예제 #1
    public function indexAction()
        if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('title') && $this->getRequest()->getParam('actionType')) {
            $productIds = $this->getRequest()->getParam('productIds');
            $prIds = $productIds ? implode(',', $productIds) : implode(',', array_keys($this->getDi()->productTable->getOptions(true)));
            $htmlcode = '
<!-- Button/Link for aMember Shopping Cart -->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof cart  == "undefined")
    document.write("<scr" + "ipt src=\'' . REL_ROOT_URL . '/application/cart/views/public/js/cart.js\'></scr" + "ipt>");
            if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('isLink')) {
                $htmlcode .= '<a href="#" onclick="cart.' . $this->getRequest()->getParam('actionType') . '(this,' . $prIds . '); return false;" >' . $this->getRequest()->getParam('title') . '</a>';
            } else {
                $htmlcode .= '<input type="button" onclick="cart.' . $this->getRequest()->getParam('actionType') . '(this,' . $prIds . '); return false;" value="' . $this->getRequest()->getParam('title') . '">';
            $htmlcode .= '
<!-- End Button/Link for aMember Shopping Cart -->
            $this->view->assign('htmlcode', $htmlcode);
        } else {
            $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
            $form->addMagicSelect('productIds')->setLabel(___('Select Product(s)
if nothing selected - all products'))->loadOptions($this->getDi()->productTable->getOptions());
            $form->addSelect('isLink')->setLabel(___('Select Type of Element'))->loadOptions(array(0 => 'Button', 1 => 'Link'));
            $form->addSelect('actionType')->setLabel(___('Select Action of Element'))->loadOptions(array('addExternal' => ___('Add to Basket only'), 'addBasketExternal' => ___('Add & Go to Basket'), 'addCheckoutExternal' => ___('Add & Checkout')));
            $form->addText('title')->setLabel(___('Title of Element'))->addRule('required');
            $this->view->assign('form', $form);
예제 #2
파일: Customize.php 프로젝트: grlf/eyedock
    public function run()
        $form = new Am_Form_Admin('form-grid-config');
        $form->setAttribute('name', 'customize');
        $form->addSortableMagicSelect('fields')->loadOptions($this->getFieldsOptions())->setLabel(___('Fields to Display in Grid'))->setJsOptions(<<<CUT
    sortable: true
        foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) {
            $form->addHidden($this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k)->setValue($this->grid->getRequest()->get($k, ""));
        if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
            $values = $form->getValue();
        } else {
            $form->setDataSources(array(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array(array('fields' => $this->getSelectedFields()))));
            echo $this->renderTitle();
            echo sprintf('<div class="info">%s</div>', ___('You can change Number of %sRecords per Page%s in section %sSetup/Configuration%s', '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a class="link" href="' . REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-setup" target="_top">', '</a>'));
            echo $form;
예제 #3
 function createForm()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     $form->setAction($this->getUrl(null, 'clear'));
     $form->addDate('dat')->setLabel(___("Date to Purge\nall records prior to this date will be removed from selected tables"))->addRule('required');
     $section = $form->addFieldset('tables')->setLabel(___('Tables to Purge'));
     foreach ($this->getItems() as $id => $item) {
         $section->addAdvCheckbox($id)->setLabel(array($item['title'], $item['desc']));
     return $form;
예제 #4
 function run()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin('form-grid-payout');
     $form->setAttribute('name', 'payout');
     $date = $form->addDate('payout_date')->setLabel(___('Payout Date'))->setValue(sqlDate($this->getDi()->dateTime));
     foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) {
         $form->addHidden($this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k)->setValue($this->grid->getRequest()->get($k, ""));
     $form->addSaveButton(___("Run Payout"));
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
         $values = $form->getValue();
     } else {
         echo $this->renderTitle();
         echo $form;
 public function createAccessForm()
     static $form;
     if (!$form) {
         $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
         $form->setAction($url = $this->getUrl(null, 'c', null, 'payments', 'addaccess', 'user_id', $this->user_id));
         $sel = $form->addSelect('product_id');
         $options = $this->getDi()->productTable->getOptions();
         $sel->addOption(___('Please select an item...'), '');
         foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
             $sel->addOption($v, $k);
         $sel->addRule('required', 'this field is required');
         $form->addDate('begin_date')->addRule('required', 'this field is required');
         $form->addDate('expire_date')->addRule('required', 'this field is required');
         $form->addSaveButton('Add Access Manually');
     return $form;
예제 #6
 function changePaysysAction()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     $form->addStatic()->setContent(___('If you are moving from one payment processor, you can use this page to switch existing subscription from one payment processor to another. It is possible only if full credit card info is stored on aMember side.'));
     $options = array();
     foreach ($this->getModule()->getPlugins() as $ps) {
         $options[$ps->getId()] = $ps->getTitle();
     $from = $form->addSelect('from')->setLabel('Move Active Invoices From')->loadOptions($options)->addRule('required');
     $to = $form->addSelect('to')->setLabel('Move To')->loadOptions($options)->addRule('required');
     $to->addRule('neq', ___('Values must not be equal'), $from);
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
         $vars = $form->getValue();
         $updated = $this->getDi()->db->query("UPDATE ?_invoice SET paysys_id=? WHERE paysys_id=? AND status IN (?a)", $vars['to'], $vars['from'], array(Invoice::RECURRING_ACTIVE));
         $this->view->content = "{$updated} rows changed. New rebills for these invoices will be handled with [{$vars['to']}]";
     } else {
         $this->view->content = (string) $form;
     $this->view->title = ___("Change Paysystem");
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='wom:id'");
     $wopCfg = $this->db_wordpress->selectCell("SELECT option_value FROM ?_options WHERE option_name = ?", 'ws_plugin__optimizemember_options');
     $wopCfg = unserialize($wopCfg);
     if (is_array($wopCfg)) {
         $amProducts = array('' => '-- Please Select --') + $this->getDi()->productTable->getOptions();
         $womProducts = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
             $womProducts['level' . ($i ? $i : '')] = $wopCfg['level' . $i . '_label'];
         if ($imported_products) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Linked");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
             foreach ($womProducts as $key => $value) {
                 $form->addSelect("pr_link[" . $key . "]")->setLabel($value)->loadOptions($amProducts);
             $form->addRule('callback2', '-error-', array($this, 'validateForm'));
         $cb->setLabel('Link Products');
     if (!is_array($wopCfg) || $imported_products) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='wom:id'");
         $total = $this->db_wordpress->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_users");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Keep the same user IDs');
             $keep_id_chkbox = $cb->addCheckbox('user[keep_user_id]');
             if ($this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_user")) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent('User database have records already. Please use Clean Up if you want to keep the same user IDs');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
 public function createAccessForm()
     static $form;
     if (!$form) {
         $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
         $form->setAction($url = $this->getUrl(null, 'addaccess', null, 'user_id', $this->user_id));
         $sel = $form->addSelect('product_id', array('class' => 'el-wide am-combobox'));
         $options = $this->getDi()->productTable->getOptions();
         $sel->addOption(___('Please select an item...'), '');
         foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
             $sel->addOption($v, $k);
         $sel->addRule('required', ___('This field is required'));
         $form->addText('comment', array('class' => 'el-wide', 'placeholder' => ___('Comment for Your Reference')));
         $form->addDate('begin_date')->addRule('required', ___('This field is required'));
         $form->addDate('expire_date')->addRule('required', ___('This field is required'));
         $form->addSaveButton(___('Add Access Manually'));
     return $form;
 function importAction()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     $import = $form->addFile('import')->setLabel('Upload file [email-templates.xml]');
     $form->addStatic('')->setContent('WARNING! All existing e-mail templates will be removed from database!');
     //$import->addRule('required', 'Please upload file');
     //$form->addAdvCheckbox('remove')->setLabel('Remove your existing templates?');
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
         $value = $form->getValue();
         $fn = DATA_DIR . '/import.email-templates.xml';
         if (!move_uploaded_file($value['import']['tmp_name'], $fn)) {
             throw new Am_Exception_InternalError("Could not move uploaded file");
         $xml = file_get_contents($fn);
         if (!$xml) {
             throw new Am_Exception_InputError("Could not read XML");
         $count = $this->getDi()->emailTemplateTable->deleteBy(array())->importXml($xml);
         $this->view->content = "Import Finished. {$count} templates imported.";
     } else {
         $this->view->content = (string) $form;
     $this->view->title = "Import E-Mail Templates from XML file";
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='ym:id'");
     $memberTypes = unserialize($this->db_yourmembers->selectCell("SELECT option_value  FROM ?_options where option_name='ym_packs'"));
     $total = $memberTypes->getCount();
     if ($imported_products >= $total) {
         $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_products} of {$total})");
     } else {
         $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
     $cb->setLabel('Import Products');
     // Import coupons
     $imported_coupons = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='coupon' AND `key`='ym:id'");
     $totalc = $this->db_yourmembers->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_ym_coupon");
     if ($imported_products) {
         if ($imported_coupons >= $totalc) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_coupons} of {$totalc})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'coupon'));
         $cb->setLabel('Import Coupons');
     if ($imported_products && ($imported_coupons || !$totalc)) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='ym:id'");
         $total = $this->db_yourmembers->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_users");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='am3:id'");
     $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_products");
     if ($imported_products >= $total) {
         $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_products} of {$total})");
     } else {
         $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
     $cb->setLabel('Import Products');
     if ($imported_products) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='am3:id'");
         $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_members");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Do not import pending users');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
         if ($imported_users) {
             if ($this->getDi()->modules->isEnabled('aff')) {
                 $imported_comm = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='aff_commission' AND `key`='am3:id'");
                 $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_aff_commission");
                 $gr = $form->addGroup()->setLabel('Import Affiliate Commissions and Refs');
                 if ($imported_comm) {
                     $gr->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_comm} of {$total})");
                 } else {
                     $gr->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'aff'));
             } else {
                 $form->addStatic()->setContent('Enable [aff] module in Setup/Configuration to import information');
             if ($this->getDi()->modules->isEnabled('newsletter')) {
                 $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'newsletter'))->setLabel('Import Newsletter Threads and Subscriptions');
             } else {
                 $form->addStatic()->setContent('Enable [newsletter] module in Setup/Configuration to import information');
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
예제 #12
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='ipb_nexus:id'");
     $total = $this->db_ipb_nexus->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_nexus_packages");
     if ($this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_product")) {
         $form->addStatic()->setLabel(___('Clean up v4 Database'))->setContent(sprintf(___('Use this %slink%s to delete data from aMember v4 database and use clean database for import'), '<a href="' . REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-import-ipb-nexus/clean">', '</a>'));
     if ($imported_products >= $total) {
         $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_products} of {$total})");
     } else {
         $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
     $cb->setLabel('Import Products');
     if ($imported_products) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='ipb_nexus:id'");
         $total = $this->db_ipb_nexus->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_members");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
예제 #13
    protected function createForm()
        $f = new Am_Form_Admin();
        $f->addText('user')->setLabel(___('Enter username of existing user'))->addRule('required');
    \$("#user-0" ).autocomplete({
        minLength: 2,
        source: window.rootUrl + "/admin-users/autocomplete"
        foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) {
            $kk = $this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k;
            if ($v = @$_REQUEST[$kk]) {
        return $f;
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='am3:id'");
     $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_products");
     if ($total_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_product")) {
         $form->addStatic()->setLabel(___('Clean up v4 Database'))->setContent(sprintf(___('Use this %slink%s to delete data from aMember v4 database and use clean database for import'), '<a href="' . REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-import3/clean">', '</a>'));
     $cb = $form->addGroup();
     if ($imported_products >= $total) {
         $cb->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_products} of {$total})");
     } else {
         $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
     $cb->setLabel('Import Products');
     $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Keep the same Product  IDs');
     $keep_id_chkbox = $cb->addCheckbox('product[keep_product_id]');
     if ($imported_products < $total && $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_products WHERE data like '%subusers_count%'") && !in_array('subusers', $this->getDi()->modules->getEnabled())) {
         $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Enable [subusers] module in Setup/Configuration to import subusers information');
     if ($total_products) {
         $cb->addStatic()->setContent('Product table have records already. Please use Clean Up if you want to keep the same product IDs');
     // Import coupons
     $imported_coupons = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='coupon' AND `key`='am3:id'");
     $totalc = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_coupon");
     if ($imported_products) {
         if ($imported_coupons >= $totalc) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_coupons} of {$totalc})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'coupon'));
         $cb->setLabel('Import Coupons');
     //import folders without actual protection
     /*if ($imported_products)
           $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_folders");
           if ($total){
               $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'folder'));
               $cb->setLabel('Import Folders');
       //import integrations
       if ($imported_products)
           $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'integration'));
           $cb->setLabel('Import Integrations');
       //import product links
       if ($imported_products)
           $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'productlinks'));
           $cb->setLabel('Import Product Links');
     if ($imported_products && ($imported_coupons || !$totalc)) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='am3:id'");
         $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_members");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Do not import pending users');
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br />Keep the same user IDs');
             $keep_id_chkbox = $cb->addCheckbox('user[keep_user_id]');
             if ($this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_user")) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent('User database have records already. Please use Clean Up if you want to keep the same user IDs');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
         if ($imported_users) {
             if ($this->getDi()->modules->isEnabled('aff')) {
                 $imported_comm = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='aff_commission' AND `key`='am3:id'");
                 $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_aff_commission");
                 $imported_clicks = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='aff_click' AND `key`='am3:id'");
                 $total_clicks = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_aff_clicks");
                 $gr = $form->addGroup()->setLabel('Import Affiliate Commissions and Refs');
                 if ($imported_comm >= $total) {
                     $gr->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_comm} of {$total})");
                 } else {
                     if ($imported_comm) {
                         $gr->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_comm} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
                     $gr->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'aff'));
                 $gr = $form->addGroup()->setLabel('Import Affiliate Clicks');
                 if ($imported_clicks >= $total_clicks) {
                     $gr->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_clicks} of {$total_clicks})");
                 } else {
                     if ($imported_clicks) {
                         $gr->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_clicks} of {$total_clicks} total)<br /><br />");
                     $gr->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'affclicks'));
                 $gr = $form->addGroup()->setLabel('Import Affiliate Banners and Links');
                 $gr->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'affbanners'));
                 $gr->addStatic()->setContent("Workaround to have old links working");
             } else {
                 $form->addStatic()->setContent('Enable [aff] module in Setup/Configuration to import information');
             if ($this->getDi()->modules->isEnabled('newsletter')) {
                 $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'newsletter'))->setLabel('Import Newsletter Threads and Subscriptions');
             } else {
                 $form->addStatic()->setContent('Enable [newsletter] module in Setup/Configuration to import information');
     //import PAYPAL_PROFILE_ID for previously wrongly imported invoices
     /*if ($imported_users)
           $total = $this->db3->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_folders");
           if ($total){
               $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'paypalprofileid'));
               $cb->setLabel("Import Paypal Profile ID's");
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
예제 #15
    function run()
        $form = new Am_Form_Admin('form-grid-merge');
        $form->setAttribute('name', 'merge');
        $user = $this->grid->getRecord();
        $login = $form->addText('login');
        $login->setId('login')->setLabel(___("Username of Source User\nmove information from"));
        $login->addRule('callback', ___('Can not find user with such username'), array($this, 'checkUser'));
        $login->addRule('callback', ___('You can not merge user with itself'), array($this, 'checkIdenticalUser'));
        $target = $form->addStatic()->setContent(sprintf('<div>%s</div>', Am_Controller::escape($user->login)));
        $target->setLabel(___("Target User\nmove information to"));
        $script = <<<CUT
                minLength: 2,
                source: window.rootUrl + "/admin-users/autocomplete"
        $form->addStatic('', array('class' => 'no-label'))->setContent('<div class="info"><strong>' . ___("WARNING! Once [Merge] button clicked, all invoices, payments, logs\n" . "and other information regarding 'Source User' will be moved\n" . "to the 'Target User' account. 'Source User' account will be deleted.\n" . "There is no way to undo this operation!") . '</strong></div>');
        foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) {
            $form->addHidden($this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k)->setValue($this->grid->getRequest()->get($k, ""));
        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
            $values = $form->getValue();
            $this->merge($this->grid->getRecord(), Am_Di::getInstance()->userTable->findFirstByLogin($values['login']));
        } else {
            echo $this->renderTitle();
            echo $form;
예제 #16
 function createImportForm(&$defaults)
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     /** count imported */
     $imported_products = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='product' AND `key`='oss6:id'");
     $total = $this->db_oss->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_groups");
     if ($imported_products >= $total) {
         $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_products} of {$total})");
     } else {
         $cb = $form->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'product'));
     $cb->setLabel('Import Products');
     if ($imported_products) {
         $imported_users = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ?_data WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='oss6:id'");
         $total = $this->db_oss->selectCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?_users");
         if ($imported_users >= $total) {
             $cb = $form->addStatic()->setContent("Imported ({$imported_users})");
         } else {
             $cb = $form->addGroup();
             if ($imported_users) {
                 $cb->addStatic()->setContent("partially imported ({$imported_users} of {$total} total)<br /><br />");
             $cb->addRadio('import', array('value' => 'user'));
             $cb->addStatic()->setContent('<br /><br /># of users (keep empty to import all) ');
         $cb->setLabel('Import User and Payment Records');
     $defaults = array();
     return $form;
 public function getForm()
     $languageTranslation = Am_Locale::getSelfNames();
     $avalableLocaleList = Zend_Locale::getLocaleList();
     $existingLanguages = Am_Di::getInstance()->languagesListUser;
     $languageOptions = array();
     foreach ($avalableLocaleList as $k => $v) {
         $locale = new Zend_Locale($k);
         if (!array_key_exists($locale->getLanguage(), $existingLanguages) && isset($languageTranslation[$locale->getLanguage()])) {
             $languageOptions[$locale->getLanguage()] = "({$k}) " . $languageTranslation[$locale->getLanguage()];
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     $form->addElement('select', 'new_language')->setLabel(___('Language'))->loadOptions($languageOptions)->setId('languageSelect');
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'a')->setValue('new');
     foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) {
         if ($val = $this->grid->getRequest()->get($k)) {
             $form->addHidden($this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k)->setValue($val);
     return $form;
 function createForm()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin('aff-general-link');
     $form->addElement('text', 'general_link_url', array('class' => 'el-wide'))->setLabel(___("General Affiliate Link Redirect URL\n" . 'It is url of landing page for default affiliate link (which does not related to any banner), ' . 'home page will be used if you keep it empty'))->setValue($this->getDi()->config->get('aff.general_link_url', ''));
     return $form;
예제 #19
    function changePaysysAction()
        $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
        $form->addStatic()->setContent(___('If you are moving from one payment processor, you can use this page to switch existing subscription from one payment processor to another. It is possible only if full credit card info is stored on aMember side.'));
        $ccPlugins = $echeckPlugins = array();
        foreach ($this->getModule()->getPlugins() as $ps) {
            if ($ps instanceof Am_Paysystem_CreditCard) {
                $ccPlugins[$ps->getId()] = $ps->getTitle();
            } elseif ($ps instanceof Am_Paysystem_Echeck) {
                $echeckPlugins[$ps->getId()] = $ps->getTitle();
        if (count($ccPlugins) < 2) {
            $ccPlugins = array();
        if (count($echeckPlugins) < 2) {
            $echeckPlugins = array();
        $options = array('' => '-- ' . ___('Please select') . ' --') + ($ccPlugins ? array(___('Credit Card Plugins') => $ccPlugins) : array()) + ($echeckPlugins ? array(___('Echeck Plugins') => $echeckPlugins) : array());
        $from = $form->addSelect('from', array('id' => 'paysys_from'))->setLabel('Move Active Invoices From')->loadOptions($options);
        $to = $form->addSelect('to', array('id' => 'paysys_to'))->setLabel('Move To')->loadOptions($options);
        $to->addRule('neq', ___('Values must not be equal'), $from);
    \$("#paysys_from").on('change', function(){
        val_from = \$(this).val();
        if (!val_from){
        val_to = \$("#paysys_to").val();

        if(val_from == val_to)

        obj_to = \$("#paysys_to").find('option[value="'+\$(this).val()+'"]');
        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
            $vars = $form->getValue();
            $updated = $this->getDi()->db->query("UPDATE ?_invoice SET paysys_id=? WHERE paysys_id=? AND status IN (?a)", $vars['to'], $vars['from'], array(Invoice::RECURRING_ACTIVE));
            $this->view->content = "{$updated} rows changed. New rebills for these invoices will be handled with [{$vars['to']}]";
        } else {
            $this->view->content = (string) $form;
        $this->view->title = ___("Change Paysystem");