예제 #1
  * Query the ACL if the user is allowed to be dispatched to the resource
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @throws Zend_Exception if user is not allowed (handled by error controller)
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     $module = $request->getModuleName();
     $controller = $request->getControllerName();
     $action = $request->getActionName();
     $resource = $module . '/' . $controller;
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity() === TRUE) {
         $user = $auth->getIdentity();
     } else {
         $user = new App_User();
         $user->setRole(Zend_Registry::get('acl_default_role_name'), Zend_Registry::get('acl_default_role_id'));
      * load acl stuff from cache.
      * the acl is created, that it doesnot grab the data from the database again
      * so, we should have a little bit of performance here
             //FIXME: ACL Caching seems be faulty or its the development process
             //       After changing rules, ACL doesn't match anymore
             //       Fix: After Changing roles/rules refresh the ACL Cache Object
             $cache = Zend_Registry::get('Cache_Acl');
             $acl   = $cache->load('acl_object');
             IF(!$acl) {
        $acl = new App_Acl;
     $acl = new App_Acl();
     // FIXME: remove after above is fixed
     $acl->buildResourceRules($module, $controller, $action, $user);
     // $cache->save($acl, 'acl_object'); // FIXME: enabled again after above problem is fixed
     foreach ($user->getRoles() as $roleId => $roleName) {
         if ($acl->isAllowed($roleId, $resource, $action)) {
             return TRUE;
         foreach ($acl->getRole($roleId)->getParentRole() as $roleId => $roleName) {
             if ($acl->isAllowed($roleId, $resource, $action)) {
                 return TRUE;
      * This part is critical (see todo in class docs)
      * 1. On XML Requests:
      *      The setbody just adds information to the body. If an php error occure, the
      *      setBody just prepend the this error to the php error => the return is an Json/html mixed response, unreadable for Ajax Client
      * 2. normal HTTP resposen:
      *      anonymouse rerouting to login page, no reason or any notification to the user
     if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         $this->getResponse()->setBody(Zend_Json_Encoder::encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'error_message' => 'No Right to execute this action')));
     } elseif ($controller !== 'error') {
         $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
         $redirector->gotoSimple('login', 'auth', 'noc');
예제 #2
  * Check if the current user (self::$user) is allowed to
  * use the $module/$action
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $action
  * @return bool
 public function isAllowed($module, $action)
     $resource = 'webdesktop/' . $module;
     // build rules on every call?
     $this->acl->buildResourceRules('webdesktop', $module, $action, $this->user, TRUE);
     $cache = Zend_Registry::get('Cache_Acl');
     $cache->save($this->acl, 'acl_object');
     foreach ($this->user->getRoles() as $roleId => $roleName) {
         if ($this->acl->isAllowed($roleId, $resource, $action)) {
             return TRUE;
         foreach ($this->acl->getRole($roleId)->getParentRole() as $roleId => $roleName) {
             if ($this->acl->isAllowed($roleId, $resource, $action)) {
                 return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
예제 #3
  * Get the user style to run the webdesktop
  * @return array
 public function getUserStyle()
     $dbThemes = new Webdesktop_Model_DbTable_Themes();
     $dbWallpaper = new Webdesktop_Model_DbTable_Wallpapers();
     $theme = $dbThemes->find($this->user->get('themeid'));
     $wp = $dbWallpaper->find($this->user->get('wpid'));
     $result = array('backgroundcolor' => $this->user->get('bgcolor'), 'fontcolor' => $this->user->get('fgcolor'), 'transparency' => $this->user->get('transparency'), 'theme' => array('id' => $theme->current()->sth_id, 'name' => $theme->current()->sth_name, 'src' => $theme->current()->sth_file), 'wallpaper' => array('id' => $wp->current()->swp_id, 'name' => $wp->current()->swp_name, 'file' => sprintf('%s%s', $this->config->path->wallpapers, $wp->current()->swp_file), 'position' => $this->user->get('wppos')));
     return $result;
예제 #4
  * Get roles bound to a role
  * @param App_User $user
  * @return array
  * @access public
 public function getUserBoundRoles(App_User $user)
     $roles = array();
     foreach ($user->getRoles() as $id => $name) {
         if ($this->hasRole($id)) {
             $roles[$id] = $name;
             if ($this->getRole($id)->hasParentRole()) {
                 foreach ($this->getRole($id)->getParentRoles() as $parent) {
                     $pId = $parent->getRoleId();
                     $pName = $parent->getName();
                     $roles[$pId] = $pName;
     return $roles;
예제 #5
// 2008-10-26   SLH     Moved from snippets/appMainLoop.php
// ========================================================================
if (!defined('APP_TOPDIR')) {
    throw new Exception('APP_TOPDIR not defined');
// ========================================================================
// Supported services
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// work out what page was requested
$oRequest = new App_Request();
// create an object to track our response
$oResponse = new App_Response();
// work out who has requested the page
$oUser = App_User::newUser($oRequest, App_Request::$userDB);
// work out what the controller class is
$oController = App_Controller::newController($oRequest, $oResponse, $oUser);
// work out how the page should be displayed
// unlike website apps, this app uses themes to determine what
// format the result should be returned as
$oTheme = App_Theme::newTheme($oRequest, $oUser);
// at this point ...
// $oRequest
//      contains all the information about what the user wants to do
// $oResponse
//      contains all the object to hold the data we will return
// $oController