// INIT AND CONFIG LOAD // Check TAL is available if (!file_exists('antie/php/antieframework.php')) { echo "<h2>Framework error</h2>"; echo "<h4>antieframework.php can not be found.</h4>"; echo "<h4>Please install TAL to a folder 'antie' in your application's root</h4>"; exit; } require 'antie/php/antieframework.php'; // Enable javascript cache busting (this should be disabled in production mode) $javascript_cache_busting = true; // Set up application ID and path to framework configuration directory $application_id = "calculatrice"; $antie_config_path = 'antie/config'; // Create an AntieFramework instance $antie = new AntieFramework($antie_config_path); // Get brand and model from url parameters, or use // brand = default, model = webkit $device_brand = isset($_GET['brand']) ? $_GET['brand'] : 'default'; $device_model = isset($_GET['model']) ? $_GET['model'] : 'webkit'; // Normalises to lower case with spaces replaced by underscores $device_brand = $antie->normaliseKeyNames($device_brand); $device_model = $antie->normaliseKeyNames($device_model); // Framework device config files in format BRAND-MODEL-default.json // Construct filename from this and config path $device_configuration_name = $device_brand . "-" . $device_model; $device_configuration_file_path = $antie_config_path . "/devices/" . $device_configuration_name . "-default.json"; // Load in device configuration try { $device_configuration = @file_get_contents($device_configuration_file_path); if (!$device_configuration) {
function testAppConfigOverridesDeviceConfigWhenMerged() { $this->setUpNormalConfig(); $deviceConfigJSON = $this->getGenericDevice1Config(); $appConfigJSON = json_decode($this->framework->getConfigurationFromFilesystem('generic-tv1', 'applicationconfig')); $mergedConfig = AntieFramework::mergeConfigurations($deviceConfigJSON, $appConfigJSON); $this->assertEquals('overridetest', $mergedConfig->deviceelements->deviceelement1); }