예제 #1
  * 获取业务逻辑缓存的内容
  * @param string $p_strFunctionName
  * @param array $p_arrKeyValue
  * @return mix
 function getCache($p_strFunctionName = '', $p_arrKeyValue = array())
     if (get_class(APF::get_instance()->get_request()) !== 'AJKRequest') {
         return false;
     if ('cc' == APF::get_instance()->get_request()->get_parameter('cc')) {
         $bolNeedCache = false;
     } else {
         $bolNeedCache = true;
     $strCacheKey = self::_mkCacheKey($p_strFunctionName, $p_arrKeyValue);
     $objMem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $arrCacheData = false;
     if ($bolNeedCache) {
         $arrCacheData = $objMem->get($strCacheKey);
     } else {
     $mixValue = false;
     if (false === $arrCacheData or null === $arrCacheData) {
     } else {
         $mixValue = $arrCacheData['DATA'];
     if ($this->_bolDebug) {
         APF::get_instance()->debug($this->_strClassName . '[Memcache]->Get: ' . $strCacheKey . '|' . var_export($mixValue, true));
         if (false !== $mixValue) {
             APF::get_instance()->debug($this->_strClassName . '[Memcache]->Info: Key=>' . $strCacheKey . ' Create=>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $arrCacheData['CREATETIME']) . ' Expire=>' . (0 == $arrCacheData['LIFETIME'] ? 'unlimit' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $arrCacheData['CREATETIME'] + $arrCacheData['LIFETIME'])));
     return $mixValue;
예제 #2
 public function handle_request_internal()
     // 关闭录入房源
     $tmpTime = APF::get_instance()->get_config('fyk_onoff_time', 'fyk_common');
     if (time() >= strtotime($tmpTime)) {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => "现在无法录入房源");
     $userId = intval($this->_params['userId']);
     $data = $this->_params;
     //$commInfo = Bll_Community_CommunityGardener::getCommunityInfoByCommunityId($data['commId']);
     $commInfo = Bll_Community_APIComm::getInstance()->getInfoById($data['commId']);
     $hasAccess = Bll_Fyk_Prop_Action::getInstance()->hasFykAccess($userId);
     if ($hasAccess === false) {
         $ary = array("status" => "error", "errcode" => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_USER_NO_ACCESS, "message" => '该用户没有权限');
         return $ary;
     if (Const_Fyk::LIMIT_OF_PUBLISH > 0) {
         $isReach = $this->isReachTheLimitOfPublish($userId, Const_Fyk::LIMIT_OF_PUBLISH);
         if (!empty($isReach)) {
             return $isReach;
     if (Const_Fyk::LIMIT_OF_TOTAL_PUBLISH > 0) {
         $isReachTotal = Bll_Fyk_Prop_Action::getInstance()->isReachTheLimitOfTotalPublish($commInfo['city_id'], Const_Fyk::LIMIT_OF_TOTAL_PUBLISH);
         if ($isReachTotal === true) {
             $ary = array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_PROP_PUBLISH_REACH_TOTAL_PUBLISH_NUM, 'message' => '该城市房源库达到每日发房数量上限');
             return $ary;
     $isInVerification = Bll_Fyk_Prop_Action::getInstance()->isPublishPropInVerification($userId, intval($data['commId']), $data['houseNum'], $data['buildNum']);
     if ($isInVerification === true) {
         $ary = array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_PROP_PUBLISH_IN_VERIFICATION, 'message' => '该房源已被此经纪人发布过');
         return $ary;
     $data['isOnly'] = $data['isOnly'] ? 1 : 0;
     $data['certificate'] = $data['certificate'] ? 1 : 0;
     $data['houseImages'] = $data['houseImages'] ? $data['houseImages'] : '';
     $houseImages = array();
     if (!empty($data['houseImages'])) {
         $houseImages = json_decode($data['houseImages'], true);
     $acreage = round($data['acreage']);
     $base = array('userId' => $data['userId'], 'commId' => $data['commId'], 'buildNum' => trim($data['buildNum']), 'roomNum' => trim($data['houseNum']), 'ownerName' => $data['ownerName'], 'mobile' => $data['ownerPhone'], 'totalPrices' => $data['prices'], 'acreage' => $acreage, 'cell' => $data['cell'], 'hall' => $data['hall'], 'toilet' => $data['toilet'], 'totalFloor' => $data['totalFloor'], 'floor' => $data['floor'], 'orientation' => $data['orientation'], 'isOnly' => $data['isOnly'], 'certificate' => $data['certificate'], 'houseImages' => $houseImages);
     $body = json_encode(array('base' => $base, 'edit' => array()));
     $publishInfo = array('cityId' => $commInfo['city_id'], 'userId' => $data['userId'], 'operatorId' => '', 'operatorName' => '', 'status' => 0, 'source' => $data['fromType'], 'type' => 1, 'body' => $body, 'checkMsg' => '', 'createTime' => time());
     $result = Model_Fyk_UserPropAction::getInstance()->insertData($publishInfo);
     if ($result) {
         $publishCacheKey = Bll_Fyk_Prop_Action::getInstance()->getPublishCacheKey($userId, $data['commId'], $data['houseNum'], $data['buildNum']);
         $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
         $cache->set($publishCacheKey, 'fykPublish', 0, 300);
         return array("status" => "ok", "message" => "发布成功");
     } else {
         return array("status" => "error", "errcode" => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_PROP_PUBLISH_FAILURE, "message" => "");
예제 #3
 public function handle_request()
     $this->_apf = APF::get_instance();
     $this->_request = $this->_apf->get_request();
     $this->_params = $this->_request->get_parameters();
     $request_body = file_get_contents('php://input');
     if ($request_body) {
         $res = json_decode($request_body, true);
         if (is_array($res)) {
             foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
                 $_REQUEST[$k] = $v;
     $this->_params = array_merge($this->_params, $_REQUEST);
     $router_matches = $this->_request->get_router_matches();
     try {
         // 验证参数
         if (isset($this->paramRules)) {
             $validator = new Util_Validator($this->_params, $this->paramRules);
             if ($validator->fails()) {
                 throw new Exception_General_InvalidParameters(json_encode($validator->messages()));
         // 通过缓存去获取数据
         if (self::$_totalCacheOnOff && $this->_isCache && $this->setCacheKey()) {
             // 获取数据
             $mem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
             if ($this->_params['rmCache']) {
                 // 是否清除缓存
                 // 删除缓存
             $ret = $mem->get($this->_cacheKey);
             if (!$ret) {
                 $ret = $this->handle_request_internal();
                 if ($ret['status'] == Const_APIStatus::RETURN_CODE_OK) {
                     $mem->set($this->_cacheKey, $ret, $this->_isCacheZip, $this->_cacheTime);
         } else {
             $ret = $this->handle_request_internal();
         // 生成用户友好的错误消息
         if ($ret['status'] == Const_APIStatus::RETURN_CODE_ERROR) {
             $apiError = new Api_Error($ret['message'], $ret['errcode']);
             if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
             $ret = $apiError->toArray();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $apiError = new Api_Error($e);
         if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
         $ret = $apiError->toArray();
  * 获取周边板块公共委托房源列表
  * @param int $areaTypeId,$dateLine,$currentPage
  * @return array
  * */
 public static function getAreaPublicCommissionList($areaTypeId, $dateLine)
     $time = Util_MemCacheTime::getPublicCommissionByAreacode();
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = Util_MemCacheKey::getPublicCommissionByAreacode($areaTypeId, $dateLine);
     $value = $memcache->get($key);
     if (!$value) {
         $parentId = ltrim($areaTypeId, 0);
         $arrParamCodes = self::getAreaCodesByParentId($parentId);
         $inparams = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($arrParamCodes), '?'));
          * jasonqian 2011-08-26
          * propertystatus!=4 系统删除的房源不显示
         if (!$inparams) {
             return array();
         $Conditions = " areacode in({$inparams}) and openStatus = ? and createtime > ? and createtime < ? and propertystatus in (1,3) and openBrokerCnt in(4,5) order by openBrokerCnt desc,createtime desc limit 60";
         $Params = $arrParamCodes;
         $Params[] = 2;
         $Params[] = time() - 86400 * 30;
         $Params[] = $dateLine;
         $CommissionList = parent::getPublicCommissionList($Conditions, $Params, true);
         $value = $CommissionList;
         $memcache->set($key, $value, 0, $time);
     return $value;
예제 #5
 public function handle_request_internal()
     $lng = $this->_params['lng'];
     $lat = $this->_params['lat'];
     $radius = isset($this->_params['radius']) ? $this->_params['radius'] : 3000;
     // 搜索半径,默认3000米
     $total = isset($this->_params['total']) ? $this->_params['total'] : 500;
     // 最大总数,默认500
     $days = isset($this->_params['days']) ? $this->_params['days'] : 3;
     // 查询天数,默认3天
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = $this->generateCacheKey($lat, $lng, $days);
     $result = $cache->get($key);
     if ($result === false || $this->isDebugMode()) {
         // 获取近几日附近签到过的经纪人坐标
         $brokerLocations = Bll_Broker_Location::getRoundBrokerLocationsInThePastFewDays($lng, $lat, $radius, $total, $days);
         $brokerIds = array_keys($brokerLocations);
         // 获取经纪人的等级
         $brokerLevels = Model_Broker_AjkBrokerExtend::getMultiBrokerLevels($brokerIds);
         // 获取经纪人微聊状态(根据活动是否进行中,决定是否查询)
         if (Bll_Broker_CallAnalysis::isTalentEventOngoing()) {
             $brokerChatStats = Model_Chat_TalentStat::findMultiByBrokerIds($brokerIds);
         // 获取经纪人明星中介状态(未判断城市是否开启等,已 BI 每日生成的最终数据为准)
         $brokerStarBrokerStats = Model_Broker_StarIntermediaryScore::findMultiByBrokerIds($brokerIds, date('Y-m-d'));
         // 拼装返回数据
         $result = array();
         foreach ($brokerLocations as $brokerLocation) {
             $row = array();
             $row['id'] = $brokerLocation['id'];
             $row['brokerId'] = $brokerLocation['brokerId'];
             $row['lat'] = $brokerLocation['lat'];
             $row['lng'] = $brokerLocation['lng'];
             $row['updateTime'] = $brokerLocation['updateTime'];
             // 获取经纪人状态:活跃 or 非活跃(ajk_brokerextend.BrokerLevel = 'K' 为 活跃经纪人)
             $row['isActive'] = intval(isset($brokerLevels[$row['brokerId']]) && $brokerLevels[$row['brokerId']] == 'K');
             // 微聊达人
             $isChatTalent = -1;
             // 默认,微聊达人活动未开始或已结束
             if (Bll_Broker_CallAnalysis::isTalentEventOngoing()) {
                 $isChatTalent = 0;
                 // 活动中,默认不是微聊达人
                 if (isset($brokerChatStats[$row['brokerId']])) {
                     $isChatTalent = $brokerChatStats[$row['brokerId']]['isTalent'];
             $row['isChatTalent'] = $isChatTalent;
             // 明星中介
             $isStarBroker = 0;
             if (isset($brokerStarBrokerStats[$row['brokerId']])) {
                 $isStarBroker = $brokerStarBrokerStats[$row['brokerId']]['isMingxing'];
             $row['isStarBroker'] = $isStarBroker;
             $result[] = $row;
         $cache->set($key, $result, 0, 900);
     return array('status' => Const_APIStatus::RETURN_CODE_OK, 'data' => $result);
예제 #6
 public function __construct()
     $this->apf = APF::get_instance();
     $this->request = $this->apf->get_request();
     $this->response = $this->apf->get_response();
     $this->cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $this->config = $this->apf->get_config(null, 'weiliao');
  * 从缓存获取激活公司数
  * @return array|int|string
 public static function getCompanyNumWithCache()
     $key = __CLASS__ . __METHOD__;
     $objMem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     if (!($result = $objMem->get($key))) {
         $result = self::getCompanyNum();
         $objMem->set($key, $result, 0, self::$cacheExpire);
     return $result;
예제 #8
 public static function getCityDistricts($cityId)
     $key = Util_MemCacheKey::getCityDistrictsKey($cityId);
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $info = $memcache->get($key);
     if ($info === false) {
         $info = self::data_access()->filter(self::CITY_ID, $cityId)->filter(self::IS_ACTIVED, 1)->sort(self::DISPLAY_ORDER, 'asc')->get_all();
         $memcache->set($key, $info, 0, 86400);
     return $info;
예제 #9
 public function ajk_community_info($commid)
     $key = "Dao_Comm_AjkCommunity_ajk_community_info_infos{$commid}";
     $functionName = 'ajk_community_info';
     APF::get_instance()->benchmark_begin(__CLASS__ . $functionName);
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $info = $memcache->get($key);
     if (!$info) {
         $commmap = array();
         $info = array();
         // 小区开展信息
         $info['commextend'] = $this->get_commextinfo_by_commid($commid);
         $i = 0;
         while ($info['commextend']['ismerge'] == 1) {
             // 是否合并小区
             $commid = self::get_from_commid($commid);
             if (empty($commid)) {
                 return array();
             // 小区开展信息
             $info['commextend'] = $this->get_commextinfo_by_commid($commid);
             if ($i > 2) {
         // 小区基本信息
         $info['community'] = $this->get_community_info_byid($commid);
         if (!$info['community']) {
             return array();
         // 小区地图信息,先从map_communities_baidu,没有的话从ajk_communitys取
         $commmap = $this->get_comm_latlng_by_commid($commid);
         if ($commmap) {
             if ($commmap['lat'] && $commmap['lng'] && $commmap['zoom']) {
                 $info['community']['mapx'] = $commmap['lng'];
                 $info['community']['mapy'] = $commmap['lat'];
                 $info['community']['mapzoom'] = $commmap['zoom'];
         // 区域、板块
         $daoArea = new Dao_Area_HzArea();
         $areaList = $daoArea->get_areaname_bycode(substr(@$info['community']['AREACODE'], 0, 8));
         $blockList = $daoArea->get_areaname_bycode(@$info['community']['AREACODE']);
         $info['community']['areainfo'] = $areaList;
         $info['community']['blockinfo'] = $blockList;
         $info['commid'] = $info['community']['commid'];
         $memcache->add($key, $info, 0, 28800);
     APF::get_instance()->benchmark_end(__CLASS__ . $functionName);
     return $info;
  * 获取经纪人返现记录
  * @param int $cityId
  * @param int $brokerId
  * @return array
 public static function getBrokerChoiceConsumeCashBackLog($cityId, $brokerId)
     $cacheKey = sprintf('ajk_broker_choice_consume_cash_back_log_%d_%d', $cityId, $brokerId);
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $brokerConsumeCashBackLog = $memcache->get($cacheKey);
     if (is_array($brokerConsumeCashBackLog) && !empty($brokerConsumeCashBackLog)) {
         return $brokerConsumeCashBackLog;
     $brokerConsumeCashBackLog = Model_Choice_AjkBrokerChoiceConsumeCashBackLog::getBrokerChoiceConsumeCashBackLog($cityId, $brokerId);
     $memcache->set($cacheKey, $brokerConsumeCashBackLog, 0, 1800);
     return $brokerConsumeCashBackLog;
 public function handle_request()
     $memCache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = 'anjuke_ppc_coin_city_v2_11';
     $cache = $memCache->get($key);
     if (empty($cache)) {
         echo "缓存不存在";
     if ($memCache->delete($key)) {
         echo "删除缓存成功";
     } else {
         echo "删除缓存失败,或者已经删除,请手动删除缓存,地址为/tools/memcache/,KEY为 anjuke_ppc_coin_city_v2_11";
 public function handle_request()
     $memCache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = self::KEY_PRICE_INTERVAL;
     $cache = $memCache->get($key);
     if (empty($cache)) {
         echo "缓存不存在";
     if ($memCache->delete($key)) {
         echo "删除缓存成功";
     } else {
         echo "删除缓存失败,或者已经删除,请手动删除缓存,地址为/tools/memcache/,KEY为 price_interval";
예제 #13
  * 查询账户关系表(支持缓存)
  * @param $accountId
  * @param string $site
 public static function getAccountMapping($accountId, $site = '', $isCache = true)
     $data = array();
     if ($isCache) {
         $strCacheKey = 'ballance_log_job_accountid_new_' . $accountId . '_site_' . $site;
         $objMem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
         $data = $objMem->get($strCacheKey);
     if (!$data) {
         $data = Model_Payment_AccountMapping::getAccountMapping($accountId, $site);
         if ($isCache && $data) {
             $objMem->set($strCacheKey, $data, 0, 86400);
     return $data;
예제 #14
 public function handle_request_internal()
     $userId = $this->_params['userId'];
     $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId'];
     $cityId = $this->_params['cityId'];
     $userInfo = Bll_Fyk_User_User::getInstance()->getUsersByUserId($userId);
     if (empty($userInfo)) {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_USER_NO_ACCESS, 'message' => '该用户无房源库使用资格');
     } else {
         $isInIt = $this->_isUserInIt($userInfo);
         if ($isInIt === false) {
             return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_USER_ALREADY_ACTIVATE, 'message' => '该用户已报名');
     $today = intval(date('Ymd', time()));
     $dayNumCacheKey = $this->_getDayNumCacheKey($cityId, $today);
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $dayNum = intval($cache->get($dayNumCacheKey));
     if (empty($dayNum) || !is_numeric($dayNum)) {
         $onActivateConfig = Bll_Fyk_User_User::getInstance()->getOnActivateConfig($cityId);
         if (empty($onActivateConfig)) {
             return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_USER_NO_ACTIVITY, 'message' => '当前无有效活动');
         $dayNum = intval($onActivateConfig['dayNum']);
         $cache->set($dayNumCacheKey, $dayNum, 0, 86400);
     $activate = Bll_Fyk_User_User::getInstance()->updateActivateNum($cityId, $today, $dayNum);
     if ($activate) {
         $userInfo->status = Model_Fyk_Users::INVITATION;
         $userInfo->activeTime = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time());
         return array('status' => 'ok', 'message' => '报名成功');
     } else {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => Const_APIStatus::E_FYK_USER_ACTIVATE_FAILURE, 'message' => '报名失败');
예제 #15
 public function get_inline_styles()
     $url = $this->get_boundable_styles_url();
     $key = "css-" . md5($url);
     $mem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $css = $mem->get($key);
     if ($css) {
         return $css;
     $c = APF_Http_Client_Factory::get_instance()->get_curl();
     $css = $c->get_response_text();
     $mem->set($key, $css, 0, 0);
     return $css;
예제 #16
  * 查询经纪人新封顶模式可用套餐列表
  * @param $brokerId
  * @param $bizType
  * @param $isCache
  * @return bool|mixed
 public static function getPpcBrokerLimitTempList($brokerId, $bizType = self::PPC_BROKER_LIMIT_ESF_SITE, $isCache = false)
     $params = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'bizType' => $bizType);
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = __CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__ . $brokerId . '_' . $bizType;
     if ($result = $cache->get($key)) {
         if ($result['expireTime'] > time() && $isCache) {
             return $result;
     $apiInfo = Uri_BrokerApi::getPpcBrokerLimitTempList($params);
     if (isset($apiInfo['status']) && $apiInfo['status'] == 'ok') {
         $result = $apiInfo['data'];
         $result['expireTime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('+1 day')));
         $cache->set($key, $result);
         return $result;
     return false;
예제 #17
 public function getWtfWords()
     if (isset(self::$arrWtfWords)) {
         return self::$arrWtfWords;
     $objMem = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $arrWtfWordsFinal = $objMem->get(self::KEY_WTF_WORDS);
     if (!$arrWtfWordsFinal) {
         $objDa = Model_Bbs_BanWords::data_access();
         $arrWtfWords = $objDa->load_field(Model_Bbs_BanWords::WORD)->find();
         $arrWtfWordsFinal = array();
         foreach ($arrWtfWords as $keyAWWord => $valAWWord) {
             $arrWtfWordsFinal[] = '/' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $valAWWord->word) . '/i';
         $objMem->set(self::KEY_WTF_WORDS, $arrWtfWordsFinal, false, self::TIME_WTF_WORDS);
     self::$arrWtfWords = $arrWtfWordsFinal;
     return $arrWtfWordsFinal;
예제 #18
  * 查询经纪人新封顶模式信息
  * @param $brokerId
  * @param $bizType
  * @return bool|mixed
 public static function getPpcBrokerLimitInfo($brokerId, $bizType = self::PPC_BROKER_LIMIT_HZ_SITE)
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = __CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__ . $brokerId . '_' . $bizType;
     if ($result = $cache->get($key)) {
         if ($result['expireTime'] > time()) {
             return $result;
     $host = APF::get_instance()->get_config("JavaAPIHost");
     $url = $host . "service-internal/rest/broker/showBrokerLimitConfig?json&brokerId={$brokerId}&bizType={$bizType}";
     $apiInfo = Util_Curl::service_curl($url);
     if (isset($apiInfo['status']) && $apiInfo['status'] == 'ok') {
         $result = $apiInfo['data'];
         $result['expireTime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('+1 day')));
         $cache->set($key, $result);
         return $result;
     return false;
예제 #19
  * 获取价格区间的定价价格
  * @param int $cityId
  * @param float $totalMoney
  * @param int $areaId
  * @param int $communityId
  * @return array
 public static function getPriceInterval($cityId, $totalMoney, $areaId = 0, $communityId = 0)
     $cityId = intval($cityId);
     if (empty($cityId) || !isset($totalMoney)) {
         return array();
     static $priceInterval = array();
     if (empty($priceInterval)) {
         $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
         $time = Util_MemCacheTime::getPriceInterval();
         $key = Util_MemCacheKey::getPriceInterval();
         $priceIntervalCache = $cache->get($key);
         if (false === $priceIntervalCache) {
             $tmpResult = Model_House_EsfPrice::getAllPriceIntervalEx(Model_House_EsfPrice::TRADE_TYPE_SALE);
             foreach ($tmpResult as $list) {
                 $index = $list['cityId'] . '_' . $list['areaCode'] . '_' . $list['commId'];
                 $priceInterval[$index][] = $list;
             $cache->set($key, $priceInterval, 0, $time);
         } else {
             $priceInterval = $priceIntervalCache;
     $indexList = array(sprintf('%d_%d_%d', $cityId, $areaId, $communityId), sprintf('%d_%d_%d', $cityId, $areaId, 0), sprintf('%d_%d_%d', $cityId, 0, 0));
     foreach ($indexList as $index) {
         if (!isset($priceInterval[$index])) {
         foreach ($priceInterval[$index] as $list) {
             if ($totalMoney > $list['minPrice'] && $totalMoney <= $list['maxPrice']) {
                 return $list;
     $errorMsg = sprintf('[%s] %d_%d_%d %d' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $areaId, $communityId, $totalMoney);
     file_put_contents('/data1/logs/PriceIntervalErr.log', $errorMsg, FILE_APPEND);
     return array();
예제 #20
 public function __construct()
     $strKey = 'Util_FilterWords_v2';
     $objMemcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $this->classArr = $objMemcache->get($strKey);
     if (empty($this->classArr)) {
         // 获取词库
         $this->wordsArr = $this->get_keywords();
         // 分别对每个关键词进行首字符分析分类
         foreach ($this->wordsArr as $v) {
             $v = trim($v['WORD']);
             $oneStr = mb_substr($v, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
             if (!isset($this->classArr[$oneStr])) {
                 $this->classArr[$oneStr] = array();
             if (!in_array($v, $this->classArr[$oneStr])) {
                 $this->classArr[$oneStr][] = $v;
         $objMemcache->set($strKey, $this->classArr, 0, 86400 * 30);
예제 #21
 public function handle_request_internal()
     $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId'];
     $maxId = isset($this->_params['maxId']) ? $this->_params['maxId'] : null;
     $sinceId = isset($this->_params['sinceId']) ? $this->_params['sinceId'] : null;
     $per = isset($this->_params['per']) ? $this->_params['per'] : 20;
     $per = $per + 1;
     $moreFlag = 1;
     $allData = array();
     $cacheCursorKey = md5($brokerId . 'commission');
     $cacheCommissionKey = md5($cacheCursorKey . $brokerId);
     //commissionInfo key
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $cacheCursor = $cache->get($cacheCursorKey);
     $maxCommissionInfo = Model_House_Commission::data_access()->filter('brokerId', $brokerId)->filter('isDelete', Model_House_Commission::DELETE_NO)->sort('id', 'desc')->limit(1)->find_only();
     if ($maxCommissionInfo['id'] == $cacheCursor) {
         $allData = $cache->get($cacheCommissionKey);
     } elseif (!empty($maxCommissionInfo)) {
         // 获取经纪人的所有委托
         $daCommissions = Model_House_Commission::data_access()->filter('brokerId', $brokerId)->filter('isDelete', Model_House_Commission::DELETE_NO)->sort('id', 'desc');
         $commissions = $daCommissions->find_all();
         // 获取委托关联的房源
         $houses = array();
         if (!empty($commissions)) {
             $houseIds = array();
             foreach ($commissions as $commission) {
                 $houseIds[] = $commission->houseId;
                 $brokerHouseIds[] = $commission->brokerHouseId;
             // 获取房源信息
             $houses = Model_House_CommissionHouse::data_access()->filter('id', $houseIds)->sort('id', 'asc')->find_all();
             // 索引
             $indexedHouses = array();
             foreach ($houses as $house) {
                 $indexedHouses[$house['id']] = $house;
             $houses = $indexedHouses;
             // 是否存在实拍图片
             $imagesInfos = Model_Image_SaleEntrustImage::getImagesByProIds($houseIds);
             $isImages = array();
             foreach ($imagesInfos as $imagesInfo) {
                 $isImages[$imagesInfo->proId] = 1;
             $BrokerInfo = Bll_BrokerBaseBll::get_instance()->get_broker_info($brokerId);
             $isOnLine = Bll_House_EsfHouse::getHouseOnLineInfo($BrokerInfo['BaseInfo']['CITYID'], $brokerId, $brokerHouseIds);
         $houseAction = array();
         $houseUnAction = array();
         foreach ($commissions as $commission) {
             if (!isset($houses[$commission['houseId']])) {
             $house = $houses[$commission['houseId']];
             $row = array();
             $row['id'] = $commission['id'];
             $row['propertyId'] = $house['id'];
             $row['commName'] = $house['commName'];
             $row['type'] = $house['commissionType'];
             $row['room'] = $house['roomNum'];
             $row['hall'] = $house['hallNum'];
             $row['toilet'] = $house['toiletNum'];
             $row['area'] = $house['areaNum'];
             $row['price'] = $house['proPrice'];
             switch ($house['commissionType']) {
                 case Model_House_CommissionHouse::COMMISSION_TYPE_RENT:
                     $row['priceUnit'] = '元/月';
                 case Model_House_CommissionHouse::COMMISSION_TYPE_SALE:
                     $row['priceUnit'] = '万元';
             $row['publishTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $house['created']);
             $row['status'] = $house['proStatus'];
             $row['statusInfo'] = $this->statusMapping[$house['proStatus']];
             $row['ownerName'] = $house['userName'];
             $row['ownerPhone'] = $house->getPhone();
             $row['callable'] = intval($house['proStatus'] == Model_House_CommissionHouse::STATUS_ONGOING);
             $row['isRealityPats'] = $isImages[$house['id']] ? 1 : 0;
             $row['timestate'] = Bll_Common_Format::formatTime($house['created']);
             list($isExtension, $isExtensionInfo) = $this->isExtension($commission, $isOnLine, $house);
             if ($isExtension == 5 || $isExtension == 6) {
                 $row['isExtension'] = 7;
             } else {
                 $row['isExtension'] = $isExtension;
             $row['isExtensionInfo'] = $isExtensionInfo;
             //1-违规已删除 2-已过期 5-待发布 6-待推广 7-已推广 8-房东删除
             if (in_array($isExtension, array(1, 2, 8))) {
                 $houseUnAction[] = $row;
             } else {
                 $houseAction[] = $row;
         $cacheCursorValue = $houseAction[0]['id'] > $houseUnAction[0]['id'] ? $houseAction[0]['id'] : $houseUnAction[0]['id'];
         $cache->set($cacheCursorKey, $cacheCursorValue, 0, 10);
         $allData = array_merge($houseAction, $houseUnAction);
         $cache->set($cacheCommissionKey, $allData, 0, 10);
     $data = array();
     if ($allData) {
         $countAllCommissions = count($allData);
         $segmentation = array();
         foreach ($allData as $value) {
             $segmentation[] = $value['id'];
          * 以下是分页处理代码 略坑,勿踩
          *  add by xiongjianxu
         if (isset($maxId)) {
             $max = array();
             $max = array_keys($segmentation, $maxId);
             if (!empty($max)) {
                 $offset = $countAllCommissions - $max[0];
                 $data = array_slice($allData, $offset, $per, false);
         } elseif (isset($sinceId)) {
             $since = array();
             $since = array_keys($segmentation, $sinceId);
             if (!empty($since)) {
                 $offset = $since[0] + 1;
                 $data = array_slice($allData, $offset, $per, false);
         } else {
             // maxId和sinceId均不存在时,返回当前最新的记录
             $data = array_slice($allData, 0, $per, false);
         $countCommissions = count($data);
         if ($countCommissions < $per) {
             $moreFlag = 0;
         } else {
             unset($data[$countCommissions - 1]);
     } else {
         $moreFlag = 0;
     return array('status' => Const_APIStatus::RETURN_CODE_OK, 'data' => $data, 'nextPage' => $moreFlag);
예제 #22
  * @return APF_Cache_Memcache
 protected function get_cache()
     return APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
예제 #23
  * 更新房源小区缓存
  * @param array $list 房源信息
  * @param int $tradetype
  * @param int $prop_type  待上架/普通/推荐
  * @param int $brokerid
 private function update_cached_prop_communitys($list, $tradetype, $prop_type, $brokerid)
     if ($tradetype == 1 && $prop_type == 0) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_UnSale_Comm;
     } elseif ($tradetype == 1 && $prop_type == 1) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_OnSale_Normal_Comm;
     } elseif ($tradetype == 1 && $prop_type == 2) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_OnSale_Recommend_Comm;
     } elseif ($tradetype == 2 && $prop_type == 0) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_UnRent_Comm;
     } elseif ($tradetype == 2 && $prop_type == 1) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_OnRent_Normal_Comm;
     } elseif ($tradetype == 2 && $prop_type == 2) {
         $index = Const_My::KEY_onRent_Recommend_Comm;
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $key = Util_MemCacheKey::get_propmanagement_commids($brokerid);
     $time = Util_MemCacheTime::get_propmanagement_commids();
     $communitys_list = $memcache->get($key);
     if (is_array($communitys_list[$index])) {
         foreach ($list as $prop) {
             if (!array_key_exists($prop["CommId"], $communitys_list[$index])) {
     $memcache->set($key, $communitys_list, 0, $time);
예제 #24
  * 使用 Memcache 来过滤经纪人短时间内的重复提交设计精选
  * 根据经纪人ID和房源ID 到memcache里获取key是否存在,存在即 该次请求无效,程序可以不处理该次请求 返回值为 false
  * key 不存则 add 一个值为1 过期时间为2秒的缓存到 memcache ,add 失败则返回 false 成功 返回 true.
  * @param $siteType
  * @param $brokerId
  * @param $houseId
  * @return bool
 public static function rejectSameRequest($siteType, $brokerId, $houseId)
     $key = Util_MemCacheKey::getChoiceRequestKey($siteType, $brokerId, $houseId);
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     if (!$memcache) {
         return true;
     $keyExists = $memcache->get($key);
     if ($keyExists === false) {
         $memcache->add($key, 1, false, Bll_Plan_Bid_Choice::REJECT_SAME_REQUEST_TIME_OUT);
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #25
 public function handle_request_internal()
     $nearby_comm = new V1_Comm_GetNearbyController();
     $this->_params['pageSize'] = $this->_params['pageSize'] ? $this->_params['pageSize'] : self::NEARBY_COMM_NUM;
     $key = self::MEMCACHE_KEY_FIND_NEARBY_COMMS . '_';
     foreach ($this->_params as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, array('brokerId', 'cityId', 'mapType', 'lat', 'lng'))) {
             $key .= $k . '=' . $v;
     $key .= '_' . date("Ymd");
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $result = $memcache->get($key);
     $cityId = $this->_params['cityId'];
     if (empty($result)) {
         $commId = array();
         $topComms = array();
         $commonComms = array();
         $lanHaiComms = array();
         $hotComms = array();
         $nearby_comm = $nearby_comm->getNearbyComm($this->_params, 1, 0);
         if (!empty($nearby_comm) && $nearby_comm['count'] > 0) {
             foreach ($nearby_comm['communities'] as $comm) {
                 $commIds[] = $comm['id'];
             //$isOpenCity = Model_Mobile_TightCommCity::checkOpenCity($this->_params['cityId']);
             $allLanHaiComms = Model_Mobile_LanHaiComm::getAllLanHaiComms($commIds, array('commId', 'spreadNum', 'averageVPPV'));
             if (!empty($allLanHaiComms)) {
                 $maxVPPVComm = 0;
                 foreach ($allLanHaiComms as $lanHaiComm) {
                     $totalVPPV = ceil($lanHaiComm->averageVPPV * $lanHaiComm->spreadNum);
                     if ($totalVPPV > $maxVPPVComm) {
                         $maxVPPVComm = $totalVPPV;
                         $topCommIds[0] = $lanHaiComm->commId;
                     $lanHaiComms[$lanHaiComm->commId]['spreadNum'] = $lanHaiComm->spreadNum;
                     $lanHaiComms[$lanHaiComm->commId]['totalVPPV'] = $totalVPPV;
                 $lanHaiCommIds = array_keys($lanHaiComms);
                 $allFanComms = Model_Mobile_FanComm::getAllFanComms($lanHaiCommIds, array('commId'));
             $allHotComms = Model_Mobile_HotComm::getMostHotComms($cityId, $commIds, array('commId', 'spreadPropNum', 'totalVPPV', 'type'));
             if (!empty($allHotComms)) {
                 $maxVPPVComm = 0;
                 $totalVPPV = array();
                 foreach ($allHotComms as $hotComm) {
                     $totalVPPV[$hotComm['commId']]['totalVPPV'] += $hotComm['totalVPPV'];
                     $spreadNum[$hotComm['commId']]['spreadNum'] += $hotComm['spreadPropNum'];
                     if ($totalVPPV[$hotComm['commId']]['totalVPPV'] > $maxVPPVComm) {
                         $maxVPPVComm = $totalVPPV[$hotComm['commId']]['totalVPPV'];
                         if (!in_array($hotComm['commId'], $lanHaiCommIds)) {
                             $topCommIds[1] = $hotComm['commId'];
                     $hotComms[$hotComm['commId']]['spreadNum'] = $spreadNum[$hotComm['commId']]['spreadNum'];
                     $hotComms[$hotComm['commId']]['totalVPPV'] = $totalVPPV[$hotComm['commId']]['totalVPPV'];
             foreach ($nearby_comm['communities'] as $k => &$comm) {
                 $comm['commType'] = '';
                 $comm['isFanComm'] = 0;
                 $comm['spreadNum'] = 0;
                 $comm['totalVPPV'] = 0;
                 if (isset($hotComms[$comm['id']])) {
                     $comm['commType'] = self::COMMTYPE_HOT;
                     $comm['spreadNum'] = $hotComms[$comm['id']]['spreadNum'];
                     $comm['totalVPPV'] = $hotComms[$comm['id']]['totalVPPV'];
                 if (isset($lanHaiComms[$comm['id']])) {
                     $comm['commType'] = self::COMMTYPE_LAN;
                     $comm['spreadNum'] = $lanHaiComms[$comm['id']]['spreadNum'];
                     $comm['totalVPPV'] = $lanHaiComms[$comm['id']]['totalVPPV'];
                     if (!empty($allFanComms)) {
                         foreach ($allFanComms as $fanComm) {
                             if ($fanComm->commId == $comm['id']) {
                                 $comm['isFanComm'] = 1;
                 } else {
                 if (!empty($topCommIds)) {
                     if (in_array($comm['id'], $topCommIds)) {
                         foreach ($topCommIds as $k => $commId) {
                             if ($comm['id'] == $commId) {
                                 $topComms[] = $comm;
                     } else {
                         $common_comms[] = $comm;
                 } else {
                     $common_comms[] = $comm;
             $commonComms = $common_comms;
         $result['topComms'] = $topComms;
         $result['commonComms'] = $commonComms;
         if (!(empty($result['topComms']) && empty($result['commonComms']))) {
             $memcache->add($key, $result, 0, 86400);
     $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => $result);
     return $ret;
예제 #26
 protected function cache_delete()
     APF::get_instance()->debug("delete row cache");
     $cache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $cache->delete($cache->get_obj_key(get_called_class(), $this->get_primary_key()));
예제 #27
 public function get_friendinviteview($cityid, $html_id)
     APF::get_instance()->benchmark_begin(__CLASS__ . " get_friendinviteview ");
     $key = Util_MemCacheKey::get_myanjuke_friendinviteview($cityid);
     $memcache = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache();
     $list = $memcache->get($key);
     //        $memcache->delete($key);
     if (!$list) {
         $list = parent::get_html_content($cityid, $html_id, $key);
         $memcache->add($key, $list, 0, Util_MemCacheTime::get_myanjuke_friendinviteview());
     APF::get_instance()->benchmark_end(__CLASS__ . " get_friendinviteview ");
     return $list;
예제 #28
  * Redis连接
  * @param string $configName
  * @return  APF_Cache_Redis
 private function initRedis($configName)
     $this->redis = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_redis($configName);
예제 #29
 function url2hash($type, $file, $ext, $redisurl, $onlyhash = false)
     $apf = APF::get_instance();
     $request = $apf->get_request();
     $response = $apf->get_response();
     $type_single = self::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE_SINGLE;
     $type_boundable = self::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE_BOUNDABLE;
     if ($this->is_use_redis()) {
         $objRedis = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_redis('redis');
         $strContentHash = '';
         if ($type == $type_boundable) {
             $res = $this->fetch_boundable_resources($file, $ext, TRUE);
             if (!$res) {
                 $new_file = $this->try_new_file($file);
                 if ($new_file) {
                     $url = "{$new_file}.{$ext}";
                     $response->redirect($url, true);
                 } else {
                     $response->set_header("HTTP/1.1", "404 Not Found", "404");
             $response->add_header('ori_url', $redisurl . '|' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $hashversion = $apf->get_config('hash_url_version', 'resource');
             echo '/*' . $hashversion . '*/';
             $res = ob_get_contents();
             $strContentHash = md5($res);
             $objRedis->setex('url_' . $redisurl, 233280000, $strContentHash);
             $objRedis->setex('hash_' . $strContentHash, 233280000, $redisurl);
             if (!$onlyhash) {
                 echo $res;
         } elseif ($type == $type_single) {
             $response->add_header('ori_url', $redisurl . '|' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $hashversion = $apf->get_config('hash_url_version', 'resource');
             echo '/*' . $hashversion . '*/';
             if (!$this->include_resource_file("{$file}.{$ext}")) {
                 trigger_error("Unable to include resource \"{$file}.{$ext}\"", E_USER_WARNING);
             $res = ob_get_contents();
             $strContentHash = md5($res);
             $objRedis->setex('url_' . $redisurl, 233280000, $strContentHash);
             $objRedis->setex('hash_' . $strContentHash, 233280000, $redisurl);
             if (!$onlyhash) {
                 echo $res;
         return $strContentHash;
     } else {
         if ($type == $type_boundable) {
             $res = $this->fetch_boundable_resources($file, $ext, TRUE);
             if (!$res) {
                 $new_file = $this->try_new_file($file);
                 if ($new_file) {
                     $url = "{$new_file}.{$ext}";
                     $response->redirect($url, true);
                 } else {
                     $response->set_header("HTTP/1.1", "404 Not Found", "404");
         } elseif ($type == $type_single) {
             if (!$this->include_resource_file("{$file}.{$ext}")) {
                 trigger_error("Unable to include resource \"{$file}.{$ext}\"", E_USER_WARNING);
예제 #30
파일: Debug.php 프로젝트: uedcw/webstory
 public function get_memcache_keys()
     $keys = APF_Cache_Factory::get_instance()->get_memcache()->get_read_keys();
     return $keys ? $keys : array();