static function Run() { AZLib::CheckDir(PAGE_CACHE_DIR); if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { if ($_REQUEST['page'] == "home") { Url::redirect_url(WEB_DIR, 301); } $page_name = strtolower($_REQUEST['page']); } else { $page_name = 'home'; } AZNet::$page_cache_file = PAGE_CACHE_DIR . $page_name . '.php'; if (Url::get('refresh_page') == 1) { self::del_page_cache($page_name); } if (Url::get('refresh_page') != 1 && PAGE_CACHE_ON && file_exists(AZNet::$page_cache_file)) { require_once AZNet::$page_cache_file; } else { $re = DB::query('SELECT id, name, title, layout FROM page WHERE name="' . addslashes($page_name) . '"', __LINE__ . __FILE__); if ($re) { AZNet::$page = mysql_fetch_assoc($re); } if (!AZNet::$page) { Url::redirect_url(WEB_DIR, 301); } AZGen::PageGenerate(); } }
function PageAdmin($row) { Module::Module($row); if (User::is_root()) { $cmd = Url::get('cmd'); switch ($cmd) { case 'delete_all_cache': AZNet::update_all_page(); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/enbac/dir.php'; empty_all_dir(PAGE_CACHE_DIR, true); Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'refresh': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { AZNet::update_page($id); if (Url::check('href')) { Url::redirect_url($_REQUEST['href']); } else { Url::redirect_current(); } } Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'delete': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { DB::delete('block', 'page_id=' . $id); DB::delete_id('page', $id); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/enbac/dir.php'; empty_all_dir(DIR_CACHE . 'pages', true); empty_all_dir(DIR_CACHE . 'modules', true); } Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'edit': case 'add': case 'copy': require_once 'forms/edit.php'; $this->add_form(new EditPageAdminForm()); break; default: require_once 'forms/list.php'; $this->add_form(new ListPageAdminForm()); break; } } else { Url::access_denied(); } }
function on_submit() { if (Url::get('cmd') == 'delete_items') { $selected_ids = Url::get('selected_ids'); if ($selected_ids) { $ids = implode(',', $selected_ids); if ($ids) { AZNet::update_page($ids); DB::delete('block', 'page_id IN(' . $ids . ')'); DB::delete('page', 'id IN(' . $ids . ')'); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/enbac/dir.php'; empty_all_dir(PAGE_CACHE_DIR, true); } } Url::redirect_current(); } }
function on_submit() { $name = trim(Url::get('name')); $title = trim(Url::get('title')); $layout = trim(Url::get('layout')); $description = trim(Url::get('description')); $this->checkFormInput('Tên page', 'name', $name, 'uname', true, '', 1, 255); if (!$layout) { $this->setFormError('layout', 'Bạn chưa chọn Layout!'); } elseif (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . $layout)) { $this->setFormError('layout', 'Layout không tồn tại!'); } $this->checkFormInput('Tiêu đề', 'title', $title, 'str', false, '', 0, 255); $this->checkFormInput('Mô tả', 'description', $description, 'str', false, '', 0, 255); if (!$this->errNum) { $new_row = array('name' => $name, 'title' => $title, 'layout' => $layout, 'description' => $description); if (Url::get('cmd') == 'copy') { if ($name == $this->page['name'] || DB::select('page', 'name="' . $name . '"')) { $this->setFormError('name', 'Tên trang "' . $name . '" đã tồn tại, hãy chọn tên khác!'); return; } $id = DB::insert('page', $new_row); if ($id) { $re = DB::query('SELECT id, module_id, page_id, region, position FROM block WHERE page_id=' . $this->page['id']); if ($re) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { unset($row['id']); $row['page_id'] = $id; DB::insert('block', $row); } } } } elseif (Url::get('cmd') == 'edit') { DB::update('page', $new_row, 'id=' . $this->page['id']); AZNet::update_page($this->page['id']); } else { $id = DB::insert('page', $new_row); } Url::redirect_current(); } }
function ModuleAdmin($row) { Module::Module($row); if (User::is_root()) { if (Url::check(array('cmd' => 'delete_cache'))) { AZNet::update_all_page(); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/enbac/dir.php'; empty_all_dir(PAGE_CACHE_DIR, true); Url::redirect_current(); } else { if (Url::check(array('cmd' => 'scan'))) { require_once 'forms/scan.php'; $this->add_form(new ScanModuleForm()); } else { require_once 'forms/list.php'; $this->add_form(new ListModuleAdminForm()); } } } else { Url::access_denied(); } }
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '7874', 'name' => 'news', 'title' => 'Tin tức', 'layout' => 'layouts/nghiepquang_news_detail.html'); $blocks = array(49432 => array('id' => '49432', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 49660 => array('id' => '49660', 'module_id' => '5735', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5735', 'name' => 'NewsPage')), 49438 => array('id' => '49438', 'module_id' => '5695', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5695', 'name' => 'NewsMenu')), 49625 => array('id' => '49625', 'module_id' => '5688', 'region' => 'banner_slide', 'module' => array('id' => '5688', 'name' => 'IntroBanner')), 49431 => array('id' => '49431', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 49627 => array('id' => '49627', 'module_id' => '5733', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5733', 'name' => 'eBoxMenuCate')), 49628 => array('id' => '49628', 'module_id' => '5731', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5731', 'name' => 'eBoxSupportOnline')), 49630 => array('id' => '49630', 'module_id' => '5698', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5698', 'name' => 'NewsHomeHot')), 49629 => array('id' => '49629', 'module_id' => '5723', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5723', 'name' => 'PublicSurvey'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] = new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="vs_wrapper"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49432]['object'])) { $blocks[49432]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div id="tcs-container" style="padding: 0;"> <div id="tcs-left" class="left"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49438]['object'])) { $blocks[49438]['object']->on_draw(); } if (isset($blocks[49627]['object'])) {
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '3009', 'name' => 'home', 'title' => 'Trang chủ', 'layout' => 'layouts/nghiepquang_home.html'); $blocks = array(48882 => array('id' => '48882', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 48878 => array('id' => '48878', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 49648 => array('id' => '49648', 'module_id' => '5693', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5693', 'name' => 'NewsHome')), 49645 => array('id' => '49645', 'module_id' => '5731', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5731', 'name' => 'eBoxSupportOnline')), 49586 => array('id' => '49586', 'module_id' => '5688', 'region' => 'banner_slide', 'module' => array('id' => '5688', 'name' => 'IntroBanner')), 49646 => array('id' => '49646', 'module_id' => '5698', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5698', 'name' => 'NewsHomeHot')), 49647 => array('id' => '49647', 'module_id' => '5723', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5723', 'name' => 'PublicSurvey'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] =& new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="vs_wrapper"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[48878]['object'])) { $blocks[48878]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div id="tcs-container"> <div id="tcs-product-left" style="float: left;"> <div id="tcs-banner-slide" style="min-height: 250px;"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49586]['object'])) {
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '7878', 'name' => 'news_detail', 'title' => 'Chi tiết tin', 'layout' => 'layouts/tcs_detail.html'); $blocks = array(49453 => array('id' => '49453', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 49454 => array('id' => '49454', 'module_id' => '5692', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5692', 'name' => 'NewsDetail')), 49451 => array('id' => '49451', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 49649 => array('id' => '49649', 'module_id' => '5688', 'region' => 'banner_slide', 'module' => array('id' => '5688', 'name' => 'IntroBanner')), 49615 => array('id' => '49615', 'module_id' => '5695', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5695', 'name' => 'NewsMenu')), 49616 => array('id' => '49616', 'module_id' => '5731', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5731', 'name' => 'eBoxSupportOnline')), 49617 => array('id' => '49617', 'module_id' => '5698', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5698', 'name' => 'NewsHomeHot')), 49618 => array('id' => '49618', 'module_id' => '5723', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5723', 'name' => 'PublicSurvey')), 49632 => array('id' => '49632', 'module_id' => '5732', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5732', 'name' => 'eBoxSiteStatic'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] =& new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div class="body"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49451]['object'])) { $blocks[49451]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div id="tcs-container"> <div id="tcs-left" class="left"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49615]['object'])) { $blocks[49615]['object']->on_draw(); } if (isset($blocks[49616]['object'])) {
$rtime = $rtime[1] + $rtime[0]; $start_rb = $rtime; //die(" tạm dừng để cập nhật dữ liệu, mời bạn quay lại sau ít phút!"); /*if(!isset($_GET['ebug']) || !$_GET['ebug']){ if(!isset($_REQUEST['ebug']) || !$_REQUEST['ebug']){ die(" tạm dừng để cập nhật dữ liệu, mời bạn quay lại sau ít phút!"); } }*/ require_once 'core/Debug.php'; //System Debug... require_once 'core/config.php'; //System Config... require_once 'core/Init.php'; //System Init... tbug('Load core files'); AZNet::Run(); //System process & output... //require_once('my_tracker.php'); //tracker location tbug('End of Page'); if (!isset($_GET['is_popup'])) { $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $end_rb = $mtime; $page_load_time = round($end_rb - $start_rb, 5) . "s"; $color = DEBUG ? "red" : "#FFFFFF"; echo "<span style=''><div align='center'><span clear='left' style='color:{$color};'>Total load time ({$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}) : {$page_load_time}</span>"; if (CRONJOB_URL && StaticCache::notExistCache('cronjob', 15)) { //Run 1 cronjob/15s $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '7899', 'name' => 'contact_us', 'title' => 'Gửi thông tin liên hệ', 'layout' => 'layouts/nghiemquang_home_1col.html'); $blocks = array(49530 => array('id' => '49530', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 49531 => array('id' => '49531', 'module_id' => '5717', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5717', 'name' => 'Feedback')), 49529 => array('id' => '49529', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 49556 => array('id' => '49556', 'module_id' => '5719', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5719', 'name' => 'AdvCover'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] =& new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="vs_wrapper"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49529]['object'])) { $blocks[49529]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div> <div class="c"></div> </div> <div class="mt10"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49531]['object'])) {
function EditPage($row) { Module::Module($row); if (User::is_root()) { $cmd = Url::get('cmd'); switch ($cmd) { case 'change_layout': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); $new_layout = Url::get('new_layout'); if ($id && $new_layout && file_exists(ROOT_PATH . $new_layout)) { DB::update('page', array('layout' => $new_layout), 'id=' . $id); } AZNet::update_page(Url::get('id')); if (Url::check('href') && Url::get('href')) { Url::redirect_url(Url::get('href')); } else { Url::redirect_current(array('id' => Url::get('id'))); } break; case 'delete_block': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); $block_id = (int) Url::get('block_id', 0); if ($block_id) { DB::delete('block', "id={$block_id}"); AZNet::update_page($id); } if (Url::check('href') && Url::get('href')) { Url::redirect_url(Url::get('href')); } else { Url::redirect_current(array('id' => $id)); } break; case 'move_bottom': case 'move_top': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); $block_id = (int) Url::get('block_id', 0); if ($block_id && $id) { $page = DB::select('page', 'id=' . $id); $block = DB::select('block', 'id=' . $block_id); if ($block && $page) { $region = $block['region']; if ($cmd == 'move_bottom') { $position = DB::fetch('SELECT MAX(position) AS amax FROM block WHERE region="' . $region . '" AND page_id="' . $id . '"', 'amax', 0); if ($position) { $position++; } else { $position = 1; } } else { $position = DB::fetch('SELECT MIN(position) AS amin FROM block WHERE region="' . $region . '" AND page_id="' . $id . '"', 'amax', 0); if ($position) { $position--; } else { $position = 1; } } DB::update('block', array('region' => $region, 'position' => $position), 'id="' . $block_id . '"'); AZNet::update_page($id); } } if (Url::check('href') && Url::get('href')) { Url::redirect_url(Url::get('href')); } else { Url::redirect_current(array('id' => $id)); } break; case 'move': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); $block_id = (int) Url::get('block_id', 0); $dir = Url::get('move'); if ($id && $block_id && $dir) { $block = DB::select('block', $block_id); if ($block) { if ($dir == 'up') { $move[0] = '<'; $move[1] = 'DESC'; } else { $move[0] = '>'; $move[1] = 'ASC'; } if (DB::query('SELECT * FROM block WHERE region="' . DB::escape($block['region']) . '" AND page_id="' . $block['page_id'] . '" AND position' . $move[0] . $block['position'] . ' ORDER BY position ' . $move[1])) { if ($row = DB::fetch()) { DB::update('block', array('position' => $block['position']), '`id`=' . $row['id']); DB::update('block', array('position' => $row['position']), '`id`=' . $block['id']); } } AZNet::update_page($id); } } if (Url::check('href') && Url::get('href')) { Url::redirect_url(Url::get('href')); } else { Url::redirect_current(array('id' => $id)); } break; default: $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); $module_id = (int) Url::get('module_id', 0); $region = Url::get('region'); if (!$id) { Url::redirect('page'); } if ($module_id && $region) { $position = DB::fetch('SELECT MAX(position) AS amax FROM block WHERE region="' . $region . '" AND page_id="' . $id . '"', 'amax', 0); if ($position) { $position++; } if ($position <= 0) { $position = 1; } DB::insert('block', array('region' => $region, 'position' => $position, 'page_id' => $id, 'module_id' => $module_id)); AZNet::update_page($id); if (Url::check('href') && Url::get('href')) { Url::redirect_url(Url::get('href')); } else { Url::redirect_current(array('id' => $id)); } } else { //Cấu hình page: require_once 'forms/page_content.php'; $this->add_form(new PageContentForm()); break; } break; } } else { Url::access_denied(); } }
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '7766', 'name' => 'item_detail', 'title' => 'item_detail', 'layout' => 'layouts/nq_list_product.html'); $blocks = array(49596 => array('id' => '49596', 'module_id' => '5686', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5686', 'name' => 'HeaderNavigation')), 48553 => array('id' => '48553', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 49633 => array('id' => '49633', 'module_id' => '5733', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5733', 'name' => 'eBoxMenuCate')), 49636 => array('id' => '49636', 'module_id' => '5695', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5695', 'name' => 'NewsMenu')), 49592 => array('id' => '49592', 'module_id' => '5688', 'region' => 'banner_slide', 'module' => array('id' => '5688', 'name' => 'IntroBanner')), 49424 => array('id' => '49424', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 49055 => array('id' => '49055', 'module_id' => '5594', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5594', 'name' => 'ItemDetail')), 49637 => array('id' => '49637', 'module_id' => '5698', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5698', 'name' => 'NewsHomeHot')), 49634 => array('id' => '49634', 'module_id' => '5731', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5731', 'name' => 'eBoxSupportOnline')), 49635 => array('id' => '49635', 'module_id' => '5698', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5698', 'name' => 'NewsHomeHot')), 49056 => array('id' => '49056', 'module_id' => '5595', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5595', 'name' => 'ItemSameCategory')), 49638 => array('id' => '49638', 'module_id' => '5723', 'region' => 'right', 'module' => array('id' => '5723', 'name' => 'PublicSurvey'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] =& new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="vs_wrapper"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49424]['object'])) { $blocks[49424]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div id="tcs-container" style="padding: 0;"> <div id="tcs-left" class="left"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49633]['object'])) { $blocks[49633]['object']->on_draw(); } if (isset($blocks[49634]['object'])) {
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '7271', 'name' => 'sign_in', 'title' => 'Đăng nhập', 'layout' => 'layouts/nghiepquang_news_detail.html'); $blocks = array(48798 => array('id' => '48798', 'module_id' => '5557', 'region' => 'header', 'module' => array('id' => '5557', 'name' => 'Header')), 48582 => array('id' => '48582', 'module_id' => '5524', 'region' => 'footer', 'module' => array('id' => '5524', 'name' => 'Footer')), 49654 => array('id' => '49654', 'module_id' => '1704', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '1704', 'name' => 'SignIn')), 49650 => array('id' => '49650', 'module_id' => '5688', 'region' => 'banner_slide', 'module' => array('id' => '5688', 'name' => 'IntroBanner')), 49651 => array('id' => '49651', 'module_id' => '5733', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5733', 'name' => 'eBoxMenuCate')), 49652 => array('id' => '49652', 'module_id' => '5695', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5695', 'name' => 'NewsMenu')), 49653 => array('id' => '49653', 'module_id' => '5731', 'region' => 'left', 'module' => array('id' => '5731', 'name' => 'eBoxSupportOnline'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] = new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="vs_wrapper"> <div id="tcs-header"> <?php if (isset($blocks[48798]['object'])) { $blocks[48798]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <div id="tcs-container" style="padding: 0;"> <div id="tcs-left" class="left"> <?php if (isset($blocks[49651]['object'])) { $blocks[49651]['object']->on_draw(); } if (isset($blocks[49652]['object'])) {
<?php AZNet::$page = array('id' => '1096', 'name' => 'edit_page', 'title' => 'Sửa nội dung của trang', 'layout' => 'layouts/admin_simple.html'); $blocks = array(45153 => array('id' => '45153', 'module_id' => '5333', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '5333', 'name' => 'Navigation')), 2002 => array('id' => '2002', 'module_id' => '8', 'region' => 'center', 'module' => array('id' => '8', 'name' => 'EditPage'))); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (file_exists(DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php')) { require_once DIR_MODULE . $block['module']['name'] . '/class.php'; $block['object'] =& new $block['module']['name']($block); if (isset($_POST['form_block_id']) && $_POST['form_block_id'] == $block['id']) { $block['object']->submit(); } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/PageBegin.php"; ?> <div id="simple_layout" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"> <?php if (isset($blocks[45153]['object'])) { $blocks[45153]['object']->on_draw(); } if (isset($blocks[2002]['object'])) { $blocks[2002]['object']->on_draw(); } ?> </div> <?php require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/PageEnd.php';
//start buffering//@ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/AutoLoader.php'; CGlobal::$my_server = $server_list; CGlobal::$img_server = $img_server; CGlobal::$img_ftp_server = $img_ftp_server; define('CPC_URL', WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl("?page=cpc_ad")); if (MEMCACHE_ON) { CGlobal::$memcache_server = $memcache_server; } unset($memcache_server, $server_list, $img_server, $img_ftp_server); if (isset($_REQUEST['trigger']) && (int) $_REQUEST['trigger'] == 1) { //Xoá cache tự động AZArrCache::del_cache(); AZCache::auto_delete(); AZNet::del_page_cache(); StaticCache::delCache(); exit; } $is_search_engine_array = array("Google", "Fast", "Slurp", "Ink", "Atomz", "Scooter", "Crawler", "MSNbot", "Poodle", "Genius"); $is_search_engine = 0; foreach ($is_search_engine_array as $key => $val) { if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $val)) { $is_search_engine++; } } if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'error') { define('ERROR_PAGE', 1); } else { define('ERROR_PAGE', 0); }
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