예제 #1
  * Loads cached address data to private data property 
  * @return void
 protected function loadAddress()
     if ($this->cachedAddress) {
         $this->alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     } else {
         $this->alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslist();
예제 #2
 protected function render($creditUserList)
     $counter = 0;
     $allrealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $cells = wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Tariff'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Cash'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Credit'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Credit expire'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Address'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real name'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions'));
     $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
     if (!empty($creditUserList)) {
         foreach ($creditUserList as $io => $eachuser) {
             $cells = wf_TableCell($eachuser['login']);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($eachuser['Tariff']);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($eachuser['Cash']);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($eachuser['Credit']);
             if ($eachuser['CreditExpire'] != '0') {
                 $expireDate = date("Y-m-d", $eachuser['CreditExpire']);
             } else {
                 $expireDate = __('Forever and ever');
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($expireDate);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$alladdress[$eachuser['login']]);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allrealnames[$eachuser['login']]);
             $actlinks = '';
             if (cfr('CREDIT')) {
                 $actlinks .= wf_Link('?module=report_creditexpire&fastfix=' . $eachuser['login'], wf_img('skins/icon_repair.gif', __('Fix')), false, '');
             $actlinks .= wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******'login'], web_profile_icon(), false, '');
             $actlinks .= wf_Link('?module=creditexpireedit&username='******'login'], wf_img('skins/icon_calendar.gif', __('Change') . ' ' . __('Credit expire')), false, '');
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($actlinks);
             $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row3');
     $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
     $result .= wf_tag('b') . __('Total') . ': ' . $counter . wf_tag('b', true);
     return $result;
예제 #3
 public function render()
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $allRealNames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $stargazerUsers = zb_UserGetAllStargazerData();
     $allUsers = array();
     if (!empty($stargazerUsers)) {
         foreach ($stargazerUsers as $io => $each) {
             $allUsers[$each['login']] = $each['Credit'];
     $cells = wf_TableCell(__('ID'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Date'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Address'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Cash'));
     $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         foreach ($this->data as $io => $each) {
             $cells = wf_TableCell($each['id']);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($each['date']);
             $loginLink = wf_Link("?module=userprofile&username=" . @$each['login'], web_profile_icon() . ' ' . @$each['login'], false, '');
             $cells .= wf_TableCell($loginLink);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allAddress[$each['login']]);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allRealNames[$each['login']]);
             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$each['balance']);
             //deleded users indication
             if (@isset($allUsers[$each['login']])) {
                 $rowClass = 'row3';
             } else {
                 $rowClass = 'sigdeleteduser';
             $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, $rowClass);
     $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
     return $result;
예제 #4
 $tsms_db = "passed";
 $tsms_login = "******";
 $tsms_password = $altercfg['TSMS_PASSWORD'];
 $tsms_table = $tsms_login;
 $tsms_prefix = $altercfg['TSMS_PHONEPREFIX'];
 $tsms_phone_key = $altercfg['TSMS_PHONE_KEY'];
 $tsms_msg_key = $altercfg['TSMS_MESSAGE_KEY'];
 //loading ubilling database
 $td_realnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
 $td_realnamestrans = tsms_RealnamesTranslit($td_realnames);
 $td_tariffprices = zb_TariffGetPricesAll();
 $td_tariffperiods = zb_TariffGetPeriodsAll();
 $td_curdate = curdate();
 $td_users = tsms_UserGetAllStargazerData();
 $td_mobiles = tsms_GetAllMobileNumbers();
 $td_alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
 $td_allpayids = tsms_PaymentIDGetAll();
 function tsms_query($query)
     global $tsms_host, $tsms_db, $tsms_login, $tsms_password, $tsms_table;
     log_register("TSMS REQ" . $tsms_host . '?' . $query . '&' . $tsms_password);
     $r = file_get_contents($tsms_host . '?' . $query . '&' . $tsms_password);
     log_register("TSMS RESP" . $r);
     $result = array();
     return $result;
 function tsms_CheckMobile($num)
     if (strlen($num) > 11) {
         return true;
     } else {
예제 #5
 * Returns partial address search form
 * @global object $ubillingConfig
 * @return string
function web_UserSearchAddressPartialForm()
    global $ubillingConfig;
    $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
    if ($alterconf['SEARCHADDR_AUTOCOMPLETE']) {
        $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
        $inputs = wf_AutocompleteTextInput('partialaddr', $alladdress, '', '', false, 30);
    } else {
        $inputs = wf_TextInput('partialaddr', '', '', false, 30);
    $inputs .= wf_Submit('Search');
    $result = wf_Form('', 'POST', $inputs, '', '');
    return $result;
예제 #6
 * Renders tickets calendar view widget
 * @return string
function web_TicketsCalendar()
    $curyear = curyear();
    $query = "SELECT * from `ticketing` WHERE `to` IS NULL AND `replyid` IS NULL AND `date` LIKE '" . $curyear . "-%' ORDER BY `date` ASC";
    $all = simple_queryall($query);
    $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
    $result = '';
    $calendarData = '';
    if (!empty($all)) {
        foreach ($all as $io => $each) {
            $timestamp = strtotime($each['date']);
            $date = date("Y, n-1, j", $timestamp);
            $rawTime = date("H:i:s", $timestamp);
            if ($each['status'] == 0) {
                $coloring = "className : 'undone',";
            } else {
                $coloring = '';
            $calendarData .= "\n                      {\n                        title: '" . $rawTime . ' ' . @$allAddress[$each['from']] . "',\n                        url: '?module=ticketing&showticket=" . $each['id'] . "',\n                        start: new Date(" . $date . "),\n                        end: new Date(" . $date . "),\n                       " . $coloring . "     \n                   },\n                    ";
    $result = wf_FullCalendar($calendarData);
    return $result;
예제 #7
  * Returns JSON for actual ARP table
  * @return string
 public function ajaxReplyArp()
     $result = '';
     $command = 'arp -a';
     $raw = shell_exec($command);
     $jsonAAData = array();
     if (!empty($raw)) {
         $allUserAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
         $allUserIps = zb_UserGetAllIPs();
         $allUserIps = array_flip($allUserIps);
         $allSwitchesIps = $this->getAllSwitchesIps();
         $raw = explodeRows($raw);
         if (!empty($raw)) {
             foreach ($raw as $io => $each) {
                 if (!empty($each)) {
                     $ip = zb_ExtractIpAddress($each);
                     $mac = zb_ExtractMacAddress($each);
                     $hostType = $this->getHostLink($allUserIps, $allUserAddress, $allSwitchesIps, $ip);
                     $jsonItem = array();
                     $jsonItem[] = $ip;
                     $jsonItem[] = $mac;
                     $jsonItem[] = $hostType;
                     $jsonAAData[] = $jsonItem;
     $result = array("aaData" => $jsonAAData);
     return json_encode($result);
예제 #8
  * extracts data from agentPring cache for future export in CSV
  * @param int $agentid Existing agent ID in database
  * @return void
 public function exportCSV2($agentid)
     $tmpArr = array();
     $result = '';
     $shortAddres = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     if (!empty($this->altcfg)) {
         $altercfg = $this->altcfg;
     } else {
         global $ubillingConfig;
         $this->altcfg = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
         $altercfg = $this->altcfg;
     if (file_exists(self::EXPORT_PATH . 'report_agentfinance.prindataraw')) {
         $rawData = file_get_contents(self::EXPORT_PATH . 'report_agentfinance.prindataraw');
         $tmpArr = unserialize($rawData);
         $allservicenames = zb_VservicesGetAllNamesLabeled();
         if (!empty($tmpArr)) {
             if (isset($tmpArr[$agentid])) {
                 if (!empty($tmpArr[$agentid])) {
                     //CSV header
                     $result .= __('Date') . ';' . __('Cash') . ';' . __('Full address') . ';' . __('Real Name') . ';' . __('Notes') . "\n";
                     //CSV data
                     foreach ($tmpArr[$agentid] as $io => $each) {
                         $summ = str_replace('.', ',', $each['summ']);
                         //need for normal summ in excel
                         $timeStamp = strtotime($each['date']);
                         $newDate = date("Y-m-d", $timeStamp);
                         $result .= $newDate . ';' . $summ . ';' . @$shortAddres[$each['login']] . ';' . @$this->userRealnames[$each['login']] . ';' . zb_TranslatePaymentNote($each['note'], $allservicenames) . "\n";
     $saveCsvName = self::EXPORT_PATH . 'report_agentfinance_' . $agentid . '_' . zb_rand_string(8) . '.csv';
     $result = iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', $result);
     file_put_contents($saveCsvName, $result);
     zb_DownloadFile($saveCsvName, 'csv');
예제 #9
  * Loads users address list into protected property
  * @return void
 protected function loadAddress()
     $this->allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
예제 #10
 * Renders list of strict login=>agent assigns with some controls
 * @return string
function web_AgentAssignStrictShow()
    $allassigns = zb_AgentAssignStrictGetAllData();
    $allahens = zb_ContrAhentGetAllData();
    $allrealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
    $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
    $allusertariffs = zb_TariffsGetAllUsers();
    $agentnames = array();
    if (!empty($allahens)) {
        foreach ($allahens as $io => $eachahen) {
            $agentnames[$eachahen['id']] = $eachahen['contrname'];
    $cells = wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
    $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Full address'));
    $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
    $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Tariff'));
    $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Contrahent name'));
    $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions'));
    $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
    if (!empty($allassigns)) {
        foreach ($allassigns as $eachlogin => $eachagent) {
            $loginLink = wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******' ' . $eachlogin, false, '');
            $cells = wf_TableCell($loginLink);
            $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$alladdress[$eachlogin]);
            $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allrealnames[$eachlogin]);
            $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allusertariffs[$eachlogin]);
            $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$agentnames[$eachagent]);
            $actLinks = wf_JSAlert('?module=contractedit&username='******'Are you serious'));
            $cells .= wf_TableCell($actLinks);
            $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row3');
    $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
    return $result;
예제 #11
 * Returns user array in table view
 * @global object $ubillingConfig
 * @param array $usersarr
 * @return string
function web_UserArrayShower($usersarr)
    global $ubillingConfig;
    $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
    if (!empty($usersarr)) {
        $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
        $allrealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
        $alltariffs = zb_TariffsGetAllUsers();
        $allusercash = zb_CashGetAllUsers();
        $allusercredits = zb_CreditGetAllUsers();
        $alluserips = zb_UserGetAllIPs();
        if ($alterconf['ONLINE_LAT']) {
            $alluserlat = zb_LatGetAllUsers();
        //additional finance links
        if ($alterconf['FAST_CASH_LINK']) {
            $fastcash = true;
        } else {
            $fastcash = false;
        $tablecells = wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Address'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('IP'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Tariff'));
        // last activity time
        if ($alterconf['ONLINE_LAT']) {
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('LAT'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Active'));
        //online detect
        if ($alterconf['DN_ONLINE_DETECT']) {
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Users online'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Balance'));
        $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Credit'));
        $tablerows = wf_TableRow($tablecells, 'row1');
        foreach ($usersarr as $eachlogin) {
            @($usercash = $allusercash[$eachlogin]);
            @($usercredit = $allusercredits[$eachlogin]);
            //finance check
            $activity = web_green_led();
            $activity_flag = 1;
            if ($usercash < '-' . $usercredit) {
                $activity = web_red_led();
                $activity_flag = 0;
            //fast cash link
            if ($fastcash) {
                $financelink = wf_Link('?module=addcash&username='******'skins/icon_dollar.gif', __('Finance operations')), false, '');
            } else {
                $financelink = '';
            $profilelink = $financelink . wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******' ' . $eachlogin);
            $tablecells = wf_TableCell($profilelink);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(@$alladdress[$eachlogin]);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(@$allrealnames[$eachlogin]);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(@$alluserips[$eachlogin], '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . ip2int(@$alluserips[$eachlogin]) . '"');
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(@$alltariffs[$eachlogin]);
            if ($alterconf['ONLINE_LAT']) {
                if (isset($alluserlat[$eachlogin])) {
                    $cUserLat = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $alluserlat[$eachlogin]);
                } else {
                    $cUserLat = __('No');
                $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($cUserLat);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($activity, '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . $activity_flag . '"');
            if ($alterconf['DN_ONLINE_DETECT']) {
                if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . 'dn/' . $eachlogin)) {
                    $online_flag = 1;
                } else {
                    $online_flag = 0;
                $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(web_bool_star($online_flag), '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . $online_flag . '"');
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($usercash);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($usercredit);
            $tablerows .= wf_TableRow($tablecells, 'row3');
        $result = wf_TableBody($tablerows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
        $result .= wf_tag('b') . __('Total') . ': ' . wf_tag('b', true) . sizeof($usersarr);
    } else {
        $result = __('Any users found');
    return $result;
예제 #12
 public function renderAntiDebtors($cutdata = false)
     $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $allrealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $userCounter = 0;
     $cells = '';
     if (!$cutdata) {
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Address'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('IP'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Tariff'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Cash'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Credit'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Contract'));
     $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Service active'));
     $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         foreach ($this->data as $io => $each) {
             if ($each['Cash'] >= '-' . $each['Credit'] and @$this->actives[$each['login']] != 1 and $each['Passive'] != 1) {
                 $cells = '';
                 if (!$cutdata) {
                     $profileLink = wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******'login'], web_profile_icon() . ' ' . $each['login'], false, '');
                     $cells = wf_TableCell($profileLink);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$alladdress[$each['login']]);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allrealnames[$each['login']]);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($each['IP']);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($each['Tariff']);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($each['Cash']);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($each['Credit']);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$this->contracts[$each['login']]);
                 $actFlag = web_bool_led(@$this->actives[$each['login']], true);
                 if ($cutdata) {
                     $actFlag = strip_tags($actFlag);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($actFlag, '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . @$this->actives[$each['login']] . '"');
                 $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row3');
     $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
     $result .= __('Total') . ': ' . $userCounter;
     return $result;
예제 #13
  * Renders ajax data subscriptions
  * @return void
 public function subscribtionsListAjax()
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $allRealNames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $allBalance = zb_UserGetAllBalance();
     $result = '{ 
               "aaData": [ ';
     if (!empty($this->allSubscribers)) {
         foreach ($this->allSubscribers as $io => $each) {
             $userLink = wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******'login'], web_profile_icon() . ' ' . @$allAddress[$each['login']], false);
             $userLink = $this->jqDtFilter($userLink);
             @($userRealName = $this->jqDtFilter($allRealNames[$each['login']]));
             $actFlag = $this->jqDtFilter(web_bool_led($each['active'], false));
             $primFlag = $this->jqDtFilter(web_bool_led($each['primary'], false));
             $freeperiodFlag = $this->jqDtFilter(web_bool_led($each['freeperiod'], false));
             $actLinks = wf_Link(self::URL_ME . '&' . self::URL_SUBVIEW . '&subid=' . $each['id'], wf_img('skins/icon_edit.gif'));
             $actLinks = $this->jqDtFilter($actLinks);
             @($userCash = $this->jqDtFilter($allBalance[$each['login']]));
             $result .= '
                 "' . $each['id'] . '",
                 "' . $userLink . '",
                 "' . $userRealName . '",
                 "' . $userCash . '",
                 "' . @$this->allTariffs[$each['tariffid']]['name'] . '",
                 "' . $each['actdate'] . '",
                 "' . $actFlag . '",
                 "' . $primFlag . '",
                 "' . $freeperiodFlag . '",
                 "' . $actLinks . '"
     $result = zb_CutEnd($result);
     $result .= '] 
예제 #14
     * Renders json data for large databases. Not using json_encode & manual json assembly to minimaze execution time.
     * @global array $alter_conf
     * @return string
    function zb_AjaxOnlineDataSourceFast()
        global $alter_conf;
        $query = "SELECT * from `users`";
        $query_fio = "SELECT * from `realname`";
        $allusers = simple_queryall($query);
        $allfioz = simple_queryall($query_fio);
        $fioz = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
        $detect_address = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
        $ucount = 0;
        $deadUsers = array();
        //alternate view of online module
        $addrDelimiter = '';
        if (isset($alter_conf['ONLINE_ALTERNATE_VIEW'])) {
            if ($alter_conf['ONLINE_ALTERNATE_VIEW']) {
                $addrDelimiter = wf_tag('br');
        //hide dead users array
        if ($alter_conf['DEAD_HIDE']) {
            if (!empty($alter_conf['DEAD_TAGID'])) {
                $tagDead = vf($alter_conf['DEAD_TAGID'], 3);
                $query_dead = "SELECT `login`,`tagid` from `tags` WHERE `tagid`='" . $tagDead . "'";
                $alldead = simple_queryall($query_dead);
                if (!empty($alldead)) {
                    foreach ($alldead as $idead => $eachDead) {
                        $deadUsers[$eachDead['login']] = $eachDead['tagid'];
        $result = '{';
        $result .= '
       "aaData": [
        if (!empty($allusers)) {
            $totalusers = sizeof($allusers);
            foreach ($allusers as $io => $eachuser) {
                $tinet = 0;
                $cash = $eachuser['Cash'];
                $credit = $eachuser['Credit'];
                for ($classcounter = 0; $classcounter <= 9; $classcounter++) {
                    $dc = 'D' . $classcounter . '';
                    $uc = 'U' . $classcounter . '';
                    $tinet = $tinet + ($eachuser[$dc] + $eachuser[$uc]);
                $act = '<img src=skins/icon_active.gif>' . __('Yes');
                //finance check
                if ($cash < '-' . $credit) {
                    $act = '<img src=skins/icon_inactive.gif>' . __('No');
                //online activity check
                if ($alter_conf['DN_ONLINE_DETECT']) {
                    $onlineFlag = '"<img src=skins/icon_nostar.gif> ' . __('No') . '",';
                    if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . 'dn/' . $eachuser['login'])) {
                        $onlineFlag = '"<img src=skins/icon_star.gif> ' . __('Yes') . '",';
                } else {
                    $onlineFlag = '';
                @($clearuseraddress = $detect_address[$eachuser['login']]);
                $clearuseraddress = trim($clearuseraddress);
                $clearuseraddress = str_replace("'", '`', $clearuseraddress);
                $clearuseraddress = mysql_real_escape_string($clearuseraddress);
                //additional finance links
                if ($alter_conf['FAST_CASH_LINK']) {
                    $fastcashlink = ' <a href=?module=addcash&username='******'login'] . '#profileending><img src=skins/icon_dollar.gif border=0></a> ';
                } else {
                    $fastcashlink = '';
                if (!$alter_conf['DEAD_HIDE']) {
                    $result .= '
     "<a href=?module=traffstats&username='******'login'] . '><img src=skins/icon_stats.gif border=0 title=' . __('Stats') . '></a> <a href=?module=userprofile&username='******'login'] . '><img src=skins/icon_user.gif border=0 title=' . __('Profile') . '></a> ' . $fastcashlink . $addrDelimiter . $clearuseraddress . '",
         "' . @mysql_real_escape_string(trim($fioz[$eachuser['login']])) . '",
         "' . $eachuser['IP'] . '",
         "' . $eachuser['Tariff'] . '",
         "' . $act . '",
         ' . $onlineFlag . '    
         "' . zb_TraffToGb($tinet) . '",
         "' . round($eachuser['Cash'], 2) . '",
         "' . round($eachuser['Credit'], 2) . '"
                } else {
                    if (!isset($deadUsers[$eachuser['login']])) {
                        $result .= '
                 "<a href=?module=traffstats&username='******'login'] . '><img src=skins/icon_stats.gif border=0 title=' . __('Stats') . '></a> <a href=?module=userprofile&username='******'login'] . '><img src=skins/icon_user.gif border=0 title=' . __('Profile') . '></a> ' . $fastcashlink . $clearuseraddress . '",

                     "' . @mysql_real_escape_string(trim($fioz[$eachuser['login']])) . '",
                     "' . $eachuser['IP'] . '",
                     "' . $eachuser['Tariff'] . '",
                     "' . $act . '",
                     ' . $onlineFlag . '   
                     "' . zb_TraffToGb($tinet) . '",
                     "' . round($eachuser['Cash'], 2) . '",
                     "' . round($eachuser['Credit'], 2) . '"
        $result = substr($result, 0, -1);
        $result .= '
        return $result;
예제 #15
  * Renders list of associated friend users for some parent login
  * @param string $parentLogin
  * @return string
 public function renderFriendsList($parentLogin)
     $result = '';
     $allRealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $messages = new UbillingMessageHelper();
     $friendCount = 0;
     if (!empty($this->allFriends)) {
         $cells = wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Full address'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions'));
         $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
         foreach ($this->allFriends as $friendLogin => $parent) {
             if ($parent == $parentLogin) {
                 $cells = wf_TableCell(wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******' ' . $friendLogin));
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allRealnames[$friendLogin]);
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$allAddress[$friendLogin]);
                 $actLinks = wf_JSAlert('?module=pl_friendship&username='******'&deletefriend=' . $friendLogin, web_delete_icon(), $messages->getDeleteAlert());
                 $cells .= wf_TableCell($actLinks);
                 $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row2');
         if ($friendCount > 0) {
             $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', 0, 'sortable');
             $result .= __('Total') . ': ' . $friendCount;
         } else {
             $result = $messages->getStyledMessage(__('Nothing found'), 'info');
     } else {
         $result = $messages->getStyledMessage(__('Nothing found'), 'info');
     return $result;
예제 #16
  * Renders previously generated all users as fullcalendar widget 
  * @return string
 public function renderAllUserDocumentsCalendar()
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $calendarData = '';
     $yearDocuments = $this->getAllUsersDocumentsThisYear();
     if (!empty($yearDocuments)) {
         foreach ($yearDocuments as $io => $each) {
             $timestamp = strtotime($each['date']);
             $date = date("Y, n-1, j", $timestamp);
             $rawTime = date("H:i:s", $timestamp);
             $calendarData .= "\n                      {\n                        title: '" . $rawTime . ' ' . @$allAddress[$each['login']] . "',\n                        url: '?module=userprofile&username="******"',\n                        start: new Date(" . $date . "),\n                        end: new Date(" . $date . "),\n                   },\n                    ";
     $result = wf_FullCalendar($calendarData);
     return $result;
예제 #17
 * Returns task editing form
 * @global object $ubillingConfig
 * @param int $taskid
 * @return string
function ts_TaskModifyForm($taskid)
    global $ubillingConfig;
    $altercfg = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
    $taskid = vf($taskid, 3);
    $taskdata = ts_GetTaskData($taskid);
    $result = '';
    $allemployee = ts_GetAllEmployee();
    $activeemployee = ts_GetActiveEmployee();
    $alljobtypes = ts_GetAllJobtypes();
    if (!empty($taskdata)) {
        $inputs = wf_HiddenInput('modifytask', $taskid);
        $inputs .= '<!--ugly hack to prevent datepicker autoopen --> <input type="text" name="shittyhackmod" style="width: 0; height: 0; top: -100px; position: absolute;"/>';
        if (cfr('TASKMANDATE')) {
            $inputs .= wf_DatePickerPreset('modifystartdate', $taskdata['startdate']);
        } else {
            $inputs .= wf_HiddenInput('modifystartdate', $taskdata['startdate']);
        $inputs .= wf_TimePickerPreset('modifystarttime', $taskdata['starttime'], '', false);
        $inputs .= wf_tag('label') . __('Target date') . wf_tag('sup') . '*' . wf_tag('sup', true) . wf_tag('label', true);
        $inputs .= wf_delimiter();
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        if ($altercfg['SEARCHADDR_AUTOCOMPLETE']) {
            $alladdress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
            $inputs .= wf_AutocompleteTextInput('modifytaskaddress', $alladdress, __('Address') . '<sup>*</sup>', $taskdata['address'], true, '30');
        } else {
            $inputs .= wf_TextInput('modifytaskaddress', __('Address') . '<sup>*</sup>', $taskdata['address'], true, '30');
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        //custom login text input
        $inputs .= wf_TextInput('modifytasklogin', __('Login'), $taskdata['login'], true, 30);
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        $inputs .= wf_TextInput('modifytaskphone', __('Phone') . '<sup>*</sup>', $taskdata['phone'], true, '30');
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        $inputs .= wf_Selector('modifytaskjobtype', $alljobtypes, __('Job type'), $taskdata['jobtype'], true);
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        $inputs .= wf_Selector('modifytaskemployee', $activeemployee, __('Who should do'), $taskdata['employee'], true);
        $inputs .= wf_tag('br');
        $inputs .= wf_tag('label') . __('Job note') . wf_tag('label', true) . wf_tag('br');
        $inputs .= wf_TextArea('modifytaskjobnote', '', $taskdata['jobnote'], true, '35x5');
        $inputs .= wf_Submit(__('Save'));
        $result = wf_Form("", 'POST', $inputs, 'glamour');
        $result .= __('All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory');
    return $result;
예제 #18
  * Renders json formatted data for jquery data tables list
  * @return string
 public function ajaxOnuData()
     $allRealnames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     if ($this->altCfg['ADCOMMENTS_ENABLED']) {
         $adcomments = new ADcomments('PONONU');
         $adc = true;
     } else {
         $adc = false;
     $result = '{ 
               "aaData": [ ';
     if (!empty($this->allOnu)) {
         foreach ($this->allOnu as $io => $each) {
             if (!empty($each['login'])) {
                 $userLogin = trim($each['login']);
                 $userLink = wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******' ' . @$allAddress[$userLogin], false);
                 $userLink = str_replace('"', '', $userLink);
                 $userLink = trim($userLink);
                 @($userRealName = $allRealnames[$userLogin]);
                 $userRealName = str_replace('"', '', $userRealName);
                 $userRealName = trim($userRealName);
             } else {
                 $userLink = '';
                 $userRealName = '';
             //checking adcomments availability
             if ($adc) {
                 $indicatorIcon = $adcomments->getCommentsIndicator($each['id']);
                 $indicatorIcon = str_replace('"', '\'', $indicatorIcon);
                 $indicatorIcon = trim($indicatorIcon);
             } else {
                 $indicatorIcon = '';
             $actLinks = wf_Link('?module=ponizer&editonu=' . $each['id'], web_edit_icon(), false);
             $actLinks = str_replace('"', '', $actLinks);
             $actLinks = trim($actLinks);
             $actLinks .= ' ' . $indicatorIcon;
             //coloring signal
             if (isset($this->signalCache[$each['mac']])) {
                 $signal = $this->signalCache[$each['mac']];
                 if ($signal > 0 or $signal < -25) {
                     $sigColor = '#ab0000';
                 } else {
                     $sigColor = '#005502';
             } elseif (isset($this->signalCache[$each['serial']])) {
                 $signal = $this->signalCache[$each['serial']];
                 if ($signal > 0 or $signal < -25) {
                     $sigColor = '#ab0000';
                 } else {
                     $sigColor = '#005502';
             } else {
                 $signal = __('No');
                 $sigColor = '#000000';
             $result .= '
                 "' . $each['id'] . '",
                 "' . $this->getModelName($each['onumodelid']) . '",
                 "' . @$this->allOltDevices[$each['oltid']] . '",
                 "' . $each['ip'] . '",
                 "' . $each['mac'] . '",
                 "<font color=' . $sigColor . '>' . $signal . '</font>",
                 "' . $userLink . '",
                 "' . $userRealName . '",
                 "' . $actLinks . '"
     $result = substr($result, 0, -1);
     $result .= '] 
     return $result;
예제 #19
  * Processing of task creation in profile feature
  * @return string
 protected function getTaskCreateControl()
     //profile task creation icon
     if ($this->alterCfg['CREATETASK_IN_PROFILE']) {
         $fulladdresslist = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
         @($shortAddress = $fulladdresslist[$this->login]);
         $createForm = ts_TaskCreateFormProfile($shortAddress, $this->mobile, $this->phone, $this->login);
         $result = wf_modal(wf_img('skins/createtask.gif', __('Create task')), __('Create task'), $createForm, '', '450', '540');
     } else {
         $result = '';
     return $result;
예제 #20
  * Renders complex users assign forms or something like that.
  * @return void
 public function reportComplexAssign()
     $nologinUsers = array();
     $ukvContracts = array();
     $inetContracts = array();
     $contractCfId = '';
     //updating inet login if required
     if (wf_CheckPost(array('assignComplexLogin', 'assignComplexUkvId'))) {
         $updateUserId = vf($_POST['assignComplexUkvId'], 3);
         $updateInetLogin = $_POST['assignComplexLogin'];
         if ($this->users[$updateUserId]['inetlogin'] != $updateInetLogin) {
             simple_update_field('ukv_users', 'inetlogin', $updateInetLogin, "WHERE `id`='" . $updateUserId . "';");
             log_register('UKV USER ((' . $updateUserId . ')) ASSIGN INETLOGIN `' . $updateInetLogin . '`');
             rcms_redirect(self::URL_REPORTS_MGMT . 'reportComplexAssign');
     $allInetUsers = zb_UserGetAllStargazerDataAssoc();
     $allAddress = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslistCached();
     $allRealNames = zb_UserGetAllRealnames();
     //preparing ukv users
     if (!empty($this->users)) {
         foreach ($this->users as $io => $each) {
             if (empty($each['inetlogin'])) {
                 $nologinUsers[$each['id']] = $each;
                 $ukvContracts[$each['contract']] = $each['id'];
     //getting complex contract CF id
     if (!empty($this->altCfg['COMPLEX_CFIDS'])) {
         $cfDataRaw = $this->altCfg['COMPLEX_CFIDS'];
         $cfData = explode(',', $cfDataRaw);
         $contractCfId = isset($cfData[0]) ? vf($cfData[0], 3) : '';
     //prepare cf logins=>contract pairs
     if (!empty($contractCfId)) {
         $query = "SELECT `login`,`content` from `cfitems` WHERE `typeid`='" . $contractCfId . "' AND `content` IS NOT NULL;";
         $rawCfs = simple_queryall($query);
         if (!empty($rawCfs)) {
             foreach ($rawCfs as $io => $each) {
                 $inetContracts[$each['login']] = $each['content'];
     //rendering main form
     if (!empty($inetContracts)) {
         $cells = wf_TableCell(__('Full address'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Tariff'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Contract'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Login'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Full address'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Real Name'));
         $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions'));
         $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1');
         foreach ($inetContracts as $login => $contract) {
             if (isset($allInetUsers[$login])) {
                 if (!empty($contract)) {
                     @($ukvUserId = $ukvContracts[$contract]);
                     if (!empty($ukvUserId)) {
                         if (isset($nologinUsers[$ukvUserId])) {
                             $ukvRealname = @$this->users[$ukvUserId]['realname'];
                             $inetRealname = @$allRealNames[$login];
                             $ukvAddress = $this->userGetFullAddress($ukvUserId);
                             $inetAddress = @$allAddress[$login];
                             $catvLink = wf_link(self::URL_USERS_PROFILE . $ukvUserId, web_profile_icon() . ' ' . $ukvAddress);
                             $cells = wf_TableCell($catvLink);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($ukvRealname);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell(@$this->tariffs[$this->users[$ukvUserId]['tariffid']]['tariffname']);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($contract);
                             $profileLink = wf_Link('?module=userprofile&username='******' ' . $login, false);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($profileLink);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($inetAddress);
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($inetRealname);
                             $assignInputs = wf_HiddenInput('assignComplexLogin', $login);
                             $assignInputs .= wf_HiddenInput('assignComplexUkvId', $ukvUserId);
                             $assignInputs .= wf_Submit(__('Assign'));
                             $assignContols = wf_Form('', 'POST', $assignInputs, '');
                             $cells .= wf_TableCell($assignContols);
                             $rowclass = 'row3';
                             //coloring results
                             if (!empty($ukvRealname) and !empty($inetRealname)) {
                                 $ukvNameTmp = explode(' ', $ukvRealname);
                                 $inetNameTmp = explode(' ', $inetRealname);
                                 if (@$ukvNameTmp[0] == @$inetNameTmp[0]) {
                                     $rowclass = 'ukvassignnamerow';
                                 if (!empty($inetAddress) and !empty($ukvAddress)) {
                                     if ($inetAddress == $ukvAddress and @$ukvNameTmp[0] == @$inetNameTmp[0]) {
                                         $rowclass = 'ukvassignaddrrow';
                             $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, $rowclass);
         $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', 0, 'sortable');
         show_window(__('Assign UKV users to complex profiles'), $result);