예제 #1
  * Retrieves all saved reports that meet args-driven criteria
  * @param $api ServiceBase The API class of the request
  * @param $args array The arguments array passed in from the API
  * @return array
 public function getSavedReports($api, $args)
     // Make sure the user isn't seeing reports they don't have access to
     require_once 'modules/Reports/SavedReport.php';
     $modules = array_keys(getACLDisAllowedModules());
     $fieldList = array('id', 'name', 'module', 'report_type', 'content', 'chart_type', 'assigned_user_id');
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->orderBy('name', 'asc');
     // if there were restricted modules, add those to the query
     if (count($modules)) {
         $sq->where()->notIn('module', $modules);
     if (isset($args['has_charts']) && $args['has_charts'] == 'true') {
         $sq->where()->notEquals('chart_type', 'none');
     if (isset($args['module']) && $args['module'] !== '') {
         $sq->where()->in('module', array($args['module']));
     $result = $sq->execute();
     // check acls
     foreach ($result as $key => &$row) {
         $savedReport = $this->getSavedReportFromData($row);
         if ($savedReport->ACLAccess('list')) {
             // for front-end to check acls
             $row['_acl'] = ApiHelper::getHelper($api, $savedReport)->getBeanAcl($savedReport, $fieldList);
         } else {
     return $result;
예제 #2
 protected function populateFromApi($api, $bean, $args, $options = array())
     $errors = ApiHelper::getHelper($api, $bean)->populateFromApi($bean, $args, $options);
     // remove email_addr_bean_rel records created by SugarFieldEmail::apiSave() for new bean (empty id)
     if (empty($args['id']) && !empty($bean->emailAddress)) {
         $bean->emailAddress->deleteLinks($bean->id, $bean->module_dir);
     return $errors;
예제 #3
  * Fetches data from the $args array and updates the bean with that data
  * @param $bean SugarBean The bean to be updated
  * @param $api ServiceBase The API class of the request, used in cases where the API changes how the fields are pulled from the args array.
  * @param $args array The arguments array passed in from the API
  * @return id Bean id
 protected function updateBean(SugarBean $bean, ServiceBase $api, $args)
     $helper = ApiHelper::getHelper($api, $bean);
     $options = array();
     if (!empty($args['_headers']['X_TIMESTAMP'])) {
         $options['optimistic_lock'] = $args['_headers']['X_TIMESTAMP'];
     try {
         $errors = $helper->populateFromApi($bean, $args, $options);
     } catch (SugarApiExceptionEditConflict $conflict) {
         $api->action = 'view';
         $data = $this->formatBean($api, $args, $bean);
         // put current state of the record on the exception
         $conflict->setExtraData("record", $data);
         throw $conflict;
     if ($errors !== true) {
         // There were validation errors.
         throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter('There were validation errors on the submitted data. Record was not saved.');
     $check_notify = $helper->checkNotify($bean);
      * Refresh the bean with the latest data.
      * This is necessary due to BeanFactory caching.
      * Calling retrieve causes a cache refresh to occur.
     $id = $bean->id;
     if (isset($args['my_favorite'])) {
         $this->toggleFavorites($bean, $args['my_favorite']);
      * Even though the bean is refreshed above, return only the id
      * This allows loadBean to be run to handle formatting and ACL
     return $id;
예제 #4
  *  Update records.
  * @param $data array of job data
 public function runUpdate($data)
     // Get the data down to just the list of fields
     $module = $data['module'];
     $action = $data['action'];
     $ids = is_array($data['uid']) ? $data['uid'] : array();
     $prospectLists = isset($data['prospect_lists']) ? $data['prospect_lists'] : array();
     $seed = BeanFactory::newBean($module);
     $fakeApi = new RestService();
     $fakeApi->user = $GLOBALS['current_user'];
     $helper = ApiHelper::getHelper($fakeApi, $seed);
     $failed = 0;
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         // Doing a full retrieve because we are writing we may need dependent fields for workflow that we don't know about
         $bean = BeanFactory::retrieveBean($module, $id);
         if ($bean == null) {
             // Team permissions may have changed, or a deletion, we won't hold it against them
         if (!$bean->aclAccess($action)) {
             // ACL's might not let them modify this bean, but we should still do the rest
         if ($action == 'delete') {
         try {
             $errors = $helper->populateFromApi($bean, $data, array('massUpdate' => true));
             $check_notify = $helper->checkNotify($bean);
         } catch (SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized $e) {
             // ACL's might not let them modify this bean, but we should still do the rest
     if (count($prospectLists) > 0) {
         $massupdate = new MassUpdate();
         foreach ($prospectLists as $listId) {
             if ($action == 'save') {
                 $success = $massupdate->add_prospects_to_prospect_list($module, $listId, $ids);
             } else {
                 $success = $massupdate->remove_prospects_from_prospect_list($module, $listId, $ids);
         if (!$success) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->error("Could not add prospects to prospect list, could not find a relationship to the ProspectLists module.");
     return array('failed' => $failed);
예제 #5
 function updateRelatedLink($api, $args)
     $api->action = 'save';
     $primaryBean = $this->loadBean($api, $args);
     list($linkName, $relatedBean) = $this->checkRelatedSecurity($api, $args, $primaryBean, 'view', 'edit');
     // Make sure the link isn't a readonly link
     if (isset($primaryBean->field_defs[$linkName])) {
         $def = $primaryBean->field_defs[$linkName];
         if (isset($def['type']) && $def['type'] == 'link' && !empty($def['readonly'])) {
             throw new SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized("Cannot update related records on readonly relationships");
     if (empty($relatedBean->id)) {
         // Retrieve failed, probably doesn't have permissions
         throw new SugarApiExceptionNotFound('Could not find the related bean');
     // updateBean may remove the relationship. see PAT-337 for details
     $id = $this->updateBean($relatedBean, $api, $args);
     $relatedArray = array();
     // Make sure there is a related object
     if (!empty($primaryBean->{$linkName})) {
         $relObj = $primaryBean->{$linkName}->getRelationshipObject();
     if (!empty($relObj)) {
         if ($primaryBean->module_name === $relObj->getLHSModule()) {
             $lhsBean = $primaryBean;
             $rhsBean = $relatedBean;
         } else {
             $lhsBean = $relatedBean;
             $rhsBean = $primaryBean;
         // If the relationship still exists, we need to save changes to relationship fields
         if ($relObj->relationship_exists($lhsBean, $rhsBean)) {
             $relatedData = $this->getRelatedFields($api, $args, $primaryBean, $linkName, $relatedBean);
             // This function add() is actually 'addOrUpdate'. Here we use it for update only.
             $primaryBean->{$linkName}->add(array($relatedBean), $relatedData);
             // BR-2964, related objects are not populated
             ApiHelper::getHelper($api, $relatedBean)->populateFromApi($relatedBean, $args);
             // BR-2937 The edit view cache issue for relate documents of a module
             // nomad still needs this related array
             $relatedArray = $this->formatBean($api, $args, $relatedBean);
         } else {
             // Prepare the ralated bean data for formatNearAndFarRecords() below
             $relatedArray = $this->formatBean($api, $args, $relatedBean);
             // This record is unlinked to primary bean
             $relatedArray['_unlinked'] = true;
     //Clean up any hanging related records.
     // This forces a re-retrieval of the bean from the database
     return $this->formatNearAndFarRecords($api, $args, $primaryBean, $relatedArray);