} header("Location: main.php?module=network&submod=network&action=subnetmembers&subnet={$subnet}"); exit; } else { $subnet = urldecode($_GET["subnet"]); $host = urldecode($_GET["host"]); $askupdatedns = False; $domain = ""; $options = getSubnetOptions(getSubnet($subnet)); if (isset($options["primarydomainname"])) { /* If the DHCP domain name option is set, and corresponds to an existing DNS zone we ask the user if she/he wants to remove the A record in the DNS zone too. */ $domain = $options["primarydomainname"]; if (zoneExists($domain)) { if (hostExists($domain, $host)) { $askupdatedns = True; } } } } ?> <p> <?php echo sprintf(_T("You will delete the host %s from the DHCP subnet."), "<strong>{$host}</strong>"); ?> </p>
function getZone($zone) { if (zoneExists($zone)) { $html .= "<table class=\"editable_table\" border=\"0\">\n"; $html .= "<tr class=\"yellow\"><th>Edit Zone [" . $zone . "]</th></tr>\n"; $html .= "</table>\n"; $html .= "<div id=\"div_soa_records\">" . getSOARecord($zone) . "</div>"; $html .= "<div id=\"div_ns_records\">" . getNSRecords($zone) . "</div>"; $html .= "<div id=\"div_mx_records\">" . getMXRecords($zone) . "</div>"; $html .= "<div id=\"div_a_records\">" . getARecords($zone) . "</div>"; $html .= '<div id="div_cname_records">' . getCNAMERecords($zone) . '</div>'; $html .= '<div id="div_txt_records">' . getTXTRecords($zone) . '</div>'; } else { $html .= "<h2>Zone [{$zone}] does not exist.</h2>"; } if (mysql_error()) { $html .= "<div id=\"mysql_error\">MySql Error:<br>" . mysql_error() . "</div>"; } return $html; }