages' => $errors)); } } } else { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Could not receive file'); } } else { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid file: ' . implode(', ', $upload->getMessages())); } }