예제 #1
  * Check if booking time is still available
  * Return TRUE if time is available
  * @return bool
 public function checkBookingTime()
     /** @var WPDB $wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $booked_datetime = $this->userData->get('appointment_datetime');
     $endDate = new DateTime($booked_datetime);
     $endDate->modify("+ {$this->userData->getService()->get('duration')} sec");
     $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT `a`.*, `ss`.`capacity`, SUM(`ca`.`number_of_persons`) AS `total_number_of_persons`\n                FROM `" . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . "` `ca`\n                LEFT JOIN `" . AB_Appointment::getTableName() . "`   `a`  ON `a`.`id` = `ca`.`appointment_id`\n                LEFT JOIN `" . AB_StaffService::getTableName() . "` `ss` ON `ss`.`staff_id` = `a`.`staff_id` AND `ss`.`service_id` = `a`.`service_id`\n                WHERE `a`.`staff_id` = %d\n                GROUP BY `a`.`start_date` , `a`.`staff_id` , `a`.`service_id`\n                HAVING\n                      (`a`.`start_date` = %s AND `service_id` =  %d AND `total_number_of_persons` >= `capacity`) OR\n                      (`a`.`start_date` = %s AND `service_id` <> %d) OR\n                      (`a`.`start_date` > %s AND `a`.`end_date` <= %s) OR\n                      (`a`.`start_date` < %s AND `a`.`end_date` > %s) OR\n                      (`a`.`start_date` < %s AND `a`.`end_date` > %s)\n                LIMIT 1", $this->userData->getStaffId(), $booked_datetime, $this->userData->get('service_id'), $booked_datetime, $this->userData->get('service_id'), $booked_datetime, $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $booked_datetime, $booked_datetime);
     return !(bool) $wpdb->get_row($query);
  * Apply coupon
 public function executeApplyCoupon()
     $form_id = $this->getParameter('form_id');
     $ab_coupon = $this->getParameter('ab_coupon');
     $response = null;
     if (get_option('ab_settings_coupons') and $form_id) {
         $userData = new AB_UserBookingData($form_id);
         if ($userData->hasData()) {
             $price = $this->getWpdb()->get_var($this->getWpdb()->prepare('SELECT price FROM ab_staff_service WHERE staff_id = %d AND service_id = %d', $userData->getStaffId(), $userData->getServiceId()));
             if ($ab_coupon === '') {
                 $response = array('status' => 'reset', 'text' => $this->_prepareInfoText(4, $userData, $price));
             } else {
                 $discount = $this->getWpdb()->get_var($this->getWpdb()->prepare('SELECT `discount` FROM `ab_coupons` WHERE UPPER(`code`) = %s AND `used` = 0', strtoupper($ab_coupon)));
                 if ($discount) {
                     $price -= $price * $discount / 100;
                     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'text' => $this->_prepareInfoText(4, $userData, $price));
                 } else {
                     $response = array('status' => 'error', 'error' => __('* This coupon code is invalid or has been used', 'ab'), 'text' => $this->_prepareInfoText(4, $userData, $price));
     // Output JSON response.
     if ($response === null) {
         $response = array('status' => 'no-data');
     header('Content-Type: application/json');
     echo json_encode($response);