public function __construct($view, $title_page) { parent::__construct($view); $lang = LangLoader::get('admin-cache-common'); $this->set_title($lang['cache']); $this->add_link($lang['cache'], AdminCacheUrlBuilder::clear_cache()); $this->add_link($lang['syndication_cache'], AdminCacheUrlBuilder::clear_syndication_cache()); $this->add_link($lang['css_cache'], AdminCacheUrlBuilder::clear_css_cache()); $this->add_link($lang['cache_configuration'], AdminCacheUrlBuilder::configuration()); $env = $this->get_graphical_environment(); $env->set_page_title($title_page); }
################################################### * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ###################################################*/ #################################################### # English # #################################################### $lang['advises'] = 'Advises'; $lang['advises.modules_management'] = '<a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->rel() . '">Disable or uninstall modules</a> you don\'t you to free ressources on the website.'; $lang['advises.check_modules_authorizations'] = 'Check the authorizations of all your modules and menus before opening your website to avoit guest or unauthorized users accessing protected areas.'; $lang['advises.disable_debug_mode'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Disable debug mode</a> to hide errors to users (the errors are loggued in the <a href="' . AdminErrorsUrlBuilder::logged_errors()->rel() . '">Loggued errors</a>).'; $lang['advises.enable_url_rewriting'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable URL rewriting</a> to have more readable urls (usefull for SEO).'; $lang['advises.enable_output_gz'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable Output pages compression</a> to gain performance.'; $lang['advises.enable_apcu_cache'] = '<a href="' . AdminCacheUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">Enable APCu cache</a> to allow loading the cache in RAM on the server and not on the hard-drive and win a performance advantage.'; $lang['advises.upgrade_php_version'] = 'Upgrade your PHP version in 5.6 (last stable release) if your host allows it.'; $lang['advises.save_database'] = 'Save your database frequently.'; $lang['advises.optimize_database_tables'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable auto tables optimization</a> or optimize occasionally your tables in the module <strong>Database</strong> (if it is installed) or in your database management tool to recover the wasted base space.'; $lang['advises.password_security'] = 'Increase strength and length of passwords in <a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">members configuration</a> to strengthen security.';
################################################### * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ###################################################*/ #################################################### # French # #################################################### $lang['advises'] = 'Conseils'; $lang['advises.modules_management'] = '<a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->rel() . '">Désactivez ou désinstallez les modules</a> que vous n\'utilisez pas pour économiser les ressources du site.'; $lang['advises.check_modules_authorizations'] = 'Vérifiez les autorisations d\'accès de tous vos modules et menus avant de mettre le site en ligne pour éviter que les visiteurs ou des utilisateurs non autorisés aient accès à des sections protégées du site.'; $lang['advises.disable_debug_mode'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Désactivez le mode debug</a> pour ne pas afficher les erreurs aux utilisateurs (les erreurs sont quand même logguées dans les <a href="' . AdminErrorsUrlBuilder::logged_errors()->rel() . '">Erreurs archivées</a>).'; $lang['advises.enable_url_rewriting'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez la réécriture des URL</a> pour que les URL de votre site soient plus lisibles (très utile pour le référencement).'; $lang['advises.enable_output_gz'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez la compression des pages</a> pour gagner en performance.'; $lang['advises.enable_apcu_cache'] = '<a href="' . AdminCacheUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">Activez le cache APCu</a> pour permettre de charger le cache en RAM sur le serveur et non sur le disque-dur et ainsi gagner d\'avantage en performance.'; $lang['advises.upgrade_php_version'] = 'Mettez à jour votre version PHP pour passer en 5.6 (qui est la dernière version stable) si votre hébergeur le permet.'; $lang['advises.save_database'] = 'Pensez à sauvegarder votre base de données régulièrement.'; $lang['advises.optimize_database_tables'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez l\'optimisation automatique des tables</a> ou optimisez de temps en temps vos tables dans le module <strong>Base de données</strong> (s\'il est installé) ou dans votre outil de gestion de base de donnée pour récupérer de la place perdue en base.'; $lang['advises.password_security'] = 'Augmentez la complexité et la longueur des mots de passe dans la <a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">configuration des membres</a> pour renforcer la sécurité.';