public function payconfirmyesAction() { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE); //print_r($this->_request->getParams()); $id = $this->_request->getParam('orderId'); $tblOrder = new App_Model_Db_Table_Order(); $tblHistory = new App_Model_Db_Table_OrderHistory(); $tblConfirm = new App_Model_Db_Table_PaymentConfirmation(); $rowOrder = $tblOrder->find($id)->current(); if ($rowOrder->paymentMethodNote == 'membership') { $oldUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserById($rowOrder->userId); $oldpackage = App_Model_Show_AroGroup::show()->getUserGroup($oldUser['packageId']); $newGroup = App_Model_Show_AroGroup::show()->getUserGroup($rowOrder->note); $notes = date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . " - Changed package " . $oldpackage['name'] . " TO " . $newGroup['name']; $notes = $oldUser['notes'] ? $oldUser['notes'] . "\n" . $notes : $notes; $dataUser = array('packageId' => $rowOrder->note, 'notes' => $notes, 'modifiedDate' => date("Y-m-d h:i:s"), 'modifiedBy' => Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->username); $modelUser = new App_Model_Db_Table_User(); $dataUserDetail = array('userId' => $oldUser['kopel'], 'packageId' => $oldUser['packageId'], 'promotionId' => $oldUser['promotionId'], 'educationId' => $oldUser['educationId'], 'expenseId' => $oldUser['expenseId'], 'paymentId' => $oldUser['paymentId'], 'businessTypeId' => $oldUser['businessTypeId'], 'periodeId' => $oldUser['periodeId'], 'activationDate' => $oldUser['activationDate'], 'createdDate' => $oldUser['createdDate'], 'createdBy' => $oldUser['createdBy'], 'modifiedDate' => $oldUser['modifiedDate'], 'modifiedBy' => $oldUser['modifiedBy'], 'isActive' => $oldUser['isActive'], 'isContact' => $oldUser['isContact']); $modelUserDetail = new App_Model_Db_Table_UserDetail(); $modelUserDetail->insert($dataUserDetail); $acl = Pandamp_Acl::manager(); $acl->deleteUser($oldUser['username']); $acl->addUser($oldUser['username'], $newGroup['name']); $tblInvoice = new App_Model_Db_Table_Invoice(); $where = $tblInvoice->getAdapter()->quoteInto("uid=?", $rowOrder->userId); $rowInvoice = $tblInvoice->fetchRow($where); if ($rowInvoice) { $rowInvoice->invoiceConfirmDate = date("Y-m-d"); $rowInvoice->isPaid = 'Y'; // get expiration date $temptime = time(); $temptime = Pandamp_Lib_Formater::DateAdd('m', $oldUser['paymentId'], $temptime); $rowInvoice->expirationDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $temptime); $rowInvoice->save(); $dataUser['periodeId'] = 3; } $modelUser->update($dataUser, "kopel='" . $rowOrder->userId . "'"); } //select payment date from paymentconfirmation $date = $tblConfirm->fetchAll("orderId = " . $id . " AND confirmed = 0"); $data['paymentDate'] = $date[0]->paymentDate; //update order $data['orderStatus'] = 3; $tblOrder->update($data, "orderId = " . $id); //update paymentconfirmation $dataConfirm['confirmed'] = 1; $tblConfirm->update($dataConfirm, "orderId = " . $id); //add history $dataHistory = $tblHistory->fetchNew(); //history data $dataHistory['orderId'] = $id; $dataHistory['orderStatusId'] = 3; $dataHistory['dateCreated'] = date('Y-m-d'); $dataHistory['userNotified'] = 1; $dataHistory['note'] = 'confirmed'; $dataHistory->save(); //mailer //$this->Mailer($id, 'user-confirm', 'user'); $mod = new App_Model_Store_Mailer(); $mod->sendReceiptToUser($id, ucwords($date[0]->paymentMethod)); //redirect to confirmation page $this->_redirect($this->view->serverUrl() . '/' . $this->view->getLanguage() . '/store/confirm'); }
function detailIndexKlinikAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE); $dateDiff = new Pandamp_Lib_DateDiff(); $folderGuid = $this->_getParam('folderGuid') ? $this->_getParam('folderGuid') : ''; $start = $this->_getParam('start') ? $this->_getParam('start') : 0; $limit = $this->_getParam('limit') ? $this->_getParam('limit') : 0; $a = array(); $rowset = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->fetchFromFolder($folderGuid, $start, $limit); $a['folderGuid'] = $folderGuid; $a['totalCount'] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getWartaCount($folderGuid); $ii = 0; if ($a['totalCount'] != 0) { foreach ($rowset as $row) { $arraypictureformat = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif"); $txt_allowedformat = implode('; ', $arraypictureformat); $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance(); $config = $registry->get(Pandamp_Keys::REGISTRY_APP_OBJECT); $cdn = $config->getOption('cdn'); $sDir = $cdn['static']['dir']['photo']; $sDir2 = $cdn['static']['url']['photo'] . '/'; $smg = $cdn['static']['images']; $modelUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByName($row['createdBy']); $x = 0; foreach ($arraypictureformat as $key => $val) { if (is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val)) { $myphoto = $sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val; $myext = $val; $x = 1; break; } } if ($x == 1) { $myphotosize = getimagesize($myphoto); $dis = ""; if (isset($myext) && is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext)) { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $sDir2 . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext . "\" class=\"avatar\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" />"; } } else { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $smg . "/gravatar-140.png\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" class=\"avatar\" border=\"0\" />"; } $rowCatalogTitle = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row['guid'], 'fixedCommentTitle'); $rowCatalogQuestion = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row['guid'], 'fixedCommentQuestion'); $rowCatalogSelectCat = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row['guid'], 'fixedKategoriKlinik'); $author = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row['guid'], 'fixedSelectNama'); $source = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row['guid'], 'fixedSelectMitra'); $a['index'][$ii]['title'] = $rowCatalogTitle; $a['index'][$ii]['question'] = $rowCatalogQuestion; $a['index'][$ii]['secat'] = $rowCatalogSelectCat; $a['index'][$ii]['category'] = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($rowCatalogSelectCat, 'fixedTitle'); $a['index'][$ii]['guid'] = $row['guid']; $a['index'][$ii]['createdBy'] = $row['createdBy']; $a['index'][$ii]['author'] = isset($author) ? $author : ''; if (isset($source)) { $a['index'][$ii]['source'] = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($source, 'fixedTitle'); $a['index'][$ii]['sid'] = $source; } else { $a['index'][$ii]['source'] = ''; $a['index'][$ii]['sid'] = ''; } $a['index'][$ii]['publishedDate'] = $dateDiff->ago(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($row['publishedDate']))); $a['index'][$ii]['existence'] = '<div style="float:left;padding:2px;margin: 1px 10px 10px 0px;"><a href="">' . $txt_existence . '</a></div>'; $ii++; } } if ($a['totalCount'] == 0) { $a['index'][0]['title'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['question'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['category'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['guid'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['createdBy'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['author'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['source'] = "-"; $a['index'][0]['publishedDate'] = "-"; } echo Zend_Json::encode($a); }
function fetchClinicByCategoryAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE); $r = $this->getRequest(); $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid') ? $this->_getParam('guid') : ''; $start = $r->getParam('start') ? $r->getParam('start') : 0; $limit = $r->getParam('limit') ? $r->getParam('limit') : 20; $orderBy = $r->getParam('orderBy') ? $r->getParam('sortBy') : 'publishedDate'; $sortOrder = $r->getParam('sortOrder') ? $r->getParam('sortOrder') : ' DESC'; $query = "profile:klinik status:99 kategoriklinik:{$catalogGuid};publishedDate desc"; $a = array(); $a['query'] = $query; $vTitle = new Pandamp_Controller_Action_Helper_GetCatalogTitle(); $indexingEngine = Pandamp_Search::manager(); $hits = $indexingEngine->find($query, $start, $limit); $num = $hits->response->numFound; $solrNumFound = count($hits->response->docs); $ii = 0; if ($solrNumFound == 0) { $a['klinikkategori'][0]['guid'] = 'XXX'; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['title'] = 'Kategori klinik kosong'; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['pertanyaan'] = ""; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['createdBy'] = ""; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['author'] = ''; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['sid'] = ''; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['source'] = ''; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['publishedDate'] = ''; $a['klinikkategori'][0]['existence'] = ''; } else { if ($solrNumFound > $limit) { $numRowset = $limit; } else { $numRowset = $solrNumFound; } for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numRowset; $ii++) { if (isset($hits->response->docs[$ii])) { $row = $hits->response->docs[$ii]; $arraypictureformat = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif"); $txt_allowedformat = implode('; ', $arraypictureformat); $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance(); $config = $registry->get(Pandamp_Keys::REGISTRY_APP_OBJECT); $cdn = $config->getOption('cdn'); $sDir = $cdn['static']['dir']['photo']; $sDir2 = $cdn['static']['url']['photo'] . '/'; $smg = $cdn['static']['images']; $modelUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByName($row->createdBy); $x = 0; foreach ($arraypictureformat as $key => $val) { if (is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val)) { $myphoto = $sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val; $myext = $val; $x = 1; break; } } if ($x == 1) { $myphotosize = getimagesize($myphoto); $dis = ""; if (isset($myext) && is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext)) { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $sDir2 . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext . "\" class=\"avatar\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" />"; } } else { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $smg . "/gravatar-140.png\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" class=\"avatar\" border=\"0\" />"; } $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['guid'] = $row->id; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['title'] = $row->title; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['pertanyaan'] = $row->commentQuestion; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['createdBy'] = $row->createdBy; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['author'] = $row->kontributor; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['sid'] = $row->sumber; $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['source'] = App_Model_Show_CatalogAttribute::show()->getCatalogAttributeValue($row->kontributor, 'fixedTitle'); $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['publishedDate'] = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row->publishedDate)); $a['klinikkategori'][$ii]['existence'] = '<div style="float:left;padding:2px;margin: 1px 10px 10px 0px;"><a href="">' . $txt_existence . '</a></div>'; } } } echo Zend_Json::encode($a); }
function viewerClinic80Action() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE); $dateDiff = new Pandamp_Lib_DateDiff(); $author = $this->_getParam('folderGuid') ? $this->_getParam('folderGuid') : ''; $start = $this->_getParam('start') ? $this->_getParam('start') : 0; $limit = $this->_getParam('limit') ? $this->_getParam('limit') : 10; $a = array(); $tblCatalog = new App_Model_Db_Table_Catalog(); $tblCatalogAttribute = new App_Model_Db_Table_CatalogAttribute(); $clinic = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchAll("value='" . $author . "'", '', $limit, $start); $clinic1 = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchAll("value='" . $author . "'"); $a['folderGuid'] = $author; $a['totalCount'] = count($clinic1); $ii = 0; if ($clinic) { $value_clinic = array(); foreach ($clinic as $c) { $value_clinic[] = $c->catalogGuid; } // $value_clinic = $tblCatalog->implode_with_keys(", ", $value_clinic, "'"); echo '<pre>'; print_r($value_clinic); echo '</pre>'; die; if (isset($value_clinic)) { $rowset = $tblCatalog->fetchAll("guid IN({$value_clinic}) AND status=99", "publishedDate desc"); foreach ($rowset as $row) { $arraypictureformat = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif"); $txt_allowedformat = implode('; ', $arraypictureformat); $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance(); $config = $registry->get(Pandamp_Keys::REGISTRY_APP_OBJECT); $cdn = $config->getOption('cdn'); $sDir = $cdn['static']['dir']['photo']; $sDir2 = $cdn['static']['url']['photo'] . '/'; $smg = $cdn['static']['images']; $modelUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByName($row->createdBy); $x = 0; foreach ($arraypictureformat as $key => $val) { if (is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val)) { $myphoto = $sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $val; $myext = $val; $x = 1; break; } } if ($x == 1) { $myphotosize = getimagesize($myphoto); $dis = ""; if (isset($myext) && is_file($sDir . "/" . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext)) { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $sDir2 . $modelUser['kopel'] . "." . $myext . "\" class=\"avatar\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" />"; } } else { $txt_existence = "<img src=\"" . $smg . "/gravatar-140.png\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\" class=\"avatar\" border=\"0\" />"; } $rowsetCatalogAttribute = $row->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute(); $rowCatalogTitle = $rowsetCatalogAttribute->findByAttributeGuid('fixedCommentTitle'); $rowCatalogQuestion = $rowsetCatalogAttribute->findByAttributeGuid('fixedCommentQuestion'); $rowCatalogSelectCat = $rowsetCatalogAttribute->findByAttributeGuid('fixedKategoriKlinik'); $author = $rowsetCatalogAttribute->findByAttributeGuid('fixedSelectNama'); $source = $rowsetCatalogAttribute->findByAttributeGuid('fixedSelectMitra'); /* Get Category from profile clinic_category */ $findCategory = $tblCatalog->find($rowCatalogSelectCat->value)->current(); $rowCategory = $findCategory->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute(); $category = $rowCategory->findByAttributeGuid('fixedTitle'); $a['index'][$ii]['title'] = $rowCatalogTitle->value; $a['index'][$ii]['question'] = $rowCatalogQuestion->value; $a['index'][$ii]['secat'] = $rowCatalogSelectCat->value; $a['index'][$ii]['category'] = $category->value; $a['index'][$ii]['guid'] = $row->guid; $a['index'][$ii]['createdBy'] = $row->createdBy; $a['index'][$ii]['author'] = isset($author->value) ? $author->value : ''; if (isset($source->value)) { $findSource = $tblCatalog->find($source->value)->current(); $rowSource = $findCategory->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute(); $sc = $rowSource->findByAttributeGuid('fixedTitle'); $a['index'][$ii]['source'] = $sc->value; $a['index'][$ii]['sid'] = $source->value; } else { $a['index'][$ii]['source'] = ''; $a['index'][$ii]['sid'] = ''; } $a['index'][$ii]['publishedDate'] = $dateDiff->ago(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($row->publishedDate))); $a['index'][$ii]['existence'] = '<div style="float:left;padding:2px;margin: 1px 10px 10px 0px;"><a href="">' . $txt_existence . '</a></div>'; $ii++; } } } echo Zend_Json::encode($a); }
function rightdownmenuAction() { $modelUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserById($this->_getParam('id')); $this->view->user = $modelUser; }
/** * @modifiedDate: 2012-11-20 15:25 * @todo Changed $temptime = strtotime($rowset->expirationDate) * */ function renewAction() { if (!Pandamp_Controller_Action_Helper_IsAllowed::isAllowed('membership', 'all')) { $this->_redirect(ROOT_URL . '/' . $this->_zl->getLanguage() . '/error/restricted'); } $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE); $aResult = array(); $id = $this->_request->getParam('id') ? $this->_request->getParam('id') : ''; $tblInvoice = new App_Model_Db_Table_Invoice(); $rowset = $tblInvoice->fetchRow("invoiceId=" . $id . " AND isPaid='Y'"); if ($rowset) { $rowInvoice = $tblInvoice->fetchNew(); $rowInvoice->uid = $rowset->uid; $rowUser = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserById($rowset->uid); if (isset($rowUser['paymentId']) && $rowUser['paymentId'] != 0) { $todays_date = date("Y-m-d"); $tblPackage = new App_Model_Db_Table_Package(); $rowPackage = $tblPackage->fetchRow("packageId=" . $rowUser['packageId'] . ""); if ($rowUser['paymentId'] == 12) { $price = $rowPackage->charge * 11; $price = $price + 0.1 * $price; } else { $price = $rowPackage->charge * $rowUser['paymentId']; $price = $price + 0.1 * $price; } //$rowInvoice->price = $rowset->price; $rowInvoice->price = $price; $rowInvoice->discount = $rowset->discount; $rowInvoice->invoiceOutDate = $rowset->expirationDate; $rowInvoice->invoiceConfirmDate = $todays_date; $rowInvoice->clientBankAccount = $rowset->clientBankAccount; $rowInvoice->isPaid = 'Y'; // get expiration date //$temptime = time(); $temptime = strtotime($rowset->expirationDate); //$temptime = strtotime($todays_date); // Expire dihitung setelah pelanggan membayarar $temptime = Pandamp_Lib_Formater::DateAdd('m', $rowUser['paymentId'], $temptime); $expiredDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $temptime); $today = strtotime($todays_date); $expiration_date = strtotime($expiredDate); if ($expiration_date < $today) { $rowset->isPaid = 'E'; // status expire $rowset->save(); $notes = date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . " - Invoice expired:" . $id; $data = array('notes' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(ifnull(notes,''),' \n{$notes}')")); $modelUser = new App_Model_Db_Table_User(); $modelUser->update($data, "kopel='" . $rowset->uid . "'"); $aResult['isError'] = true; $aResult['msg'] = 'Invoice sudah tidak bisa di renew karena tanggal expire < dari tanggal sekarang, <br>silahkan anda buat baru'; } else { $rowInvoice->expirationDate = $expiredDate; $rowInvoice->save(); $rowset->isPaid = 'R'; // status renew $rowset->save(); $notes = date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . " - Renew invoice:" . $id; $data = array('notes' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(ifnull(notes,''),' \n{$notes}')")); $modelUser = new App_Model_Db_Table_User(); $modelUser->update($data, "kopel='" . $rowset->uid . "'"); $aResult['isError'] = true; $aResult['msg'] = 'Invoice has been updated'; } } else { $aResult['isError'] = true; $aResult['msg'] = 'Lamanya berlangganan kosong'; } } else { $aResult['isError'] = true; $aResult['msg'] = 'Invalid Invoice ID'; } echo Zend_Json::encode($aResult); }
function indexAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $printmode = $request->getParam('printmode'); if ($printmode == 1) { $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('layout-report-print'); } $now = getdate(); $y = $request->getParam('year') ? $request->getParam('year') : $now['year']; $show = $request->getParam('show') ? $request->getParam('show') : 0; $prof = $request->getParam('prof') ? $request->getParam('prof') : 0; $uri = $request->getRequestUri(); if (strpos($uri, '?')) { $sAddition = '&'; } else { $sAddition = '?'; } if ($show == 0) { $showname = "Table"; } else { $showname = "Graph"; } $yearper = 0; $yearput = 0; $yearart = 0; $yearkli = 0; $year_enews = 0; $year_eilb = 0; $year_eild = 0; $year_user = 0; $year_user_individual = 0; $year_user_corporate = 0; $year_user_ilb = 0; $year_user_ild = 0; $year_user_complete = 0; $year_user_professional = 0; $year_user_premium = 0; $year_user_executive = 0; $sumrep = 0; $sum = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $url = ""; $mon = array("{$y}-01", "{$y}-02", "{$y}-03", "{$y}-04", "{$y}-05", "{$y}-06", "{$y}-07", "{$y}-08", "{$y}-09", "{$y}-10", "{$y}-11", "{$y}-12"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($mon); $i++) { $peraturan[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getCatalogByMonth('peraturan', $mon[$i]); $yearper += $peraturan[$i]; $putusan[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getCatalogByMonth('kutu_putusan', $mon[$i]); $yearput += $putusan[$i]; $article[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getCatalogByMonth('article', $mon[$i]); $yearart += $article[$i]; $clinic[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getCatalogByMonth('klinik', $mon[$i]); $yearkli += $clinic[$i]; $enews[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getEnglishCatalogByMonth('news', $mon[$i]); $year_enews += $enews[$i]; $eilb[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getEnglishCatalogByMonth('ilb', $mon[$i]); $year_eilb += $eilb[$i]; $eild[] = App_Model_Show_Catalog::show()->getEnglishCatalogByMonth('ild', $mon[$i]); $year_eild += $eild[$i]; $user[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(13, $mon[$i]); $year_user += $user[$i]; $user_individual[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(14, $mon[$i]); $year_user_individual += $user_individual[$i]; $user_corporate[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(15, $mon[$i]); $year_user_corporate += $user_corporate[$i]; $user_ilb[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(16, $mon[$i]); $year_user_ilb += $user_ilb[$i]; $user_ild[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(17, $mon[$i]); $year_user_ild += $user_ild[$i]; $user_complete[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(18, $mon[$i]); $year_user_complete += $user_complete[$i]; $user_professional[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(36, $mon[$i]); $year_user_professional += $user_professional[$i]; $user_premium[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(37, $mon[$i]); $year_user_premium += $user_premium[$i]; $user_exec[] = App_Model_Show_User::show()->getUserByMonth(38, $mon[$i]); $year_user_executive += $user_exec[$i]; if ($prof == 0) { // all $sum[$i] = $peraturan[$i] + $putusan[$i] + $article[$i] + $clinic[$i] + $enews[$i] + $eilb[$i] + $eild[$i] + $user[$i] + $user_individual[$i] + $user_corporate[$i] + $user_ilb[$i] + $user_ild[$i] + $user_complete[$i] + $user_professional[$i] + $user_premium[$i] + $user_exec[$i]; } else { if ($prof == 1) { // Data Center $sum[$i] = $peraturan[$i] + $putusan[$i]; } else { if ($prof == 2) { // Redaksi $sum[$i] = $article[$i]; } else { if ($prof == 3) { // Klinik $sum[$i] = $clinic[$i]; } else { if ($prof == 4) { // E-News $sum[$i] = $enews[$i] + $eilb[$i] + $eild[$i]; } else { if ($prof == 5) { // User $sum[$i] = $user[$i] + $user_individual[$i] + $user_corporate[$i] + $user_ilb[$i] + $user_ild[$i] + $user_complete[$i] + $user_professional[$i] + $user_premium[$i] + $user_exec[$i]; } } } } } } $sumrep += $sum[$i]; $url .= "&x[{$i}]=" . Pandamp_Lib_Calendar::get_month_name($i + 1, "%b") . "&y1[{$i}]=" . $sum[$i]; } if ($prof == 0) { $profname = "All Profile"; } else { if ($prof == 1) { $profname = "Data Center"; } else { if ($prof == 2) { $profname = "Redaksi"; } else { if ($prof == 3) { $profname = "Klinik"; } else { if ($prof == 4) { $profname = "English"; } else { if ($prof == 5) { $profname = "Layanan"; } } } } } } //$url = "tabtitle1=Division Reports of $y&tabtitle2=Total Records $sumrep&tabtitle3=$profname&y1legend=Value (record)&showvalue=1".$url; // --> JPGraph type 5 $url = "tabtitle1=Division Reports of {$y}&tabtitle2=Total Records {$sumrep}&tabtitle3={$profname}&y1legend=Value (record)&novalue=0&decimal=1" . $url; $this->view->assign('y', $y); $this->view->assign('m', $mon); $this->view->assign('sAddition', $sAddition); $this->view->assign('show', $show); $this->view->assign('showname', $showname); $this->view->assign('prof', $prof); $this->view->assign('profname', $profname); $this->view->assign('p', $peraturan); $this->view->assign('yp', $yearper); $this->view->assign('put', $putusan); $this->view->assign('yput', $yearput); $this->view->assign('art', $article); $this->view->assign('yart', $yearart); $this->view->assign('clinic', $clinic); $this->view->assign('ykli', $yearkli); $this->view->assign('enews', $enews); $this->view->assign('yenews', $year_enews); $this->view->assign('eilb', $eilb); $this->view->assign('yeilb', $year_eilb); $this->view->assign('eild', $eild); $this->view->assign('yeild', $year_eild); $this->view->assign('user', $user); $this->view->assign('year_user', $year_user); $this->view->assign('user_individual', $user_individual); $this->view->assign('year_user_individual', $year_user_individual); $this->view->assign('user_corporate', $user_corporate); $this->view->assign('year_user_corporate', $year_user_corporate); $this->view->assign('user_ilb', $user_ilb); $this->view->assign('year_user_ilb', $year_user_ilb); $this->view->assign('user_ild', $user_ild); $this->view->assign('year_user_ild', $year_user_ild); $this->view->assign('user_complete', $user_complete); $this->view->assign('year_user_complete', $year_user_complete); $this->view->assign('user_professional', $user_professional); $this->view->assign('year_user_professional', $year_user_professional); $this->view->assign('user_premium', $user_premium); $this->view->assign('year_user_premium', $year_user_premium); $this->view->assign('user_exec', $user_exec); $this->view->assign('year_user_executive', $year_user_executive); $this->view->assign('sum', $sum); $this->view->assign('sumrep', $sumrep); $this->view->assign('uri', $uri); $this->view->assign('printmode', $printmode); //$this->view->assign('graph_url', ROOT_URL."/data/graph/graph.view.php?type=5&$url"); $this->view->assign('graph_url', ROOT_URL . "/data/graph/graph.view.php?type=1&{$url}"); $this->view->assign('graph_alt', "Division Reports"); }
public function countuserbyqueryAction() { //$mainQuery = "SELECT count(*) as count from KutuUser where "; $r = $this->getRequest(); //$q = ($r->getParam('q'))? $r->getParam('q') : ''; //$q = base64_decode($q); $pColumns = array('ku.kopel', 'ku.username', '', 'gag.value', 'kus.status'); $sWhere = ""; if ($r->getParam('q')) { $q = base64_decode($r->getParam('q')); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pColumns); $i++) { $sWhere .= $pColumns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($q) . "%' OR "; } $sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, "", -3); } else { $sWhere = "1=1"; } //$finalQuery = $mainQuery.$sWhere; //$db = Zend_Registry::get('db2'); //$query = $db->query($finalQuery); //$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter()->query($finalQuery); //$row = $query->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC); //$row = $db->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ); //echo $row[0]['count']; $tblUser = new App_Model_Db_Table_User(); $row = App_Model_Show_User::show()->countUser($sWhere); echo $row; die; }