예제 #1
 function actionsetsrenderer($locator)
     //$view = $this->_load()->view();
     $template = $this->_load()->template('setsrenderertemplate.html');
     $template->set('content', 'This is content set in the the action actionsetsrenderer.');
     $view = new A_Http_View();
     echo $view->render();
예제 #2
 function testHttp_ViewRenderer()
     $locator = new A_Locator();
     $view = new A_Http_View($locator);
     $template = new A_Template_Include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/foobar.php');
     $view->set('foo', 'Foo. ');
     $view->set('bar', 'Bar. ');
     $this->assertEqual('Foo. Bar. ', $view->render());
예제 #3

include 'config.php';
include '../../A/Locator.php';
$Locator = new A_Locator();
$Response = new A_Http_Response();
$view1 = new A_Http_View();
$view1->set('title', 'Block One');
$view1->set('content', 'This is the content for block one. ');
// MVC objects assume a templates/ directory
$view2 = new A_Http_View('block2');
$template2 = new A_Template_Strreplace('templates/block2.html');
$template2->set('title', 'Block Two');
$template2->set('content', 'This is the content for block two. ');
$layout = new A_Http_View('layout');
$layout->set('block1', $view1);
$layout->set('block2', $view2);
$layout->set('content', 'This is the content for the layout. ');
$layout->setRenderer(new A_Template_Strreplace('templates/layout.html'));
#$doc = new A_Html_Doc(array('doctype'=>'HTML_5'));
$doc = new A_Html_Doc();
$Response->set('layout', $layout);
$Response->set('title', 'Response Example');
$Response->set('BASE', 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
$Response->set('body', '<h1>This content goes in the body.</h1>');
echo $Response->render();