public function saveConfig($arr) { $webid = ARR::get($arr, 'webid'); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { /* if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $v = addslashes($v); } else { $v = $v; }*/ if ($k !== 'webid') { $row = $this->where('webid', '=', $webid)->and_where('varname', '=', $k)->find(); if (isset($row->id)) { //$v = $k=='cfg_tongjicode' ? addslashes($v) : $v; $row->value = $v; $row->update(); } else { $row->varname = $k; $row->value = $v; $row->webid = $webid; $row->create(); } $row->clear(); } } $this->writeConfig($webid); return true; }
public function action_ajax_get_attrchild() { $pid = ARR::get($_POST, 'pid'); $typeid = ARR::get($_POST, 'typeid'); $list = Model_Attrlist::getAttr($typeid, $pid); echo json_encode($list); }
public function action_index() { $action = $this->params['action']; if (empty($action)) { $this->display('stourtravel/tools/tagword_list'); } else { if ($action == 'read') { $start = Arr::get($_GET, 'start'); $limit = Arr::get($_GET, 'limit'); $keyword = ARR::get($_GET, 'keyword'); $channelid = ARR::get($_GET, 'channelid'); $channelid = empty($channelid) ? 1 : $channelid; $type = ARR::get($_GET, 'type'); $type = empty($type) ? 0 : $type; $fieldname = $this->channelArr[$channelid]['fieldname']; $tablename = $this->channelArr[$channelid]['table']; $w = "where id > 0 "; $w .= $type ? "and (tagword is NULL or tagword = '')" : ""; $w .= $keyword ? " and tagword like '%{$keyword}%'" : ''; $sql = "select id, aid, {$fieldname} as title,tagword from {$tablename} {$w} limit {$start},{$limit}"; $totalcount_arr = DB::query(Database::SELECT, "select count(*) as num from {$tablename} {$w} ")->execute()->as_array(); $list = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->execute()->as_array(); $new_list = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $new_list[] = $v; } $result['total'] = $totalcount_arr[0]['num']; $result['lists'] = $new_list; $result['success'] = true; echo json_encode($result); } else { if ($action == 'save') { } else { if ($action == 'update') { $id = Arr::get($_POST, 'id'); $field = Arr::get($_POST, 'field'); $val = Arr::get($_POST, 'val'); $channelid = $this->params['channelid']; $tablename = $this->channelArr[$channelid]['table']; $modelname = str_replace('sline_', '', $tablename); if (is_numeric($id)) { $model = ORM::factory($modelname)->where('id', '=', $id)->find(); } if ($model->id) { $model->{$field} = $val; $model->update(); if ($model->saved()) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'no'; } } } } } } }
public function save($data) { $webname = ARR::get($data, 'webname'); $id = ARR::get($data, 'id'); for ($i = 0; isset($webname[$i]); $i++) { $obj = $this->where('id', '=', $id[$i])->find(); $obj->webname = $webname[$i]; $obj->update(); $obj->clear(); } }
public function saveNav($data) { $servername = ARR::get($data, 'servername'); $displayorder = ARR::get($data, 'displayorder'); $id = ARR::get($data, 'id'); $isdisplay = ARR::get($data, 'isdisplay'); for ($i = 0; isset($servername[$i]); $i++) { $obj = $this->where('id', '=', $id[$i])->find(); $obj->servername = $servername[$i]; $obj->displayorder = $displayorder[$i]; $obj->isdisplay = $isdisplay[$i]; $obj->update(); $obj->clear(); } }
public function saveNav($data) { $shortname = ARR::get($data, 'shortname'); $displayorder = ARR::get($data, 'displayorder'); $linktitle = ARR::get($data, 'linktitle'); $id = ARR::get($data, 'id'); $kind = ARR::get($data, 'kind'); $isopen = ARR::get($data, 'isopen'); for ($i = 0; isset($shortname[$i]); $i++) { $obj = $this->where('id', '=', $id[$i])->find(); $obj->shortname = $shortname[$i]; $obj->displayorder = $displayorder[$i]; $obj->kind = $kind[$i]; $obj->linktitle = $linktitle[$i]; $obj->isopen = $isopen[$i]; $obj->update(); $obj->clear(); } }
public function action_ajax_check() { $field = $this->params['type']; $val = ARR::get($_POST, 'val'); //值 $id = ARR::get($_POST, 'id'); //会员id $flag = Model_Tool_Link::checkExist($field, $val, $id); echo $flag; }
public function action_ajax_save() { $action = ARR::get($_POST, 'action'); //当前操作 $id = ARR::get($_POST, 'id'); $status = false; //添加操作 if ($action == 'add' && empty($id)) { $model = ORM::factory('icon'); } else { $model = ORM::factory('icon')->where('id', '=', $id)->find(); } $model->kind = ARR::get($_POST, 'kind'); $model->picurl = ARR::get($_POST, 'litpic'); if ($action == 'add' && empty($id)) { $model->create(); } else { $model->update(); } if ($model->saved()) { if ($action == 'add') { $productid = $model->id; //插入的产品id } else { $productid = null; } $status = true; } echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'productid' => $productid)); }
public function commonSave($factory, $data) { $kindname = ARR::get($data, 'kindname'); $displayorder = ARR::get($data, 'displayorder'); $newname = ARR::get($data, 'newname'); $newdisplayorder = ARR::get($data, 'newdisplayorder'); $id = ARR::get($data, 'id'); for ($i = 0; isset($kindname[$i]); $i++) { $obj = ORM::factory($factory)->where('id', '=', $id[$i])->find(); $obj->kindname = $kindname[$i]; $obj->displayorder = $displayorder[$i]; $obj->update(); $obj->clear(); } for ($i = 0; isset($newname[$i]); $i++) { $model = ORM::factory($factory); $model->kindname = $newname[$i]; $model->displayorder = $newdisplayorder[$i]; $model->create(); $model->clear(); } }
public function action_ajax_updatesort() { $webid = ARR::get($_POST, 'webid'); $pageid = ARR::get($_POST, 'pageid'); $orderlist = ARR::get($_POST, 'orderlist'); $model = ORM::factory('module_config')->where('webid', '=', $webid)->and_where('aid', '=', $pageid)->find(); $model->moduleids = $orderlist; $model->save(); echo $model->saved(); }
public function action_ajax_page_save() { $flag = 0; $content = ARR::get($_POST, 'content'); $filename = ARR::get($_POST, 'filename'); $issline = $_POST['issline']; $content = stripslashes($content); $basefolder = $issline == 1 ? BASEPATH . '/templets/sline/uploadtemplets/' : BASEPATH . '/templets/smore/uploadtemplets/'; $file = $basefolder . $filename; if (strpos(realpath($file), 'uploadtemplets') === false) { exit; } if (file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $flag = true; } echo json_encode(array('status' => $flag)); }
public function action_ajax_upload_templet() { $basefolder = BASEPATH . '/templets/smore/uploadtemplets/'; if (!file_exists($basefolder)) { mkdir($basefolder); } $zipfolder = $basefolder . 'zip/'; if (!file_exists($zipfolder)) { mkdir($zipfolder); } $pageid = ARR::get($_POST, 'pageid'); $filedata = ARR::get($_FILES, 'filedata'); $storepath = $zipfolder . $filedata['name']; $out = array(); if (move_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'], $storepath)) { if (self::extractTemplet($storepath, $basefolder)) { $templetname = current(explode('.', $filedata['name'])); //模板名称 $model = ORM::factory('page_config')->where('path', '=', $templetname)->find(); $model->pageid = $pageid; $model->path = $templetname; $model->isuse = 0; $model->save(); if ($model->saved()) { $out['status'] = true; $out['id'] = $model->id; $out['path'] = $model->path; $out['isuse'] = 0; } } } else { $out['status'] = false; } echo json_encode($out); }
public function action_ajax_getfooternav() { $webid = ARR::get($_GET, 'webid'); $model = new Model_FooterNav(); $arr = $model->getFooterNav($webid); $out = array(); foreach ($arr as $row) { $openstatus = $row['isdisplay'] ? Common::getIco('show') : Common::getIco('hide'); $tr = ' <tr> <td height="40" align="center"><input type="text" name="displayorder[]" class="tb-text text_60 al" value="' . $row['displayorder'] . '" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="servername[]" class="tb-text text_300 pl-5" value="' . $row['servername'] . '" /></td> <td align="center" onclick="changeShow(this)">' . $openstatus . '<input type="hidden" name="isdisplay[]" value=' . $row['isdisplay'] . '></td> <td align="center"><a href="javascript:;" class="row-mod-btn" onclick="edit(' . $row['id'] . ')" title="修改"></a></td> <td align="center"><a href="javascript:;" class="row-del-btn" onclick="del(' . $row['id'] . ',this)" title="删除"></a><input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $row['id'] . '"/></td> </tr> '; array_push($out, $tr); } echo json_encode(array('trlist' => $out)); }
public function action_ajax_config_save() { $typeid = ARR::get($_POST, 'typeid'); //$table = self::$table_arr[$typeid]; $table = Model_Attrlist::getAttrTable($typeid); $id = ARR::get($_POST, 'attrid'); $desc = ARR::get($_POST, 'description'); $litpic = ARR::get($_POST, 'litpic'); $model = ORM::factory($table, $id); $model->litpic = $litpic; $model->description = $desc; $model->update(); if ($model->saved()) { echo json_encode(array('status' => true)); } }
public function action_uploaddoc() { $basefolder = BASEPATH . '/uploads/main/doc/'; $filedata = ARR::get($_FILES, 'Filedata'); $path_info = pathinfo($filedata['name']); $filename = date('YmdHis'); $filepath = $basefolder . $filename . '.' . $path_info['extension']; //文件上传路径 $out = array(); if (move_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'], $filepath)) { $out = array('status' => true, 'path' => $GLOBALS['cmsurl'] . '/uploads/main/doc/' . $filename . '.' . $path_info['extension']); } echo json_encode($out); }
/** * Get the value of a field. * * @throws Mango_Exception field does not exist * @param string field name * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { if (!$this->_init) { $this->init(); } if (isset($this->_fields[$name])) { $field = $this->_fields[$name]; if (isset($this->_clean[$name])) { // lazy load - field hasn't been loaded yet // move value from _clean to _object $this->_object[$name] = $this->load_field($name, $this->_clean[$name], TRUE); unset($this->_clean[$name]); } $value = isset($this->_object[$name]) ? $this->_object[$name] : NULL; switch ($field['type']) { case 'enum': $value = isset($value) && isset($field['values'][$value]) ? $field['values'][$value] : NULL; break; case 'set': case 'array': case 'has_one': case 'has_many': if ($value === NULL) { // 'secretly' create value - access _object directly, not recorded as change $value = $this->_object[$name] = $this->load_field($name, array()); } break; case 'counter': if ($value === NULL) { // 'secretly' create counter - access _object directly, not recorded as change $value = $this->_object[$name] = $this->load_field($name, 0); } break; } if ($value === NULL && isset($field['default'])) { $value = $field['default']; } return $value; } elseif (isset($this->_relations[$name])) { if (!isset($this->_related[$name])) { $relation = $this->_relations[$name]; switch ($relation['type']) { case 'has_one': $criteria = array($this->_model . '_id' => $this->_id); $limit = 1; break; case 'belongs_to': $id = isset($this->_clean[$name . '_id']) ? $this->_clean[$name . '_id'] : $this->_object[$name . '_id']; $criteria = array('_id' => $id); $limit = 1; break; case 'has_many': $criteria = array(ARR::get($relation, 'relation_name', $this->_model) . '_id' => $this->_id); $limit = FALSE; break; case 'has_and_belongs_to_many': $criteria = array('_id' => array('$in' => $this->__get($name . '_ids')->as_array())); $limit = FALSE; break; } $parameters = array('limit' => $limit, 'criteria' => $criteria); $this->_related[$name] = Mango::factory($relation['model'])->load($parameters); } return $this->_related[$name]; } else { throw new Mango_Exception(':name model does not have a field :field', array(':name' => $this->_model, ':field' => $name)); } }
public function action_index() { $action = $this->params['action']; if (empty($action)) { $this->display('stourtravel/tools/visit_list'); } else { if ($action == 'read') { $start = Arr::get($_GET, 'start'); $limit = Arr::get($_GET, 'limit'); $keyword = Arr::get($_GET, 'keyword'); $sttime = ARR::get($_GET, 'sttime'); $engine = ARR::get($_GET, 'searchengine'); $order = 'order by a.access_time desc'; $w = "where is not null"; if (!empty($keyword)) { $w .= " and a.keywords like '%{$keyword}%'"; } if (!empty($sttime)) { $sttime = strtotime($sttime); $w .= " and a.access_time >= {$sttime} "; } if (!empty($ettime)) { $ettime = strtotime($ettime); $w .= " and a.access_time <= {$sttime} "; } if (!empty($engine)) { $w .= " and a.searchengine = '{$engine}'"; } $sql = "select a.* from sline_stats as a {$w} {$order} limit {$start},{$limit}"; $totalcount_arr = DB::query(Database::SELECT, "select count(*) as num from sline_stats a {$w} ")->execute()->as_array(); $list = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->execute()->as_array(); $new_list = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $v['access_time'] = Common::myDate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['access_time']); $v['searchengine'] = $this->getSearchEngine($v['searchengine']); $new_list[] = $v; } $result['total'] = $totalcount_arr[0]['num']; $result['lists'] = $new_list; $result['success'] = true; echo json_encode($result); } else { if ($action == 'save') { } else { if ($action == 'delete') { $rawdata = file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($rawdata); $id = $data->id; if (is_numeric($id)) { $model = ORM::factory('stats', $id); $model->delete(); } } else { if ($action == 'update') { $id = Arr::get($_POST, 'id'); $field = Arr::get($_POST, 'field'); $val = Arr::get($_POST, 'val'); if (is_numeric($id)) { $model = ORM::factory('stats')->where('id', '=', $id)->find(); } if ($model->id) { $model->{$field} = $val; $model->update(); if ($model->saved()) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'no'; } } } } } } } }