static function getConfig() { if (!self::$_conf) { include_once(JPATH_ROOT.'/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/configuration.php'); $model = new AdsmanagerModelConfiguration(); self::$_conf = $model->getConfiguration(); } return self::$_conf; }
function display($tpl = null) { jimport( 'joomla.session.session' ); $currentSession = JSession::getInstance('none',array()); $defaultvalues = $currentSession->get("search_fields",array()); $catid = $currentSession->get("searchfieldscatid",JRequest::getInt('catid', 0 )); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $text_search = $currentSession->get("tsearch",$app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_adsmanager.front_content.tsearch','tsearch',"")); $type = "table"; $fieldmodel = new AdsmanagerModelField(); $searchmodel = new AdsmanagerModelSearchmodule(); $field_values = array(); $searchconfig = $searchmodel->getSearchModuleConfiguration(); $simple_fields = $searchmodel->getSearchFields("simple"); $advanced_fields = $searchmodel->getSearchFields("advanced"); $field_values = $fieldmodel->getFieldValues(); foreach($simple_fields as $field) { if ($field->cbfieldvalues != "-1") { /*get CB value fields */ $cbfieldvalues = $fieldmodel->getCBFieldValues($field->cbfieldvalues); $field_values[$field->fieldid] = $cbfieldvalues; } } foreach($advanced_fields as $field) { if ($field->cbfieldvalues != "-1") { /*get CB value fields */ $cbfieldvalues = $fieldmodel->getCBFieldValues($field->cbfieldvalues); $field_values[$field->fieldid] = $cbfieldvalues; } } $confmodel = new AdsmanagerModelConfiguration(); $conf = $confmodel->getConfiguration(); $categorymodel = new AdsmanagerModelCategory(); $moduleclass_sfx = ''; $search_by_cat = 1; $search_by_text = 0; $rootid = 0 ; switch($conf->single_category_selection_type) { default: case 'normal': case 'color': case 'combobox': $cats = $categorymodel->getFlatTree(true, false, $nbcontents, 'read',$rootid); break; case 'cascade': $cats = $categorymodel->getCategoriesPerLevel(true, false, $nbcontents, 'read',$rootid); break; } $baseurl = JURI::base(); $field = new JHTMLAdsmanagerField($conf,$field_values,"2",$fieldmodel->getPlugins());//0 =>list $url = "index.php"; $this->assignRef('search_by_cat',$search_by_cat); $this->assignRef('search_by_text',$search_by_text); $this->assignRef('text_search',$text_search); $this->assignRef('conf',$conf); $this->assignRef('cats',$cats); $this->assignRef('catid',$catid); $this->assignRef('simple_fields',$simple_fields); $this->assignRef('advanced_fields',$advanced_fields); $this->assignRef('field',$field); $this->assignRef('defaultvalues',$defaultvalues); $this->assignRef('rootid',$rootid); parent::display($tpl); }
function createImageAndThumb($src_file, $image_name, $thumb_name, $max_width, $max_height, $max_width_t, $max_height_t, $tag, $path, $orig_name, $max_width_m = null, $max_height_m = null, $medium_name = null) { if (intval(ini_get('memory_limit')) < 64) { ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); } $configModel = new AdsmanagerModelConfiguration(); $conf = $configModel->getConfiguration(); $src_file = urldecode($src_file); $orig_name = strtolower($orig_name); $ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($orig_name)); switch ($ext) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $type = "jpeg"; break; case "png": $type = "png"; break; case "gif": $type = "gif"; break; default: return; } $dst_ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($image_name)); switch ($dst_ext) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $dst_ext = "jpeg"; break; case "png": $dst_ext = "png"; break; case "gif": $dst_ext = "gif"; break; } $max_h = $max_height; $max_w = $max_width; $max_thumb_h = $max_height_t; $max_thumb_w = $max_width_t; if (is_file("{$path}/{$image_name}")) { JFile::delete("{$path}/{$image_name}"); } if (is_file("{$path}/{$thumb_name}")) { JFile::delete("{$path}/{$thumb_name}"); } $read = 'imagecreatefrom' . $type; $write = 'image' . $type; $src_img = $read($src_file); // height/width $imginfo = getimagesize($src_file); $src_w = $imginfo[0]; $src_h = $imginfo[1]; //---------------------------------------------- $zoom_h = $max_h / $src_h; $zoom_w = $max_w / $src_w; $zoom = min($zoom_h, $zoom_w); $dst_h = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_h * $zoom) : $src_h; $dst_w = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_w * $zoom) : $src_w; list($x, $y, $new_width, $new_height) = $this->getArea($src_w, $src_h, $max_width, $max_height); if (isset($conf->large_image_scaling) && $conf->large_image_scaling == 1) { $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($max_width, $max_height); } else { $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h); } if ($dst_ext == "jpeg") { $white = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, $white); } else { imagealphablending($dst_img, false); imagesavealpha($dst_img, true); } if (isset($conf->large_image_scaling) && $conf->large_image_scaling == 1) { imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $x, $y, $max_width, $max_height, $new_width, $new_height); } else { imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); } if (ADSMANAGER_SPECIAL == "thiago" && $tag != null) { $tag_file = JPATH_ROOT . "/images/toto.png"; $tag_ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($tag_file)); switch ($tag_ext) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $tag_ext = "jpeg"; break; case "bmp": $tag_ext = "wbmp"; break; } $cmd = 'imagecreatefrom' . $tag_ext; $load_image = $cmd($tag_file); $loadsize = getimagesize($tag_file); imagealphablending($load_image, false); imagesavealpha($load_image, true); $imageTag_w = $loadsize[0]; $imageTag_h = $loadsize[1]; $tagPosX = -5; $tagPosY = -5; if ($tagPosX < 0) { $tagPosX = $dst_w + $tagPosX - $imageTag_w; } if ($tagPosY < 0) { $tagPosY = $dst_h + $tagPosY - $imageTag_h; } imagecopy($dst_img, $load_image, $tagPosX, $tagPosY, 0, 0, $imageTag_w, $imageTag_h); imagedestroy($load_image); } else { if ($tag != null) { $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, 255, 255, 255); $fontfile = JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_adsmanager/font/verdana.ttf"; if ($dst_ext != "jpeg") { imagealphablending($dst_img, true); imagettftext($dst_img, 10, 0, 5, 20, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); imagealphablending($dst_img, false); } else { imagettftext($dst_img, 10, 0, 5, 20, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); } } } if ($type == 'jpeg') { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_img, "{$path}/{$image_name}", 100); } else { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_img, "{$path}/{$image_name}", 0); } imagedestroy($dst_img); //------------------------------------------- $zoom_h = $max_thumb_h / $src_h; $zoom_w = $max_thumb_w / $src_w; $zoom = min($zoom_h, $zoom_w); $dst_thumb_h = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_h * $zoom) : $src_h; $dst_thumb_w = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_w * $zoom) : $src_w; //HACK //The getArea function me select a good range to cut the original images list($x, $y, $new_width, $new_height) = $this->getArea($src_w, $src_h, $max_width_t, $max_height_t); if (isset($conf->image_scaling) && $conf->image_scaling == 1) { $dst_t_img = imagecreatetruecolor($max_width_t, $max_height_t); } else { $dst_t_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_thumb_w, $dst_thumb_h); } if ($dst_ext == "jpeg") { $white = imagecolorallocate($dst_t_img, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst_t_img, 0, 0, $white); } else { imagealphablending($dst_t_img, false); imagesavealpha($dst_t_img, true); } if (isset($conf->image_scaling) && $conf->image_scaling == 1) { imagecopyresampled($dst_t_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $x, $y, $max_width_t, $max_height_t, $new_width, $new_height); } else { imagecopyresampled($dst_t_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_thumb_w, $dst_thumb_h, $src_w, $src_h); } if (ADSMANAGER_SPECIAL == "thiago" && $tag != null) { $tag_file = JPATH_ROOT . "/images/toto.png"; $tag_ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($tag_file)); switch ($tag_ext) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $tag_ext = "jpeg"; break; case "bmp": $tag_ext = "wbmp"; break; } $cmd = 'imagecreatefrom' . $tag_ext; $load_image = $cmd($tag_file); $loadsize = getimagesize($tag_file); imagealphablending($load_image, false); imagesavealpha($load_image, true); $imageTag_w = $loadsize[0]; $imageTag_h = $loadsize[1]; $tagPosX = -5; $tagPosY = -5; if ($tagPosX < 0) { $tagPosX = $dst_thumb_w + $tagPosX - $imageTag_w; } if ($tagPosY < 0) { $tagPosY = $dst_thumb_h + $tagPosY - $imageTag_h; } imagecopy($dst_t_img, $load_image, $tagPosX, $tagPosY, 0, 0, $imageTag_w, $imageTag_h); imagedestroy($load_image); } else { if ($tag != null) { $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst_t_img, 255, 255, 255); $fontfile = JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_adsmanager/font/verdana.ttf"; if ($dst_ext != "jpeg") { imagealphablending($dst_t_img, true); imagettftext($dst_t_img, 7, 0, 5, 12, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); imagealphablending($dst_t_img, false); } else { imagettftext($dst_t_img, 7, 0, 5, 12, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); } } } if ($type == 'jpeg') { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_t_img, "{$path}/{$thumb_name}", 100); } else { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_t_img, "{$path}/{$thumb_name}", 0); } imagedestroy($dst_t_img); //------------------------------------------- if ($max_width_m != null) { $zoom_h = $max_height_m / $src_h; $zoom_w = $max_width_m / $src_w; $zoom = min($zoom_h, $zoom_w); $dst_medium_h = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_h * $zoom) : $src_h; $dst_medium_w = $zoom < 1 ? round($src_w * $zoom) : $src_w; list($x, $y, $new_width, $new_height) = $this->getArea($src_w, $src_h, $max_width_m, $max_height_m); if (isset($conf->medium_image_scaling) && $conf->medium_image_scaling == 1) { $dst_m_img = imagecreatetruecolor($max_width_m, $max_height_m); } else { $dst_m_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_medium_w, $dst_medium_h); } if ($dst_ext == "jpeg") { $white = imagecolorallocate($dst_m_img, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst_m_img, 0, 0, $white); } else { imagealphablending($dst_m_img, false); imagesavealpha($dst_m_img, true); } if (isset($conf->medium_image_scaling) && $conf->medium_image_scaling == 1) { imagecopyresampled($dst_m_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $x, $y, $max_width_m, $max_height_m, $new_width, $new_height); } else { imagecopyresampled($dst_m_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_medium_w, $dst_medium_h, $src_w, $src_h); } if (ADSMANAGER_SPECIAL == "thiago" && $tag != null) { $tag_file = JPATH_ROOT . "/images/toto.png"; $tag_ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($tag_file)); switch ($tag_ext) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $tag_ext = "jpeg"; break; case "bmp": $tag_ext = "wbmp"; break; } $cmd = 'imagecreatefrom' . $tag_ext; $load_image = $cmd($tag_file); $loadsize = getimagesize($tag_file); imagealphablending($load_image, false); imagesavealpha($load_image, true); $imageTag_w = $loadsize[0]; $imageTag_h = $loadsize[1]; $tagPosX = -5; $tagPosY = -5; if ($tagPosX < 0) { $tagPosX = $dst_medium_w + $tagPosX - $imageTag_w; } if ($tagPosY < 0) { $tagPosY = $dst_medium_h + $tagPosY - $imageTag_h; } imagecopy($dst_m_img, $load_image, $tagPosX, $tagPosY, 0, 0, $imageTag_w, $imageTag_h); imagedestroy($load_image); } else { if ($tag != null) { $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst_m_img, 255, 255, 255); $fontfile = JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_adsmanager/font/verdana.ttf"; if ($dst_ext != "jpeg") { imagealphablending($dst_m_img, true); imagettftext($dst_m_img, 7, 0, 5, 12, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); imagealphablending($dst_m_img, false); } else { imagettftext($dst_m_img, 7, 0, 5, 12, $textcolor, $fontfile, $tag); } } } if ($type == 'jpeg') { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_m_img, "{$path}/{$medium_name}", 100); } else { $desc_img = $this->createimage($write, $dst_m_img, "{$path}/{$medium_name}", 0); } imagedestroy($dst_m_img); } //exit(); }
function getDisplayTab($tab, $user, $ui) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_adsmanager/lib/core.php"; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/adsmanager.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/column.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/category.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/configuration.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/content.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/field.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/position.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_adsmanager/models/user.php'; $juser = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->id == $juser->id) { $myads = true; } else { $myads = false; } if ($myads == true) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_adsmanager/views/myads/view.html.php'; } else { require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_adsmanager/views/list/view.html.php'; } if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_paidsystem/api.paidsystem.php")) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_paidsystem/api.paidsystem.php"; } $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $baseurl = JURI::base(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $templateDir = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate(); if (is_file($templateDir . '/html/com_adsmanager/css/adsmanager.css')) { $templateDir = JURI::base() . 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate(); $document->addStyleSheet($templateDir . '/html/com_adsmanager/css/adsmanager.css'); } else { $document->addStyleSheet($baseurl . 'components/com_adsmanager/css/adsmanager.css'); } $contentmodel = new AdsmanagerModelContent(); $catmodel = new AdsmanagerModelCategory(); $positionmodel = new AdsmanagerModelPosition(); $columnmodel = new AdsmanagerModelColumn(); $fieldmodel = new AdsmanagerModelField(); $usermodel = new AdsmanagerModelUser(); $adsmanagermodel = new AdsmanagerModelAdsmanager(); $configurationmodel = new AdsmanagerModelConfiguration(); $catid = 0; $config = array(); $config = array(); $templateDir = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate(); if ($myads == true) { if (is_file($templateDir . '/html/com_adsmanager/myads/default.php')) { $config['template_path'] = JPATH_BASE . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_adsmanager/myads'; } else { $config['template_path'] = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_adsmanager/views/myads/tmpl'; } $view = new AdsmanagerViewMyads($config); } else { if (is_file($templateDir . '/html/com_adsmanager/list/default.php')) { $config['template_path'] = JPATH_BASE . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_adsmanager/list'; } else { $config['template_path'] = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_adsmanager/views/list/tmpl'; } $view = new AdsmanagerViewList($config); } $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $requestURL = $uri->toString(); $conf = $configurationmodel->getConfiguration(); $filters = array(); if ($myads == false) { $filters['publish'] = 1; } $filters['user'] = $user->id; $tsearch = JRequest::getVar('tsearch', ''); if ($tsearch != "") { $filters['search'] = $tsearch; } $view->assignRef('tsearch', $tsearch); $showContact = TPermissions::checkRightContact(); $view->assignRef('showContact', $showContact); $category = new stdClass(); if ($conf->display_fullname) { $category->name = JText::_('ADSMANAGER_LIST_USER_TEXT') . " " . $user->name; } else { $category->name = JText::_('ADSMANAGER_LIST_USER_TEXT') . " " . $user->username; } $subcats = array(); $pathlist = array(); $orderfields = $fieldmodel->getOrderFields(0); $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $baseurl = JURI::base(); $view->assign("baseurl", $baseurl); $view->assignRef("baseurl", $baseurl); $view->assignRef('catid', $catid); $view->assignRef('listuser', $user->id); $modeuser = 1; $view->assignRef('modeuser', $modeuser); $tsearch = ""; $view->assignRef('tsearch', $tsearch); $view->assignRef('orders', $orderfields); $view->assignRef('subcats', $subcats); $view->assignRef('pathlist', $pathlist); if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_sh404sef')) { $limit = $conf->ads_per_page; } else { $limit = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_adsmanager.front_ads_per_page', 'limit', $conf->ads_per_page, 'int'); } $limitstart = JRequest::getInt("limitstart", 0); $order = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_adsmanager.front_content.order', 'order', 0, 'int'); $orderdir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_adsmanager.front_content.orderdir', 'orderdir', 'DESC'); $orderdir = strtoupper($orderdir); if ($orderdir != "DESC" && $orderdir != "ASC") { $orderdir = "DESC"; } $filter_order = $contentmodel->getFilterOrder($order); $filter_order_dir = $orderdir; $view->assignRef('order', $order); $view->assignRef('orderdir', $orderdir); $view->assignRef('lists', $lists); $total = $contentmodel->getNbContents($filters); $contents = $contentmodel->getContents($filters, $limitstart, $limit, $filter_order, $filter_order_dir, 1); if ($juser->guest == false) { $favorites = $contentmodel->getFavorites($juser->id); } else { $favorites = array(); } $view->assignRef('favorites', $favorites); $userId = JRequest::getInt("user", 0); if ($userId != 0) { $userId = '&user='******''; } $pagination = new JPagination2($total, $limitstart, $limit, "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&tab=AdsmanagerTab&limit={$limit}" . $userId); $view->assignRef('pagination', $pagination); $view->assignRef('list_name', $category->name); $view->assignRef('list_img', $category->img); $view->assignRef('list_description', $category->description); $view->assignRef('contents', $contents); $mode = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_adsmanager.front_content.mode', 'mode', $conf->display_expand); if ($mode == 2) { $mode = 0; } $view->assignRef('mode', $mode); if ($mode == 0) { $columns = $columnmodel->getColumns($catid); $fcolumns = $fieldmodel->getFieldsbyColumns(); $view->assignRef('columns', $columns); $view->assignRef('fColumns', $fcolumns); } else { $positions = $positionmodel->getPositions('details'); $fDisplay = $fieldmodel->getFieldsbyPositions(); $view->assignRef('positions', $positions); $view->assignRef('fDisplay', $fDisplay); } $fields = $fieldmodel->getFields(); $view->assignRef('fields', $fields); //Unactive Map Display on User List because the loadModule function is not working on CB page (I don't know why) $conf->display_map_list = 0; $view->assignRef('conf', $conf); $my = JFactory::getUser(); $view->assignRef('userid', $my->id); $view->assignRef('requestURL', $requestURL); $field_values = $fieldmodel->getFieldValues(); $plugins = $fieldmodel->getPlugins(); $field = new JHTMLAdsmanagerField($conf, $field_values, $mode, $plugins, null); $view->assignRef('field', $field); $general = new JHTMLAdsmanagerGeneral($catid, $conf, $user); $view->assignRef('general', $general); $return = $view->loadTemplate(null); $path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/../libraries/joomla/database/table'; JTable::addIncludePath($path); return $return; }
} } $fieldmodel = new AdsmanagerModelField(); $field_values = array(); if ($listfields != "") { $searchfields = $fieldmodel->getFieldsByName($listfields); $field_values = $fieldmodel->getFieldValues(); foreach ($searchfields as $field) { if ($field->cbfieldvalues != "-1") { /*get CB value fields */ $cbfieldvalues = $fieldmodel->getCBFieldValues($field->cbfieldvalues); $field_values[$field->fieldid] = $cbfieldvalues; } } } $confmodel = new AdsmanagerModelConfiguration(); $conf = $confmodel->getConfiguration(); $categorymodel = new AdsmanagerModelCategory(); $rootid = (int) $params->def('rootid', 0); $moduleclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx')); $moduleId = $module->id; switch (@$conf->single_category_selection_type) { default: case 'normal': case 'color': case 'combobox': $cats = $categorymodel->getFlatTree(true, false, $nbcontents, 'read', $rootid); break; case 'cascade': $cats = $categorymodel->getCategoriesPerLevel(true, false, $nbcontents, 'read', $rootid); break;