function licensing_customerscontent_licensing_BeforeInsert(&$sender)
    $licensing_customerscontent_licensing_BeforeInsert = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $licensing_customerscontent;
    //End licensing_customerscontent_licensing_BeforeInsert
    //Custom Code @188-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $suiteId = $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->suite_code->GetValue();
    $params = array();
    $params["suite_id"] = $suiteId;
    $products = new Alm\Products();
    $suiteStatus = $products->getSuiteStatusById($params);
    //Check if suite status is active or legacy before adding any new licenses to a customer
    if ($suiteStatus["suiteStatus"] == "1" || $suiteStatus["suiteStatus"] == "2") {
        $guid = uuid_create();
        global $lastguid;
        $lastguid = $guid;
        //Customer ID for the license
        $customer_guid = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hidcustomer_guid->GetValue());
        $db = new clsDBdbConnection();
        $customer_id = CCDLookup("id", "alm_customers", "guid = '{$customer_guid}'", $db);
        //Changing license status to active when inactive and grant,expdate,expirdate are present
        $grantNo = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->grant_number->GetValue());
        $expDate = $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->expedition_date->GetValue();
        $expirDate = $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->expiration_date->GetValue();
        $licenseStatus = (int) $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hidlicensestatus->GetValue();
        $licenseType = (int) $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->id_license_type->GetValue();
        $o = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hido->GetValue());
        $dguid = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hiddguid->GetValue());
        $params = array();
        $params["guid"] = $dguid;
        if ($o == "renew") {
            //Keeps the expired license guid reference on the new renewed license
        //Making sure that perpetual licenses dont get expiration date values
        //And change status to active if grantnumber, expiration date have values
        //This changed, perpetuals will be autoactivated and user redirected to add the support license automatically
        if ($licenseStatus == 1 && strlen($grantNo) > 0 && count($expDate) > 1 && count($expirDate) > 1) {
            if ($licenseType == 7 || $licenseType == 12) {
            //If renewing and new license is activated, sets expired license as archived
            if ($o == "renew") {
                $products = new Alm\Products();
        } else {
            //Its a perpetual license
            if ($licenseStatus == 1 && ($licenseType == 7 || $licenseType == 12)) {
        //Checking if its an addsupport operation to set the support parent perpetual license
        $parentLicenseGuid = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hiddguid->GetValue());
        $o = trim($licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hido->GetValue());
        if ($o == "addsupport" && strlen($parentLicenseGuid) > 0) {
        //Upgrade licensing
        $o = $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->hido->GetValue();
        if (strlen($dguid) > 0 && $o == "upgrade_license") {
            //Keeps the expired license guid reference on the new renewed license
            $params = array();
            $params["guid"] = $dguid;
            $products = new Alm\Products();
    } else {
        global $CCSLocales;
        $licensing_customerscontent->licensing->InsertAllowed = false;
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close licensing_customerscontent_licensing_BeforeInsert @154-8C89F39C
    return $licensing_customerscontent_licensing_BeforeInsert;
function products_maintcontent_alm_products_BeforeInsert(&$sender)
    $products_maintcontent_alm_products_BeforeInsert = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $products_maintcontent;
    //End products_maintcontent_alm_products_BeforeInsert
    //Custom Code @34-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    //Check if the suite is active before adding a product for it
    $suiteId = $products_maintcontent->alm_products->suite_code->GetValue();
    $params = array();
    $params["suite_id"] = $suiteId;
    $products = new Alm\Products();
    $suiteStatus = $products->getSuiteStatusById($params);
    //Check if suite status is active before adding any new product for it
    if ($suiteStatus["suiteStatus"] == "1" || $suiteStatus["suiteStatus"] == "2") {
        $guid = uuid_create();
        global $lastguid;
        $lastguid = $guid;
    } else {
        global $CCSLocales;
        $products_maintcontent->alm_products->InsertAllowed = false;
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close products_maintcontent_alm_products_BeforeInsert @2-A4122BFF
    return $products_maintcontent_alm_products_BeforeInsert;