예제 #1
  * Constructor
  * Sets all the session connection driver options. The available options
  * are:
  * - path      string session storage path;
  * - extension string session file extension;
  * @param AeArray $options
 public function __construct(AeArray $options = null)
     if (isset($options['path']) && file_exists((string) $options['path'])) {
         $this->_storagePath = (string) $options['path'];
     } else {
         $this->_storagePath = getcwd() . SLASH . 'sessions';
     if (isset($options['extension'])) {
         $this->_extension = (string) $options['extension'];
     } else {
         $this->_extension = 'sess';
예제 #2
  * Constructor
  * Database storage driver accepts the following options:
  * - table      string the table name to be used as the storage table for
  *                     sessions. The target table should meet several simple
  *                     requirements, which are described in the {@link
  *                     AeSession_Driver_Database class documentation};
  * - connection array  connection options array. See below for detailed
  *                     description.
  * To use this session handler, you must provide sufficient data to
  * establish a database connection. There are several sets of data, any of
  * which is sufficient:
  * - name, settings: parameters to be passed to {@link
  *                   AeDatabase::getConnection()} method. See the method
  *                   documentation for more details;
  * - driver, username, password, options: parameters to be passed to {@link
  *                                        AeDatabase::getInstance()} method.
  *                                        See the method documentation for
  *                                        more details;
  * - callback: an instance of the {@link AeCallback} class, specifying which
  *             method should be called to get the active database connection.
  *             The return value of the method must be an implementation of
  *             the {@link AeInterface_Database} class;
  * - connection: an instance of the {@link AeInterface_Database} object.
  * @param AeArray $options
 public function __construct(AeArray $options = null)
     if (isset($options['table'])) {
         $this->_storageTable = (string) $options['table'];
     } else {
         $this->_storageTable = '#__session';
     if (isset($options['connection'])) {
         if ($options['connection'] instanceof AeInterface_Database) {
             $this->_connection = $options['connection'];
         } else {
             $this->_options = $options['connection'];
예제 #3
  * Constructor
  * Initializes the session. Any sessions, already started, will be
  * immediately destroyed.
  * The following options can be set by the <var>$options</var> parameter:
  * - name      string Session cookie name to use for session identification;
  * - id        string Session cookie contents. You are advised to not set
  *                    this manually, as an id is generated by PHP by default;
  * - lifetime  int    Session lifetime in secods;
  * - expire    bool   Should session cookie expire on browser close; if
  *                    false, session cookie will expire in a preset number
  *                    of seconds. Note, that session cookie is not renewed,
  *                    so a user will have to relogin unless you renew the
  *                    cookie manually. Default: false
  * - validate  array  Session validation options:
  *   - address bool   Validation of user's remote address (IP);
  *   - agent   bool   Validation of user's user-agen (browser);
  * - path      string Session cookie path. Defaults to /. If the similar
  *                    option is set via {@link AeCookie::setPath()}, that
  *                    value is used as default instead;
  * - domain    string Session cookie domain. Defaults to current domain. If
  *                    the similar option is set via {@link
  *                    AeCookie::setDomain()}, that value is used as default
  *                    instead;
  * - secure    bool   If is true, the session cookie is only set using the
  *                    secure connection (https). If the similar option is
  *                    set via {@link AeCookie::setPath()}, that value is
  *                    used as default instead;
  * - http      bool   If is true, the session cookie is set in the httponly
  *                    mode. See {@link http://php.net/setcookie setcookie()}
  *                    for more details. Requires PHP 5.2.0. If the similar
  *                    option is set via {@link AeCookie::setHttp()}, that
  *                    value is used as default instead;
  * Also, a 'driver' subarray of the options array will be passed as options
  * to the session storage driver. See storage driver options on the driver's
  * class documentation page.
  * @todo add cookie renewal setting
  * @param string  $driver  session storage driver name
  * @param AeArray $options session options
 public function __construct($driver = null, AeArray $options = null)
     // *** Destroy any existing sessions
     if (session_id()) {
     // *** Set default sessions save handler
     ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files');
     // *** Disable transparent sid support
     ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');
     if (!isset($options['driver'])) {
         $options['driver'] = array();
     // *** Create connection
     $this->_connection = AeSession_Driver::getInstance($driver, $options['driver']);