  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $str = "(" . $a . "tm_name REGEXP ? OR iptc_name REGEXP ?)";
     if ($useOr) {
         $q->orWhere($str, array("[[:<:]]{$search}", "[[:<:]]{$search}"));
     } else {
         $q->addWhere($str, array("[[:<:]]{$search}", "[[:<:]]{$search}"));
  * Returns assoc array of all countries.
  * @return array $all_countries_hash
 public static function get_all()
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from('Country a');
     $countries = array();
     foreach ($q->execute() as $c) {
         $countries[$c->cntry_code] = $c->cntry_name;
     return $countries;
  * Returns assoc array of all states.
  * @return array $all_states_hash
 public static function get_all()
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from('State a');
     $states = array();
     foreach ($q->execute() as $s) {
         $states[$s->state_code] = $s->state_name;
     return $states;
  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     // make sure "SavedSearch" is part of the query
     $from_parts = $q->getDqlPart('from');
     foreach ($from_parts as $string_part) {
         if ($match = strpos($string_part, "{$alias}.SavedSearch")) {
             $offset = strlen("{$alias}.SavedSearch") + 1;
             // remove space
             $pss_alias = substr($string_part, $match + $offset);
             $a = $pss_alias ? "{$pss_alias}." : "";
             $str = "(" . $a . "ssearch_name LIKE ?)";
             if ($useOr) {
                 $q->orWhere($str, array("{$search}%"));
             } else {
                 $q->addWhere($str, array("{$search}%"));
  * Get all the possible values for the given type.
  * -birth_year
  * -education_level
  * -ethnicity
  * -gender
  * -household_income
  * -lifecycle
  * -political_affiliation
  * -religion
  * -source_website
  * -timezone
  *               false if none found.
  * @param string  $type The type of fact to look up. Examples:
  * @return array Associative array from values to readable labels. Returns
 public static function get_hash_for($type)
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from("FactValue fv")->innerJoin("fv.Fact f")->where("f.fact_identifier = ?", $type)->orderBy("fv.fv_seq asc")->execute();
     if (count($q) === 0) {
         return false;
     $vals = array();
     foreach ($q as $record) {
         $vals[$record->fv_id] = $record->fv_value;
     return $vals;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('JobQueue j');
     $q->leftJoin('j.CreUser cu');
     // since status isn't real, have to execute the actual queries
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         $st = $args['status'];
         if (is_string($st) && strlen($st) && $st != '*') {
             $ins = str_split($st);
             $wherein = array();
             foreach ($ins as $code) {
                 if (isset($this->status_queries[$code])) {
                     $wherein[] = '(' . $this->status_queries[$code] . ')';
             $q->addWhere(implode(' or ', $wherein));
     // owner == cre_user_id
     if (isset($args['owner'])) {
         User::add_search_str($q, 'cu', $args['owner']);
     // job search
     if (isset($args['q'])) {
         // also look at the owner
         $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
         User::add_search_str($tmp, 'cu', $args['q']);
         $params = $tmp->getParams();
         $params = isset($params['where']) ? $params['where'] : array();
         $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
         // query job
         $params[] = '%' . $args['q'] . '%';
         $q->addWhere("({$tmp} or j.jq_job like ?)", $params);
     return $q;
  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     $mod = 'Organization';
     if (InqOrg::$UUID_COL == 'Inquiry:inq_uuid') {
         $mod = 'Inquiry';
     // make sure "Organization" or "Inquiry" is part of the query
     $from_parts = $q->getDqlPart('from');
     foreach ($from_parts as $string_part) {
         if ($match = strpos($string_part, "{$alias}.{$mod}")) {
             $offset = strlen("{$alias}.{$mod}") + 1;
             // remove space
             $org_alias = substr($string_part, $match + $offset);
             $a = $org_alias ? "{$org_alias}." : "";
             if ($mod == 'Organization') {
                 $str = "(" . $a . "org_name LIKE ? OR " . $a . "org_display_name LIKE ?)";
             } else {
                 $str = "(" . $a . "inq_title LIKE ? OR " . $a . "inq_ext_title LIKE ?)";
             if ($useOr) {
                 $q->orWhere($str, array("%{$search}%", "%{$search}%"));
             } else {
                 $q->addWhere($str, array("%{$search}%", "%{$search}%"));
예제 #8
  * Returns authorized count of sources for $user + $org.
  * @param  User    $user
  * @param  Email   $email
  * @return integer $count
 public function get_mailchimp_exportable_count($user, $email)
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from('BinSource');
     $q->where("bsrc_bin_id = ?", $this->bin_id);
     // src_org status
     $exportable_org_ids = $user->get_authz_str(ACTION_EXPORT_MAILCHIMP, 'soc_org_id');
     $status = "soc_status = '" . SrcOrg::$STATUS_OPTED_IN . "'";
     $cache = "select soc_src_id from src_org_cache where {$exportable_org_ids} and {$status}";
     $q->addWhere("bsrc_src_id in ({$cache})");
     // TODO should probably check emails status too
     return $q->count();
  * Joins to xid relations
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
 public static function joinRelated($q, $alias)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Bin WITH {$a}se_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_BIN);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Source WITH {$a}se_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_SOURCE);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}SrcResponseSet xidsrs WITH {$a}se_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_RESPONSE);
     $q->leftJoin("xidsrs.Source xidsrssrc");
  * @return unknown
 public function get_number_involved_activities()
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from('SrcActivity sact')->where('sact.sact_src_id=?', $this->src_id)->andWhere("sact.sact_actm_id in (select actm_id from activity_master where actm_type in ('I'))");
     $res = $q->execute();
     $c = $res->count();
     return $c;
  * Returns AIR2_Query object for published Inquiries.
  * @param string  $class (optional)
  * @return AIR2_Query $q
 public static function get_base_query_for_published($class = 'Inquiry')
     $now = air2_date();
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from("{$class} i")->whereIn("i.inq_type", array(self::$TYPE_FORMBUILDER, self::$TYPE_QUERYBUILDER, self::$TYPE_TEST, self::$TYPE_NONJOURN))->andWhereIn('i.inq_status', Inquiry::published_status_flags())->andWhere("(i.inq_publish_dtim is null OR i.inq_publish_dtim <= '{$now}')")->andWhere("(i.inq_expire_dtim is null OR i.inq_expire_dtim > '{$now}')")->andWhere("(i.inq_deadline_dtim is null OR i.inq_deadline_dtim > '{$now}')");
     return $q;
  * Helper function to fetch a User
  * @param string  $username
  * @return User
 private function _fetch_user($username)
     // get user from DB
     $user = AIR2_Query::create()->from('User u')->where('u.user_username = ?', $username)->andWhere('u.user_status != ?', User::$STATUS_INACTIVE)->leftJoin('u.UserOrg o')->leftJoin('o.AdminRole a')->fetchOne();
     return $user;
예제 #13
  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $str = "({$a}email_campaign_name like ? or email_subject_line like ?)";
     $params = array("%{$search}%", "%{$search}%");
     // try searching cre_user and organization
     if ($alias) {
         $parts = $q->getDqlPart('from');
         foreach ($parts as $dql) {
             // CreUser
             if (preg_match("/{$alias}.CreUser.*\$/", $dql, $matches)) {
                 $usr_alias = preg_replace("/{$alias}.CreUser\\s*/", '', $matches[0]);
                 if ($usr_alias) {
                     $tmp = Doctrine_Query::create();
                     User::add_search_str($tmp, $usr_alias, $search);
                     $usrq = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
                     $usrp = $tmp->getFlattenedParams();
                     $str .= " or {$usrq}";
                     $params = array_merge($params, $usrp);
             // Organization
             if (preg_match("/{$alias}.Organization.*\$/", $dql, $matches)) {
                 $org_alias = preg_replace("/{$alias}.Organization\\s*/", '', $matches[0]);
                 if ($org_alias) {
                     $tmp = Doctrine_Query::create();
                     Organization::add_search_str($tmp, $org_alias, $search);
                     $orgq = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
                     $orgp = $tmp->getFlattenedParams();
                     $str .= " or {$orgq}";
                     $params = array_merge($params, $orgp);
     // add to query
     if ($useOr) {
         $q->orWhere($str, $params);
     } else {
         $q->addWhere($str, $params);
  * Add user counts to an organization query.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param char    $alias
  * @param array   $fld_defs (optional, reference)
 public static function add_counts(AIR2_Query $q, $alias = null, &$fld_defs = null)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : '';
     $uost = UserOrg::$STATUS_ACTIVE;
     $ust1 = User::$STATUS_ACTIVE;
     $ust2 = User::$STATUS_PUBLISHABLE;
     $active_users = "select user_id from user where user_status " . "= '{$ust1}' or user_status = '{$ust2}'";
     $c = "select count(*) from user_org where uo_org_id = {$a}org_id " . "and uo_status = '{$uost}' and uo_user_id in ({$active_users})";
     $q->addSelect("({$c}) as active_users");
     if (is_array($fld_defs)) {
         $fld_defs[] = array('name' => 'active_users', 'type' => 'int');
예제 #15
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a User.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // delete-usr authz in org
     $manage_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_USR_DELETE, 'uo_org_id', false);
     $stat = UserOrg::$STATUS_ACTIVE;
     $usr_ids = "select uo_user_id from user_org where {$manage_org_ids}";
     $q->addWhere("{$a}user_id in ({$usr_ids})");
  * Execute query and format results
  * @param string $qry
  * @return array $radix
 protected function format_query_radix($qry)
     $user_id = $this->parent_rec->user_id;
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
     $limit = $this->my_limit;
     $offset = $this->my_offset;
     $all = $conn->fetchAll("{$qry} order by dtim desc limit {$limit} offset {$offset}");
     // get PK id's by type
     $ids_by_type = array();
     foreach ($all as $row) {
         $type = $row['type'];
         if (!isset($ids_by_type[$type])) {
             $ids_by_type[$type] = array();
         $ids_by_type[$type][] = $row['id'];
     // fetch all the types
     $fetched_in_order = array();
     if (count($all)) {
         $fetched_in_order = array_fill(0, count($all), null);
     foreach ($ids_by_type as $type => $ids) {
         $model = $this->actv_config[$type]['model'];
         $idcol = $this->actv_config[$type]['id'];
         $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from("{$model} a");
         $q->whereIn("a.{$idcol}", $ids);
         if (isset($this->actv_config[$type]['join'])) {
             foreach ($this->actv_config[$type]['join'] as $join) {
         $rs = $q->fetchArray();
         // put them back in the right order
         foreach ($rs as $object) {
             $my_id = $object[$idcol];
             foreach ($all as $idx => $row) {
                 if ($row['type'] == $type && $row['id'] == $my_id) {
                     $fetched_in_order[$idx] = array('type' => $type, 'dtim' => $row['dtim'], 'id' => $type . $my_id, $model => $object);
     // clean data
     foreach ($fetched_in_order as &$row) {
         $row = $this->_clean($row, $this->_fields);
     return $fetched_in_order;
  * Apply authz rules for who may view the existence of a Saved Search.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_write(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $q->addWhere("{$a}ssearch_cre_user = ?", $u->user_id);
  * Only one of certain types (e.g. email) allowed.
  * @param Doctrine_Event $event
 public function preValidate($event)
     // check if this type is unique and we already have one
     if (!$this->osid_id && in_array($this->osid_type, self::$UNIQUE_TYPES)) {
         $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from('OrgSysId os');
         $q->addWhere('osid_type = ?', $this->osid_type);
         $q->addWhere('osid_org_id = ?', $this->osid_org_id);
         if ($this->exists()) {
             $q->addWhere('osid_id != ?', $this->osid_id);
         if ($q->count() > 0) {
             throw new Exception("May only have one OrgSysId of type " . $this->osid_type);
  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     // find the "Organization" alias in the query
     $from_parts = $q->getDqlPart('from');
     foreach ($from_parts as $string_part) {
         if ($match = strpos($string_part, "{$alias}.Organization")) {
             $offset = strlen("{$alias}.Organization") + 1;
             // remove space
             $usr_alias = substr($string_part, $match + $offset);
             Organization::add_search_str($q, $usr_alias, $search, $useOr);
  * Apply authz rules for who may write.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_write(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // readable inquiries
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     Inquiry::query_may_read($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $inq_ids = "select inq_id from inquiry where {$tmp}";
     // add to query
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $own = "{$a}inqan_cre_user = {$user_id}";
     $q->addWhere("({$a}inqan_inq_id in ({$inq_ids}) and {$own})");
  * Inherit from Project
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_read(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // readable projects
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     Project::query_may_read($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $prj_ids = "select prj_id from project where {$tmp}";
     // fetch actual id's, to prevent doctrine from adding its own alias to
     // our columns (porg fields will get re-aliased by doctrine).
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
     $rs = $conn->fetchColumn($prj_ids, array(), 0);
     $prj_ids = count($rs) ? implode(',', $rs) : 'NULL';
     $q->addWhere("{$a}porg_prj_id in ({$prj_ids})");
  * @return unknown
 private function get_all_orgs_by_uuid()
     $q = AIR2_Query::create()->from("Organization");
     $res = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ON_DEMAND);
     $orgs = array();
     foreach ($res as $o) {
         $orgs[$o->org_uuid] = $o->toArray();
     return $orgs;
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a SrcResponseSet.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // manageable
     $mg_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_PRJ_INQ_SRS_DELETE, 'porg_org_id', true);
     $prj_ids = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where {$mg_org_ids}";
     $inq_ids = "select pinq_inq_id from project_inquiry where pinq_prj_id in ({$prj_ids})";
     // fetch actual id's, to prevent doctrine from adding its own alias to
     // our columns (pinq fields will get re-aliased by doctrine).
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
     $rs = $conn->fetchColumn($inq_ids, array(), 0);
     $inq_ids = count($rs) ? implode(',', $rs) : 'NULL';
     // add to query
     $q->addWhere("{$a}srs_inq_id in ({$inq_ids})");
  * Joins a SrcActivity to it's external reference in a Doctrine Query.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
 public static function joinRelated($q, $alias)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}SrcResponseSet WITH {$a}sact_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_RESPONSE);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Tank WITH {$a}sact_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_TANK);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Organization WITH {$a}sact_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_ORG);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Inquiry WITH {$a}sact_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_INQUIRY);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Email WITH {$a}sact_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_EMAIL);
  * Joins a ProjectActivity to it's external reference in a Doctrine Query.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
 public static function joinRelated($q, $alias)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Organization WITH {$a}pa_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_ORG);
     $q->leftJoin("{$a}Inquiry WITH {$a}pa_ref_type = ?", self::$REF_TYPE_INQ);
  * Add a query string to for "from" text
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr  (optional)
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $str = "{$a}xm_xlate_from like ?";
     if ($useOr) {
         $q->orWhere($str, array("%{$search}%"));
     } else {
         $q->addWhere($str, array("%{$search}%"));
  * Add custom search query (from the get param 'q')
  * @return unknown
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param string  $alias
  * @param string  $search
  * @param boolean $useOr
 public static function add_search_str(&$q, $alias, $search, $useOr = null)
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $str = "({$a}prj_name LIKE ? OR {$a}prj_display_name LIKE ?)";
     if ($useOr) {
         $q->orWhere($str, array("%{$search}%", "{$search}%"));
     } else {
         $q->addWhere($str, array("%{$search}%", "{$search}%"));
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a SrcResponse.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // manageable src_response_sets
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     SrcResponseSet::query_may_manage($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $srs_ids = "select srs_id from src_response_set where {$tmp}";
     // add to query
     $q->addWhere("{$a}sr_srs_id in ({$srs_ids})");
예제 #29
  * Add conflict/error/done/etc counts to a tank.  Optionally pass in which
  * types to select, rather than them all.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param char    $alias
  * @param array   $fld_defs (optional, reference)
  * @param array   $types    (optional)
 public static function add_counts($q, $alias, &$fld_defs = null, $types = null)
     // code => subselect-alias
     $type_counts = array('*' => 'count_total', TankSource::$STATUS_NEW => 'count_new', TankSource::$STATUS_CONFLICT => 'count_conflict', TankSource::$STATUS_RESOLVED => 'count_resolved', TankSource::$STATUS_LOCKED => 'count_locked', TankSource::$STATUS_DONE => 'count_done', TankSource::$STATUS_ERROR => 'count_error');
     if ($types) {
         $less_types = array();
         foreach ($types as $t) {
             $less_types[$t] = $type_counts[$t];
         $type_counts = $less_types;
     // add subselects
     $sub = "select count(*) from tank_source where tsrc_tank_id = {$alias}.tank_id";
     foreach ($type_counts as $code => $name) {
         if ($code == '*') {
             $q->addSelect("({$sub}) as {$name}");
         } else {
             $q->addSelect("({$sub} and tsrc_status = '{$code}') as {$name}");
         if (is_array($fld_defs)) {
             $fld_defs[] = array('name' => $name, 'type' => 'int');
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $prjq = $q->createSubquery();
     $prjq->from('Project prj');
     Project::query_may_manage($prjq, $u);
     $q->addWhere("{$a}prjan_prj_id IN (" . $prjq->getDql() . ")");
     $q->addWhere("{$a}prjan_cre_user = ?", $u->user_id);