예제 #1
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $cat_newss = array();
     $display->add('is_admin', User::have_permit(ADMIN_NEWS));
     $display->add('url_home', WEB_DIR);
     $display->add('time_now', News::displayTime());
     $display->add('cat_name', $this->news_cat['name']);
     $display->add('cat_url', URL::build('news_list', array('news_catid' => $this->news_cat['id'], 'azname' => AZLib::safe_title($this->news_cat['name']))));
     $condition = ' status=1 ';
     $total = DB::count("news", $condition);
     $limit = '';
     //$pagging	= AZPagging::paging_list($limit,20,'page_no');
     $pagging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total, 20);
     $re = DB::query('SELECT * FROM news WHERE ' . $condition . ' ORDER BY id DESC' . $limit);
     if ($re) {
         while ($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $news['title'] = stripslashes($news['title']);
             $news['brief'] = stripslashes($news['brief']);
             $news['url'] = Url::build('news_detail', array('news_catid' => $news['news_catid'], 'news_id' => $news['id'], 'azname' => AZLib::safe_title($news['title'])));
             if ($news['image']) {
                 $news['image'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($news['image'], 150, 0, 0, $news['img_server']);
             $news['news_h'] = date('H:i', $news['time_created']);
             $news['news_d'] = date('d-m-Y', $news['time_created']);
             $news['admin_link'] = News::admin_link($news);
             $cat_newss[$news['id']] = $news;
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
     $display->add('cat_newss', $cat_newss);
예제 #2
파일: list.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, "post", false, Url::build_current());
     $item_per_page = 30;
     $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM `province` limit 0,1', 'total_row', 0);
     $paging = '';
     $items = array();
     if ($total_row) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM province ORDER BY id " . $limit;
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $area = array(1 => 'Bắc', 2 => 'Trung', 3 => 'Nam');
                 $status = array('SHOW' => 'Hiện', 'HIDE' => '<font color=red>Ẩn</font>', 'HOME' => 'HOME');
                 $row['area'] = $area[$row['area']];
                 $row['status'] = $status[$row['status']];
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('hover', AZLib::mouse_hover('#F7F7F7', true));
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('total_row', $total_row);
예제 #3
파일: class.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $display->add('skin_path', IMAGE_PATH);
     $txt = '';
     $option1 = '';
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `public_survey` WHERE ";
     $search = Url::get('search');
     if ($search != '') {
         $condition = "title LIKE '%{$search}%' OR question LIKE '%{$search}%'";
     } else {
         $condition = " 1";
     $totalRows = DB::count("public_survey", $condition);
     $limit = '';
     $display->add('pagging', AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $totalRows, 40));
     $sql .= $condition . $limit;
     $block_id = (int) Url::get('block_id', 0);
     $href = str_replace(WEB_DIR, '', urldecode(Url::get('href')));
     $surveys = DB::fetch_all($sql);
     if ($surveys) {
         foreach ($surveys as &$survey) {
             if ($block_id) {
                 $survey["add_to_block"] = $href . ($href != '' ? '&' : '?') . "cmd=add_poll_to_block&poll_id={$survey['id']}&block_id={$block_id}";
             if ($survey['view'] == 1) {
                 $survey["url_view"] = Url::build_current(array("cmd" => "unpublish", "id" => $survey['id']));
                 $survey["view"] = '<img src="style/images/unexam.gif" title="Ẩn"/>';
                 $survey["view_str"] = "Hiển thị";
             } else {
                 $survey["url_view"] = Url::build_current(array("cmd" => "publish", "id" => $survey['id']));
                 $survey["view_str"] = "Đang ẩn";
                 $survey["view"] = '<img src="style/images/exam.gif" title="Cho hiển thị"/>';
             $survey["url_view_survey"] = Url::build('view_survey', array('id' => $survey['id']));
             $survey["url_option"] = Url::build('admin_option', array('id_survey' => $survey['id']));
             $question = $survey['question'] . '<br><br>';
             $total_cout = DB::fetch('SELECT SUM(`count`) AS total_cout FROM `public_survey_opinion` WHERE id_survey=' . $survey['id'], 'total_cout', 0);
             $options = DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM `public_survey_opinion` WHERE id_survey=' . $survey['id']);
             foreach ($options as $option) {
                 $question .= "+ [ID:{$option['id']}] <b>{$option['option']}</b> <font color=red>({$option['count']}/{$total_cout} lượt chọn)</font><br>";
             $survey["question"] = $question;
             if ($survey['type'] == 0) {
                 $type_send = "Nhiều lựa chọn";
             } else {
                 $type_send = "Một lựa chọn";
             $survey["type_send"] = $type_send;
             $survey["time"] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $survey["time"]);
             $survey["time_m"] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $survey["time_m"]);
             $survey["edit"] = Url::build_current(array('id_survey' => $survey['id'], 'cmd' => 'edit'));
             $survey["delete"] = Url::build_current(array('id_survey' => $survey['id'], 'cmd' => 'delete'));
     $display->add('surveys', $surveys);
     $display->add('url_addnew', Url::build('admin_survey', array('cmd' => 'add')));
예제 #4
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1));
     $display->add("url_admin", Url::build_current());
     $status_select = Url::get('status_select', 6);
     //1:Chưa cập nhật; 2: Đã gửi đơn hàng ; 3: Đã TT; 4: Hủy đơn hàng; 5: Đã duyệt
     $status_arr = array(6 => "--Tất cả--", 2 => "Đã gửi đơn hàng", 1 => "Chưa cập nhật", 3 => "Đã Thanh toán", 5 => "Đã duyệt", 4 => "Đã hủy");
     $display->add("status_option", AZLib::getOption($status_arr, $status_select));
     $date_begin = Url::get('date_begin');
     $date_end = Url::get('date_end');
     $display->add("date_begin", $date_begin);
     $display->add("date_end", $date_end);
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if ($date_begin) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $date_begin);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($date_end) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $date_end);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $condition = "";
     if ($status_select != 6) {
         $condition .= "status=" . $status_select;
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : '') . ' time_create >=' . $created_time_from;
     if ($date_end) {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : '') . " time_create <={$created_time_to}";
     $total = DB::count("cart", $condition);
     $limit = '';
     $display->add('paging', AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total, 40, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Đơn hàng'));
     $all_carts = array();
     $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM cart " . ($condition != '' ? 'WHERE ' : '') . $condition . " ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}");
     if ($re) {
         while ($Cart = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $Cart["time_create"] = date('d/m/Y H:i:s', $Cart['time_create']);
             $Cart["time_change"] = date('d/m/Y H:i:s', $Cart['time_change']);
             $Cart["url"] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'edit', 'id' => $Cart['id']));
             $Cart["status"] = $status_arr[$Cart['status']];
             $Cart["delete"] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete', 'id' => $Cart['id']));
             $Cart["price"] = number_format($Cart['price'], null, null, '.');
             $all_carts[$Cart['id']] = $Cart;
     $display->add('all_carts', $all_carts);
     $display->add('is_admin', User::is_admin());
예제 #5
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $user_id = intval(Url::get('user_id'));
     $user_info = DB::select('user', 'id="' . $user_id . '"');
     $display->add('created_time_from', Url::get('created_time_from'));
     $display->add('created_time_to', Url::get('created_time_to'));
     //search theo ngay thang nam
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_from'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_to'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $search_value = ' 1 ';
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $search_value .= ' AND created_time >= ' . $created_time_from;
     if ($created_time_to) {
         $search_value .= ' AND created_time <= ' . $created_time_to;
     $item_per_page = 50;
     $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_item FROM item WHERE user_id = "' . $user_id . '" AND ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Sản phẩm', 'Trang');
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM item WHERE user_id = "' . $user_id . '" AND ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY modify_time  DESC ' . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $row['ebname'] = AZLib::safe_title($row['name']);
                 $row['modify_time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['modify_time']);
                 $row['created_time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['created_time']);
                 $row['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $row['id'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id']);
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     $display->add('user_info', $user_info);
     $display->add('total_item', $total);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #6
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_row FROM spam_mail";
     $total = DB::fetch($sql, 'total_row', 0);
     $spam_content = DB::select('spam_content', 'status=1');
     $pagging = '';
     $spam_emails = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $pagging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, 50, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = "SELECT id, email_list, time, time_modify, spam_id, status FROM spam_mail ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}";
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($email = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 if ($email['time'] != $email['time_modify']) {
                     $email['time'] = "<b>Tạo:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $email['time']);
                     $email['time'] .= "<br /><b>Sửa:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $email['time_modify']);
                 } else {
                     $email['time'] = "<b>Tạo:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $email['time']);
                 if ($spam_content && $spam_content['id'] == $email['spam_id']) {
                     $email['spam_id'] = '<font color="green">Đã spam</font>';
                     $email['reset'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'reset_email', 'id' => $email['id'])), 'icon-reload.gif', 'Spam lại');
                 } else {
                     $email['spam_id'] = '<font color="orange">Chưa được Spam</font>';
                     $email['reset'] = '';
                 if ($email['status']) {
                     $email['status'] = '<font color="green">Có</font>';
                     $email['check'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'deactive_email', 'id' => $email['id'])), 'admin/delete_button_dis.gif', 'Không cho phép spam');
                 } else {
                     $email['status'] = '<font color="orange">Không</font>';
                     $email['check'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'active_email', 'id' => $email['id'])), 'admin/check.gif', 'Cho phép spam');
                 if ($email['email_list']) {
                     $email['email_list'] = count(explode("\n", $email['email_list']));
                 } else {
                     $email['email_list'] = 0;
                 $email['edit_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'edit_email', 'id' => $email['id']));
                 $email['del_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete_email', 'id' => $email['id']));
                 $spam_emails[$email['id']] = $email;
     $display->add('check_all', AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'active_all_email')), 'admin/check.gif', 'Cho phép spam tất cả các mail'));
     $display->add('check_none', AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'deactive_all_email')), 'admin/delete_button_dis.gif', 'Không phép spam tất cả các mail'));
     $display->add('items', $spam_emails);
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
예제 #7
파일: list.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $str_badword = stripslashes(Url::get("bad_word"));
     $show_bw = array();
     if (Url::get("submit") == "Kiểm tra" && $str_badword) {
         $show_bw = array();
         $show_bw = AZLib::checkBadWord($str_badword, true, false, true);
         $display->add('show_bw', $show_bw);
     $display->add('bad_word', $str_badword);
     $search_value = ' contents <>"" ';
     if (Url::get('contents')) {
         $search_value .= ' AND contents like "%' . Url::get('contents') . '%"  OR reason like "%' . Url::get('contents') . '%" ';
     $item_per_page = 100;
     $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_item FROM bad_words WHERE ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Tin', 'Trang');
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bad_words WHERE ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY exact DESC, id DESC ' . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $row['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'contents'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $row['id']);
                 if ($row['is_phone'] == 1) {
                     $row['contents'] = BadWord::filter_badword_show($row['contents']);
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('url_add', WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=manage_badword&cmd=add'));
     $display->add('contents', Url::get('contents'));
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #8
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_row FROM spam_content";
     $total = DB::fetch($sql, 'total_row', 0);
     $pagging = '';
     $spam_contents = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $pagging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, 50, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = "SELECT id, des,  subject, content, time, time_modify, status FROM spam_content ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}";
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($spam = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 if ($spam['time'] != $spam['time_modify']) {
                     $spam['time'] = "<b>Tạo:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $spam['time']);
                     $spam['time'] .= "<br /><b>Sửa:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $spam['time_modify']);
                 } else {
                     $spam['time'] = "<b>Tạo:</b> " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $spam['time']);
                 if ($spam['status'] == 0) {
                     $spam['status'] = '<font color="orange">Chưa kích hoạt</font>';
                     $spam['check'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'active_content', 'id' => $spam['id'])), 'admin/check.gif', 'Kích hoạt');
                 } elseif ($spam['status'] == 1) {
                     $spam['status'] = '<font color="red"><b>Kích hoạt</b></font>';
                     $spam['check'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'deactive_content', 'id' => $spam['id'])), 'admin/delete_button_dis.gif', 'Bỏ kích hoạt');
                 $spam['edit_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'edit_content', 'id' => $spam['id']));
                 $spam['del_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete_content', 'id' => $spam['id']));
                 $spam['onclick'] = Url::open_popup('spam_preview.php?spam_id=' . $spam['id'], '600', 400, false, false, false, true, false, false, true);
                 $spam_contents[] = $spam;
     $display->add('items', $spam_contents);
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
예제 #9
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $keyword = Url::get('keyword');
     $display->add('keyword', $keyword);
     $display->add('export_link', Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'export')));
     $where = '1';
     if ($keyword != '') {
         $where .= ' AND email LIKE "%' . $keyword . '%"';
     $total_item = DB::count('news_letter_email', $where);
     $limit = '';
     $item_per_page = 40;
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no');
     $pagging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_item, $item_per_page, 10);
     $re = DB::query('SELECT * FROM news_letter_email WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY id ' . $limit);
     $news_letter_emails = array();
     $i = 0;
     if ($page_no <= 0) {
         $page_no = 1;
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $item['time_add'] = date('H:i', $item['time_add']) . ' ngày ' . date('d/m/Y', $item['time_add']) . '<br />Cách đây ' . AZLib::duration_time($item['time_add']);
             $item['delete'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete', 'id' => $item['id'])), 'style/images/admin/delete.gif', 'Loại bỏ Email này khỏi danh sách!');
             $item['i'] = $i + ($page_no - 1) * $item_per_page;
             $news_letter_emails[$item['id']] = $item;
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
     $display->add('news_letter_emails', $news_letter_emails);
     $display->add('count', $total_item);
예제 #10
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $where = '';
     $page = Url::get('page', 1);
     $e_id = Url::get('e_id', 0);
     $user_name = Url::get('user_name');
     $status = Url::get('status', 0);
     if ($user_name) {
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " user_name = '{$user_name}'";
     if ($e_id) {
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " id = {$e_id}";
     if ($status == 4) {
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " status = 0";
     } elseif ($status) {
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " status = {$status}";
     $date_start = Url::get('date_start');
     $date_end = Url::get('date_end');
     if ($date_start) {
         $arr = explode('-', $date_start);
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " time>=" . mktime(0, 0, 0, $arr[1], $arr[0], $arr[2]);
     if ($date_end) {
         $arr = explode('-', $date_end);
         $where .= ($where != '' ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . " time<=" . mktime(23, 59, 59, $arr[1], $arr[0], $arr[2]);
     $display->add('e_id', $e_id);
     $display->add('date_start', $date_start);
     $display->add('date_end', $date_end);
     $display->add('user_name', $user_name);
     $display->add('status', $status);
     $display->add('url', Url::build_all(array('cmd')));
     $total = DB::fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_row FROM event_product {$where}", 'total_row', 0);
     $display->add('total', $total);
     $pagging = '';
     $items = array();
     $sms_rows = array();
     $item_ids = '';
     if ($total) {
         //----- Pagging ---------------
         $limit = '';
         $pagging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, 50, 10, 'page_no', true, ' SMS');
         //----- Pagging ---------------
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM event_product {$where} ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}";
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($sms_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $sms_row['time_c'] = "Tạo: " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $sms_row['time_c']) . " bởi {$sms_row['user_c']}";
                 $sms_row['time_m'] = "Tạo: " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $sms_row['time_m']) . " bởi {$sms_row['user_m']}";
                 if ($sms_row['img_url'] != '' && isset(CGlobal::$img_server[$sms_row['img_server']])) {
                     $sms_row['img'] = "<a href='http://" . CGlobal::$img_server[$sms_row['img_server']] . "/{$sms_row['img_url']}' target='_blank'>Img</a>";
                 if ($sms_row['status'] == 4) {
                     $sms_row['status'] = "<font color='#cc0000'>Đã xoá</font> (lúc " . date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $sms_row['time_c']) . " bởi {$sms_row['user_c']})";
                 } elseif ($sms_row['status'] == 1) {
                     $sms_row['status'] = '<font color="green">OK</font>';
                 } elseif ($sms_row['status'] == 2) {
                     $sms_row['status'] = '<font color="brown">Disable</font>';
                 } elseif ($sms_row['status'] == 3) {
                     $sms_row['status'] = '<font color="blue">Finished</font>';
                 //$sms_row['note'] = ($sms_row['note']!=''?"<b>{$sms_row['user_m']} (".date("H\h:i d/m/Y",$sms_row['m_time']).")</b>":"")." ".stripslashes($sms_row['note']).'<br /><img style="cursor:pointer" alt="Ghi chú" title="Ghi chú" src="style/images/action_reply.gif" onclick="note_ua_sms(\''.$sms_row['id'].'\',\''.AZLib::remove_4_js($sms_row['note']).'\');" /> ';
                 $sms_row['edit_link'] = "evnent.html?cmd=edit&id={$sms_row['id']}";
                 $sms_row['del_link'] = "evnent.html?cmd=del&id={$sms_row['id']}";
                 $sms_rows[$sms_row['id']] = $sms_row;
     $display->add('is_root', User::is_root());
     $display->add('items', $sms_rows);
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
예제 #11
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, "POST", false, Url::build_current());
     $search_value = " 1 ";
     $type_check = Url::get('type_check', 1);
     $display->add('type_check', $type_check);
     if ($type_check == 2) {
         $search_value = ' type=2';
     } else {
         $search_value = ' type>=0';
     $order_by = " ORDER BY time DESC";
     //search theo ngay thang nam
     $display->add('created_time_from', Url::get('created_time_from'));
     $display->add('created_time_to', Url::get('created_time_to'));
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_from'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_to'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $search_value .= ' AND time >= ' . $created_time_from;
     if ($created_time_to) {
         $search_value .= ' AND time <= ' . $created_time_to;
     ///// Tim ADMIN
     if (Url::get('admin_text_value') != '') {
         $admin_text_value = Url::get('admin_text_value');
         $display->add('admin_text_value', $admin_text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("'", '"', $admin_text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("&#39;", '"', $str_search);
         $str_search = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $str_search);
         $search_value .= " AND admin_name LIKE '%" . $str_search . "%'";
     if (Url::get('admin_text_value_open') != '') {
         $admin_text_value_open = Url::get('admin_text_value_open');
         $display->add('admin_text_value_open', $admin_text_value_open);
         $str_search = str_replace("'", '"', $admin_text_value_open);
         $str_search = str_replace("&#39;", '"', $str_search);
         $str_search = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $str_search);
         $search_value .= " AND unlock_user LIKE '%" . $str_search . "%'";
     $admin_id_search = (int) Url::get('admin_id_search', 0);
     if ($admin_id_search) {
         $search_value .= ' AND admin_id=' . $admin_id_search;
     if ($admin_id_search == 0) {
         $admin_id_search = '';
     $display->add('admin_id_search', $admin_id_search);
     ///// Tim User
     // search ô textbox	tài khoản
     if (Url::get('text_value') != '') {
         $text_value = Url::get('text_value');
         $display->add('text_value', $text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("'", '"', $text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("&#39;", '"', $str_search);
         $str_search = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $str_search);
         $search_value .= " AND user_lock.user_name LIKE '%" . $str_search . "%'";
     // search ô textbox	 ID
     $id_search = (int) Url::get('id_search', 0);
     if ($id_search) {
         $search_value .= ' AND user_lock.user_id=' . $id_search;
     if ($id_search == 0) {
         $id_search = '';
     $display->add('id_search', $id_search);
     $paging = '';
     $item_per_page = Url::get('item_per_page', 50);
     $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_item FROM user_lock WHERE ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Thành viên', 'Trang');
         $sql = 'SELECT user_lock.*, user.block_time, user.invalid_time FROM user_lock INNER JOIN user ON user.id=user_lock.user_id WHERE ' . $search_value . $order_by . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $row['time'] = date('H:i d/m/y', $row['time']);
                 $row['is_block'] = false;
                 if ($row['unlock_time'] > 0) {
                     $row['unlock_time'] = date('H:i d/m/y', $row['unlock_time']);
                 } else {
                     $row['unlock_time'] = "";
                 $row['unban_nick'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'cmd=unban_nick&id=' . $row['id'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id']);
                 if ($row['block_time'] > TIME_NOW) {
                     $row['is_block'] = "khóa theo ngày";
                 } elseif ($row['block_time'] == -1) {
                     $row['is_block'] = "khóa vĩnh viễn";
                 //$row['is_block'] .= $row['is_block']!=""?" & ":"";
                 if ($row['invalid_time'] > TIME_NOW) {
                     $row['is_block'] = "KD theo ngày";
                 } elseif ($row['invalid_time'] == -1) {
                     $row['is_block'] = "KD vĩnh viễn";
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('total_user', $total);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #12
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, 'post', false, Url::build_current());
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     $time_from = "";
     $time_to = "";
     $phrase_checked = "";
     $free_cat_checked = "";
     $up_checked = "";
     $pagging = "";
     $limit = "";
     $lock_checked = '';
     $select_subcat_checked = '';
     $items = array();
     $id_search = (int) Url::get("id_search");
     $censor = Url::get("censor", 1);
     $user_name = AZLib::getParam("user_name");
     $zone_id = Url::get("zone_id");
     $searchByCat = Url::get("searchByCat");
     $searchByCatType = Url::get("searchByCatType", 0);
     $searchBySubCat = Url::get("searchBySubCat");
     $searchBySubCatType = Url::get("searchBySubCatType", 0);
     $sort_type = Url::get("sort_type", 1);
     $keywords = Url::get("keywords");
     $have_img = Url::get("have_img", 0);
     $lock_item = Url::get("lock");
     $phrase_selected = Url::get("phrase");
     $free_cat_selected = Url::get("free_cat");
     $up = Url::get("up");
     $select_subcat = Url::get("select_subcat", "");
     $opt_have_img = AZLib::getOption(array(0 => "-Tìm theo ảnh-", 1 => "-Có ảnh-", 2 => "-Không ảnh-"), $have_img);
     if (isset($_REQUEST["created_time"]) && $_REQUEST["created_time"]) {
         $time_from = Url::get("created_time");
     if (isset($_REQUEST["created_time_to"]) && $_REQUEST["created_time_to"]) {
         $time_to = Url::get("created_time_to");
     if ($time_from) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $time_from);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($time_to) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $time_to);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $search_value = "";
     $where = "";
     //$order_by   	= "ORDER BY del_time DESC";
     $order_by = "";
     $total_item = 0;
     if ($keywords) {
         $search_value = ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "id IN (0)";
     if ($sort_type == 1) {
         $order_by = "ORDER BY id DESC";
     } elseif ($sort_type == 2) {
         $order_by = "ORDER BY modify_time DESC";
     } elseif ($sort_type == 3) {
         $order_by = "ORDER BY item_order ASC";
     if ($free_cat_selected) {
         $free_cat_checked = "checked";
         $catids = implode(",", array_keys(CGlobal::$allCategories));
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "category_id NOT IN({$catids})";
         $order_by = $order_by != "" ? $order_by : "ORDER BY id DESC";
     } else {
         if ($searchBySubCat) {
             if ($searchBySubCatType) {
                 // Nếu chỉ tìm trong danh mục con của danh mục cấp 2
                 $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "level_2_catid = " . $searchBySubCat;
                 // Lọc những item có trường level_2_catid là danh mục cấp 2
             } else {
                 $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "category_id = " . $searchBySubCat;
                 // Ngược lại, lấy các bản ghi thuộc chính danh mục cấp 2
         } elseif ($searchByCat) {
             // Nếu chỉ tìm trong danh mục con của danh mục cấp 1
             if ($searchByCatType) {
                 // Lọc những item có trường level_1_catid là danh mục cấp 1
                 $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "level_1_catid = " . $searchByCat;
             } else {
                 // Ngược lại, lấy các bản ghi thuộc chính danh mục cấp 1
                 $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "category_id = " . $searchByCat;
     if ($censor != 9) {
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "status=" . $censor;
     if ($user_name != "") {
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "user_name ='{$user_name}'";
     if ($select_subcat) {
         $select_subcat_checked = "checked";
     if ($up) {
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "created_time >= " . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "created_time <= " . $created_time_to;
         $up_checked = "checked";
     } else {
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "modify_time >= " . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "modify_time <= " . $created_time_to;
     if ($have_img == 1) {
         //có ảnh
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "have_image=1";
     } elseif ($have_img == 2) {
         //ko có ảnh
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "have_image=0";
     if ($id_search) {
         //ID sản phẩm
         $search_value .= ($search_value == "" ? " WHERE " : " AND ") . "id={$id_search}";
     if (Url::get("up")) {
         $order_by = $order_by != "" ? $order_by : "ORDER BY created_time DESC";
     } else {
         $order_by = $order_by != "" ? $order_by : "ORDER BY modify_time DESC";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM item {$search_value} {$order_by}";
     $sql_count = "SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM item {$search_value}";
     $total_item = (int) DB::fetch($sql_count, "total_row");
     if ($total_item) {
         $pagging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_item, 50, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Sản phẩm', 'Trang');
         $sql .= $limit;
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         $index_temp = 0;
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             //trạng thái sản phẩm:
             if ($item['status'] == -1) {
                 $item['bgcolor'] = "bgcolor=\"#FF6633\"";
             } elseif ($index_temp) {
                 $item['bgcolor'] = "bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\"";
             } else {
                 $item['bgcolor'] = "";
             $index_temp = 1 - $index_temp;
             $item['created_time'] = 'Đăng: <b>' . date("d/m/Y H:i", $item['created_time']) . '</b>';
             if ($item['del_time'] && $item['del_user'] && $item['status'] == -1) {
                 $item['del_time'] = '<br /><font color=red>Xoá: <b>' . date("d/m/Y H:i", $item['del_time']) . '</font></b> ( <a target="_blank" href="' . WEB_DIR . $item['del_user'] . '"><strong>' . $item['del_user'] . '</strong></a>)';
             } else {
                 $item['del_time'] = '';
             if ($item['modify_user_name'] && $item['status'] != -1) {
                 $item['is_modify'] = '<br><font color=gray>Sửa: <b>' . date("d/m/Y H:i", $item['modify_time']) . '</font></b>';
                 $item['is_modify'] .= ' ( <a target="_blank" href="' . WEB_DIR . $item['modify_user_name'] . '"><strong>' . $item['modify_user_name'] . '</strong></a>)';
             } else {
                 $item['is_modify'] = '';
             $item['name'] = AZLib::filter_title($item['name']);
             $item['description'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::plainText($item['description']));
             $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.');
             $item['price_out'] = number_format($item['price_out'], 0, ',', '.');
             $item['currency_option'] = AZLib::getOption(array(1 => "VNĐ", 2 => "\$"), $item['currency_id']);
             //$item['price']	=  "Giá bán: ".AZLib::priceFomart($item['price'],$item['currency_id']);
             //$item['price_out']	=  "<br /><font color='#999999'>Giá TT: ".AZLib::priceFomart($item['price_out'],$item['currency_id']).'</font>';
             if ($item['level_1_catid'] > 0) {
                 if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_catid']])) {
                     $item['cat_name'] = '<b>' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_catid']]['name'] . ' (' . $item['level_1_catid'] . ')</b>';
                 } else {
                     $item['cat_name'] = '<b><font color=red>(' . $item['level_1_catid'] . ')</font></b>';
                 if ($item['category_id'] > 0 && $item['category_id'] != $item['level_1_catid'] || $item['cat_name'] == '') {
                     if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                         $item['cat_name'] .= ' - <i>' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name'] . ' (' . $item['category_id'] . ')</i>';
                     } else {
                         $item['cat_name'] .= ' - <i><b><font color=red>(' . $item['category_id'] . ')</font></b></i>';
             if ($item['img_url']) {
                 $item['image_src'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$item['img_server']] . $item['img_url'];
                 $item['image'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['img_url'], 110, 0, 1, $item["img_server"]);
             } else {
                 $item['image_src'] = '';
                 $item['image'] = '';
             $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']));
             $item['edit'] = Url::build('post_item', array('cmd' => 'edit', 'id' => $item['id']));
             if ($item['status'] == -1) {
                 $item['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=del_forever&id=' . $item['id']);
                 $item['re_post'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=re_post&id=' . $item['id']);
             } elseif ($item['status'] == 2) {
                 $item['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $item['id']);
                 $item['show_link'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=show&id=' . $item['id']);
             } else {
                 $item['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $item['id']);
                 $item['hide_link'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=hide&id=' . $item['id']);
             $item['del_cache'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=del_cache&id=' . $item['id']);
             $items[$item['id']] = $item;
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $type_arr = array(1 => "-Sản phẩm không ẩn-", 2 => "-Sản phẩm ẩn-");
     if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_DEL_ITEM)) {
         $type_arr[-1] = "-Sản phẩm đã xoá-";
         $type_arr[9] = "-Tất cả các sản phẩm (Cả sản phẩm xóa)-";
     $option_censor = AZLib::getOption($type_arr, Url::get('censor', 1));
     $display->add('censor', $censor);
     $display->add('option_censor', $option_censor);
     $display->add('have_img_option', $opt_have_img);
     $display->add('lock_checked', $lock_checked);
     $display->add('user_name', $user_name);
     $display->add('created_time', $time_from);
     $display->add('created_time_to', $time_to);
     $display->add('phrase_checked', $phrase_checked);
     $display->add('free_cat_checked', $free_cat_checked);
     $display->add('up_checked', $up_checked);
     $display->add('select_subcat_checked', $select_subcat_checked);
     $display->add('id_search', $id_search);
     $item_cat_search = $this->GetCatTree();
     $display->add('list_top_cat_js', AZLib::getOption(AZLib::getTopCats(), 999999999));
     $display->add('IS_ADMIN', User::is_admin());
     $display->add('page_no', Url::get('page_no'));
     $display->add('paging', $pagging);
     $display->add('total_item', $total_item);
     $display->add('item_cat', AZLib::getOption($this->getOtionCats(), Url::get('id_cats')));
     $display->add('category_tree', json_encode($item_cat_search));
     $display->add('catSelected', Url::get('searchByCat', 0));
     $display->add('catSelectedType', Url::get('searchByCatType', 0));
     $display->add('subCatSelected', Url::get('searchBySubCat', 0));
     $display->add('subCatSelectedType', Url::get('searchBySubCatType', 0));
     $display->add('keywords', $keywords);
     $display->add('sort_type', $sort_type);
예제 #13
    function show_mes_outbox()
        $search_text = AZLib::getParam('search_text');
        $is_archive = Url::get('is_archive', 0);
        $table_topics = 'message_topics';
        $table_text = 'message_text';
        $url_archive = '';
        $url_cmd = '';
        if ($is_archive) {
            $table_topics = $table_topics . '_archive';
            $table_text = $table_text . '_archive';
            $url_cmd = '?cmd=archive';
            $url_archive = '&is_archive=1';
        $condition = $table_topics . '.mt_owner_id =' . User::id() . ' 
					AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_vid_folder = "sent" 
					AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_newest = 0';
        if ($search_text && $search_text != "Account thành viên") {
            $condition .= " AND mt_to_name LIKE '%{$search_text}%' ";
        $str_content = '<form name="message">
						<div id="boxFunctions">
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_all">Tất cả</a>,
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_read">Đã đọc</a>,
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_unchecked">Không chọn</a>
							<div id="boxFunctionRight">
								<div id="btn_del_mess" align="center" class="btnAllNewFeedback" onmouseout="this.className=\'btnAllNewFeedback\'"  onmouseover="this.className=\'btnAllNewFeedbackHover\'"  style="width:40px;">
									<div class="btnRightAllFeedback" align="center" style="width:40px"><a title="Xóa tất cả tin nhặn đã chọn" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="return delMessage(0,\'true\',\'outbox\')">Xoá</a></div>
        $str_content .= '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">';
        $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(mt_id) AS total_row FROM ' . $table_topics . ' WHERE ' . $condition;
        $total_item = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_row', 0);
        $item_per_page = 15;
        $limit = '';
        $divID = 'mess_content';
        $url_path = WEB_DIR . 'ajax.php?act=personal&code=show_mes_outbox' . $url_archive . '&search_text=' . $search_text;
        $paging = AZPagging::AjaxPaging($limit, $total_item, $item_per_page, 5, 'page_mes', '', false, false, $url_path, $divID, true);
        $sql = 'SELECT ' . $table_text . '.msg_id,	' . $table_text . '.msg_author_name, ' . $table_text . '.msg_date, ' . $table_text . '.msg_post, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_ref_id, 
					' . $table_topics . '.mt_title, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_from_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_owner_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_read, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_owner_name, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_to_name, 
					user.avatar_url, user.img_server 
				FROM ' . $table_text . ', ' . $table_topics . ', user 
				WHERE ' . $table_text . '.msg_id  = ' . $table_topics . '.mt_msg_id AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_from_id = user.id AND ' . $condition . ' 
				ORDER BY ' . $table_text . '.msg_date DESC ' . $limit;
        //echo $sql;
        $result = DB::query($sql);
        $stt = 0;
        if ($result) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($stt < $item_per_page) {
                    if ($row['mt_ref_id']) {
                        $sourceTitle = DB::select($table_topics, 'mt_id = ' . $row['mt_ref_id']);
                        if ($sourceTitle['mt_title']) {
                            $row['mt_title'] = $sourceTitle['mt_title'];
                        //	$sentTitle = DB::select($table_topics,'mt_mgsid = ' . $row['mt_ref_id']);
                        $row["mt_id"] = $row['mt_ref_id'];
                        $row['mt_ref_id'] = 0;
                    if ($row['avatar_url']) {
                        $row['avatar_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($row['avatar_url'], 50, 50, 0, $row['img_server']);
                    } else {
                        $row['avatar_url'] = "style/images/50x50.gif";
                    //$row['msg_date'] = AZLib::duration_time($row['msg_date']);
                    $msg_date = date('H:i | ', $row['msg_date']);
                    if (date('d.m.y', $row['msg_date']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                        $msg_date .= '<font color="green">H&#244;m nay</font>';
                    } else {
                        $msg_date .= date('d.m.y', $row['msg_date']);
                    $row['msg_date'] = $msg_date;
                    $row['msg_post'] = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $row['msg_post']);
                    $row['msg_post'] = strip_tags(AZLib::parseBBCode(AZLib::convert_one_br($row['msg_post'])), '<br />');
                    if (strlen($row['msg_post']) > 40) {
                        $row['msg_post_short'] = AZLib::word_limit($row['msg_post'], 40, ' ...');
                        //$row['msg_post_short'] = AZLib::cleanHtml(AZLib::word_limit($row['msg_post'],40,' ...'));
                    } else {
                        $row['msg_post_short'] = $row['msg_post'];
                        //$row['msg_post_short'] = AZLib::cleanHtml($row['msg_post']);
                    //$str_title = '<a onclick="fn_show_mes_detail('.$row["mt_id"].')" rel="history" href="message.html'.$url_cmd.'#outbox/'.$row["mt_id"].'" id="a_'.$row["mt_id"].'" title="Hiển thị chi tiết" >'.$row["mt_title"].'</a> - <span class="textMestime">'.$row['msg_date'].'</span>';
                    if ($row['mt_owner_id'] != User::id()) {
                        $strUser = '******' . $row["mt_owner_name"] . '">' . $row["mt_owner_name"] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $strUser = '******' . $row["mt_to_name"] . '">' . $row["mt_to_name"] . '</a>';
                    if ($row["mt_read"] == 0 && !$is_archive) {
                        $str_title = '<a onclick="detail_reload_jcache = true;fn_show_mes_detail(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',1,\'outbox\')" rel="history" id="a_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" href="message.html' . $url_cmd . '#outbox/' . $row["mt_id"] . '" title="Hiển thị chi tiết" ><b>' . $row["mt_title"] . '</b></a>';
                        $read_class = ' unreadMessage';
                    } else {
                        $str_title = '<a onclick="detail_reload_jcache = true;fn_show_mes_detail(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',1,\'outbox\')" rel="history" id="a_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" href="message.html' . $url_cmd . '#outbox/' . $row["mt_id"] . '" title="Hiển thị chi tiết">' . $row["mt_title"] . '</a>';
                        $read_class = '';
                    $str_content .= '<tr id="' . $row["mt_id"] . '">
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"><input type="checkbox" class="rowbox' . $read_class . '" id="inbox_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" name="inbox[]" value="' . $row["mt_id"] . '"></td>
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
										<a href="' . $row["msg_author_name"] . '"><img src="' . $row["avatar_url"] . '"/></a>
									<td valign="top" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '" style="white-space:nowrap; padding-right:15px; vertical-align:middle;">
										<div>' . $strUser . '</div>
										<div class="textMestime">' . $row['msg_date'] . '</div>
									<td valign="top" class="listMessage clickable' . $read_class . '" style="padding-right:15px;width:65%;" lang="' . $row["mt_id"] . '">
										<div style="margin-top:6px;">' . $str_title . '</div>
										<div style="margin:6px 0;color:#808080">' . $row['msg_post_short'] . '</div>
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '" style="padding-right:10px;"> <span><a title="Xóa tin nhắn" onClick="return delMessage(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',\'false\',\'inbox\')" href="javascript:void(0)" style="padding:20px;" class="deleteButton"> &nbsp;</a></span></td>
                    /*$str_content .= '<tr id="'.$row["mt_id"].'">
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"><input type="checkbox" id="inbox_'.$row["mt_id"].'" name="inbox[]" value="'.$row["mt_id"].'"></td>
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
                    				<a href="'.$row["mt_to_name"].'"><img src="'.$row["avatar_url"].'"  vspace="4" hspace="4"/></a>
                    				<div><a href="'.$row["mt_to_name"].'">'.$row["mt_to_name"].'</a></div>	
                    			<td valign="top" style="width:65%;" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
                    				<div style="margin-top:6px">'.$row['msg_post_short'].'</div>
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"> <span><a title="Xóa tin nhắn" onClick="delMessage('.$row["mt_id"].',\'false\',\'sent\')" href="javascript:void(0)"> <img src="style/images/icon_delete.gif" width="9" height="9" /></a></span></td>
        if ($stt > 0) {
            $str_content .= '<tr><td></td><td>
								</td><td colspan="2"><div style="float:right">' . $paging . '</div><div style="clear:right"></div></td></tr>';
        } else {
            $str_content .= '<tr><td></td><td colspan="3">
								<center><div class="noMess">Không có Tin nhắn nào trong tin đã gửi</div></center>
        $str_content .= '</table></form>';
        echo $str_content;
예제 #14
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, "POST", false, Url::build_current());
     $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1));
     $display->add('url_admin', Url::build_current());
     $key_word = Url::get('key_word');
     $display->add('key_word', $key_word);
     $display->add('option_date1', AZLib::getOptionNum(1, 31, (int) Url::get('cmb_date1', 1)));
     $display->add('option_month1', AZLib::getOptionNum(1, 12, (int) Url::get('cmb_month1', 1)));
     $display->add('option_year1', AZLib::getOptionNum(2011, date("Y"), (int) Url::get('cmb_year1', 2011)));
     $display->add('option_date2', AZLib::getOptionNum(1, 31, (int) Url::get('cmb_date2', date('d'))));
     $display->add('option_month2', AZLib::getOptionNum(1, 12, (int) Url::get('cmb_month2', date('m'))));
     $display->add('option_year2', AZLib::getOptionNum(2011, date("Y"), (int) Url::get('cmb_year2', date('Y'))));
     $display->add('url_add', Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'add')));
     if (Url::get('cmb_date1') != '' && Url::get('cmb_month1') != '' && Url::get('cmb_year1') != '') {
         $from_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, Url::get('cmb_month1'), Url::get('cmb_date1'), Url::get('cmb_year1'));
     } else {
         $from_date = 0;
     if (Url::get('cmb_date2') != '' && Url::get('cmb_month2') != '' && Url::get('cmb_year2') != '') {
         $to_date = mktime(23, 59, 59, Url::get('cmb_month2'), Url::get('cmb_date2'), Url::get('cmb_year2'));
     } else {
         $to_date = 0;
     $condition = '';
     $status = Url::get('status', 0);
     $user_c = Url::get('user_c');
     $user_m = Url::get('user_m');
     if ($status == 1) {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' status=1';
     } elseif ($status == 2) {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' status=0';
     if ($user_c != '') {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' user_c LIKE "%' . $user_c . '%"';
     if ($user_m != '') {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' user_m LIKE "%' . $user_m . '%"';
     if ($from_date && $to_date) {
         $condition .= ($condition != '' ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' time_c >=' . $from_date . ' AND time_c <= ' . $to_date;
     $display->add('user_c', $user_c);
     $display->add('user_m', $user_m);
     $display->add('status_option', AZLib::getOption(array(0 => "Tất cả", 1 => "Hiện", 2 => "Ẩn SP"), $status));
     if ($key_word) {
         $key_word_s = '';
         $arr = explode(' ', $key_word);
         if ($arr) {
             foreach ($arr as $key) {
                 $key = trim($key);
                 if ($key != '') {
                     $key_word_s .= ($key_word_s == '' ? '+' : ' +') . "{$key}";
         if ($key_word_s != '') {
             $condition .= " AND MATCH(title, des) AGAINST ('{$key_word_s}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         //$condition .= ' AND (title LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%" OR des LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%")';
     		$condition.=($condition!=''?' AND ':' ').' (title LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%" OR des LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%")';*/
     $total_item = DB::count('document', $condition);
     $LIMIT = '';
     $paging = AZPagging::paging_list($LIMIT, $total_item, 20, 10, 'page_no', '', true, "Tài liệu", 'Trang');
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $condition = ($condition != '' ? 'WHERE' : '') . $condition;
     $documents = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM document ' . $condition . ' ORDER BY id DESC ' . $LIMIT;
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']);
             $row['des'] = stripslashes($row['des']);
             if ($row['status'] == 1) {
                 $row['change'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'change', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode(Url::build_all()))), 'style/images/unexam.gif', 'Disable');
                 $row['bgcolor'] = "#FFFFFF";
                 $row['status'] = 'OK';
             } else {
                 $row['change'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'change', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode(Url::build_all()))), 'style/images/exam.gif', 'Enable');
                 $row['bgcolor'] = "#FF9900";
                 $row['status'] = 'Disable';
             $row['time_last'] = $row['time_last'] ? date("H\\hi:s d/m/Y", $row['time_last']) : '';
             $row['time_c'] = date("H\\hi:s d/m/Y", $row['time_c']) . " bởi {$row['user_c']}";
             $row['time_m'] = date("H\\hi:s d/m/Y", $row['time_m']) . " bởi {$row['user_m']}";
             $row['edit'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'edit', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode(Url::build_all()))), 'style/images/edit.gif', 'Sửa tài liệu');
             $row['delete'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))), 'style/images/delete.gif', 'Sửa tài liệu');
             if ($row['url']) {
                 $row['document_detail'] = $row['url'];
             } else {
                 $row['document_detail'] = WEB_DIR . "download-{$row['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($row['title']) . ".html";
                 $row['url'] = WEB_ROOT . "download-{$row['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($row['title']) . ".html";
             $documents[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('documents', $documents);
예제 #15
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $status_arr = array('0' => 'Chưa trả lời / phản hồi', '1' => 'Đã phản hồi / phản hồi', '2' => 'Tất cả');
     $status = (int) Url::get('status', 0);
     $display->add('url_admin', Url::build_current());
     $display->add('status_option', AZLib::getOption($status_arr, $status));
     $item_per_page_arr = array('20' => '20', '50' => '50', '100' => '100', '150' => '150', '200' => '200', '300' => '300', '500' => '500');
     $item_per_page = (int) Url::get('row_per_page', 20);
     $display->add('row_per_page_option', AZLib::getOption($item_per_page_arr, $item_per_page));
     $from_date_arr[-1] = '--Từ ngày--';
     for ($i = 30; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW)) - $i * 24 * 3600;
         $from_date_arr[$time_from] = date('d/m/Y', $time_from);
     $to_date_arr[-1] = '--Đến ngày--';
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 30; $i++) {
         $time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW)) - $i * 24 * 3600;
         $to_date_arr[$time_to] = date('d/m/Y', $time_to);
     $from_date = Url::get('from_date', -1);
     $to_date = Url::get('to_date', -1);
     $display->add('from_date_option', AZLib::getOption($from_date_arr, $from_date));
     $display->add('to_date_option', AZLib::getOption($to_date_arr, $to_date));
     $sql = ' 1 ';
     if ($from_date > -1) {
         $sql .= " AND time>=" . $from_date;
     if ($to_date > -1) {
         $sql .= " AND time<=" . $to_date;
     $txt_ykien = Url::get('txt_ykien', '');
     if ($txt_ykien != '') {
         $sql .= " AND content like '%{$txt_ykien}%'";
     $display->add('txt_ykien', $txt_ykien);
     if ($status != 2) {
         $sql .= ' AND  status=' . $status;
     $num_of_row = DB::count('feedback', $sql);
     $limit = '';
     $display->add('pagging', AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $num_of_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Liên hệ'));
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no', 1);
     if ($page_no <= 0) {
         $page_no = 1;
     $i = 0;
     $all_feedbacks = array();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM feedback WHERE {$sql} ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}";
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $email = '';
             if ($row['name']) {
                 $email = stripslashes($row['name']) . " ";
             if ($row['address']) {
                 $email .= "( " . stripslashes($row['address']) . ") ";
             $email .= '<a href="mailto:' . $row['email'] . '"><font color=blue>' . $row['email'] . "</font></a>";
             $row['email'] = $email;
             $row['date'] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $row['time']);
             $row['date2'] = AZLib::duration_time($row['time']);
             $row['url_del'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'delete')), 'style/images/delete.gif', 'Xóa ý kiến');
             $row['url_reply'] = Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'reply'));
             if ($row['reply_content']) {
                 $row['reply_content'] = stripslashes($row['reply_content']);
             } else {
                 $row['reply_content'] = "Chưa có";
             if (!$row['status']) {
                 $row['exam'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'exam')), 'style/images/exam.gif', 'Duyệt liên hệ');
             } else {
                 $row['exam'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'unexam')), 'style/images/unexam.gif', 'Bỏ duyệt liên hệ');
             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = '#FFFFFF';
             } else {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = '#CCFF99';
             $row['i'] = ($page_no - 1) * $item_per_page + $i;
             $all_feedbacks[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('all_feedbacks', $all_feedbacks);
예제 #16
 function draw_from()
     global $display;
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no', 1);
     if ($page_no <= 0) {
         $page_no = 1;
     $admin_item = FALSE;
     if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         $admin_item = TRUE;
     $item_per_page = 30;
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM item WHERE ';
     $where = '';
     $curMainCat = CGlobal::$curMainCat;
     $curLevel2Cat = CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat;
                   $where		.=($where!=''?" AND ":"")." level_2_catid = ".$curLevel2Cat['id'];
                   $where		.=($where!=''?" AND ":"")." level_1_catid = ".$curMainCat['id'];
               $where	.= ($where!=''?" AND ":"")." status=1";
               $sql		.= "$where ORDER BY item_order ASC";*/
     if (!CGlobal::$item_condition) {
         //Ngannv hack code trường hợp khong add module FilterMenu hoặc module Build
         if (isset($_GET['category_id']) && $_GET['category_id']) {
             CGlobal::$item_condition = " category_id = " . CGlobal::$curCategory . " ";
     $sql .= CGlobal::$item_condition . " ORDER BY item_order ASC";
     $total_row = DB::count("item", CGlobal::$item_condition);
     if (CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]['parent_id']])) {
         $ebname = CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]['parent_id']]['ebname'] . '-' . CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]['ebname'];
     } else {
         $ebname = CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]['ebname'];
     $url_new = "?page=list_detail&category_id=" . CGlobal::$curCategory . "&ebname=" . $ebname;
     $url_addend = "";
     $filter_get = Url::get('filter');
     $min = Url::get('min');
     $max = Url::get('max');
     $order = Url::get('order');
     if ($filter_get) {
         foreach ($filter_get as $get_gid => $get_fid) {
             $url_addend .= ($url_addend != '' ? '&' : '?') . "filter[{$get_gid}]={$get_fid}";
     if ($min) {
         $url_addend .= ($url_addend != '' ? '&' : '?') . "min={$min}";
     if ($max) {
         $url_addend .= ($url_addend != '' ? '&' : '?') . "max={$max}";
     if ($order) {
         $url_addend .= ($url_addend != '' ? '&' : '?') . "order={$order}";
     $limit = '';
     $paging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', $url_new, TRUE, 'Sản phẩm', 'Trang', $url_addend);
     //$paging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit,$item_per_page,'page_no',$url_new);
     $sql .= $limit;
     $items = array();
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $items[$item['id']] = $this->processItem($item, $admin_item);
     $display->add('admin_item', $admin_item);
     $display->add('page', $page_no);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #17
파일: list.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $name = trim(Url::get('name'));
     $order_by = Url::get('order_by', 'id');
     $order_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC');
     $cond = ' 1 ';
     if ($name != '') {
         $cond .= ' AND name LIKE "%' . $name . '%"';
     $item_per_page = 50;
     $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM `module` WHERE ' . $cond . ' LIMIT 0,1', 'total_row', 0);
     $items = array();
     $paging = '';
     if ($total_row) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = 'SELECT  id ,name FROM  `module` WHERE ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_dir . ' ' . $limit;
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 if (Url::check('page_id')) {
                     $row['onclick'] = ' onclick="location=\'' . Url::build('edit_page', array('module_id' => $row['id'], 'id' => (int) Url::get('page_id', 0), 'region', 'after', 'replace', 'href')) . '\';"  style="cursor:pointer;" title="Click vào đây để cắm Module vào Page"';
                 } else {
                     $row['onclick'] = '';
                 $re2 = DB::query('SELECT page.id,page.name FROM block INNER JOIN page ON page.id=block.page_id WHERE module_id="' . $row['id'] . '"');
                 if ($re2) {
                     while ($page = mysql_fetch_assoc($re2)) {
                         $row['pages'][$page['id']] = $page;
                 } else {
                     $row['pages'] = array();
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     if ($order_dir == 'ASC') {
         $order_dir = 'DESC';
     } else {
         $order_dir = 'ASC';
     $href_id = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'id', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $href_name = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'name', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $img_id = '';
     $img_name = '';
     if ($order_by == 'id') {
         $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     if ($order_by == 'name') {
         $img_name = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     $display->add('img_id', $img_id);
     $display->add('img_name', $img_name);
     $display->add('href_id', $href_id);
     $display->add('href_name', $href_name);
     $display->add('name', $name);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('hover', AZLib::mouse_hover('#E2F1DF', true));
예제 #18
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $display->add('created_time_from', Url::get('created_time_from'));
     $display->add('created_time_to', Url::get('created_time_to'));
     $display->add('sender_user_name', Url::get('sender_user_name'));
     $display->add('processed', Url::get('processed'));
     //search theo ngay thang nam
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_from'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_to'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $search_value = ' 1 ';
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $search_value .= ' AND time_post >= ' . $created_time_from;
     if ($created_time_to) {
         $search_value .= ' AND time_post <= ' . $created_time_to;
     // search ô textbox
     if (Url::get('sender_user_name') != '') {
         $search_value .= ' AND b.user_name like "%' . Url::get('sender_user_name') . '%" ';
     if (Url::get('processed') == 1) {
         $search_value .= ' AND b.status = 0';
     $item_per_page = 50;
     $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_item FROM `bad_content` AS b WHERE b.type = 1 AND ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Phản hồi', 'Trang');
         $sql = 'SELECT i.name,i.transaction_type,i.category_id, b.id, b.admin_name, b.status, b.type,b.id_item, b.reason,b.user_id,b.user_name, b.note, b.time_post FROM `bad_content` b LEFT JOIN item i ON i.id = b.id_item WHERE b.type = 1 AND ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY b.status, b.time_post DESC, b.type ASC ' . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $row['content'] = $row['name'];
                 $row['time_post'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['time_post']);
                 $row['content_tooltip'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::filter_title($row['content']));
                 $row['content'] = AZLib::word_limit($row['content'], 12, '...');
                 $row['reason_tooltip'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::filter_title($row['reason']));
                 $row['reason'] = AZLib::word_limit($row['reason'], 12, '...');
                 $row['note_tooltip'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::filter_title($row['note']));
                 $row['note'] = AZLib::word_limit($row['note'], 12, '...');
                 $row['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $row['id_item'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($row['name']));
                 $row['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $row['id']);
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #19
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $display->add('url_add', Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'add')));
     $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1));
     $news_catid = Url::get('news_catid', 0);
     $status = Url::get('status', 3);
     $date_begin = Url::get('date_begin');
     $date_end = Url::get('date_end');
     $keyword = Url::get('searchtext');
     $hot = Url::get('hot', 1);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
         $display->add('selected_' . $i, '');
     $display->add('selected_' . Url::get('status', 3), 'selected');
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
         $display->add('tinnhanh_' . $i, '');
     $display->add('tinnhanh_' . Url::get('tinnhanh', 2), 'selected');
     $condition = ' 1 ';
     if ($news_catid) {
         $condition .= " AND news_catid ={$news_catid} ";
     if ($keyword != '') {
         $condition .= " AND ((title like '%{$keyword}%') OR (brief like '%{$keyword}%')) ";
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if ($date_begin) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $date_begin);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($date_end) {
         $date_arr = explode("-", $date_end);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $condition .= ' AND  time_created >=' . $created_time_from;
     if ($date_end) {
         $condition .= " AND  time_created <={$created_time_to}";
     if ($status != 3) {
         $condition .= ' and  status=' . $status;
     if ($hot == 2) {
         $condition .= ' and  hot=' . $hot;
     $cat_arr = array(0 => "--Danh mục tin--");
     if (CGlobal::$allNewsCategories) {
         foreach (CGlobal::$allNewsCategories as $news_cat) {
             $cat_arr[$news_cat['id']] = "[{$news_cat['id']}] " . $news_cat['name'] . ($news_cat['public'] == 0 ? ' (Đã ẩn)' : '');
     $display->add('news_cat_option', AZLib::getOption($cat_arr, $news_catid));
     $display->add('hot_option', AZLib::getOption(array('1' => "Tất cả", 2 => "Tin Hot"), $hot));
     $display->add('status_option', AZLib::getOption(array(3 => "Tất cả", 1 => "Hiện", 2 => "Ẩn"), $status));
     $display->add('keyword', $keyword);
     $display->add('date_begin', $date_begin);
     $display->add('date_end', $date_end);
     $totalRows = DB::count("news", $condition);
     $limit = '';
     $pagging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $totalRows, 20, 10, 'page_no', "tin");
     //$pagging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit,20,'page_no');
     $items = array();
     $re = DB::query('SELECT * FROM news WHERE ' . $condition . " ORDER BY id DESC " . $limit, __LINE__ . __FILE__, false, false, false, true);
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $item['admin_link'] = News::admin_link($item);
             if ($item['image']) {
                 $item['image'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['image'], 150, 0, 0, $item['img_server']);
             $item['cat'] = "[{$item['news_catid']}] " . @CGlobal::$allNewsCategories[$item['news_catid']]['name'];
             $item['time_created'] = date('d/m/Y', $item['time_created']);
             $item['brief'] = stripslashes($item['brief']);
             $item['title'] = stripslashes($item['title']);
             $item['url'] = Url::build('news_detail', array('news_catid' => $item['news_catid'], 'news_id' => $item['id']));
             $items[$item['id']] = $item;
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
예제 #20
    function draw()
        global $display;
        if ($this->search_catid) {
            $keywords = AZLib::getParam('keywords');
            if ($keywords != '') {
                global $display;
                $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no', 1);
                if ($page_no <= 0) {
                    $page_no = 1;
                $item_per_page = 30;
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM item WHERE ';
                $where = '';
                $curMainCat = CGlobal::$curMainCat;
                $curLevel2Cat = CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat;
                $sql .= CGlobal::$item_condition . " ORDER BY item_order ASC";
                $total_row = DB::count("item", CGlobal::$item_condition);
                if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$this->search_catid]['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[$this->search_catid]['parent_id']])) {
                    $ebname = CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[$this->search_catid]['parent_id']]['ebname'] . '-' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$this->search_catid]['ebname'];
                } else {
                    $ebname = CGlobal::$allCategories[$this->search_catid]['ebname'];
                $filter_get = Url::get('filter');
                $min = Url::get('min');
                $max = Url::get('max');
                $order = Url::get('order');
                $paging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Sản phẩm', 'Trang');
                $sql .= $limit;
                $items = array();
                $re = DB::query($sql);
                if ($re) {
                    while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                            $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name'] . "/p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                        } else {
                            $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . "p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                        $item['modify_time'] = date('H:i | d.m.y', $item['modify_time']);
                        $item['price'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price'], $item['currency_id']);
                        $item['price_out'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price_out'], $item['currency_id']);
                        $item['currency_id'] = 1;
                        $item['price_num'] = (int) $item['price'];
                        if ($item['price']) {
                            $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.');
                        } else {
                            $item['price'] = '';
                        $item['price_title'] = 'Giá bán';
                        if ($item['price_out'] > 0) {
                            $item['price_out'] = number_format($item['price_out'], 0, ',', '.') . ($item['currency_id'] == ' ' ? ' ' . CGlobal::$currency[$item['currency_id']] : '');
                        } else {
                            $item['price_out'] = '0';
                        $item['name'] = AZLib::filter_title($item['name']);
                        if ($item['img_url']) {
                            $item['img_thumb_wl'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['img_url'], 180, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
                        } else {
                            $item['img_url'] = '';
                        if (!CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat) {
                            if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                                $item['cat_name'] = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name'];
                            } else {
                                $item['cat_name'] = "ID: {$item['category_id']}";
                        $items[$item['id']] = $item;
                $display->add('page', $page_no);
                $display->add('items', $items);
                $display->add('paging', $paging);
            } else {
                echo '<div style="padding:20px;color:#f00;font-size:18px;border:1px solid #ccc" align="center">
			        	Bạn chưa nhập vào từ khóa cần tìm kiếm!
        } else {
            echo '<div style="padding:20px;color:#f00;font-size:18px;border:1px solid #ccc" align="center">
		        	Bạn chưa chọn danh mục tìm kiếm!
예제 #21
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $page_arr = array();
     $page_arr['home'] = 'Trang chủ';
     $page_arr['list_detail'] = 'Danh sách sản phẩm';
     $page_arr['profile'] = 'Profile thành viên';
     $page_arr['sign_in'] = 'Đăng nhập';
     $page_arr['item_detail'] = 'Chi tiết sản phẩm';
     $page_arr['online'] = 'Thành viên online';
     $page_arr['message'] = 'Tin nhắn cá nhân';
     $page_arr['post_item'] = 'Đăng sản phẩm';
     $page_arr['personal'] = 'Trang cá nhân';
     $page_arr['edit_page'] = 'Cấu hình page';
     $page_arr['admin'] = 'Trang quản trị';
     $page_arr['user'] = '******';
     $page_arr['manage_item'] = 'Quản trị Tin';
     $page_arr['manage_image'] = 'Quản trị Ảnh';
     $page_arr['manage_comment'] = 'Quản Comment';
     $page_arr['manage_comment_user'] = '******';
     $page_arr['manage_bad_content'] = 'Quản trị tin xấu';
     $page_arr['manage_badword'] = 'Quản trị Từ xấu';
     $page_arr['partner'] = 'Quản trị Đối tác, ADV';
     $page_arr['send_multi'] = 'Gửi tin nhắn cho tất cả Thành viên';
     $page_arr['page'] = 'Quản trị Page';
     $page_arr['module'] = 'Quản trị Modules';
     $page_arr['shop'] = 'Trang cá nhân';
     $page_arr['sph_search '] = 'Tìm kiếm';
     $not_permit_view = array('edit_page', 'admin', 'user', 'manage_item', 'manage_comment', 'manage_image', 'manage_comment', 'manage_comment_user', 'manage_bad_content', 'manage_badword', 'partner', 'send_multi', 'page', 'module');
     $cond = '';
     $item_type = Url::get('item_type');
     $item_id = Url::get('item_id');
     $o_name = Url::get('o_name');
     $o_id = (int) Url::get('o_id');
     $where = 'site';
     if ($item_type && $item_id && in_array($item_type, array(1, 2, 3))) {
         $cond = ' AND page="ItemDetail" AND item_id=' . $item_id . ' AND item_type=' . $item_type;
         if ($item_type == 3) {
             $where = '<font color=red>Sản phẩm đấu giá</font>';
         } elseif ($item_type == 1) {
             $where = '<font color=red>Giao dịch mua</font>';
         } else {
             $where = '<font color=red>Sản phẩm  bán</font>';
     if ($o_name != '') {
         $str_search = str_replace("'", '"', $o_name);
         $str_search = str_replace("&#39;", '"', $str_search);
         $str_search = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $str_search);
         $cond .= ' AND session_referer LIKE "%' . $str_search . '%"';
     if ($o_id) {
         $cond .= ' AND user_id =' . $o_id;
     } else {
         $o_id = '';
     $open_id_login = (int) Url::get('open_id_login', 0);
     if ($open_id_login) {
         $display->add('open_id_login_check', 'checked="checked"');
         $cond .= " AND login_type = 1 ";
     } else {
         $display->add('open_id_login_check', '');
     $display->add('o_name', $o_name);
     $display->add('o_id', $o_id);
     $total_ss = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) as total_ss FROM ' . _SESS_TABLE, 'total_ss', 0);
     $display->add('total_ss', $total_ss);
     $total = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . _SESS_TABLE . ' WHERE session_expires >' . (TIME_NOW - 900) . ' ' . $cond);
     if ($total) {
         $total = (int) $total['total'];
     } else {
         $total = 0;
     $sql = 'SELECT count(total) as total FROM ( SELECT count(user_id) as total FROM ' . _SESS_TABLE . ' WHERE session_expires >' . (TIME_NOW - 900) . ' AND user_id !=0 ' . $cond . ' GROUP BY user_id) as t';
     $total_mem = DB::fetch($sql, 'total');
     $paging = AZPagging::paging($limit, $total_mem, 25, 10, 'page_view');
     DB::query('SELECT session_id, session_expires as time, session_ip as ip, user_id, user_name, session_referer, page, category_id, item_type, item_id, open_id FROM ' . _SESS_TABLE . ' WHERE session_expires >' . (TIME_NOW - 900) . ' AND user_id>0 ' . $cond . ' GROUP BY user_id  ORDER BY time DESC' . $limit);
     $user_onlines = array();
     $i = 1;
     while ($item = DB::fetch_row()) {
         //$item['viewing_time'] = AZLib::duration(TIME_NOW-$item['time']);
         if (date('d', TIME_NOW) != date('d', $item['time'])) {
             $item['viewing_time'] = date('H:i d/m/y', $item['time']);
         } else {
             $item['viewing_time'] = date('H:i', $item['time']);
         $item['user_name'] = stripslashes($item['user_name']);
         $item['title'] = 'Thành viên';
         $item['link'] = WEB_DIR . $item['user_name'];
         if (isset($page_arr[$item['page']]) && (User::is_admin() || !in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view))) {
             $detail = '';
             if ($item['page'] == 'list_detail' && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                 $detail = ' - ' . stripslashes(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name']);
                 $parent_id = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id'];
                 if ($parent_id && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id])) {
                     $detail = ' - ' . stripslashes(CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id]['name']) . $detail;
             $item['viewing_page_name'] = $page_arr[$item['page']] . $detail;
         } elseif ($item['page'] && (User::is_admin() || !in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view))) {
             $item['viewing_page_name'] = $item['page'];
         } else {
             $item['viewing_page_name'] = 'enbac.com';
         if (!$item['session_referer'] || !User::is_admin() && in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view)) {
             $item['viewing_page_url'] = WEB_ROOT;
         } else {
             $item['viewing_page_url'] = WEB_ROOT . stripslashes($item['session_referer']);
         if (User::is_admin() && $item['ip']) {
             $ip_arr = explode('::', $item['ip']);
             $item['ip'] = 'S_IP: <b>' . $ip_arr[0] . '</b>';
             $item['ip'] .= ' - C_IP: <b>' . $ip_arr[1] . '</b>';
         } else {
             $item['ip'] = '';
         if (User::is_admin()) {
             $item['del_s'] = '<a href="' . Url::build_current(array('kick_out' => $item['session_id'])) . '">Kick Out</a>';
         } else {
             $item['del_s'] = '';
         $user_onlines[$i++] = $item;
     $display->add('where', $where);
     $display->add('total', $total);
     $display->add('total_mem', $total_mem);
     $display->add('user_onlines', $user_onlines);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $total_guest = 0;
     $paging_guest = '';
     $guest_onlines = array();
     if (User::is_admin()) {
         $sql = 'SELECT  count(*) as total FROM 	' . _SESS_TABLE . ' WHERE session_expires >' . (TIME_NOW - 900) . ' AND user_id=0 ' . $cond . ' ';
         $total_guest = DB::fetch($sql, 'total');
         $paging_guest = AZPagging::paging($limit, $total_guest, 25, 10, 'guest_view');
         DB::query('SELECT session_id, session_expires as time, session_ip as ip, session_referer, page, category_id, item_type, item_id FROM ' . _SESS_TABLE . ' WHERE session_expires >' . (TIME_NOW - 900) . ' AND user_id=0 ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY time DESC' . $limit);
         $i = 1;
         while ($item = DB::fetch_row()) {
             //$item['viewing_time'] = AZLib::duration(TIME_NOW-$item['time']);
             if (date('d', TIME_NOW) != date('d', $item['time'])) {
                 $item['viewing_time'] = date('H:i d/m/y', $item['time']);
             } else {
                 $item['viewing_time'] = date('H:i', $item['time']);
             $item['user_name'] = '<font color="green">guest</font>';
             $item['viewing_page_url'] = WEB_ROOT;
             $item['link'] = WEB_ROOT;
             if (isset($page_arr[$item['page']]) && (User::is_admin() || !in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view))) {
                 $detail = '';
                 if ($item['page'] == 'list_detail' && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                     $detail = ' - ' . stripslashes(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name']);
                     $parent_id = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id'];
                     if ($parent_id && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id])) {
                         $detail = ' - ' . stripslashes(CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id]['name']) . $detail;
                 $item['viewing_page_name'] = $page_arr[$item['page']] . $detail;
             } elseif ($item['page'] && (User::is_admin() || !in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view))) {
                 $item['viewing_page_name'] = $item['page'];
             } else {
                 $item['viewing_page_name'] = 'enbac.com';
             if (!$item['session_referer'] || !User::is_admin() && in_array($item['page'], $not_permit_view)) {
                 $item['viewing_page_url'] = WEB_ROOT;
             } else {
                 $item['viewing_page_url'] = WEB_ROOT . stripslashes($item['session_referer']);
             if (User::is_admin() && $item['ip']) {
                 $ip_arr = explode('::', $item['ip']);
                 $item['ip'] = 'S_IP: <b>' . $ip_arr[0] . '</b>';
                 $item['ip'] .= ' - C_IP: <b>' . $ip_arr[1] . '</b>';
             } else {
                 $item['ip'] = '';
             if (User::is_admin()) {
                 $item['del_s'] = '<a href="' . Url::build_current(array('kick_out' => $item['session_id'])) . '">Kick Out</a>';
             } else {
                 $item['del_s'] = '';
             $guest_onlines[$i++] = $item;
     $display->add('total_guest', $total_guest);
     $display->add('guest_onlines', $guest_onlines);
     $display->add('paging_guest', $paging_guest);
예제 #22
파일: Build.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $items = array();
     $bcats = array();
     $filter_groups = array();
     if (Build::$bcatid) {
         $filter_ids = trim(DB::fetch("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(filter_ids SEPARATOR ',') AS filter_ids FROM (SELECT filter_ids FROM item WHERE " . CGlobal::$item_condition . " AND filter_ids != '') AS filter", 'filter_ids', ''));
         $pf_array = array();
         if ($filter_ids != '') {
             $f_array = array_count_values(explode(',', $filter_ids));
             foreach ($f_array as $fid => $count) {
                 if (isset(CGlobal::$allFilters[$fid])) {
                     $fgid = CGlobal::$allFilters[$fid]['fgid'];
                     if (isset(CGlobal::$all_gfilters[$fgid])) {
                         $pf_array[$fgid][$fid] = $count;
         //Tạo Menu Filter
         if ($this->filter_groups) {
             foreach ($this->filter_groups as $fgid => $gfilter) {
                 if (isset($pf_array[$fgid])) {
                     if ($gfilter['filters']) {
                         $group_filter = array();
                         foreach ($gfilter['filters'] as $fid => $filter) {
                             if (isset($pf_array[$fgid][$fid])) {
                                 if (!$group_filter) {
                                     $group_filter = array('name' => CGlobal::$all_gfilters[$fgid]['name'], 'filters' => array());
                                 $link = AZRewrite::formatUrl(Url::build_all(array('min', 'max', 'filter', 'page_no')));
                                 if ($this->filter_get) {
                                     foreach ($this->filter_get as $get_gid => $get_fid) {
                                         if ($get_gid != $fgid) {
                                             $link .= "&filter[{$get_gid}]={$get_fid}";
                                 if (isset($this->filter_get[$fgid]) && $this->filter_get[$fgid] == $filter['id']) {
                                     if ($this->min) {
                                         $link .= "&min=" . $this->min;
                                     if ($this->max) {
                                         $link .= "&max=" . $this->max;
                                     $group_filter['filters'] = array($fid => array('link' => $link, 'name' => $filter['name'], 'count' => $pf_array[$fgid][$fid], 'remove' => 1));
                                 } else {
                                     $link .= "&filter[{$fgid}]={$filter['id']}";
                                     //$link = str_replace(array('?filter=&','?filter=','&filter='),array('?','',''),$link);
                                     if ($this->min) {
                                         $link .= "&min=" . $this->min;
                                     if ($this->max) {
                                         $link .= "&max=" . $this->max;
                                 $group_filter['filters'][$fid] = array('link' => $link, 'name' => $filter['name'], 'count' => $pf_array[$fgid][$fid]);
                         if ($group_filter) {
                             $filter_groups[$fgid] = $group_filter;
         $display->add('url_filter', Url::build_current(array('mode', 'bcatid' => Build::$bcatid)));
         $display->add('cat_name', CGlobal::$allCategories[Build::$bcatid]['name']);
         if (isset(Build::$cats[Build::$bcatid]['next_id']) && Build::$cats[Build::$bcatid]['next_id']) {
             $display->add('next_url', Url::build_current(array('mode', 'bcatid' => Build::$cats[Build::$bcatid]['next_id'])));
         } else {
             $display->add('next_url', Url::build_current());
         $display->add('recomend', str_replace(chr(13) . chr(10), "<br />", CGlobal::$allCategories[Build::$bcatid]['recomend']));
         $display->add('filter_groups', $filter_groups);
         $display->add('filter_price', $this->filter_price);
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM item WHERE ';
         $where = '';
         $sql .= CGlobal::$item_condition . " ORDER BY price ASC";
         $total_row = DB::count("item", CGlobal::$item_condition);
         $filter_get = Url::get('filter');
         $min = Url::get('min');
         $max = Url::get('max');
         $order = Url::get('order');
         $paging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_row, 10, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Linh kiện', 'Trang');
         $sql .= $limit;
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                     $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name'] . "/p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                 } else {
                     $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . "p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                 $item['price'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price'], $item['currency_id']);
                 if ($item['price']) {
                     $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.') . " VNĐ";
                 } else {
                     $item['price'] = 'Liên hệ';
                 if ($item['list_brief'] == '') {
                     $item['list_brief'] = $item['brief'];
                 $item['list_brief'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::plainText(AZLib::parseBBCode(html_entity_decode($item['list_brief'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))));
                 $item['list_brief'] = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}[\\s]*)\\]/eis", " ", $item['list_brief']);
                 $item['list_brief'] = str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", " "), $item['list_brief']);
                 $item['list_brief'] = AZLib::word_limit($item['list_brief'], 50, '');
                 $item['select'] = Url::build_current(array('bcatid' => $item['category_id'], 'mode', 'item_id' => $item['id']));
                 $items[$item['id']] = $item;
         $display->add('items', $items);
         $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('bcats', Build::$cats);
     if (Build::$price) {
         $display->add('total_price', number_format(Build::$price, 0, ',', '.') . " VNĐ");
     $display->add('bitems', Build::$items);
     $display->add('bcatid', Build::$bcatid);
     $display->add('cur_url', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $display->add("print_link", Url::open_popup(Url::build('build_print'), 1000, 800, false, false, false, false, false, 1, 1));
     $build_catids = @CGlobal::$configs['BuildCatIDs']['conf_val'];
     $display->add('build_catids', $build_catids);
     $display->add('is_admin', User::is_admin());
     $display->add('begin_form', $this->beginForm(false, 'post', false, false, 1));
     $display->add('end_form', $this->endForm(1));
예제 #23
 function get_all_comment()
     global $display;
     $winner = array();
     global $user_id_arr, $stt, $item_per_page;
     $stt = 0;
     $is_admin_mod = array();
     $user_arr = array();
     $user_id_arr = array();
     $items = array();
     $limit = '';
     $divID = 'comment_list';
     $cmd = 'pagging_comment';
     $url_path = WEB_DIR . "ajax.php?act=comment&code=display_feedback&show_all=1&id=" . Item::$id . "&cmd=" . $cmd;
     $item_per_page = 25;
     if (Url::get('show_all') || Url::get('cmd') == $cmd) {
         $display->add('show_all', true);
     } else {
         $display->add('show_all', false);
     $pagging = AZPagging::fb_pagging($limit, $item_per_page, true, 'fb_page', $url_path, $divID);
     $sql = "SELECT id, time, content, item_id, sender_email, sender_user_name, sender_user_id, have_child,receiver_user_id FROM comment WHERE item_id=" . Item::$item['id'] . " AND parent_id = 0 ORDER BY order_time DESC {$limit}";
     $items_all = $this->get_comment($sql);
     if ($items_all) {
         $items = $items_all['item'];
         if ($items_all['id_parent']) {
             $sql_sub = "SELECT id, time, content, item_id, sender_email, sender_user_name, sender_user_id,parent_id,receiver_user_id FROM comment WHERE parent_id IN({$items_all['id_parent']}) AND display =1 ORDER BY order_time DESC";
             $subComment_all = $this->get_comment($sql_sub, 1);
             if ($subComment_all) {
                 $sub_comments = $subComment_all['item'];
                 foreach ($sub_comments as $id => $subs) {
                     if (isset($items[$id])) {
                         $items[$id]['sub_comment'] = $subs;
     if ($stt <= $item_per_page) {
         $pagging = AZPagging::fb_pagging($limit, $item_per_page, false, 'fb_page', $url_path, $divID);
         $display->add('show_fb_page', false);
     } else {
         $display->add('show_fb_page', true);
     if ($user_id_arr) {
         $uid = implode(',', $user_id_arr);
         if ($uid != '') {
             $re = DB::query("SELECT id, avatar_url, gids, block_time, img_server FROM user WHERE id IN({$uid})");
             if ($re) {
                 while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     $user_arr[$user['id']] = $user;
     if ($items && $user_arr) {
         foreach ($items as &$item) {
             //add by nhatvt
             $item['content'] = $this->process_description($item['content']);
             //                echo $item['content'];exit;
             if (isset($item['sub_comment']) && $item['sub_comment']) {
                 foreach ($item['sub_comment'] as &$sub_item) {
                     if ($sub_item['sender_user_id']) {
                         if (isset($user_arr[$sub_item['sender_user_id']])) {
                             $sub_item['avatar_url'] = $user_arr[$sub_item['sender_user_id']]['avatar_url'];
                             $sub_item['block_time'] = $user_arr[$sub_item['sender_user_id']]['block_time'];
                             $sub_item['gids'] = $user_arr[$sub_item['sender_user_id']]['gids'];
                             $sub_item['img_server'] = $user_arr[$sub_item['sender_user_id']]['img_server'];
                         if ($sub_item['avatar_url']) {
                             $sub_item['sender_avatar_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($sub_item['avatar_url'], 60, 0, 1, $sub_item['img_server']);
                             if ($sub_item['parent_id'] > 0) {
                                 $html_content = '<a href="' . $sub_item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="' . $sub_item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="25" class="lazyload"/></a>';
                             } else {
                                 $html_content = '<a href="' . $sub_item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="' . $sub_item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="50" class="lazyload"/></a>';
                         } else {
                             $sub_item['sender_avatar_url'] = '';
                             $html_content = '<a href="' . $sub_item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="style/images/50x50.gif" width="25" height="25" class="lazyload"/></a>';
                         if ($sub_item['block_time'] > TIME_NOW) {
                             $sub_item['is_block'] = 1;
                         } else {
                             $sub_item['is_block'] = 0;
                         $sub_item['htmlContent'] = $html_content;
                         //set quyen quan tri
                         if ($sub_item['gids']) {
                             $is_admin_mod = CGlobal::$group[User::check_admin($sub_item['gids'])];
                         } else {
                             $is_admin_mod = array();
                         $sub_item['is_admin_mod'] = $is_admin_mod;
             if ($item['sender_user_id']) {
                 if (isset($user_arr[$item['sender_user_id']])) {
                     $item['avatar_url'] = $user_arr[$item['sender_user_id']]['avatar_url'];
                     $item['block_time'] = $user_arr[$item['sender_user_id']]['block_time'];
                     $item['gids'] = $user_arr[$item['sender_user_id']]['gids'];
                     $item['img_server'] = $user_arr[$item['sender_user_id']]['img_server'];
                 if ($item['avatar_url']) {
                     $item['sender_avatar_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['avatar_url'], 60, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
                     $html_content = '<a href="' . $item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="' . $item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="50"/></a>';
                 } else {
                     $item['sender_avatar_url'] = '';
                     $html_content = '<a href="' . $item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="style/images/50x50.gif" width="50" height="50" /></a>';
                 $item['htmlContent'] = $html_content;
                 if ($item['block_time'] > TIME_NOW) {
                     $item['is_block'] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $item['is_block'] = 0;
                 //set quyen quan tri
                 if ($item['gids']) {
                     $is_admin_mod = CGlobal::$group[User::check_admin($item['gids'])];
                 } else {
                     $is_admin_mod = array();
                 $item['is_admin_mod'] = $is_admin_mod;
     if (User::is_login() && Item::$item['user_id'] == User::id()) {
         $user = User::$current->data;
     } else {
         if (isset(Item::$item['user_id'])) {
             $user = User::getUser(Item::$item['user_id']);
         if (!$user) {
             $user = array('id' => 0, 'user_name' => '', 'create_time' => '', 'blast' => '', 'email' => '', 'show_email' => '', 'skype_id' => '', 'yahoo_id' => '');
     if (User::is_login()) {
         if (User::$current->data['mobile_phone'] != '') {
             $display->add('user_phone', true);
             $user_phone = User::$current->data['mobile_phone'];
         } elseif (User::$current->data['home_phone'] != '') {
             $display->add('user_phone', true);
             $user_phone = User::$current->data['home_phone'];
         } else {
             $display->add('user_phone', false);
             $user_phone = '';
         $display->add('cur_user_name', User::$current->data['user_name']);
         $display->add('cur_created_time', User::$current->data['create_time']);
         $cur_user_name = User::$current->data['user_name'];
         $cur_created_time = User::$current->data['create_time'];
         if (User::$current->data['avatar_url'] == '') {
             $cur_avatar_url = 'style/images/50x50.gif';
         } else {
             $cur_avatar_url = AZLib::getImageThumb(User::$current->data['avatar_url'], 60, 0, 1, User::$current->data['img_server']);
     } else {
         $cur_user_name = '';
         $cur_created_time = '';
         $user_phone = '';
         $cur_avatar_url = 'style/images/50x50.gif';
         $display->add('cur_user_name', '');
         $display->add('cur_created_time', '');
         $display->add('check_user_name', '');
         $display->add('user_phone', false);
     $guest_name = 'Số điện thoại';
     $guest_email = 'Email';
     if (isset($_COOKIE['guest_name'])) {
         if ($_COOKIE['guest_name'] == 'undefined' || $_COOKIE['guest_email'] == 'undefined') {
             $guest_name = 'Số điện thoại';
             $guest_email = 'Email';
         } else {
             $guest_name = $_COOKIE['guest_name'];
             $guest_email = $_COOKIE['guest_email'];
     $display->add('cur_user_name', $cur_user_name);
     $display->add('guest_name', $guest_name);
     $display->add('guest_email', $guest_email);
     $display->add('check_user_name', $user['user_name']);
     $display->add('cur_id', (int) User::id());
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
     $display->add('item_comments', $items);
     $display->add('item_id', Item::$item['id']);
     $display->add('category_id', Item::$item['category_id']);
     $display->add('item_name', Item::$item['name']);
     //rewrite URL
     $display->add('name_url', AZLib::safe_title(Item::$item['name']));
     //End rewrite URL
     Item::$item['currency_id'] = 1;
     $display->add('currency_id', CGlobal::$currency[Item::$item['currency_id']]);
     $display->add('total_feedback', Item::$item['reply_count']);
     if (strtolower(Url::get('page')) == 'allfeedback' || Url::get('cmd') == $cmd) {
         echo '<div id="totalReplyCount" style="display:none;">' . Item::$item['reply_count'] . '</div>';
     //echo AZLib::parseBBCode($display->output('AllFeedback',true));
     $display->output('AllFeedbackList', false, 'AllFeedback');
예제 #24
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, "POST", false, Url::build_current());
     $key_word = Url::get('key_word');
     $condition = " status=1";
     $display->add('key_word', $key_word);
     if ($key_word) {
         $key_word_s = '';
         $arr = explode(' ', $key_word);
         if ($arr) {
             foreach ($arr as $key) {
                 $key = trim($key);
                 if ($key != '') {
                     $key_word_s .= ($key_word_s == '' ? '+' : ' +') . "{$key}";
         if ($key_word_s != '') {
             $condition .= " AND MATCH(title, des) AGAINST ('{$key_word_s}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         //$condition .= ' AND (title LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%" OR des LIKE "%'.$key_word.'%")';
     $total_item = DB::count('document', $condition);
     $limit = '';
     $paging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_item, 10, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Tài liệu', 'Trang');
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $condition = 'WHERE' . $condition;
     $documents = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM document ' . $condition . ' ORDER BY id DESC ' . $limit;
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         $i = 1;
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']);
             $row['des'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(AZLib::plainText(html_entity_decode($row['des'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")));
             $row['des'] = str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", " "), $row['des']);
             $row['des'] = AZLib::word_limit($row['des'], 200, '');
             if (++$i % 2) {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = "#FFFFFF";
             } else {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = "#D9D9D9";
             $row['time_m'] = $row['time_m'] ? date("d/m/Y", $row['time_m']) : '';
             if (User::is_admin()) {
                 $row['change'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'change', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode(Url::build_all()))), 'style/images/unexam.gif', 'Disable');
                 $row['edit'] = AZLib::button(Url::build('document', array('cmd' => 'edit', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode(Url::build_all()))), 'style/images/edit.gif', 'Sửa tài liệu');
                 $row['delete'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete', 'id' => $row['id'], "href" => urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))), 'style/images/delete.gif', 'Sửa tài liệu');
             if ($row['url']) {
                 $row['document_detail'] = $row['url'];
             } else {
                 $row['document_detail'] = WEB_DIR . "download-{$row['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($row['title']) . ".html";
             $documents[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('documents', $documents);
     if (User::is_admin()) {
         $display->add("is_admin", 1);
예제 #25
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $search_value = '';
     $display->add('up_checked', 'checked="checked"');
     if (Url::get('root_img')) {
         $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' root_id=0 ';
         $display->add('root_img_checked', 'checked="checked"');
     } else {
         //$search_value.=($search_value!=''?' AND ':' WHERE').' img.root_id>0 ';
         $display->add('root_img_checked', '');
     if (Url::get('no_item_img')) {
         $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' item_id=0 ';
         $display->add('no_item_img_checked', 'checked="checked"');
     } else {
         //$search_value.=($search_value!=''?' AND ':' WHERE').' root_id>0 ';
         $display->add('no_item_img_checked', '');
     // search ô textbox
     if (Url::get('user_name') != '') {
         $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' user_name LIKE "%' . Url::get('user_name') . '%" ';
     //search theo ngay thang nam
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     $current_time_from = null;
     $current_time_to = null;
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $current_time_from = Url::get('created_time_from');
         $date_arr = explode('-', $current_time_from);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $current_time_to = Url::get('created_time_to');
         $date_arr = explode('-', $current_time_to);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' time >= ' . $created_time_from;
     if ($created_time_to) {
         $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' time <= ' . $created_time_to;
     if ($search_value == '') {
         //create current date
         $date = Date('d-m-Y');
         $current_time_from = $date;
         $date_arr = explode('-', $current_time_from);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
         $current_time_to = $date;
         $date_arr = explode('-', $current_time_to);
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' time >= ' . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ($search_value != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE') . ' time <= ' . $created_time_to;
     $display->add('created_time_from', $current_time_from);
     $display->add('created_time_to', $current_time_to);
     $item_per_page = 120;
     $sql_count = 'SELECT count(*) AS total_img FROM item_image ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_img', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = 'SELECT id,img_server, img_url,item_id, title, des, time, user_name, user_id, img_server FROM `item_image`';
         $sql .= $search_value . ' ORDER BY id ASC ' . $limit;
         $item_ids = '';
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $row['link_gallery'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=gallery&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&year=' . date('Y', $row['time']) . '&month=' . (int) date('m', $row['time']) . '&day=' . (int) date('d', $row['time']));
                 if (date('d.m.y', $row['time']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                     $row['time'] = date('H:i', $row['time']);
                 } elseif (date('y', $row['time']) == date('y', TIME_NOW)) {
                     $row['time'] = date('d/m H:i', $row['time']);
                 } else {
                     $row['time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['time']);
                 //	$row['link_img']='http://'.CGlobal::$img_server[$row['img_server']].'uploaded/items/'.$row['img_url'];
                 $row['link_img'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$row['img_server']] . $row['img_url'];
                 if ($row['item_id']) {
                     $item_ids .= ($item_ids ? ',' : '') . $row['item_id'];
                     if (isset($row['name'])) {
                         $row['item_link'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl("?page=item_detail&id={$row['item_id']}&ebname=" . AZLib::safe_title($row['name']));
                         if (date('d.m.y', $row['created_time']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                             $row['created_time'] = date('H:i', $row['created_time']);
                         } elseif (date('y', $row['created_time']) == date('y', TIME_NOW)) {
                             $row['created_time'] = date('d/m H:i', $row['created_time']);
                         } else {
                             $row['created_time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['created_time']);
                     } else {
                         $row['item_link'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl("?page=item_detail&id={$row['item_id']}");
                         $row['created_time'] = '';
                     $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']);
                 } else {
                     $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['des']);
                     $row['created_time'] = '';
                     $row['item_link'] = '';
                 $row['image_thumb'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($row['img_url'], 110, 0, 1, $row["img_server"]);
                 $row['image_max'] = AZLib::getImageThumbMax($row['img_url'], $row['title'], 1, $row["img_server"]);
                 $row['images_url_root'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$row['img_server']];
                 $row['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=delete&id=' . $row['id']);
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
             if ($item_ids) {
                 $all_items = array();
                 $sql = "SELECT id, name, created_time FROM item WHERE id IN({$item_ids})";
                 $re = DB::query($sql);
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         $all_items[$item['id']] = $item;
                 foreach ($items as &$item_img) {
                     if ($item_img['item_id'] && isset($all_items[$item_img['item_id']])) {
                         $item_img['item_link'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl("?page=item_detail&id={$item_img['item_id']}&ebname=" . AZLib::safe_title($all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['name']));
                         if (date('d.m.y', $all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['created_time']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                             $item_img['created_time'] = date('H:i', $all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['created_time']);
                         } elseif (date('y', $all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['created_time']) == date('y', TIME_NOW)) {
                             $item_img['created_time'] = date('d/m H:i', $all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['created_time']);
                         } else {
                             $item_img['created_time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $all_items[$item_img['item_id']]['created_time']);
                     } else {
                         $item_img['item_link'] = '';
                         $item_img['created_time'] = '';
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     AZLib::my_setcookie("page_img_id", Url::get("page_no") != "" ? intval(Url::get("page_no")) : 1, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 + TIME_NOW);
     $display->add("uri", CGlobal::$request_uri);
     $display->add("images_url_root", 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[IMAGE_SERVER_NO]);
     $display->add('user_name', Url::get('user_name'));
     $display->add('item_title', Url::get('item_title'));
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #26
파일: list.php 프로젝트: duynhan07/elink
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, 'post', false, Url::build_current());
     $name = trim(Url::get('name'));
     $order_by = Url::get('order_by', 'id');
     $order_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC');
     $cond = ' 1 ';
     if ($name != '') {
         $cond .= ' AND name LIKE "%' . $name . '%"';
     $item_per_page = 50;
     $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM `page` WHERE ' . $cond . ' LIMIT 0,1', 'total_row', 0);
     $items = array();
     $paging = '';
     if ($total_row) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true);
         $sql = 'SELECT  id ,name,title, description FROM  `page` WHERE ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_dir . ' ' . $limit;
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $row['href'] = Url::build('edit_page', array('id' => $row['id']));
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     if ($order_dir == 'ASC') {
         $order_dir = 'DESC';
     } else {
         $order_dir = 'ASC';
     $href_id = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'id', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $href_name = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'name', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $href_des = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'description', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $href_title = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'title', 'order_dir' => $order_dir));
     $img_id = '';
     $img_name = '';
     $img_title = '';
     $img_des = '';
     if ($order_by == 'id') {
         $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     if ($order_by == 'name') {
         $img_name = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     if ($order_by == 'description') {
         $img_des = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     if ($order_by == 'title') {
         $img_title = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     $display->add('img_id', $img_id);
     $display->add('img_name', $img_name);
     $display->add('img_title', $img_title);
     $display->add('img_des', $img_des);
     $display->add('href_id', $href_id);
     $display->add('href_title', $href_title);
     $display->add('href_name', $href_name);
     $display->add('href_des', $href_des);
     $display->add('name', $name);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('hover', AZLib::mouse_hover('#E2F1DF', true));
예제 #27
 function item_same_category_form()
     global $display;
     $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id');
     $sql = 'SELECT id, name, list_brief, offer, modify_time, sku, read_count, category_id, currency_id, price, price_out, img_url, img_server FROM item WHERE';
     $where = " id!={$item_id}";
     if (CGlobal::$curCategory) {
         $where .= ($where != '' ? " AND " : "") . " category_id = " . CGlobal::$curCategory;
     $where .= ($where != '' ? " AND " : "") . " status=1";
     if (CGlobal::$curCity) {
         // $where = " province_id = " . CGlobal::$curCity . ($where != '' ? " AND " : "") . $where;//ngannv comment vì k có trường province id trong bảng item
     $sql .= "{$where} ORDER BY item_order ASC";
     $divID = 'item_same_cat';
     $code = 'item_same_cat';
     $url_path = WEB_DIR . "ajax.php?act=item&code=item_same_category&category_id=" . CGlobal::$curCategory . "&item_id={$item_id}";
     $limit = '';
     $item_per_page = 3;
     $i = 1;
     $pagging = AZPagging::AjaxPagingNext($limit, $item_per_page, true, 'p_item_same', $url_path, $divID);
     $sql .= $limit;
     $items = array();
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             if ($i <= $item_per_page) {
                 if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                     $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name'] . "/p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                 } else {
                     $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . "p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
                 $item['modify_time'] = date('H:i | d.m.y', $item['modify_time']);
                 $item['price_num'] = (int) $item['price'];
                 if ($item['price']) {
                     $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.');
                 } else {
                     $item['price'] = '';
                 $item['price_title'] = 'Giá bán';
                 if ($item['price_out'] > 0) {
                     $item['price_out'] = number_format($item['price_out'], 0, ',', '.') . ($item['currency_id'] == ' ' ? ' ' . CGlobal::$currency[$item['currency_id']] : '');
                 } else {
                     $item['price_out'] = '0';
                 //$item['price'] 			= AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price'],			$item['currency_id']);
                 //$item['price_out'] 		= AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price_out'],		$item['currency_id']);
                 $item['name'] = AZLib::filter_title($item['name']);
                 if ($item['img_url']) {
                     $item['img_thumb_wl'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['img_url'], 180, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
                 } else {
                     $item['img_url'] = '';
                 if (!CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat) {
                     if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                         $item['cat_name'] = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name'];
                     } else {
                         $item['cat_name'] = "ID: {$item['category_id']}";
                 $items[$item['id']] = $item;
                                    $value['price'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($value['price'], $value['currency_id']);
                                   $value['currency_id'] = 1;
                                    if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$value['category_id']]))
                                         $value['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $value['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($value['name']) . '&nice_name=' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$value['category_id']]['nice_name']);
                                     } else {
                                         $value['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $value['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($value['name']));
                                     $value['item_time'] = date('h:i | d.m', $value['modify_time']);
                                     $value['price_name'] = 'Giá bán';
                                     $value['item_type'] = 'Giao dịch bán';
                                     $value['name'] = strip_tags(AZLib::filter_title($value['name']));
                                     if ($value['price'] && $value['price'] > 0) {
                                         $value['price'] = number_format($value['price'], 0, ',', '.');
                                         $value['currency_id'] = CGlobal::$currency[$value['currency_id']];
                                     } else {
                                         $value['price'] = 'Liên hệ';
                                         $value['currency_id'] = '';
                                     if ($value['img_url']) {
                                         $value['img_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($value['img_url'], 80, 80, 0, $value['img_server']);
                                     } else {
                                         $value['img_url'] = 'style/images/no-images-69x53.jpg';
                                     $items[$value['id']] = $value;
     if ($i <= $item_per_page) {
         $pagging = AZPagging::AjaxPagingNext($limit, $item_per_page, false, 'p_item_same', $url_path, $divID);
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('admin_item', User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM));
     if ($items) {
         if (Url::get('code') != $code) {
             echo '<div id="' . $divID . '">';
         } else {
             echo "<div>";
         $display->output('ItemSameCategory', false, 'ItemSameCategory');
         echo "</div>";
예제 #28
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $this->beginForm(false, "POST", false, Url::build_current());
     //search theo ngay thang nam
     $display->add('created_time_from', Url::get('created_time_from'));
     $display->add('created_time_to', Url::get('created_time_to'));
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_from'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_to'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $search_value = 1;
     $last_log = (int) Url::get('last_log');
     if ($last_log) {
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ' AND last_login >= ' . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ' AND last_login <= ' . $created_time_to;
     } else {
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ' AND create_time >= ' . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ' AND create_time <= ' . $created_time_to;
     $display->add('last_log', $last_log);
     if (Url::get('active') == 1) {
         $search_value .= ' AND (is_active=1)';
         $display->add('active_checked', 'checked');
     } else {
         $display->add('active_checked', '');
     if (Url::get('tracking') == 1) {
         $search_value .= ' AND (tracking=1)';
         $display->add('tracking_checked', 'checked');
     } else {
         $display->add('tracking_checked', '');
     if (Url::get('block') == 1) {
         $search_value .= ' AND (block_time >= ' . TIME_NOW . ' OR block_time = -1)';
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY block_time DESC ';
         $display->add('block_checked', 'checked');
     } else {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY id DESC ';
         //$search_value .= ' AND block_time!=-1 AND block_time <= '.TIME_NOW;
         $display->add('block_checked', '');
     $od_by = Url::get('order_by');
     $od_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC');
     if ($od_by == 'name') {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY user_name ' . $od_dir;
     } elseif ($od_by == 'id') {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY id ' . $od_dir;
     } elseif ($od_by == 'time') {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY create_time ' . $od_dir;
     } elseif ($last_log) {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY last_login ' . $od_dir;
     if (Url::get('ava')) {
         $search_value .= ' AND avatar_url != ""';
         $display->add('ava_checked', 'checked');
     } else {
         $display->add('ava_checked', '');
     // search ô textbox	 ID
     $id_search = (int) Url::get('id_search', 0);
     if ($id_search) {
         $search_value .= ' AND id=' . $id_search;
     if ($id_search == 0) {
         $id_search = '';
     $display->add('id_search', $id_search);
     // search ô textbox	tài khoản
     if (Url::get('text_value') != '') {
         $text_value = Url::get('text_value');
         $display->add('text_value', $text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("'", '"', $text_value);
         $str_search = str_replace("&#39;", '"', $str_search);
         $str_search = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $str_search);
         $search_value .= " AND (user_name LIKE '%" . $str_search . "%'  OR email LIKE '%" . $str_search . "%')";
     // search so dien thoai
     if (Url::get('id_phone') != '') {
         $id_phone = Url::get('id_phone');
         $search_value .= " AND (home_phone LIKE '%" . $id_phone . "%'  OR mobile_phone LIKE '%" . $id_phone . "%')";
     $display->add('id_phone', Url::get('id_phone'));
     $item_per_page = Url::get('item_per_page', 50);
     $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_item FROM user WHERE ' . $search_value;
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     $str_id = '';
     $uids = '';
     if ($total) {
         $limit = '';
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Thành viên', 'Trang');
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE ' . $search_value . ' ' . $order_by . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 if ($row['block_time'] > TIME_NOW || $row['block_time'] == -1 || $row['invalid_time'] > 0 || $row['invalid_time'] == -1) {
                     $str_id .= ($str_id == '' ? '' : ',') . $row['id'];
                 $row['create_time'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['create_time']);
                 if ($row['last_login']) {
                     $row['last_login'] = date('d/m/y H:i', $row['last_login']);
                 } else {
                     $row['last_login'] = false;
                 if ($row['block_time'] > TIME_NOW || $row['block_time'] == -1) {
                     if ($row['block_time'] != -1) {
                         $row['status'] = "<font color=red><b>" . date('H:i d/m/y', $row['block_time']) . '</b></font>';
                     } else {
                         $row['status'] = '<font color=red><b>Khóa vĩnh viễn</b></font>';
                     $row['bgcolor'] = 'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"';
                     $row['is_block'] = true;
                     $display->add('type_reason', 'Khóa');
                 } else {
                     $row['status'] = "";
                     $row['bgcolor'] = '';
                     $row['is_block'] = false;
                 if ($row['invalid_time'] > 0 || $row['invalid_time'] == -1) {
                     $row['status'] = $row['invalid_time'] == -1 ? "<font color=red><b>kiểm duyệt vĩnh viễn</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>" . date('H:i d/m/y', $row['invalid_time']) . '</b></font>';
                     $row['is_invalid'] = true;
                     $display->add('type_reason', 'Kiểm duyệt');
                 } else {
                     //$row['status'] = "";
                     //$row['bgcolor'] = '';
                     $row['is_invalid'] = false;
                 if ($row['province_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$provinces[$row['province_id']])) {
                     $row['city'] = CGlobal::$provinces[$row['province_id']]['name'];
                 } else {
                     $row['city'] = '';
                 $row['gender'] = '';
                 if ($row['website'] && strpos($row['website'], 'http://') === false) {
                     $row['website'] = 'http://' . $row['website'];
                 if ($row['avatar_url']) {
                     $row['avatar_preview'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($row['avatar_url'], 60, 0, 1, $row['img_server']);
                     $row['avatar_src'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$row['img_server']] . $row['avatar_url'];
                     $row['del_avatar'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'cmd=del_avatar&id=' . $row['id']);
                 } else {
                     $row['avatar_preview'] = '';
                     $row['avatar_src'] = '';
                     $row['del_avatar'] = '';
                 $row['unban_nick'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'cmd=unban_nick&id=' . $row['id']);
                 if (User::is_root()) {
                     $row['del_link'] = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'cmd=del_user&id=' . $row['id']);
                 $row['detail'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'detail', 'id' => $row['id']));
                 $row['edit'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'edit', 'id' => $row['id']));
                 $row['openids'] = array();
                 $row['del_cache'] = Url::build_all(array('cmd', 'id'), 'cmd=del_cache&id=' . $row['id']);
                 $uids .= ($uids ? ',' : '') . $row['id'];
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     if ($uids) {
         $re = DB::query("SELECT openid_url,user_id FROM openid WHERE user_id IN({$uids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($oid = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $items[$oid['user_id']]['openids'][] = $oid['openid_url'];
     //lay ly do khoa nicks hoac kiem duyet nick
     $arr_reason = array();
     if ($str_id) {
         $where = '';
         if (Url::get('block') == 1) {
             $where = ' AND type IN (0,1) ';
         } else {
             if (Url::get('invalid') == 1) {
                 $where = ' AND type = 2 ';
         $sql = 'SELECT user_id, time, note, type,admin_id, admin_name FROM user_lock WHERE user_id IN(' . $str_id . ') ' . $where . ' ORDER BY id ASC';
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $arr_reason[$row['user_id']] = $row;
     foreach ($items as $value) {
         if (isset($arr_reason[$value['id']]['user_id']) && $value['id'] == $arr_reason[$value['id']]['user_id']) {
             $items[$value['id']]['lock_reason'] = AZLib::filter_title($arr_reason[$value['id']]['note']);
             $items[$value['id']]['lock_type'] = $arr_reason[$value['id']]['type'];
             $items[$value['id']]['time_lock'] = date("d/m/y H:i", $arr_reason[$value['id']]['time']);
             $items[$value['id']]['create_time_lock'] = $arr_reason[$value['id']]['time'];
             $items[$value['id']]['admin_name'] = $arr_reason[$value['id']]['admin_name'];
         } else {
             $items[$value['id']]['lock_reason'] = '';
             $items[$value['id']]['lock_type'] = '';
             $items[$value['id']]['time_lock'] = '';
             $items[$value['id']]['create_time_lock'] = 0;
             $items[$value['id']]['admin_name'] = '';
     //end lay ly do khoa nick
     if ($od_dir == 'ASC') {
         $od_dir = 'DESC';
     } else {
         $od_dir = 'ASC';
     $href_id = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'order_by=id&order_dir=' . $od_dir);
     $href_name = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'order_by=name&order_dir=' . $od_dir);
     $href_up = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'order_by=up&order_dir=' . $od_dir);
     $href_time = Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac'), 'order_by=time&order_dir=' . $od_dir);
     $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/downarrow.png" alt="">';
     $img_name = '';
     $img_up = '';
     $img_time = '';
     if ($od_by == 'id') {
         $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($od_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
     if ($od_by == 'name') {
         $img_name = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($od_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
         $img_id = '';
     if ($od_by == 'up') {
         $img_up = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($od_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
         $img_id = '';
     if ($od_by == 'time') {
         $img_time = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($od_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">';
         $img_id = '';
     // neu show cac thanh vien bi khoa, se sap xep theo thoi diem khoa hien tai giam dan
     if (Url::get('block') == 1) {
         usort($items, array("ListUserAdminForm", "cmp"));
     $display->add('img_id', $img_id);
     $display->add('img_name', $img_name);
     $display->add('img_up', $img_up);
     $display->add('img_time', $img_time);
     $display->add('href_id', $href_id);
     $display->add('href_name', $href_name);
     $display->add('href_up', $href_up);
     $display->add('href_time', $href_time);
     $display->add('total_user', $total);
     $display->add('limit_date', BAN_NICK_DATE);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('is_root', User::is_root());
예제 #29
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
     $user_name = Url::get('user_name', "");
     $display->add('created_time_from', Url::get('created_time_from'));
     $display->add('created_time_to', Url::get('created_time_to'));
     $display->add('sender_user_name', Url::get('sender_user_name'));
     $created_time_from = 0;
     $created_time_to = 0;
     $item_per_page = 50;
     $limit = '';
     if (Url::get('created_time_from')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_from'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     if (Url::get('created_time_to')) {
         $date_arr = explode('-', Url::get('created_time_to'));
         if (isset($date_arr[0]) && isset($date_arr[1]) && isset($date_arr[2])) {
             $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, (int) $date_arr[1], (int) $date_arr[0], (int) $date_arr[2]);
     $search_value = '';
     if ($created_time_from) {
         $search_value .= ' time_add >= ' . $created_time_from;
     if ($created_time_to) {
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $and = ' AND ';
         } else {
             $and = ' ';
         $search_value .= $and;
         $search_value .= ' time_add <= ' . $created_time_to;
     if ($user_id) {
         if ($search_value) {
             $and = ' AND ';
         } else {
             $and = '  ';
         $search_value .= $and;
         $search_value .= ' user_id = ' . $user_id;
     if ($user_name) {
         if ($search_value) {
             $and = ' AND ';
         } else {
             $and = '  ';
         $search_value .= $and;
         $search_value .= ' user_name = "' . $user_name . '"';
     // search ô textbox
     if ($search_value) {
         $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_item FROM admin_notice_user WHERE  ' . $search_value;
     } else {
         $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_item FROM admin_notice_user';
     $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_item', 0);
     $items = array();
     if ($total) {
         $paging = AZPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true, 'Thông báo', 'Trang');
         if ($search_value) {
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM admin_notice_user WHERE ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY id DESC ' . $limit;
         } else {
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM admin_notice_user ORDER BY id DESC ' . $limit;
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 if ($row["admin_add"] && $row["time_add"]) {
                     $row["add"] = "<a target='_blank' href='" . $row["admin_add"] . "'>" . $row["admin_add"] . "</a> thêm lúc " . date("d-m-y H:i", $row["time_add"]);
                 if ($row["admin_edit"] && $row["time_edit"]) {
                     $row["edit"] = "<a target='_blank' href='" . $row["admin_edit"] . "'>" . $row["admin_edit"] . "</a> sửa lúc " . date("d-m-y H:i", $row["time_edit"]);
                 $row["expire"] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $row["expire_date"]);
                 if ($row["expire_date"] > TIME_NOW && $row["active"]) {
                     $row["active"] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $row["active"] = 0;
                 $items[$row['id']] = $row;
     } else {
         $paging = '';
     $display->add('user_id', $user_id);
     $display->add('user_name', $user_name);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
예제 #30
    function load_shop_label()
        if (!CGlobal::$user_profile) {
        if (CGlobal::$user_profile) {
            $mode_default = 'comment';
            if (!CGlobal::$shop_setting) {
                if (CGlobal::$user_profile['shop_setting']) {
                    CGlobal::$shop_setting = unserialize(stripslashes(CGlobal::$user_profile['shop_setting']));
                if (!CGlobal::$shop_setting) {
                    CGlobal::$shop_setting = array('shop_name' => CGlobal::$user_profile['full_name'] ? CGlobal::$user_profile['full_name'] : CGlobal::$user_profile['user_name'], 'default_mode' => 1, 'default_layout' => 1, 'item_list_mode' => 0, 'adv_banner' => '');
            if (CGlobal::$shop_setting && !isset(CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_layout'])) {
                CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_layout'] = 1;
            if (Url::get("mode") == "comment" || CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_mode'] == 2) {
                CGlobal::$website_title = 'Lưu bút - Shop ' . CGlobal::$user_profile['user_name'];
            if (!CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_mode']) {
                if (Url::get('mode') == 'shop' || DB::select('item', 'user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' AND status=1')) {
                    //Nếu có sp, mặc định là vào shop
                    CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_mode'] = 1;
                    $mode_default = 'shop';
                } else {
                    //Nếu ko có sản phẩm, mặc định vào lưu bút
                    CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_mode'] = 2;
                    $mode_default = 'comment';
            } else {
                if (CGlobal::$shop_setting['default_mode'] == 1) {
                    $mode_default = 'shop';
                } else {
                    $mode_default = 'comment';
        if (CGlobal::$shop_label) {
            CGlobal::$website_title .= ' | ' . CGlobal::$shop_label['name'];
            $this->label_id = CGlobal::$shop_label['id'];
        } else {
            $this->label_id = (int) Url::get('label_id', 0);
            if ($this->label_id) {
                CGlobal::$shop_label = DB::select("label", "id=" . $this->label_id);
            if (!CGlobal::$shop_label) {
                $this->label_id = 0;
        $page_shop_item = (int) Url::get('page_shop_item', 1);
        $label_id = (int) Url::get("label_id", 0);
        $list_type = (int) Url::get("list_type", 0);
        global $display;
        $display->add('top_level_id', $label_id);
        $display->add('list_type', $list_type);
        $display->add('can_edit', User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::id() == CGlobal::$user_profile['id']);
        $status_check = User::id() == CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] || User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) ? ' status IN(0,1,2,3,4,5)' : ' status =1';
        if ($label_id) {
            $total_item = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM label_item AS L JOIN item AS I ON L.item_id=I.id AND I.' . $status_check . ' AND I.user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' WHERE L.user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' AND L.label_id=' . $label_id, 'total_row', 0);
        } else {
            $total_item = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM item WHERE ' . $status_check . ' AND user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'], 'total_row', 0);
        $pagging = '';
        $items = array();
        $divID = 'shop_item';
        $item_per_page = 0;
        if ($total_item) {
            $item_per_page = 9;
            $limit = '';
            $url_path = WEB_DIR . 'ajax.php?act=shop&code=load_shop_label&user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . '&label_id=' . $label_id . (!$list_type ? '' : '&list_type=' . $list_type);
            $pagging = AZPagging::AjaxPaging($limit, $total_item, $item_per_page, 5, 'page_shop_item', '', false, false, $url_path, $divID, true);
            if ($label_id) {
                $display->add('label_name', CGlobal::$shop_label['name']);
                $select = 'SELECT I.id, I.name,I.sapo, I.user_name, I.user_id,I.description,I.category_id, I.read_count, I.reply_count, I.currency_id, I.price, I.province_id, I.up_time,I.price_out, I.brief, I.img_url, I.status, I.state, I.img_server
				FROM label_item AS L JOIN item AS I ON L.item_id=I.id AND I.' . $status_check . ' AND I.user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' WHERE L.user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' AND L.label_id=' . $label_id . ' ORDER BY shop_order, up_time DESC' . $limit;
            } else {
                $select = 'SELECT id, name, sapo, user_name, user_id, description, category_id, read_count, reply_count, currency_id, price, brief, img_url, province_id, up_time, price_out, status, state, img_server,sticky FROM item WHERE ' . $status_check . ' AND user_id=' . CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] . ' ORDER BY shop_order, up_time DESC' . $limit;
            $re = DB::query($select);
            if (User::is_login()) {
                $wids = User::get_wishlist('wish_list_items');
                $w_items = array();
                if ($wids) {
                    $w_items = explode(',', $wids);
            if ($re) {
                $item_ids = '';
                while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                    $item['price'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price'], $item['currency_id']);
                    $item['price_out'] = AZLib::convertCurrency($item['price_out'], $item['currency_id']);
                    $item['currency_id'] = 1;
                    if ($item['img_url']) {
                        $item['image_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['img_url'], 200, 200, 0, $item['img_server']);
                    if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                        $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title(AZLib::word_limit($item['name'], 12, '')) . '&nice_name=' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name']);
                    } else {
                        $item['href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title(AZLib::word_limit($item['name'], 12, '')));
                    $tooltip = '';
                    $tooltip .= 'Xem: ' . $item['read_count'] . ' - Phản hồi: ' . $item['reply_count'];
                    $item['time_label'] = '';
                    $up_time = date('H:i | ', $item['up_time']);
                    if (date('d.m.y', $item['up_time']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                        $up_time .= '<font color="green">H&#244;m nay</font>';
                    } else {
                        $up_time .= date('d.m.y', $item['up_time']);
                    //$item['created_time'] = 'đăng '.AZLib::duration_time($item['up_time']);
                    $item['created_time'] = $up_time;
                    if ($item['price']) {
                        $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.');
                        $item['currency_id'] = CGlobal::$currency[$item['currency_id']];
                    } else {
                        $item['price'] = '';
                        $item['currency_id'] = '';
                    $item['price_title'] = 'Giá bán';
                    if ($item['price_out'] > 0) {
                        $item['price_out'] = number_format($item['price_out'], 0, ',', '.') . ($item['currency_id'] == ' ' ? ' ' . CGlobal::$currency[$item['currency_id']] : '');
                    } else {
                        $item['price_out'] = '0';
                    $item['no_base_source'] = AZLib::remove_4_js(str_replace(array("<br>", "<br />"), '', $item['brief']));
                    $item['description'] = AZLib::plainText(AZLib::parseBBCode(html_entity_decode($item['description'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")));
                    $item['description'] = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}[\\s]*)\\]/eis", " ", $item['description']);
                    $item['description'] = str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", " "), $item['description']);
                    $item['description'] = AZLib::word_limit($item['description'], 250, '');
                    /* if($item['sapo']!=''){
                       $item['brief'] = $item['sapo'];
                       $item['brief'] = AZLib::subString(AZLib::filter_title($item['brief']),0,255,true);
                       $item['brief'] = AZLib::word_limit($item['brief'],30,'');
                       $item['brief'] = String::display_sort_title($item['description'],30);
                       } */
                    $item['brief'] = '';
                    $item['parent_name'] = '';
                    if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]) && CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id']) {
                        $parent_id = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id'];
                        if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id])) {
                            $item['parent_name'] = CGlobal::$allCategories[$parent_id]['name'] . ' - ';
                    if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name'])) {
                        $item['category_name'] = $item['parent_name'] . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['name'];
                    } else {
                        $item['category'] = '';
                        $item['category_name'] = '';
                    $item['safe_title'] = AZLib::safe_title($item['parent_name'] . $item['category_name']);
                    $item['category_href'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=list_detail&category_id=' . $item['category_id'] . '&ebname=' . $item['safe_title']);
                    $item['name'] = AZLib::subString(AZLib::filter_title($item['name']), 0, 115, true);
                    $item['name'] = AZLib::word_limit($item['name'], 12, '');
                    $item['user_name'] = $item['user_name'];
                    $item['profile_url'] = WEB_DIR . $item['user_name'];
                    $item['city'] = CGlobal::$provinces[$item['province_id']]['name'];
                    if ($item['img_url']) {
                        $item['img_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($item['img_url'], 110, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
                    } else {
                        $item['img_url'] = 'style/images/no-images-69x53.jpg';
                    if (isset($_GET['ebname'])) {
                        $item['up_url'] = Url::build_current(array('action' => 'up', 'id' => $item['id'], 'category_id' => CGlobal::$curCategory, 'type' => Url::get('type'), 'ebname' => $_GET['ebname']));
                        $item['down_url'] = Url::build_current(array('action' => 'down', 'id' => $item['id'], 'category_id' => CGlobal::$curCategory, 'type' => Url::get('type'), 'ebname' => $_GET['ebname']));
                    } else {
                        $item['up_url'] = Url::build_current(array('action' => 'up', 'id' => $item['id'], 'category_id' => CGlobal::$curCategory, 'type' => Url::get('type')));
                        $item['down_url'] = Url::build_current(array('action' => 'down', 'id' => $item['id'], 'category_id' => CGlobal::$curCategory, 'type' => Url::get('type')));
                    $item['in_wish_list'] = false;
                    if (User::is_login()) {
                        if (in_array($item['id'], $w_items)) {
                            $item['in_wish_list'] = true;
                        } else {
                            $item['in_wish_list'] = false;
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_COOKIE['wish_list_item_ids'])) {
                            $arr = explode(',', $_COOKIE['wish_list_item_ids']);
                            foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
                                if ($v == $item['id']) {
                                    $item['in_wish_list'] = true;
                    if (CGlobal::$user_profile['id'] == User::id()) {
                        $tooltip .= ' - <strong>ID tin: ' . $item['id'] . '</strong>';
                    $item['invalid'] = '';
                    if ($item['status'] == 2) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Đang kiểm duyệt)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(Đang kiểm duyệt)</font>';
                    } elseif ($item['status'] == 3) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Tin theo dõi lừa đảo)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(Theo dõi lừa đảo)</font>';
                    } elseif ($item['status'] == 0) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Đang ẩn)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(Đang ẩn)</font>';
                    } elseif ($item['status'] == 5) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Đang kiểm duyệt chờ chứng thực)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(KD chờ chứng thực)</font>';
                    } elseif ($item['status'] == 4) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Tin trùng)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(Tin trùng)</font>';
                    } elseif ($item['state'] == 1) {
                        $tooltip .= '<div style=\\\'color:red\\\'>(Đang khóa)</div>';
                        $item['invalid'] = '<font color="red">(Đang khóa)</font>';
                    $item['tooltip'] = $tooltip;
                    $item['lids'] = '';
                    $item_ids .= ($item_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $item['id'];
                    $items[$item['id']] = $item;
            if ($item_ids) {
                $item_labels = array();
                //Label của tất cả sp đang đc hiển thị
                $re = DB::query("SELECT id, label_id, item_id FROM label_item WHERE item_id IN({$item_ids})");
                if ($re) {
                    while ($l_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        if (isset($items[$l_item['item_id']])) {
                            $items[$l_item['item_id']]['lids'] .= ($items[$l_item['item_id']]['lids'] != '' ? ',' : '') . $l_item['label_id'];
        $display->add('loading_ajax', true);
        $display->add('is_admin', (int) User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM));
        $display->add('cur_id', (int) User::id());
        $display->add('total_sp', (int) $total_item);
        $display->add('items', $items);
        $display->add('paging', $pagging);
        $display->add('item_per_page', $item_per_page);
        $display->add('page_num', $page_shop_item);
        $display->add('shop_user_id', CGlobal::$user_profile['id']);
        $display->add('shop_user_name', CGlobal::$user_profile['user_name']);
        $display->output($list_type != 1 ? 'ShopItem' : 'ShopItemListDetail', false, 'Shop');