/** * HTML to display after the section. * * @return string * @access public */ public function after_section() { ?> </div> <div class="apple-news-settings-preview"> <?php // Build sample content $settings = new Admin_Apple_Settings(); $title = sprintf('<h1 class="apple-news-title apple-news-component">%s</h1>', __('Sample Article', 'apple-news')); $cover = sprintf('<div class="apple-news-cover">%s</div>', __('Cover', 'apple-news')); // Build the byline $author = __('John Doe', 'apple-news'); $date = date('M j, Y g:i A'); $export = new Apple_Actions\Index\Export($settings->fetch_settings()); $byline = sprintf('<div class="apple-news-byline apple-news-component">%s</div>', $export->format_byline(null, $author, $date)); // Get the order of the top components $component_order = self::get_value('meta_component_order'); foreach ($component_order as $component) { echo wp_kses(${$component}, self::$allowed_html); } ?> <div class="apple-news-component"> <p><span class="apple-news-dropcap">L</span>orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis, <a href="#">augue vitae iaculis euismod</a>, libero nulla pellentesque quam, non venenatis massa odio id dolor.</p> <div class="apple-news-pull-quote">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</div> <p>Praesent eget odio vel sapien scelerisque euismod. Phasellus eros sapien, rutrum ac nibh nec, tristique commodo neque.</p> <h2>Quisque efficitur</h2> <p>Quisque efficitur sit amet ex et venenatis. Morbi nisi nisi, ornare id iaculis eget, pulvinar ac dolor.</p> <p>In eu la cus porttitor, pellentesque diam et, tristique elit. Mauris justo odio, efficitur sit amet aliquet id, aliquam placerat turpis.</p> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
/** * Constructor. */ function __construct($settings = null) { // Don't re-fetch settings if they've been previously obtained. // However, this class may be used within themes and therefore may // need to get it's own settings. if (!empty($settings)) { $this->settings = $settings; } else { $admin_settings = new Admin_Apple_Settings(); $this->settings = $admin_settings->fetch_settings(); } // Register update hooks if needed if ('yes' == $settings->get('api_autosync') || 'yes' == $settings->get('api_autosync_update')) { add_action('save_post', array($this, 'do_publish'), 10, 2); add_action('before_delete_post', array($this, 'do_delete')); } }
/** * Constructor. */ function __construct() { // Register hooks add_action('admin_print_styles-toplevel_page_apple_news_index', array($this, 'plugin_styles')); // Admin_Settings builds the settings page for the plugin. Besides setting // it up, let's get the settings getter and setter object and save it into // $settings. $admin_settings = new Admin_Apple_Settings(); self::$settings = $admin_settings->fetch_settings(); // Initialize notice messaging utility new Admin_Apple_Notice(self::$settings); // Set up main page new Admin_Apple_Index_Page(self::$settings); // Set up all sub pages new Admin_Apple_Bulk_Export_Page(self::$settings); // Set up posts syncing if enabled in the settings new Admin_Apple_Post_Sync(self::$settings); // Set up the publish meta box if enabled in the settings new Admin_Apple_Meta_Boxes(self::$settings); // Set up asynchronous publishing features new Admin_Apple_Async(self::$settings); }
/** * Constructor. */ function __construct() { // This is required to download files and setting headers. ob_start(); // Initialize notice messaging utility new Admin_Apple_Notice(); // Register hooks add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'plugin_styles')); // Admin_Settings builds the settings page for the plugin. Besides setting // it up, let's get the settings getter and setter object and save it into // $settings. $admin_settings = new Admin_Apple_Settings(); $settings = $admin_settings->fetch_settings(); // Set up main page new Admin_Apple_Index_Page($settings); // Set up all sub pages new Admin_Apple_Bulk_Export_Page($settings); // Set up posts syncing if enabled in the settings new Admin_Apple_Post_Sync($settings); // Set up the publish meta box if enabled in the settings new Admin_Apple_Meta_Boxes($settings); }