예제 #1
파일: index.php 프로젝트: Symbiota/Symbiota
function browse()
    $am = new AgentManager();
    $result = "<div id='loadedWithPage'>\n";
    $result .= "<h3>Collector and other agent records</h3>";
    $result .= $am->getNameStats();
    $result .= "<ul><li>Individuals</li>";
    $result .= $am->getLastNameLinks();
    $result .= "</ul><ul><li>Teams</li>";
    $result .= $am->getTeamLinks();
    $result .= "</ul><ul><li>Organizations</li>";
    $result .= $am->getOrganizationLinks();
    $result .= "</ul>";
    $result .= "</div>\n";
    return $result;
예제 #2
파일: agent.php 프로젝트: Symbiota/Symbiota
while (!$done && (list($key, $mediarange) = each($accept))) {
    if ($mediarange == 'text/turtle') {
        $done = TRUE;
    if ($mediarange == 'application/rdf+xml') {
        $done = TRUE;
if (!$done) {
    Header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $charset);
    $spDisplay = " Agent: " . $agent->getMinimalName();
    $am = new AgentManager();
    if ($am->isAgentEditor()) {
        echo "<div id='commandDiv'><span class='link' id='editLink'>Edit</span>&nbsp;<span class='link' id='viewLink'>View</span>&nbsp;<span class='link' id='createLink'>New</span></div>";
        echo "\n     <script type='text/javascript'>\n        \$('#editLink').click(function () {\n            \$.ajax({\n               type: 'GET',\n               url: '{$clientRoot}/agents/rpc/handler.php',\n               data: 'mode=edit&table=Agent&agentid=" . $agent->getagentid() . "',\n               dataType : 'html',\n               success: function(data){\n                  \$('#agentDetailDiv" . $agent->getagentid() . "').html(data);\n               },\n               error: function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) {\n                  \$('#statusDiv').html('Error. ' + errorThrown);\n                  console.log( 'Error: ' + errorThrown );\n                  console.log( 'Status: ' + status );\n                  console.dir( xhr );\n               }\n            });\n            return false; \n        });\n        \$('#viewLink').click(function () {\n            \$.ajax({\n               type: 'GET',\n               url: '{$clientRoot}/agents/rpc/handler.php',\n               data: 'mode=show&table=Agent&agentid=" . $agent->getagentid() . "',\n               dataType : 'html',\n               success: function(data){\n                  \$('#agentDetailDiv" . $agent->getagentid() . "').html(data);\n               },\n               error: function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) {\n                  \$('#statusDiv').html('Error. ' + errorThrown);\n                  console.log( 'Error: ' + errorThrown );\n                  console.log( 'Status: ' + status );\n                  console.dir( xhr );\n               }\n            });\n            return false; \n        });\n        \$('#createLink').click(function () {\n            \$.ajax({\n               type: 'GET',\n               url: '{$clientRoot}/agents/rpc/handler.php',\n               data: 'mode=create&table=Agent',\n               dataType : 'html',\n               success: function(data){\n                  \$('#agentDetailDiv" . $agent->getagentid() . "').html(data);\n               },\n               error: function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) {\n                  \$('#statusDiv').html('Error. ' + errorThrown);\n                  console.log( 'Error: ' + errorThrown );\n                  console.log( 'Status: ' + status );\n                  console.dir( xhr );\n               }\n            });\n            return false; \n        });\n     </script>\n     ";
    echo "<div id='agentDetailDiv" . $agent->getagentid() . "'>";
    echo $agentview->getDetailsView();
    echo "</div>";
    if ($findobjects == 1) {
        echo $am->getPrettyListOfCollectionObjectsForCollector($agent->getagentid());
 * Return the requested agent as RDF in a turtle serialization.
예제 #3
 /** Populate omoccurrences.recordedbyid using data from omoccurrences.recordedby.
 public function indexCollectors()
     //Try to populate using already linked names
     $sql = 'UPDATE omoccurrences o1 INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT recordedbyid, recordedby FROM omoccurrences WHERE recordedbyid IS NOT NULL) o2 ON o1.recordedby = o2.recordedby ' . 'SET o1.recordedbyid = o2.recordedbyid ' . 'WHERE o1.recordedbyid IS NULL';
     //Query unlinked specimens and try to parse each collector
     $collArr = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT occid, recordedby ' . 'FROM omoccurrences ' . 'WHERE recordedbyid IS NULL';
     $rs = $this->conn->query($sql);
     while ($r = $rs->fetch_object()) {
         $collArr[$r->recordedby][] = $r->occid;
     foreach ($collArr as $collStr => $occidArr) {
         // check to see if collector is listed in agents table.
         $sql = "select distinct agentid from agentname where name = ? ";
         if ($stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql)) {
             $stmt->bind_param('s', $collStr);
             $matches = $stmt->num_rows;
             if ($matches > 0) {
                 $recById = $agentid;
             } else {
                 // no matches found to collector, add to agent table.
                 $am = new AgentManager();
                 $agent = $am->constructAgentDetType($collStr);
                 if ($agent != null) {
                     $agentid = $agent->getagentid();
                     $recById = $agentid;
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Error preparing query {$sql} " . $this->conn->error);
         //Add recordedbyid to omoccurrence table
         if ($recById) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE omoccurrences ' . 'SET recordedbyid = ' . $recById . ' WHERE occid IN(' . implode(',', $occidArr) . ') AND recordedbyid IS NULL ';
예제 #4
// TODO: Change to back bulkloads of uploaded list of agent name data.
// TODO: Include ability to include GUIDs, remarks and other agent metadata beyond names and dates.
include_once '../../config/symbini.php';
$filename = "agentnames.csv";
$filename = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z_\\.0-9\\-]", '', array_key_exists("file", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["file"] : $filename);
include_once $serverRoot . '/classes/AgentManager.php';
include_once $serverRoot . '/classes/RdfUtility.php';
include_once $serverRoot . '/classes/UuidFactory.php';
$debug = FALSE;
if ($argc == 3) {
    if ($argv[1] == "-f") {
        $filename = $argv[2];
$am = new AgentManager();
if (file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) {
    // read file
    $file = fopen($filename, "r");
    // iterate through lines
    //$line = '"Aall","Nicolai","Benjamin","","Nicolai Benjamin Aall","N","1805","1888"';
    //$line = '"Aaron","Samuel","Francis","","Samuel Francis Aaron","N","1862","1947"';
    while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
        $others = "";
        // TODO: Use a CSV parser
        $bits = explode('","', $line);
        if ($debug) {
        $familyname = trim(str_replace('"', '', $bits[0]));
        $firstname = trim(str_replace('"', '', $bits[1]));
예제 #5
 public function getEditFormView()
     global $clientRoot;
     $model = $this->model;
     if (strlen($model->getagentteamid()) == 0) {
         $new = TRUE;
     } else {
         $new = FALSE;
     $returnvalue = "\n     <script type='text/javascript'>\n        var frm = \$('#saveATeamRecordForm');\n        frm.submit(function () {\n            \$('#statusDiv').html('Saving...');\n            \$('#saveATeamResultDiv').html('');\n            \$.ajax({\n               type: 'POST',\n               url: '{$clientRoot}/agents/rpc/handler.php',\n               data: frm.serialize(),\n               dataType : 'html',\n               success: function(data){\n                  \$('#saveATeamResultDiv').html(data);\n                  \$('#statusDiv').html('');\n               },\n               error: function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) {\n                  \$('#statusDiv').html('Error. ' + errorThrown);\n                  console.log( 'Error: ' + errorThrown );\n                  console.log( 'Status: ' + status );\n                  console.dir( xhr );\n               }\n            });\n            return false; \n        });\n     </script>\n";
     $returnvalue .= '<div id="saveATeamResultDiv"></div>';
     $returnvalue .= '<form id="saveATeamRecordForm">';
     if ($new) {
         $returnvalue .= '<input type=hidden name=mode id=mode value=savenew>';
     } else {
         $returnvalue .= '<input type=hidden name=mode id=mode value=save>';
     $returnvalue .= '<input type=hidden name=table id=table value="AgentTeams">';
     $returnvalue .= '<input type=hidden name=agentteamid value="' . $model->getagentteamid() . '">';
     $returnvalue .= '<input type=hidden name=teamagentid value="' . $model->getteamagentid() . '">';
     $returnvalue .= '<ul>';
     // $returnvalue .= "<li>TEAMAGENTID<input type=text name=".agentteams::TEAMAGENTID." id=".agentteams::TEAMAGENTID." value='".$model->getteamagentid()."'  size='".agentteams::TEAMAGENTID_SIZE ."'  maxlength='".agentteams::TEAMAGENTID_SIZE ."' ></li>\n";
     $team = new Agent();
     $returnvalue .= "<li>Team: " . $team->getAssembledName() . "</li>\n";
     $am = new AgentManager();
     $returnvalue .= $am->createAgentPicker(agentteams::MEMBERAGENTID, 'Member', $model->getmemberagentid());
     //$returnvalue .= "<li>Member<input type=text name=".agentteams::MEMBERAGENTID." id=".agentteams::MEMBERAGENTID." value='".$model->getmemberagentid()."'  size='".agentteams::MEMBERAGENTID_SIZE ."'  maxlength='".agentteams::MEMBERAGENTID_SIZE ."' ></li>\n";
     $returnvalue .= "<li>Order<input type=text name=" . agentteams::ORDINAL . " id=" . agentteams::ORDINAL . " value='" . $model->getordinal() . "'  size='" . agentteams::ORDINAL_SIZE . "'  maxlength='" . agentteams::ORDINAL_SIZE . "' ></li>\n";
     $returnvalue .= '<li><input type=submit value="Save"></li>';
     $returnvalue .= '</ul>';
     $returnvalue .= '</form>';
     return $returnvalue;
예제 #6
function deleteAgentTeams($agentteamid = NULL)
    global $clientRoot;
    $result = "";
    $am = new AgentManager();
    if ($am->isAgentEditor()) {
        if (strlen($agentteamid) > 0) {
            $toDelete = new agentteams();
            if ($toDelete->delete()) {
                $result = "Deleted.";
            } else {
                $result = "Error in deleting agent team record. " . $toDelete->errorMessage();
        } else {
            $result = "No agent teams specified to delete.";
    } else {
        $result = "You aren't authorized to edit agent records.";
    return $result;