<?php /** * This is a Anax pagecontroller. * */ // Get environment & autoloader and the $app-object. require __DIR__ . '/config.php'; // Create services and inject into the app. $di = new \Anax\DI\CDIFactory(); //Load required services $di->set('FormController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Anax\Users\FormController(); $controller->setDI($di); return $controller; }); $app = new \Anax\MVC\CApplicationBasic($di); $app->theme->configure(ANAX_APP_PATH . 'config/theme_me.php'); // On production server, set pretty urls and use rewrite in .htaccess $app->url->setUrlType($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost' ? \Anax\Url\CUrl::URL_APPEND : \Anax\Url\CUrl::URL_CLEAN); // Load Contact Form Controller $di->set('ContactformController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Fnlive\Contactform\ContactFormController(); $controller->setDI($di); return $controller; }); $app->router->add('', function () use($app) { $app->theme->setTitle("Contact form"); $app->views->add('default/page', ['title' => "Testing contact form", 'content' => "Page for testing contact form. Click below link to administrate and view messages.", 'links' => [['href' => $app->url->create('contactformadmin/setup'), 'text' => "Setup user table with test data (first time setup)"], ['href' => $app->url->create('admin'), 'text' => "Contact form administration"]]]); $app->dispatcher->forward(['controller' => 'contactform', 'action' => 'display']); });
<?php /** * Config file for pagecontrollers, creating an instance of $app. * */ mb_internal_encoding(); mb_http_output(); // Get environment & autoloader. require __DIR__ . '/config.php'; // Create services and inject into the app. $di = new \Anax\DI\CDIFactory(); // Load webbshop Controller $di->set('WebshopController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Anax\Webshop\WebshopController(); $controller->setDI($di); return $controller; }); $di->set('UsersController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Anax\Users\UsersController(); $controller->setDI($di); return $controller; }); $di->set('FormController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Anax\Users\FormController(); $controller->setDI($di); return $controller; }); $di->set('CommentController', function () use($di) { $controller = new \Anax\CommentDb\CommentController(); $controller->setDI($di);