예제 #1

     * make_site


     * @return array $test


    private function make_site()


        $test = $this->create_site_test();

        if ($test["created"] == true || $this->options["advanced"]["ao_db_drop"] == true) {

            /* Check if the hostname is local (localhost or */

            $islocal = (strcmp(substr($this->options['database']['hostname'], 0, strlen('localhost')), 'localhost') === 0) || (strcmp(substr($this->options['database']['hostname'], 0, strlen('')), '') === 0);

            $this->wf_site_name = $wf = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_wf'];

            $this->rbac_site_name = $rb = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_rb'];

            $this->report_site_name = $rp = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_rp'];

            $schema = "schema.sql";

            $values = "insert.sql";

            if ($this->options['advanced']['ao_db_drop'] === true) {

                //Delete workspace directory if exists

                //Drop databases

                $this->run_query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . $wf, "Drop database $wf");


            $this->run_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . $wf . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "Create database $wf");

            if ($this->cc_status == 1) {

                $host = ($islocal) ? "localhost" : "%";

                $this->run_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `$wf`.* TO $wf@'$host' IDENTIFIED BY '{$this->options['password']}' WITH GRANT OPTION", "Grant privileges for user $wf on database $wf");


            /* Dump schema workflow && data  */

            $this->log("Import database schema:\n");

            $myPortA = explode(":", $this->options['database']['hostname']);

            if (count($myPortA) < 2) {

                $myPortA[1] = "3306";


            $myPort = $myPortA[1];

            $this->options['database']['hostname'] = $myPortA[0];

            mysql_select_db($wf, $this->connection_database);

            $pws = PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $schema;

            $qws = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $schema, $this->connection_database);

            $this->log($qws, isset($qws['errors']));

            $qwv = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $values, $this->connection_database);

            $this->log($qwv, isset($qwv['errors']));

            $http = (G::is_https() == true) ? 'https' : 'http';

            $lang = defined( 'SYS_LANG' ) ? SYS_LANG : 'en';

            $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80' ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '');

            $workspace = $this->options['name'];

            $endpoint = sprintf(








            // inserting the outh_client


            		   ('x-pm-local-client','179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81','PM Web Designer','ProcessMaker Web Designer App','www.processmaker.com','" . $endpoint . "','00000000000000000000000000000001' )");

            $this->run_query( $query );

            /* Dump schema rbac && data  */

            $pws = PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $schema;

            mysql_select_db($rb, $this->connection_database);

            $qrs = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $schema, $this->connection_database);

            $this->log($qrs, isset($qrs['errors']));

            $qrv = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $values, $this->connection_database);

            $this->log($qrv, isset($qrv['errors']));

            mysql_select_db($wf, $this->connection_database);

            require_once ("propel/Propel.php");

            require_once ('classes/model/AppCacheView.php');

            $appCache = new AppCacheView();

            $appCache->setPathToAppCacheFiles(PATH_METHODS . 'setup/setupSchemas/');

            $triggers = $appCache->getTriggers("en");

            $this->log("Create 'cases list cache' triggers");

            foreach ($triggers as $triggerName => $trigger) {

                $this->run_query($trigger, "-> Trigger $triggerName");


            $path_site = $this->options['path_data'] . "/sites/" . $this->options['name'] . "/";

            $db_file = $path_site . "db.php";

            @mkdir($path_site, 0777, true);

            @mkdir($path_site . "files/", 0777, true);

            @mkdir($path_site . "mailTemplates/", 0777, true);

            @mkdir($path_site . "public/", 0777, true);

            @mkdir($path_site . "reports/", 0777, true);

            @mkdir($path_site . "xmlForms", 0777, true);

            $db_text = "<?php\n" . "// Processmaker configuration\n" . "define ('DB_ADAPTER', 'mysql' );\n" . "define ('DB_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_NAME', '" . $wf . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_USER', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $wf : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_PASS', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_NAME', '" . $rb . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_USER', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $rb : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_PASS', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_NAME', '" . $rp . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_USER', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $rp : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_PASS', '" . (($this->cc_status == 1) ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n";

            if (defined('PARTNER_FLAG') || isset($_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG'])) {

                $db_text .= "define ('PARTNER_FLAG', " . ((defined('PARTNER_FLAG') && PARTNER_FLAG != '') ? PARTNER_FLAG : ((isset($_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG'])) ? $_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG']:'false')) . ");\n";

                if (defined('SYSTEM_NAME')) {

                    $db_text .= "  define ('SYSTEM_NAME', '" . SYSTEM_NAME . "');\n";



            $db_text .="?>";

            $fp = @fopen($db_file, "w");

            $this->log("Create: " . $db_file . "  => " . ((!$fp) ? $fp : "OK") . "\n", $fp === false);

            $ff = @fputs($fp, $db_text, strlen($db_text));

            $this->log("Write: " . $db_file . "  => " . ((!$ff) ? $ff : "OK") . "\n", $ff === false);




            $querySql = "INSERT INTO EMAIL_SERVER(MESS_UID, MESS_ENGINE) VALUES('" . \ProcessMaker\Util\Common::generateUID() . "', 'MAIL')";



        return $test;

예제 #2
  * make_site
  * @return array $test
 private function make_site()
     $test = $this->create_site_test();
     if ($test["created"] == true || $this->options["advanced"]["ao_db_drop"] == true) {
         /* Check if the hostname is local (localhost or */
         $islocal = strcmp(substr($this->options['database']['hostname'], 0, strlen('localhost')), 'localhost') === 0 || strcmp(substr($this->options['database']['hostname'], 0, strlen('')), '') === 0;
         $this->wf_site_name = $wf = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_wf'];
         $this->rbac_site_name = $rb = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_rb'];
         $this->report_site_name = $rp = $this->options['advanced']['ao_db_rp'];
         $schema = "schema.sql";
         $values = "insert.sql";
         if ($this->options['advanced']['ao_db_drop'] === true) {
             //Delete workspace directory if exists
             //Drop databases
             $this->run_query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . $wf, "Drop database {$wf}");
             $this->run_query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . $rb, "Drop database {$rb}");
             $this->run_query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . $rp, "Drop database {$rp}");
         $this->run_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . $wf . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "Create database {$wf}");
         $this->run_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . $rb . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "Create database {$rb}");
         $this->run_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . $rp . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "Create database {$rp}");
         if ($this->cc_status == 1) {
             $host = $islocal ? "localhost" : "%";
             $this->run_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{$wf}`.* TO {$wf}@'{$host}' IDENTIFIED BY '{$this->options['password']}' WITH GRANT OPTION", "Grant privileges for user {$wf} on database {$wf}");
             $this->run_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{$rb}`.* TO {$rb}@'{$host}' IDENTIFIED BY '{$this->options['password']}' WITH GRANT OPTION", "Grant privileges for user {$rb} on database {$rb}");
             $this->run_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{$rp}`.* TO {$rp}@'{$host}' IDENTIFIED BY '{$this->options['password']}' WITH GRANT OPTION", "Grant privileges for user {$rp} on database {$rp}");
         /* Dump schema workflow && data  */
         $this->log("Import database schema:\n");
         $myPortA = explode(":", $this->options['database']['hostname']);
         if (count($myPortA) < 2) {
             $myPortA[1] = "3306";
         $myPort = $myPortA[1];
         $this->options['database']['hostname'] = $myPortA[0];
         mysql_select_db($wf, $this->connection_database);
         $pws = PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $schema;
         $qws = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $schema, $this->connection_database);
         $this->log($qws, isset($qws['errors']));
         $qwv = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_WORKFLOW_MYSQL_DATA . $values, $this->connection_database);
         $this->log($qwv, isset($qwv['errors']));
         /* Dump schema rbac && data  */
         $pws = PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $schema;
         mysql_select_db($rb, $this->connection_database);
         $qrs = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $schema, $this->connection_database);
         $this->log($qrs, isset($qrs['errors']));
         $qrv = $this->query_sql_file(PATH_RBAC_MYSQL_DATA . $values, $this->connection_database);
         $this->log($qrv, isset($qrv['errors']));
         mysql_select_db($wf, $this->connection_database);
         require_once "propel/Propel.php";
         require_once 'classes/model/AppCacheView.php';
         $appCache = new AppCacheView();
         $appCache->setPathToAppCacheFiles(PATH_METHODS . 'setup/setupSchemas/');
         $triggers = $appCache->getTriggers("en");
         $this->log("Create 'cases list cache' triggers");
         foreach ($triggers as $triggerName => $trigger) {
             $this->run_query($trigger, "-> Trigger {$triggerName}");
         $path_site = $this->options['path_data'] . "/sites/" . $this->options['name'] . "/";
         $db_file = $path_site . "db.php";
         @mkdir($path_site, 0777, true);
         @mkdir($path_site . "files/", 0777, true);
         @mkdir($path_site . "mailTemplates/", 0777, true);
         @mkdir($path_site . "public/", 0777, true);
         @mkdir($path_site . "reports/", 0777, true);
         @mkdir($path_site . "xmlForms", 0777, true);
         $db_text = "<?php\n" . "// Processmaker configuration\n" . "define ('DB_ADAPTER', 'mysql' );\n" . "define ('DB_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_NAME', '" . $wf . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_USER', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $wf : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_PASS', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_NAME', '" . $rb . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_USER', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $rb : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_RBAC_PASS', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_HOST', '" . $this->options['database']['hostname'] . ":" . $myPort . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_NAME', '" . $rp . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_USER', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $rp : $this->options['database']['username']) . "' );\n" . "define ('DB_REPORT_PASS', '" . ($this->cc_status == 1 ? $this->options['password'] : $this->options['database']['password']) . "' );\n";
         if (defined('PARTNER_FLAG') || isset($_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG'])) {
             $db_text .= "define ('PARTNER_FLAG', " . (defined('PARTNER_FLAG') ? PARTNER_FLAG : (isset($_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG']) ? $_REQUEST['PARTNER_FLAG'] : 'false')) . ");\n";
             if (defined('SYSTEM_NAME')) {
                 $db_text .= "  define ('SYSTEM_NAME', '" . SYSTEM_NAME . "');\n";
         $db_text .= "?>";
         $fp = @fopen($db_file, "w");
         $this->log("Create: " . $db_file . "  => " . (!$fp ? $fp : "OK") . "\n", $fp === false);
         $ff = @fputs($fp, $db_text, strlen($db_text));
         $this->log("Write: " . $db_file . "  => " . (!$ff ? $ff : "OK") . "\n", $ff === false);
     return $test;