예제 #1
    $CARequest->preferredLanguageCode = "en_US";
    $rEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope();
    $rEnvelope->errorLanguage = "en_US";
    $CARequest->requestEnvelope = $rEnvelope;
    $CARequest->createAccountWebOptions = new CreateAccountWebOptionsType();
    $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
    $url = dirname('http://' . $serverName . ':' . $serverPort . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $returnURL = $url . "/CreateAccountDetails.php";
    $CARequest->createAccountWebOptions->returnUrl = $returnURL;
    $CARequest->registrationType = "WEB";
    //$CARequest->sandboxEmailAddress = $sandboxEmail;
    $CARequest->emailAddress = $email;
    $aa = new AdaptiveAccounts();
    $aa->sandBoxEmailAddress = $sandboxEmail;
    $response = $aa->CreateAccount($CARequest);
    if (strtoupper($aa->isSuccess) == 'FAILURE') {
        $_SESSION['FAULTMSG'] = $aa->getLastError();
        $location = "APIError.php";
        header("Location: {$location}");
    } else {
        $location = $response->redirectURL;
        if (!empty($location)) {
            $_SESSION['createdAccount'] = $response;
            header("Location: {$location}");
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    $fault = new FaultMessage();
    $errorData = new ErrorData();
    $errorData->errorId = $ex->getFile();
예제 #2
function CreateAccountBusiness()
    $bizName = 'Bonzop';
    $bizAddressline1 = '1968 Ape Way';
    $bizAddressline2 = 'Apt 123';
    $bizcity = 'Austin';
    $bizZIP = '78750';
    $bizCountryCode = 'US';
    $biz_address_state = 'TX';
    $bizWorkPhone = '512-691-4160';
    $bizCategoryCode = '1001';
    $bizSubCategory = '2002';
    $bizCustomerServicePhone = '512-691-4160';
    $datetime = gettimeofday();
    $bizCustomerServiceEmail = 'testaccount1' . $datetime['usec'] . '@paypal.com';
    $bizWebSite = 'https://www.x.com';
    $bizDateOfEstablishment = '1968-01-01';
    $businessType = 'INDIVIDUAL';
    $averagePrice = '100';
    $averageMonthlyVolume = '100';
    $percentageRevenueFromOnline = '100';
    $salesVenue = 'WEB';
    /* Make the call to PayPal to create Account on behalf of the caller
       If an error occured, show the resulting errors
    $CARequest = new CreateAccountRequest();
    $CARequest->accountType = 'BUSINESS';
    $address = new AddressType();
    $address->city = 'Austin';
    $address->countryCode = 'US';
    $address->line1 = '1968 Ape Way';
    $address->line2 = 'Apt 123';
    $address->postalCode = '78750';
    $address->state = 'TX';
    $CARequest->address = $address;
    $CARequest->citizenshipCountryCode = 'US';
    $CARequest->clientDetails = new ClientDetailsType();
    $CARequest->clientDetails->applicationId = "APP-80W284485P519543T";
    $CARequest->clientDetails->ipAddress = "";
    $CARequest->contactPhoneNumber = '512-691-4160';
    $CARequest->currencyCode = 'USD';
    $CARequest->dateOfBirth = '1968-01-01';
    $name = new NameType();
    $name->firstName = 'Bonzop';
    $name->middleName = 'Simore';
    $name->lastName = 'Zaius';
    $name->salutation = 'Dr.';
    $CARequest->name = $name;
    $CARequest->notificationURL = 'http://stranger.paypal.com/cgi-bin/ipntest.cgi';
    $CARequest->partnerField1 = 'p1';
    $CARequest->partnerField2 = 'p2';
    $CARequest->partnerField3 = 'p3';
    $CARequest->partnerField4 = 'p4';
    $CARequest->partnerField5 = 'p5';
    $CARequest->preferredLanguageCode = "en_US";
    //only required for business account
    $bizInfo = new BusinessInfoType();
    $bizInfo->businessName = $bizName;
    $bizAddress = new AddressType();
    $bizAddress->city = $bizcity;
    $bizAddress->countryCode = $bizCountryCode;
    $bizAddress->line1 = $bizAddressline1;
    $bizAddress->line2 = $bizAddressline2;
    $bizAddress->postalCode = $bizZIP;
    $bizAddress->state = $biz_address_state;
    $bizInfo->businessAddress = $bizAddress;
    $bizInfo->workPhone = $bizWorkPhone;
    $bizInfo->category = $bizCategoryCode;
    $bizInfo->subCategory = $bizSubCategory;
    $bizInfo->customerServicePhone = $bizCustomerServicePhone;
    $bizInfo->customerServiceEmail = $bizCustomerServiceEmail;
    $bizInfo->webSite = $bizWebSite;
    $bizInfo->dateOfEstablishment = $bizDateOfEstablishment;
    $bizInfo->businessType = $businessType;
    $bizInfo->averagePrice = $averagePrice;
    $bizInfo->averageMonthlyVolume = $averageMonthlyVolume;
    $bizInfo->percentageRevenueFromOnline = $percentageRevenueFromOnline;
    $bizInfo->salesVenue = $salesVenue;
    $CARequest->businessInfo = $bizInfo;
    $rEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope();
    $rEnvelope->errorLanguage = "en_US";
    $CARequest->requestEnvelope = $rEnvelope;
    $CARequest->createAccountWebOptions = new CreateAccountWebOptionsType();
    $CARequest->registrationType = "WEB";
    $CARequest->sandboxEmailAddress = '*****@*****.**';
    $datetime = gettimeofday();
    $CARequest->emailAddress = 'testaccount' . $datetime['usec'] . '@paypal.com';
    $aa = new AdaptiveAccounts();
    $aa->sandBoxEmailAddress = '*****@*****.**';
    $response = $aa->CreateAccount($CARequest);
    if (strtoupper($aa->isSuccess) == 'FAILURE') {
        $FaultMsg = $aa->getLastError();
        echo "Transaction CreateAccount Business Failed: error Id: ";
        if (is_array($FaultMsg->error)) {
            echo $FaultMsg->error[0]->errorId . ", error message: " . $FaultMsg->error[0]->message;
        } else {
            echo $FaultMsg->error->errorId . ", error message: " . $FaultMsg->error->message;
    } else {
        echo "CreateAccount Business API call Successful! \n";
        $tempReturn2['createAccountKey'] = $response->createAccountKey;
        $tempReturn2['emailAddress'] = $CARequest->emailAddress;
        return $tempReturn2;