/** * subscribe widget * * @since 1.5.4 */ public static function render_subscribe() { $is_subscribed = Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance()->is_subscribed(); $options = Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance()->options(); $_notice = 'nl_free_addons'; if (!isset($options['closed'][$_notice]) && !$is_subscribed) { ?> <div class="advads-admin-notice"> <p><?php _e('Get 2 <strong>free add-ons</strong> for joining the newsletter.', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </p> <button type="button" class="button-primary advads-notices-button-subscribe" data-notice="<?php echo $_notice; ?> "><?php _e('Join now', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </button> </div><?php } $_notice = 'nl_adsense'; if (!isset($options['closed'][$_notice])) { ?> <div class="advads-admin-notice"> <p><?php _e('Learn more about how and <strong>how much you can earn with AdSense</strong> and Advanced Ads from the dedicated newsletter group.', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </p> <button type="button" class="button-primary advads-notices-button-subscribe" data-notice="<?php echo $_notice; ?> "><?php _e('Subscribe me now', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </button> </div><?php } $_notice = 'nl_first_steps'; if (!isset($options['closed'][$_notice]) && !$is_subscribed) { ?> <div class="advads-admin-notice"> <p><?php _e('Get the first steps and more tutorials to your inbox.', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </p> <button type="button" class="button-primary advads-notices-button-subscribe" data-notice="<?php echo $_notice; ?> "><?php _e('Send it now', 'advanced-ads'); ?> </button> </div><?php } $model = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model(); $recent_ads = $model->get_ads(); // get next steps self::render_next_steps($recent_ads); }
/** * initiate the admin notices class * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function admin_notices() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $this->notices = Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance(); } }
/** * initiate the admin notices class * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function admin_notices() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $this->notices = Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance(); } // display ad block message if ($this->screen_belongs_to_advanced_ads()) { include ADVADS_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/notices/adblock.php'; } }
/** * subscribe to newsletter * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function subscribe() { if (!isset($_POST['notice']) || $_POST['notice'] === '') { die; } echo Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance()->subscribe($_POST['notice']); die; }
/** * initiate the admin notices class * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function admin_notices() { // display ad block warning to everyone who can edit ads if (current_user_can(Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap('advanced_ads_edit_ads'))) { if ($this->screen_belongs_to_advanced_ads()) { include ADVADS_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/notices/adblock.php'; } } if (current_user_can(Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap('advanced_ads_edit_ads'))) { $this->notices = Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance(); } }